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Remarkable Escape

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Asa great number of contrad:clory statements liave appeared in the papers, totiching the rescue of' Miss Cornelia Platt, of Detroit, froni the wreek of the ill-fated twallow, I feel that [ shall do her fiiends service by giving to tho public the iollowing psrticulars, which hnd from ihe lips of Jas. A. Hicks, Eq. to vvhom she is indefafed for the preservation of lier Ufe. 1 shall give, aa neaily as possible, his own worde. At the linie of the accident Mr. H. wasengagcd ín conversation willi Mr. HinsdeU, of New Vork. Miss P. liad just retired to her slate room. Wlien llie boal struck, the shock was so severe as to throw down nearly aü of tboíe who were standing in the cabin. Mr. H. as soon as !ie could recover himself, sougbi fur Miís PJatt, who had been placed under his charge, to conduct lier to New Y(;rk. She had faioted, but very soon recovered. ín the rni!st of the coiifusion, somc one cried out, "no danger the boal has only struck a raft." Tliis quieted iho feara of the passengers for a moment. Thcy soon learned the awful truth, that the boat was sinííing. II had brpkenin the centre, and at the same timo, seemed to be on fire about niidsliips. In an instant all (vus confusión. The passengers ran to and fro, in their eö'orts to escape; and, to muke the ecene still more appulhng, the lights went out. Mr. II. had previouly seized n small seltee, nnd hm barely time to i;islrucl Miss Pialf to hold firmly on to ! - telling her ihat "as long as he had li!"e, shesliould not porish," when the wa ter rushed in from the forward part of the boat, and swept them along, with a grcalniimhor of oilicrs, inio ihe rivcr. The only liglits wbicfa cüuld bcseen were thoseat Hud ctou - and lowarda these tliey directed Üieir course. TLey hnd Dut gonc more tlian two rods, wIk ii a girl, appurcnily fruin fuur tu five yoars of uge, fiouted up agaüist ihem. Mr. lluksüoizcd liold of her. and drew hor upou he .ci:ce- hut 0 'u addiiional weiglit overlurnod t; and, in the rtroggle and confusión, t lic cliihl wns lost. Ho baid the child isceiiied o be ftilly conscioaa of its siiualion; exhiUtirig- as long as it renmined vvilh Uier, (he iiost reinarnble prcsciicc of niind. lldidüot Utcr a 8njle woid, friin ibe time he drev it croj-ö iliü éeitcc, unii! il went down. 'Vhcy ooi) (ibcovoied ihe liylitKal AU.cis, and hauged their coiiirej butia so íoi rolletl ver two ar llirrc time in lliq waler - and this they fouud lu bc óne oflJjeir priucijial diilicnliies, to keep liiemsoívjBíjfroTn constan; ly overturniiij,'; nud besides, iiioy were siirroundud on all sides, by thos-e wbo wem cryiilg out must pitcously fot hoij)i and seiatg lulu ufcvery ih'mg vvithjn tijoir rcaoii 10 aavc tl. Ouc man oiiileavoioil to lu;o froni liiem tbc settee, and was only prevcotud by Mr. il. alle, a i'-vcrtotru'lc. Another seizcd lu!ci ut Mico by hc cJothes, Ou rcöt difficuliy,alt these símpales, eaid Mr. II., Miss PJutt retoined her pe!f possession; and at limes, even encouraged hun in hia eübrts.- Frorn thp bpginnuig lo thp end of the disaster she exbtbitcd n calm ond deiermined fortitudo which, to use his ow words. wns 'truly sublime;' and to lier persevcring courage, said lic, isfihe indebted for her liie. When tljey liad been in the water nbout half an hour, tliey saw o licr'it approuCliing-, - It proveí] tobe a boat coming to their assistnnce. Mr. II. called to the persons ia it to Irnsten - ana received in answer, words of encourogement to hold out a little longer - but aaid he, it wns imposible; "I wns con)iletely exhansted, nnd feh invhelfMiikin." Ile debuled in his mind, wbether he ehould let go of Ihe seltee, or tako it down whh him. It'lie let it go he cou'd not find it if he should come up ogaio - und both himselfand MÍS3 latfwould certainly be lost. They bolli nnk totrether - ond went down, he should link 6 or7 feet. Upon coming up, he found liss Ptatt perfectly insensible, though clingn? firmly to the settce. By exlraordinary er(ion., he kept her head abovejBSiir an istant lonarr; nnd feelin liimfelf einkiug a econd timp, ha cnlleil to thosein the boat - as 7e learn, from their stntement in the papers - to ltsave her, and let kim L0."They were taken tip coniletelv cxhauetetf. Mies P!alt was insensible - and did not reover enough to spcal, uutil about 8 o'clock ie next morniop. The nbove ore somc of the parficnlars of ne of the mnny narrnvv escnpee frorn the Swallow. They exhibit one of the mo4 nole, perseverinw, and Piiccessful efforts nt escue, that it lias been ny fortune, in the vhoic bistory of ditja?ters to hcar: but, words of prnise vvotild be out nf plnce Iiere. They cotild ndd notliinw to the gratitude of frienda nnd I knnw that they wntild not be nprrecable to him, who from the beginninor tothe end of donge-, wos to have yieided np hia


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