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At Grass Lake, on Sabbath rnorning, April 20th, Fa.n.nt A, wifeof Joseph C. VVatkins, and daughter of Colonol James and Martha Faulkner, aged 29 yeari.In the death of SJrs. V ., nat only th deeply nfflictcd hüsbnnd onJ litile son, (tliei only child,) and the bereaved parents, brotlier and sifilei, have sustaincd a los?, ihe recollec tion of which wil] ]ong fill thrir minds will sorrow and gloom, but the Congregationn Chnrch of Grass Lake, of which she was a member and a lovely onnment, will long choriáh the remombrance of her Irjmble, tender, fervent piety - lier cheerful ond sustaiing hope - and lier picus and winning exam imple of kindiiess and devotion to the happi nessofall around her, and the glory of her Redeenier. Weshall not soon forget lier deep nnd pro tracted conviction cf sin, or the calm and ho lyjoyofher firsi espousal to Jesus her 11-deemer, which left their deep impress on al her subsequent Üfe. As dauffhter, sister, wife, mutnír, cdrísduii, rrlenci, slie was aUke JiikJ, afTectionate and lovely; nnd on her verv countenance, ever beautiful, there seemed in death to be impreseed tli3 feeÜngs of her len der, joyful heart. Her innerai sermón was pirnched on Tues day, L2d inst., by Mr! Iïarrison cf Jnckson from Eph. iii. 10: lThat y e muy be ab!e t know the loveof Chiist which pa?Felh know! edge." Seldom Iinvo we witnesscd a morí 'leep pervuding pympatby ihnn was cvincec by ihe immerous concourse on this occasion. How blessed are those who live to biess man kind; In üfe bf loved, in death swoet peace they tind, Like t-omö sweet star upön the breast of mom, Still hastening up to linthe in cloudless boon. OyTheeditors of the Evangélica! Oj&erver, and ;ho Al;chigin Congrrt'ntitinalist, will have the goodncss to copy. - Communicutcd.