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Antislavery Lectures

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In Macomb, St. Clair, Oakland, Gcnesceand Livingston Counties. ilenry Bibb, n fugitive from slavcry, will address meetings at the following times and places, commencing each eveniug at half-past si.x o'clock. The friends in each vicjnity are requested to make suitable arrangements and to give as e.tensive notice as possible. Mr. Bibb'. narrative is deeply interesting: He never fails to satisfy every heaier, and as so favorable an opportunity fór an address is not likely to occnr ogain, it is hoped thai i'riends will make the most of the preseni occasion. The ladies are especial! y invited to altend; they will hear the most interesting details ever presenied to them without a word to wound their feelings. Mount Clcfnchs. Monday iMay öih. St. Clair, Vednesday " 7ih. Port Huron, ïlmredny " Bth. County oí St. Clair, one week, from Mav 9th to 171 h. Komeo, Monday May 19lh. Pontiac, Tiiesday " Oih. Waterford, Thtirsdny 22d. White Lake, Friday 23d. Novi, Saturday 24th. Kensington, Monday 26th. Green Oak, Tuesday 27th. Northfield, Wcdnesda-y 26ih. Attention is requested to thé report of the Detroit Committee, respecling Mr. Bihb, and he is commended to the ho.spitality of friends as one worthy of their confidence. - , S. B. TREAnWELL, Chairman of the State Central Committec. Jack$on. April 21sr. l?4ö.


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