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DR. SMlTll'S ïX NIVERSITY PIS.X.S. rfltitSK L'illsare prepared by Win. M. Sinith, JL late Professor ui Materia Medica and Pharmacy in the University ot Lak 8 Kiic, Qhio. - J. Srnilh would sa y to the public, ihnl u lfering tlicm this PUI, he presen is no quack nostrum tliat will, by ms irriutlng eHccis upon ibe stomnch nnd bowcls créate disease w'.u-ro iIhm wna Iutle or none beforc, "nut on e ihnt is eafe. inild, salutary and unilorm in iiscilècls upon ihe whole sys'eni. He would say lliat he has now spent iwenty ycats n resenroli ond inveBligalio'n, directed i the Pathology of diseass, and the properties ol medicinal suhstnnces. nnd tlicir ndapiatioh ti tinreinoval of malndits to which flesh is h ir. As the result of these labors. lio ia now able to giito the public n combinntion pf med nol vegetable substances which is as near perfección, ;i carefui 8tudy and closo invcsiigation, tesis and experimental can bring iu He would say t Physicians, ns well as oihcrs, try ilüs pill; ii wil not deceive vou. It is peculinrly ndapted to ihc removal and provcniion of tic following diseaaue: Biiious. Interniittant, ami Remittant Fevera, Fever and Ague, Cough, Livcr Complaints, Sic!v Hend acio, Passiva Dropsy, Rhcumatism, Enlargo inent of the Spkcn. Interna! Piles. Colic, Acidi ty Öfthe Stomach, Incipient Diarhceoj Habitual Coslivenosy. and in nll cises of Torpoi of the Bowels. when a catharüc, operïent, or ultorattve. is needed. Thcy are nn!d. ytt cerlain in their opcration, producing neitlier naiisoa. griping, nor debility. The agenta of these Pilla are int ped. in cn60 full saiisfacuou is nol given f n terson wlio may p urdíase ihcm, that thcy shuli have iheir nioncy refundeJ. TESTIMONIA LS IN FAVOR OF DR. SMITIt's UMVKRSITY l'ILLS. Testimonial of Dr. Landon. Monrok, Michigan, June 1 2, 114. Dr. Smith - Dear Sir, - 1 take pleasure in piving my testimony ii". favor of your valunble UnitersiVj Puls. 1 most checrfnlly recommend them töthc public as a safe, easy, and efficieni cathartic for most of the diseases incident to this región of country. 1 have made extensivo oee of them for four years in my practice, and I believe them to be the best anti-bilious Cathnrtic or Apericnt medicine ever coinbined and olfered for general use. Ynurs. &.c. GEOUGE F. LANDON. M. D. Testimonial of Dr. Teller. Masiluloj, Ohio, Mny Ift, 1841 Dr. Smjtii - Sir. - I tako niuch pleasuro in hearing testimony 10 the cíficacy o( jíour Pilis in removing bile from the ototnuch, deierging tlu Liver, and in all complaints cinanaiing 'roni that source. J. V. C. TELLER, M. D. Testimonial of F. L. H'tlts. Waterloo, Mich., Marcii 10, 1844. To Dr Shjth - Sir, - For upwards of six months 1 was cruelly afilicied with Fever and Ague, and during ihat time could fi:id noih ng that gie me pennaiieni relief; a lengih. however, your University Pilis werc rccjmmended to me by one of the best Physicians in theae parts; and 1 ani happy in being uble to say, that from the use of one box 1 was permnncntly cured of my aue; since iheu a number of my famiy have been as signally benefitied. Yours, &c, F. L. WELLS. Testimonial of Daniel Goodnoio. Mo.tnoB, Mich., June 1, 1844. I hereby certily that Dr. Win. M. Smith has been my Family Physician for lour yeas last past; that he has med his University Pilis in his practice iïi my faniily with unparallelcd succGss: and I think thein preï'erable to any pill for biiious affectiona in the world. DANIEL GOODNOW, nn'iccpcr, NacombSt. House. Testimonial of D. S. Paráall Flirt, Mich., Junco, 1 8-1 4. Dr. Smith. - I am happy to give you n.y cordial opproval of your Univeisiiy Pilis, l am able to keep off Fever and Ague, and Fevers to which all of usare subject in tbis Western coun try, bv the timely use of your University Pilis: - Send'an Agent this way as soon as possible, for we are all out. Yours &c, D. S. PARSHALL.Testimonial of Messrs. Noble and Fijfuld. We ccrtify that we are and have been personally acquainted wih Wm. M. Smith, M. D. . and know that he is a man of eminence in liís profession - and that for four years he filled tlit chair of Materia Medica and Pharniacy in thi "Willoughby University of Lake Erie. with honor to himeelf nnd satisfaction to the Trustees and Faculty and as well as to Students of tht above University. As for his Pilis, thcy are par excellence." CHARLES NOBLE, B. F. EYFIELD. Monroe, Mich.. June 10, 184-1. Testimonial of Rial li Chase. This 1 certilv, that in the month -of September last, I was attacked wiili Biiious Fevcr (whils away from homt at Owasso to buiJd n water whcel)and with one dose ol Smith's Uni versily Pilis. 1 broUc it up; nnd as many olhers werc sick at iho time, i administered these Pilis to them, and in all cases ii bioke up their fevers. I have used thein nnny times since. and wiih great success. Thcy are the best pills I cveí used. RIAL B CIÍASE. Milhcriglil. Shiawassce, Mich., June lst, 1844. Testimonial of Mr. Abigail C. Wt'igTt. This inay certiiy. that threc years ogo I wat attacked with Liver Complana so scveiely that J could acarcely turn tnysclf in bed: I used mam specifics and remedies, suth asBrnndreth's. Resurrection, Oriental, and olber pills, bat with little or no ffcet. One ycar ago, rriy fiiend Dr. Smith caüed on me on his way to Boston, wheij he gave me a box of his University P)ls, whicri perfectly restored me, and niy health ha3 no agaift suffered from like cause. Rochester, N. Y., No. 13, ? Franklin Street, June 24, 1844. 5 Testimonial of John W. Millcr. Dkar Doctok- Justice requires me to stnte, that I.have s)ld your Univrrsity Pilis for ono nnd a half years last past, and that I can scll no others whilc I have them on hand. Thcy havr; euperseded the sale oí all otlicrs - tlieir eíTect is truly wonderful. JOHN W. MILLER, Druggiu. Monroe, Mich., June '. 1844. For sale by J. H. Lund. Lower Town, and Wm. S. and J. W. Maynard. Upper Town, Ann Arbor. i'.i]y ÍNTEREST1NG Tü WOOL GROYVERS. TpflE Subscribers would respcctrully anJL nounce to the Wool Growers of Ann Ar borand ts vicinity, that thcy continue the buei ness o f Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing at the oíd stand of J. Bccl.lcy & Co., where they may be found at all scasonablc lioura lo wait upon those who may favor them with iheii pauonage. They guarantce that their v.orlc will be done vithneatness and despatch. To thcir oíd fnends and as niany new customera as feel disposed to give them a trial, thfey would say, coiné on with your Wooi. and Cloth and wc will do you ampie justice in the execu tion ofyonrwork - the price and terms of povment. Twenty I Ir o usa nd poupicls of Wool wanted in exchange for Full Cloih. Flannel, &c. N. B. - Give us n cali before piuchasing elsc where. SUMNER HICKS & CO. Ann Arbor Lower Town. Mar. '2t. 1845. 26-6rñ %Vcsleynn Books THE Subecribers have just received a goo'i supply of Wesleyan Books írom ihe Ue pository at New York. Those wiahing to purchnse will pitase cali and examine for them eches. BEEKLEY& FÏICKS; Ann Arbcr, Lower Toni . u-ñw Sheep Jileara, O F a superior qtiaHiy Cor sale by BECKLEYj FOSTJ R Marcb2', ltíJÓ.Wright's Poor ZVIan's Pilis. A. (;cclk-nt vegetable tauuly Medicine, m cases ol Indigestión, Dyspepsia, Liver 'iinp;iiiiis or Jnundic'c, Agueand Kever, Coatrd Tongue, Siciness at iho Stomach, Siek Heat'ache. Remiuont and Imcrmittent Kevers. Ci'Ugfas. Col Is, C.itüili. iVc. 1V0. Entirély vc■;ei'(iil', ihey mi.: oniphaife&lly NATURE'S KKI END. couducing to licnitfa nnd counteraciing disease by parfcying tlitr olood, cléonsitig ihe system o: ví!iatel huniors, reiauving obstrucioü.. etiniujaiii; tha organs i secreiioti!1, ming liiiü wiih tlíe i -ii. il .- 1 ; 1 1 aciing cvcrv way n bar:iiony witli the sysieni. Fnr Inflanintury d:se-; a iiseM m connecticn wiih lbo 'llheumatic Pa.iter' they will bc found íjrcmly ti) nid n llie rcmoval ol' disensos Coi wlnVh the Mi:ts er is nfuive rccommi'nded, and lariicii!nt!y nm il.ty cnlculmctl lor nll derungenitiits o' il, Dis-uw ;iihI Bilinty Organs, tbc prírnriry oriiiin ul a ntultttude ofdisensc3. Pnce - 25 cents :i SOoc'his n Box. I"u. sale ai Metely's Boukstoie md by J. T. Stocking, Travelling Agent tor Michigan. iü-Iy Certificates. Wiiopj !■ uk. heimwee Co. Aug. 20. 1814. Fort wel ve yeurs I have been troublod with i rhetimniic nlfeciion in my brok, so Uiat 1 have harc'ly ever be; n firec frotn ptin duróg the whole sime and wiiliiit iwelve houjra id'ter I luid y))]ieil b uno ut Wrisibt's Ithoiinioic Pas!pr, I wus jieriectly efiFy, and have bad n pnin since. STEi'HEN CARY. Jackson Co., Columbia, Aug. 20. 1844. This niay ceiii y (hall have uswl Wriyht's i'iü.s in fny fainily in violent nitacks of chili and bilious fever, and have fouud ihem t be iliebest Pilla tbal I evor used, nnd woiild recuinmeiid cvery laiinly to keop ihem mi hand. JAMES AWARTOUT. TaoMebott, Gcauga co., O.. April 2 tb, 1844. This may ceriify tbnt I have ircd VVrighls' Poor Man 's Pilis and Rhéumatic Plasiet in my practico, and woold sa y D iho public (hot ihey can rely upon iboir recommendation with the ut most coDfidcncc; in short, they only need trying to rccoimnciid rhemselvcs. Ki v. Jl. R. SCOTT, M. D. Louaink Co . Green, May 10, 1843. This may cerrify that 1 have u?cd Wrïght'a Poor Mini's Pilis in my practico, and find them to be one of, if not eniirely, the best pill now in use; and wou ld rocommend cvery fainily to keep ihem on hand, espccially ihose who live ncar low. marsliy land or mil! ponds, or in an unhealih} climatc. JOSÍ1ÜA BASCOMB, M. D. Wiihout adilinsj more teslimony cf tbc efficacy u ihe abovc mentioried médicinör, 'a do not hesi i a t c lo siy that wc are not afraid to have iis virues tcstcd by he sii'c ol nny other of the kind ihat ever has been cflu-red to an American public, nnd we will let it stand upon its own nierits. Foi t-ale at MuseleyVBuoUsiore, Ann Arbor, Dy Kellogg & Brotbera, White Pigeún, R. Williams, Jr. & Co., Siurjies Prairie, Simeón Gaget, Quincy. Biauth county. A. K. Hall, do do' W. A. Bliss, Jamcstown. Indiana, F.lisha Steer. Angola, do Cheeter Moss. Albion, Michigan, A. P. Mann, &, II. SibL-y, Maishall, Mich. A. Callcnder, do do K. Packer, Baule Cieek, do C. VV. Vmirg, Gaiesburgfa, do Capt. Brnwn, Prairie ville. do D. H. Medwood, Adriau, do ; Quackenboss and More, Tecuuiách do S. A. itowley, Jonusville, do H. Oilbert Manchester, do VV. tl. Patteraon, Saline, do Harmon S: Cooi. Brooklyn. do Pierre Teller, Wholesale Agent for Detroit. Geo. P. WKgrTl Co , le propricioio Tor tiio thé United States and Upper and Lower Canada, i All orders and business leners for the present, I niay bc directed to Geo. P. Wright. Columbia i P. O.. Jackson Co.. Mich. i It is for s;de aiso nt Monroe, Mt. Clemens. Utica. Pontiac, and by Duboisfe Wright, Jtfferson, Ajients for the State of Michigan. ' Ki! g mr., Carrol Co., O., Jan. 25, 1841. Ten years sincc. 1 was taken wilh the Scroínla ; so thnt I 'iad ho relief day or night. my limbfi Iciii2 inuch swtllcd and coveied wilh Ulcero, my breast and back in great pain, and nerves much shattered. I app'ied to different Phys:cians, all o! wliom said there was no help for me, and al. the remedies I tried pioved unavailing until I Miade use of V'r:lu's Anti-Inflarnatory and , Rhéumatic Piaster, which leducod the inflamation, henled the Ulcers brougbt the skin to its natural color, and re'icved the pain. I would recoinmcnd it to uil eirnilarly alilicied, md am surf they will be sutisfied a ter giving it a fair trial. CATIJAUINE ALLENSWORTH. Thomi'sox, Gcauga Co., Ohio, ? i April 20, 1S43. J i 1 certify thal my little boy put his anus into i !oiling water, rcarly to the clbow, so thac wheu the dress was taken ofF the skin carne wilh it: i ifter npplyins sevcral remedies tt no purposc - t-he arm bccoming much s wollen and ihe child i great pain, 1 iipplicd 'Wrii-ht's Anti-Inflarnaory and Rheuniatisïïi PJaster.' and within lwo Í lours he was perfect ly ensy, and went to sleep. f'er two or ilirec d.iys I removed the piaster, p md appücd anothcr, and wben tbal was removed he arm was healcd. except a place the size of a ihilling which was soon wcll. I believe il to be he best anide for a burn (hal can he produced, 1 md would recommend all to keep it on hand in ( ;ase of accidents. ELIZABETH BROUGIITON. ■ NERVOUS DISEASES are preniiy benefilc-d by the use of these pills; - as Ncrvous IJcadiche, Tic Doloroux. St. Vitus' Dance, &o., hoir tëndency being to soothe the irritabiliiy oí ; he pystem. allay pain, and induce quiet and re)ose. Thuse aillicted with Coughs, Colds. ín J3 luenza. &c , will find relief Irom the usc of these , )ills. Esposare to oldcloses the pores of the heskin, cliocks persiraiion, ret.irds the circuation, and produces various inflamatory diseases. Does any one perceive a cold coming upon bun? c jet bim on going lo bed, uike suificient to opeu ate smartly, and ihen evety iiight, take enough 6 o produce a mild öperation till the disease abates. a n cise of Worins let a tea of Pink bc taken freeti y for 12 hoitis. and Iheri èdiniiiister Pills sullis ient lo produce cathartie opc ation , 21-ly. „The Trtae Pain Extractor Salve. WIIiCH cures like a charm all.BURNSby lire r water, and every ex'ernal SORE, PAÍS, INFLAMMATION, ACH E or 1TC1Í IlNG ever yèl lound upori ilic h timan fainily, ê vvliich it hna beeu applied, tnusialways bcsouglii genuino Irom Comsioek & Co. of New York. or iheir authoriztd agents. All are cautióned againsi any epurioiw articlcs, which may always 'e avok'ed liy knowing llio one you buy comes froin CumstOL'k &Co., who are now the only proprictors and manufacturera. Inquire for Connel's, which is wariamed to do all l ever would when called by any other name. or tlie price slioll be refunded in any case if il does not picase. To placer t wiihin rendí oall. ihe pricc la been rc-duced more ilinn four foldj and s now sold at 25 cents, ihe i'ormcr price beifg too exoibitnni. 'l'lio 50 cent size now containe four limes as many aslhe former. and the ,-Jil size near en times as much. u fninil) tliat bas any t.tlc to humaniiy, witli fnil lo have Cokhel's Vmn Extractor Oi'itnieni ilways ai hand, to savelifo all scara. and reduce ;i agony (.om any burn in fivc minnica, prpvided iliey have Been ii used. or bcileve tliose wlio have uscd il. COMSTOCK & CO., 21 . Cuurtland Street. EP Be sure tlicrclorc, and ask for Cos.NEi.'a as our pinte wiih Uaücy's name on it lias l)cen ■siolcn. Hnd flie gpurious mny appcar witli tlie narneonit. Know, iherefore, that il comes di recily fruin Comstoek á Co., orshun it. N M. S tfc J. W. MAYiNARD. 3G Agent for Ann Arbor. LOST on the lUh inst. probably between Granes and Choiis in ihe vicinity oi i'iym mail, black Morocco Toc-ket Unok, con,00 bank noies on Canada. - Any pi . io and leaving it at ilie Signal of Liberty hall rcccivc tliö ;:l)ovc reward. Fï. R. KEAMKY. Ann Arbor Dcc, 15. 'New Goeds '■ New Goods i TUF. undcréigncd bis just rcccivcd liis siipply of-Fall GooiU frurN. Y. Cily. Uesules n tirsi rnic ossortmeut f Slipciings, Coiion Yorn, Fullct.1 Clo.lis. Brónd Cloilis. and oiKcr Siupk' Cooils, lio s just opening a splunüid lul of Rich, Woostcd Dammk Shawls, Isi qualiiy, Brocha, do da Kabyl, do ('o Cashmcrp, d Fasliion.ihle Ciavnis. Rich JJonnct Ribbons, Fashionublc lijad Trimnn'ngs, Vclvet do ALSO, A BKAUYlFÖL ASsnRTM::NT OF DRESS ÏTUFFS bUCH AS Cüslnnere D'F.iosso, M'wlin DcLaiue, l'aiissennt'.-i, Roliry Pi?.d, Prints bfevery dcïcription. Plain. blnck Alnpntn, figurcd, block Alnpnca, Plnin, colored Alnpncn. fiijurod, col'd Alapncu, Plnin, and Chnneable Alapncu. Tbc underttigned lins in iddiiion to a firsi raie ns-sorinicnt of Siople and Foncy Dry Goods. a choice lot of Teas ona Coflce, Cor fainily use Also, a large lot of Gees e Feathers Paper Hangings and Travelling Baskets. Hu Stock 8 wcll suiicd 10 lii'tli ciiy nd country unde. Country copleare nvited to cali and look and sntisfy thciusclvcs thr.t bis stack will bear compnrison either in qualiiy or price with any oilicr in iba western cmniry. W. A. RAYM0ND. 1 48'Jeflcron Avenue. Detroit. Oct. 14, 1814. " 24 tfGüüD News from;nev england Dr. S$mUh?8 Coated Improrcd Zndian Vegetable Filis, TRIUMPHAJSTT FOR CONSUMPTIOXS, COLDS RUKUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA AND FEVERS. 1TOOK a severe cold. this fall, wliicli settlec in ni y iiinbs, ajid brought on (iic Rheuma tism, accotnpanied wiih sevcrc pains and a bat cough. which obliged me to give npmy business I tried many 'remedies without any relief, uniil procurcda box of Dr. Smith's Sugar Coated In dian Vegetable Pilis, which, I am happy to say immediaiely relieved me. and enabled me, ii three duys, to return 10 niy business. 1 ai iiüw cnürely wcll. E. F. HILL, Washington st. Bosten, Nov. 4, 1844. 1 have been considercd in the Consumptio for abont nino ycars, with a severe cough ever fall. which did not k-avc me till the next spring wiih an nlmost constant Headache; not bcin able to sleep many nights during the winters, i con&equcncc ot the eevere fits of coughiiig. liavo tricd most of the couh remedies, with on ly temporary relief. My usual cough cominen ced abo ut foor week, since. wiih an increasing soreness to my lungs; and was urged to try Dr Smith's Sugar Coated Pilis - which I did, bul without any ftiith in their cfficacy. I took four Pilis btfore retiring; and within forty-eight hours, my cough was ehtirely broken up. wbtch hns not returned, and the severe pains of headache have left me. I nevor have found a remedy befoie tliat brought so eudcien relief. I do not believe there is any cure for the Consumption ; but am satificd, there is no temporary rcliel c qiinl to these Pilis. I have since administorcd ihem to inenibcrs of my family, for Colds andCoughs. with the most happy rrsult. H. F. WELLS. Boston. Having been afflicted for several years with a Wcakness in the etumach nnd Lungs, with Costivcness, Headache, and Dcpression of Spirits, thought by many to be in a Consumption, and was obliged to givc up my business. After tryiiiír a nuuiber of the various Farsaparillis am Balsams, without any permaHent relief. I wa prevailed upun to try Dr. Smith's Sugar Coatec Improved Indian Vegetable Pilis; and, to m astonisliment, they immediütely relieved me, and after taking a few doses, am entirely recovered and ablo to return to my business. JUSTUS CLARK. The directions and treatment of the diseases accoinpany every box.PRICZ 25 CEKTS TKR HOX. No "SUGAR COATED PILL," can be gen uine wit bou I the signnturo of the eolc inventor G. BENJAMIN SM1TH. M. D., President o ihe N. Y. College of Health," upon every box Offucs tlevotcd exclusivcly to the sale oí tin medicine. 179 Green wich Stieel, New York. .N 'J, Wolor öticcc, J)ocro„. - ___ For sale in all the villagcs and towns in the New England States. N. B. - No travelling pedlars are allowcd to peil these Pilis. ETFor snle By W. S. and J. W. Mnynard, Lunil & McCollum, F. J. B. Crane, Ann Albor, Perrin & Hall, Norihville; Tliouiae P. May, Jr! Plymoutli; D. C. Whitwood, Dextcr; G. & J. G. Ilill, Detroit. "TO THE VÍCTOR BE LONG THE SPO1LS." A LTHÜUGH rnany prepnrntions in the form V oí "POPULAR MEDICINES." have icen beíore the public, claiming to givc relief anc even cure the most inveicrate diseases, yet none lave so wcllanswcrcd ilie iurposeas Dr. SIIERMAN'S MEDICATED LOZENGES. Dr. Shernian's "COUCH LOZENGES' cure the most obstinate cases of Cough in a few miirs. They have cured a largenumber of persons who havo been given up by their physiciantmd friends, and many who have been reduced to the verge of the grave by spilüng blood. consumpnon and Hectic Fever, by their use have jad the rose of heilth restored to the hapgard check, and now live to speak fortli ine iraises of thip invaluable medicine. Dr. Shernan'aWORM LOZENGES" have boen proved n more thnn 4 10.000 casos to be in'allible. In fact, the onl' certain VVorin desiroying medicine ever diseovered. Childien will eat tliein when ihcy cnnnoi be Torced to tako any oilier medicine, aan tlie bcnrfu dcrived from the administraron of medicine to ihem in this fonn is great beyond comception. They liave never been known to {bil. Dr. Shcrman's CAMPHOR LOZENGES, clieve Ileadache, Nervous Sick-licadaclic. Pnlilation of the Heart. and sicknets in a very few ninutcs. Dr. Sherman's POOR MAN'S PLASTER" 8 ncknowledged ly all who have ever used it to e tiie best 6trengtliei:ing Piaster in the world, nd a sovercign reinedv lor pains and weakiirstn t lic back, Ioüis, uidc, breast, neck, liinbs. oinis. ilieumaiisrii, lumbago; Sc. lio carefu! o i rocurc tlic ahovo and all ollicr medicines cl luynard'S) and you will bc stuc there will be no listake in quaniity orclinige. W. S. &J. VV. MAYiARD. Ann Arbnr. Fcb. ñ, I8-Í4. 'II Wright's Medicated Piaster, SPREAD FOK IMMKÍHATK USE. 'riCf only une shilling, in order to place Ihan wilhin the mcans of all. "N sliyht ailmciits, or uIitc the patiënt prefcis . a Icbs e.xpcnsive anide than ilic lAñti-1ñflámtory and Rheumntic Piaster,' these will be found ïighly bencficial. Being olreády spread tor imiciüeute oppiication, they will be fuund verv onvenientfor WEAK IJACKS. Pain or Wcakrs in ihe Side, Bronst.. Stomnch. bctweer. the Shouldere. or wherevnr there is Pain, or where a 'laster i ncedcd. T licy may be rendered inore érvicable by pastina piece of cloili on the hack fthem bcfurc ihcy ''c appjied, Multitudes have icen relicved oi pain and eufi'ering by these I'hcap Plafitcrs. Forsalcat Moscly's Bookstoro, and hy J. T. Stocking, Travt]in;]Acm for Michigon. - lC-IyTHE MISSES CLARKS' Y on eis Ladies' Scmiiiary, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. MARY II. CLARK, Principal. CHLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. M. L. WALTER, Teacher of Music on the Piano. K.MM Y BEUIIMANN, Teacher of Germán and the (rimar. RMOKY E CLARKrToncherof Juvenilc De pnririient. V. MA'RSH, Teacher of Mathematicsand Voca! Musie. II. F. SHOPT, Teacher of Frcncli nnd Classics. TUIS Instiiution has been in opcration sincc November 18. 18:51). The scholoslic year urnhracing foriy-eiht weeks, iwo icrins. coniprising twu quarters encli - twclve weeks in o( quarter - a L4 ñora I cxamination nt tlie close each term - in Februiry and August. 'Hia last quartcr oí the present term commenced November '2,. Tkhms of Tuition. - For the Rnglish'O io .$.") per quarier. No reduction made for absence, exccpi in enso of sicknoss. and no pupil taken for less a qiiarior. Extra char"(8 are made for inusicoii the Piano, witii tlie izr of the instrument. $8.0 i Frencli, :(M1 Latín. 3.0C Drawinnrand Painting, 5.0(1 Fa noy Wo k, 3.0l Board, inchiilinc wnsliins, ligli's. &C.. 1.7;" per week if paid in advance. or 2,00 per week if paid at the close of the quartrr. Paren t8 and srunrdiana are invited to visit the scliool evcry Fridny. when the studies of the week aro reviuwed - also scmi-monilily on Wednesdny afternoon. at readingof tlie weekly composiiinns. Havina purchasrd a hoalihv and commodioiis building in a ploasnnt and eonvenient pa of the -villaje, no pains or expense shall b spared to facilítate the studies and render tl situation of the youngladies profitableandagree able. Young ladies des:rous of entering the schoo and pnrsuing the regular course of 6tudy. wou' do well to conunence at the beginning of th quarter. Bulonging to the 6chool are a Library of be tween three and fourbundred volumes, and Ph Io8ophical Apparaius, Electrical Machine, Globes Ac. Scieuiific leciures are delivercd before th school v prope: intervals. The Misscs Clark will endcavor, not only t proinotc the intcllectual culture of their pnpil but will altend Btrictly to tlieir moral deport ment. Wilh a decpücnsc of religióus regponsibility they would givc such a tone ofebaracter. as shal render ii practically fittod forevery slation - yich ing to duty.but firin to principie Among the books used in the school are, Ab ererombie on the Intcllectual and Moral Power - Kane's Elementa of Criticism - Wnylnnd' Moral Science - Ncwnian's Rhotoric - Hedge Logic - Paley's Na:urul Theology and Evidencc of Christianitv - Comstock's Chemistry ;inc Natural Philosophy- Combo's Plvsiology - Mrs Lincoln'8 Boiany - Eatcn's Manual of Botany - Burritt's Geogrnphy of the Hcavcns - First Secondand Third Book of History - Mrs. Wil liard's Rcpublic of America - l'lielps' Lej;a Classics - Playfair's Euclid, and Davie's Algebra and Arithnietic - Parker's Natural Philosophy.Tiie Misscs Clark have tnught a Young Ladies School for severa] ye;irs in the City of New York, find nre furnishcd wfth testimoniáis (ron Rt. Rcv. Benjamin Onderdonk, D. D., and John M. Griscom. D., of New York. Rev. J L Blake, oí 'Brooklyn, and Mrs. Emma VVillard of Troy, N. Y. ; also, refcrcnco is made, by per mis8ion to the fjllowing gentlemen: Rt. Rev S. A. McCoskry, D. O.. Robert Rumsey nm L. B. Alisncr, Esqrs., Detroit; Rev. Isaac S Ketchum, Cen'.reville: Rev. J. Hudson, Whitt Pigeon; Rev. J. P. Cleveland, and Geo. Kctch um, Marshall; Hon. Win. R. Deland, Jackeon Paul B. Ring. Michigan Centre: E H. Winon Adrian;Daniel Hixson, Clinton; Gardinc Wheel Ier, M. D., Howell; Rev. F, H. Cuming Grand Rapids; Rev. H. Colclazer, Rev. A. M Fitch. S. Dentón, Al D.. P. Brigham, M. D. Hon. Wm. A. Fletcher, Hon. R. Thomp son, E. Mundy, Esq . CoL Thomas Mosely Capt. J. Perkius, Thomas M. Ladd, F. Sawye Jr. Esq., late Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, Professors Whiting, Williams and Hough ton, of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor James Birdsall and Rev. John Beach, Flint Amos Mead, Esq.. Farmington. The following gentlemen, Rcv. H. Colclazer Rev. O. C. Comstock, Rev. A. Al. Fitch, Rev Mr. Curtiss, Professors Whiting and Williams of the University of Alichipan. and F. Sawyer Jr., late Superintendent of Public lnstrnction liavc consented to act asa visiting committee o i lic school fo bn present when the weekly studie are reviewcd; hut eepecially to altend during the semi-annual cxaimnations. jxgut o, iau. 34-tf ANTIINFLAMATORY AND RHEUMAT IC PLAST ER. AN efficiënt remedy for Rhcumatism, Feve Sores. Wliite Swellings, Fulons. Pain o wcakness in the Back, Brenst, Sidc or Limbs urns. Bruises, Cramps, Chilblains, Livei an; _ung aifections. Indolent Tumors, Spinal afiee ons, lnilnmeJ Eyes, &c. &c. lt is unsuaasec n all Jnfiammatory diseases, either Chronic or Acute, ns it upcrates by counteracting and reducing lnfiammation, allaying Pain, Sweating ihe jaris aiTected. and by its strengthening and Anolyne proporties giving speedy relief. Aleo i naluablc as an anti -mercurial piaster. Pricc 25 cents per Box. For further poxticuars, sce circulating Pamphlet. For sale at Moseley's Bookstorc, Ann Aror, and J. T. Stocking, travelling ageni foi Michigan. 16-ly13R0WNSVILLE JUNIATA IKON STORE. THE SUBSCRIBER, ngcnt for the Manufucturcr, Pitisburgh, Pa. has now on hand a largo und well assorted stock of IRON, iNAlLS, GLASS, &c, whicli is ofi'ered to tlic public at the lwcst cash prices, comprieing the following: Oom'ii bar iron, allsizc6 I Plow slaos, Dandy tire " " Plow wings, florseshoe, " " Sheet iron, Nos. 13 Saddletree, " ' to 26, Round and Square 't Nails, 3d to 20d, Band and hoop, " Spikes, all sizes, Boiler iron " " Railrond car axles, Nail rods " Carriage u Deck and spike rode, Cnrriagc. Spiings, Siadcs, shovels, &c, &c. , Togethür wiih every oiherarticle usually manfactureil nt an Iron Establishment. The nbove inicies are mnnufactured nt the Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, Pilisburgh. Pa. by E. Hughes, and are of the best quality. WINDOW GLASS, of all sizes. aiid of the best branda, constanily on liund. or furnished to order. Merchante and oihcrs will firidit to iheir advantago to cali and examine the subscriber'tstock, as icdl as the prices, beforc going clsewhere. JNO. ROBINSON, Jr. Agent. No. 1 Wardüll's Jilock, corner of Woodwarci Avenue and Woodbridgc Street, Detroit. Dcc. ai) 1844. ?S The fü papers will piense publieli the nbovc to the amount ol two dollars., and send their bilis co tliis office: Pcntiac, Grzt'iie nnd Jncksonian, AnnArbo State Journal, Argus and Sigtuil of Iibertyr Jnckon. Gazet te and Domocrat; Marshall, Statc8mnn und Expounder. JEROME M. TRËADVVELL, ATTORNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAM', And General Land Agent, T117JLL attend to the s.'ile and cxclinnpe of VV Lands, payment of Tnxcs, and redemption of jinds sotd for Taxcs in .Tackson and adjoining coiinties, examinaron of Tules, Convcyancing anfl all busincsepertaining to Real Estáte. Office in the Court fjouee. Jtïckson, Michigan. 17-tf.ATTENTION C LOTHIERS! JLJST rcccivsd at the General Depo, 'or the s;ile of CloihieiB Stock, Machinery. DyeSuills, fcc. &.C., No. 131). Jetfcrson Avenue Detroit, the following lorge, woll assortcd, and carcfully se lecied stock, viz: 100 bbls. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut, r Tons " ' in Stick, 150 bbls Cuba Fusiic. Cut, T Tons (i " in Stick, f0 bbls. Nic. Wooil, Chipped, 60 " Lima Wood, ' 30 " Red Wood, l'0 " Ground Cnmwood, 10 " Quercrtron Bark, 500 Nnigalls, 10 Cnses Extract of Logwood, 30 J be. üye, 2 CorootH Spnnish Indigo, 300 Ibs. Sumnc Sicily, 3 Casks Madder, 3 Casks Blue Vitrio!, i Casks Al unt. 2 Barrels Red Tarlar, 2 Burrcls Tnnar, 3 Carbojs Acjna Foitis, 5 ". O)l Vitriol, 3 il ]hiriatic Acid, 500 Ibs. Virdimis. 5") " Block Tin, Teasels, Twine, Copper Ketties, all sizes, Tarson's Shearing Machines, Curtis' ' " Sörewa and Press Piales, Crank, Pies? Paper, Steel Reeds, Worsted Harnrss, Temer Howks, Emery, all No's., Olive Oil, Clothiera' Jack, Sattinetl Wurp, Cloihiers' Biushcö, Shuttles. Pickers, Card Cleaners. !tc. &c. The abovo, with a varioty of other articles bclonging to the trade, have been purchased this öunjnier by tho übscriber from Mnnnfncturcrs and First Hands in the New York, Philadclphia. i and Busion Markets, and every thing ha ving received his personal inspeetion, he enn with the utmost confidence orter tliem to purchasers astie lwt and 7iiut complete stock in the country, and as it is his fixed determinaiion (by the low rotes at wlnch he will 6cll) to prevent the necessity oi our Clothier8 and Manufactures íeaving the State to make iheir purchases, hc would merely say to the trado, O ALL, examine the goods and ascertain pricesbeforcyou say youcan buy cheaper any tclicrc cl se. Uc is also prepared to contract for CARDING MACHINES made in this State or F.ast. PIERRE TELLER, Sign oí tho Golden Mortar, 139, Jeflerson Averuo. Detroit. [I7-tf.] To Clothicrs, ülamifacturers aud ülcrchanls.HHHR subscriber is now rcceiving at his stores JL 188 and 19 ) Jtfforson Avenue. Detroit, th lollowing carefully and well selected stock o Dyk VVooos, Dyk Stdvfs and Woolen ManuKACTUKKu's MaCIIINEKY. 25 tons Fustic, Cuba, Tobasco, Tampic Carthagena, 10 tons Logwood, Campeacli, Doniing and Honduras, C tons Nicaragua, Bonair, Coro, Hach nnd Lima, 3 toas Camwood, very clioice, IKt) barrels Logwood, cut and ground, 130 " Fustic, ' -; 100 ' Red Woods, " " 120 " Cnmwood, " " J0 Quercitron Bark, 45 " Allutn. 42 i Coppcrns, 3) " Blue Vitriol, 28 ': Madder. Ombrc, and Dutch erop 3 " Crcuni Tartar, 2 " Nutgalls, 3 cases Indigo, Bengal, Manila and Guattimala, 2 " Loc Dye, 20 " ext. Logwood, 2 " Grain Tin. 300 pounds Vcrdipris, 15 Carboy9 Oil Vitrio], Spirits Sea-Sali and Nitric Acid, ALSO. Copper Ktttlcs and Cloihiers' Screws, Tcntc Mooks, Jacks and Brushcs, Press Papers, Cari Cleaners, Weavers' Shears, Kippers and Burling Irons, Coinb plates, Piek era and Bobbins Wire, VVorstcd and Coiton 1-Jarne6s. Steel ant Cane Reeds, Broad Power, Hand Loomsam Fly Shuttles, Steel and Copper Mails, Etnery &c. Parsons' Shearing Machines, 4, 6, and 9 bladcB. Allen'e doublé and eingle Carding Machines Machine Cards, Lcicestcr, Tlie above goods have been rcccntly purchasec directly from the importers and nwnufucturers KXcr.usivKi-Y for cAtH, and will be sold at the New York jobbers' pricee, adding trnnsportatiot only; and in consequence of the decline on manj of the Americnn inamifautured anieles, will, in many cases, bc sold at fiftjssn #SR cknt i.ess thak kokrii:k 1TICK8. Tiiirtccn years expeiienee in the Dye Wood business ennbles thesubbcriber to say to his custoniers that he is prepared at all times to warkaxt his gods of superior quality. THEO. II. EATON. Dye Wood ann Dye Stuf?' Warehouse, 188 and 190 Jeflerson Avenue, Detroit. The Ann Arbor Journal, Ypsilanti Sentinel, Pomiac Gnzette, FliniDumocrat, Adrián Expositor, Marshall Statesman, Niles Courict and Republican, Gazette, Michigan City (Ia ) and the Enquirer, London, (Canada,) will each pnblish the above notice inside, to the amount of three dollars, and send copy of notice with billa to subscriber for payinent. _ 17-tf. AXWAYS OIV HAIVD. öii nnHE Bubscriber has rcSSÍ -L nioveJ liis Shop to Main jTS direct opposite H. BeckS. W '"rs r'c'1 Store, where ïp 13 JÏfi) '1C niay e nill(' rcady to s&W m!ÍLk wa'i upon all that may give SSbJiil h"" a cal1L-Hi&S&&3 Havingjii8t recei vod direct from New York an elegant stock of JEWSLRY,and Fancy Anieles, wlilch he intends to scll loiccr than hns ever been sold west of Buflalo for llcudy Pay Unltf. Arnong which mny bc lound a eood assortment of Gold and Coinnion Waich Keys, Gold Finger Rings and Bosom Pins, Guard Cliaina, Silver Tea and Toblè Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Butler Knivcs. Silver Pcncil casos. Bil ver and Cominon Thimblcs, Sil ver Spcctacles, Germán, do.. Steel, do., Hair Bruslics. Clotlics dn., Tooili do., Laihcr do., Fine Razors and Pocket Knives, Fine Shears nnd Scissor8, Lather boxes-Razor Strops, Walletts. Purscs, Violins nnd Bows, Flutes. Violin aud Bass Violin Striii('s, Clarionct Reeds, Pcrcussion Caps, Pocket Pistols, Brittnnin Candlestick8, Watches, Letter Stainps, Stcnl Pens and Tweezers. Snuffand Tobacco boxes. Fine combs, Dressing do., Side do., Bock do.. Shell do., iNeedlcs ;tnd Cases, WoterPainis, Toy Watches. Kid Dolls, n great vnriety of Toys too nnmerous lo mention, Bends, Necklacea, Fancy Boxcs. &c. Ac. Clocks and Watchks of every deícription repaircd and warrantcd, also, Jcwclry repaired on fchort noticc. CALVIN BLISS. N. B. Cajh paid eoh OLD GOLD AND SILVER. C. B. Ann Arbor, Oct. 24, 1844. 23-lf. CHARLES II. STEVVART, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND S0LIC1TOR IN CHANCERY, JEFFERSON AVENUE DETROIT. 49-tf. SPECIAL. NOTICEI A LL those who have nnscttlcd accotmts for A VVool Carding or Cloih Dressing wilh the atc iirm oí J. Bccklcy & Co., are hereby no'.iied that ithnsbecomc iNDisrKNSABLY KClssAnv int they should b3 closed by note or othcrwisc s early as 2öth of April next. Let there bc a ronipt aticntion o the above, and it wil! bc for ie mutual benefit of tbo partica concernedSUJVfNKR HICKS & Co. Ann Arbor, March 7. 1815. G03vWOOL' WOOlü CLOTH! CLOTHÜ THE Subscribers wouid inform the Public thnt thcy vvill cüiiiinue to manufacturo good FuUcA Cloth, ut tlieir Manufaeiory. two and a bol f miles west uf Aun Arbor, on the Huron, on the foilowins TERMS. Umil tlie first dav oí November, A. D. 18 14. tlic price vvill be 87j cents per yard, or half thé cloili the wool will make, From.the Ist of November to the 15ih of May, 1845, the price will bc 'Mi cents ptr yard, or mne twentieths of the üloth the wool will ninke, that is '15 yards ont pi 100 mnnufactured. The wool will be mdnüfáctnred in turn as it mny come into the factory, as near ns mny bc with reference to tlie different qualitics. Any person who will ftirnishone or inore pareéis of wool froni 80 to iOC pounds of onequality can have it manufactured by itsolf. Wool will bo received at Scio. Wool sent by Rnilroad will be attonded to in tbo same inanner as if the owner were to eome with it - it should be carefully marked. Wc have niannfactured cloth difriog the past ycar for a very largo lunnof customers. to whom wcbelieve we havegiven vciy pencral satisfactio.i. With these facts and tbc advantages oflered by the low price at which we offer to manufacturo cloth. we hopo for a large share ol patronage. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO.. Scio, Washtenaw Co., July25, 1844. 3 tf GRAND RIVER WILL probably be navignblc wiihin a few yeare. as far souih as J . T PRATT'S STORE, whcre the inhabitants oMichigau can now be supplied with Dry-Goods, Groccries, Medicines, Boots, Shocs, Hals, Cabinet Ware, MillStoncs, Bolting-Clolh, Patent Smut Machines, BrisloVs Sarsaparilla, 20.000 boxee Pratt's Pilis, sinlebox 2 shillings, Lite Bitters, 50 cents per boitie, a choce lot of C II E E S E , made in Westcr York. The proprieior pledges himself to sell as high as any mcichant in town, N. B. - All kinds of Country Produce, lumebr. brick, linie, wood, bought or sold just as will suit customers A good farm and orty acres of wild land for sale. Admittance No. l Dlair.3 block, near the River, Jackson, Mich. Apr. 13, 1845. Silgar Coated Pilis, vs. Diïcasc- ülore Evidcncc. MR. HILL, of the firrn of Girley and Hill, 169 Broadwiy, says the Sugar Coaled Indian Vegetable Pilis are superior to uny he has ever taken. Mis wifo has íound them dclightfil nnd efHcacious. Miss Douci..?s, corner of Walker and Lmllow streets, bas been curcd of pain in the head. dimness of sight, and dizzinosa of long standinti bv ihese Pilis. ö Mus. Simons, oiOl flonry 8treet, curcd of pains and crumps, of eight years standing. Mr. Atkins, of 2('' Green wich strect, curcd of dyspepsia, of seven years standing. Mr. Caki.ock's danghior, S Sinple strect, cured of VVorms in their worst form. Rev. Mr. Buknktt, of Brooklyn, curcd ol bilious complaints, weakness, Src. We need not add more. Evidence crowds upon us fiom all quarters. No Pilis ever b'èfore accomplished so niuch, wüh so littlc trouble and disagreeableness. as ür. Smith's (Sugar Coaled) "Improved Indian Vegetable Pilis." Sold at Guion's corner Uovvcry and Grand st. ; Philip' u corper of Beekman of Willi'am strecis, Everctt's. 9G Hud8on st. ; Mrs. Iíoy's. 1J9 Eulton streef Brooklyn; and 203Grccnwich street. Examini the label - Kok for Dr. Smith's writtcn signature. 45SAL-KKATUS. Wholesale &, Ketail. TUE Subscribers are now inninifactnring a ttíeir èstublishhiént n Aun Arbor, an article wliich is equal in pnruy and excellence ro an} iliat can be produced in Michigan. It will bu kept consinntly on hand in quantities to supply custoincrs al as low a pricc aa can bi afïbrdcd. To rendcr it convenían for transportaron anc rctail ng, the anide wil) be sold in kegs of onc hundred pounds weight cach. As the Saleraius made by the subsciibers itperfecdy, - purchnsers will not bo cornpelleci to set the kegs out of doors to keep ihoir Boore from beirg spóiled by theconsiam draininirout ol the ley from the casks, as is sometimos the case wiih an adultcraied art'éle, Those who wisl for afust-ratc arricie for retailing will do wcll lo cali on us before purchas ingclsewhero. BECKLEY. FOSTEH &. Co. Ann Aibor. Lovver Town, Apr. 13, '45. fl-tf DÏSSOLÏJTÏOIV. rriHE Co-partneiship heretofore existine un JL der the lirm and style of.Beckley & Ilickp is by mutual consent this duy dissoived. All persons indebted to snid lirm, by note or othtvrwisc. are to makc payinent to Gny Beckley, who isauthon.ed to reoeivait, and has become obligated to pay all debts duc froni said firm. GUY BECKLEY, SUMNER UiCKS. Ann Arbor, Mnrch Cih, 1645. 45-3w TAKE 1VOTICS. THE Subs'jribers hereby give notice that thcy will continue the Mereantile business at the Store recently occupied by J. Beek ley & Co. vhere thcy will nt all timcá be found ready to vait on those who may feel disposed to favoi hem with thcir patronage. SIG.Al, OFLÏBERTY. All business relativo to the Signal of Liberiy vill be attended to by the subscribers. BECKLEY, KOSTER. &Co. Ann Arbor, Lower 'i own. Mar. 6, 1345. 46-tf STOI,E]V, F ROM ihc Subscriber, about four weeks eincc, u black satin vest. It is supposed o have been taken by an inicmperate man, a Hanger who was about hcre at that time, and ins probably pawned it cither for money or liqr. Any onewho will give information concernïg it. at this oilicc, is informeel that I will rceem the vest and ainply reward him lor his rouble. S. E. BROWN. March 21, 1845. 1200 lfos. Gcesc Fcathcrs: F first rate quaüty for sale by the ponnd or hundred weiglt in qantities to suit purchas rs, may bc found at RAYMOiND'S CASH STORE, 148 Jefl'erson Avenue, 3?-if Detroit. The JSirney Portrail s THE Subscriben have on hand a quantity ol theae large and splendid engmvings. beaulully executed on etcel platcs, by an excellent rtist, from a painting by E. W. Goodwin, Esq. f Albany.N. Y. Thcy are a striking likcncss oí 'he Man, and mekc an elegant ornament for in parlor. For sale, wholesalc and rctail, al $8 per dozen, r $1,00 ench, by A. McFaricn, Booksoller, )etroit, and by BECKLEY. FOSTER, & Co. Ann Arbor, Nov. 4, 1814. 24 if - - ■ lAhcvty Almanacs for 1 8 15. [TÜR sale by the dozen or single by V BECKLEY, FOSTER, & CO. March 10, 1845. Ifivc Geese Fcalheiïs, 3 F a superior qualiiy, for falc by BÉCfcLEjV, FOSTER, & Co. March 3, 1815. 45-4wBU Fl ALO WEWJSAFERS ri'lü irilllM) ON THE CASH SYSTEM. TÏIE NATIONAL PíLOT, DAILY, WEEKLY, AND TRl-WEEKLY. MANCHELTER & BRAYMAN, Proprhtors R. VV. IIASKINS, Editor. Commercial Dcpirtmont, I y J. C. BUNNER Tliis paper is ncw and peculiar. It j8 tho only paper in the United States upon the plan it i conducted. AII oilicrs take thelr Europoan intelligenco from the English Press, thua leaving U3 ignorant ot all Continental tflairs except what it suits ihe English intcrests to detail. In Poliiics the Pilot, looking abo ve and bevosu the present party distinctions aims at NAT1ONALITY; nnd ils motto is- "For our COUNTRY AT At.I. TIMES; TO APPROVE H?R WHEN right; to riout iikr WBX9 wrong." The Piíot's party is the citizens oí thisRepublic, agninst any and all its enernies. Locally, the Pilot will especially consult the interests, commercial :ind orherwise, of Bufihlo and thegreat and growing Valley of the lakes with which the former is insepornbly connected. The Pilot is supplied wlih regular daily files of ihe Paria Papers of every political party, and will therefore fiírufsh not only original sources, and by 'hus giving botli sides. enabio its readers to judo moro correctly than they possibly can by reading only once. The Commercial Department of ihe Pilot isin fully competent hai ds, as all will admit, andthe inarket inteiüíionce will be second to no ot her sheet; eithcr in aecuracy or its carly promul catión. b TERMS. Daily Papor, per year, $4,80 Daily Paper, per month, o 40 Daily Paper per vock, o! 10 Tri-weekly per year, Weekly, per year, iq0 5 copies daily per mail, 1 yenr, 20,00 IFThe Dnily Pilut, is delivered to subscriben every wcek-day morning. Subscribers who pay weekly, pay at the end ofeach week. Those who pay monthly or yearly pay in advance.- Single ropies can be obtained for tiro cents a copy, eiiher at the Office, orof the news boys. To Editors - Publishers of weekly papers who remil $2. inadeance, shall be entidad to an enchnnge lor one year with the Daily Pilot, ICTAny paper printcd west ol Buflñlo, by copying the above four .irnos, with ibis note, will ho enthled tú an exchange for one year with tho Dailij Pilot, on sending a copy of the paper, containing ihe advertisement, marked, to this office. Or tho pubhsher may diaw on our columns for $2 in advertising. S otice to JMerchas&ts. TI1E Subte ibers encouraged by the patronnge they have hitherio received in tho wholesalo department oftheir buisiness, will tho ñni doy of May nezi, open the store now oceupied by Gco. Grenville, frontingon Uuron street, and connecting with their present store in tho rear, cxdusively for a W1ÍOLE SALES ROOxM, where they will keep al all times a lull ussortI.ii-Ill (f DRY (JOODS, BOOTS & SMOES CARPENTING, 1IATS, CAPS, PAPER HANGIN.G8, BONNET8, CROCKERY BY THE CRATB, HARDWARE, AND. OROCERIES, &C. &C. &C. til of wbich will be sold on as good terms aB at any point this side of New York City G. D. I1ILL, & CO. Ann Arbor, March 26, 1814. 48-tf OT'Caution to AlTT LET ALL THE WORLD TAKK .NOTÏCE nnd be careful not to buy the (Sugar Coated) m pro ved Indian Vcgotablc Pilis, unlcss every box has on it the writtcn signatuie of the original inventor and paicniee. G. BENJAMIN SMITH, M. D. These picasant Pilis possess powers to oi)en KVL the natural drnins oï t lic system- the LUNGS, KIDNEYS, SKINS and BOWKLS - bitherto tinknown in the practice of medicine: nnd so complete bas boen their triumph over all other medicines, th t many havo been led tosupposc they corilain some powerful mineral; but upon exominatión by Dus. Chh.tox, Randommi, Huíctíkgtoií, aüd oiher8. this suppositiun is at fnce provcd to bc croundlcss. SoUi in New York. at the principal Office, 179 Grcenwich street, also by Rushton & Co., Broadvvny, corner of 13th street. Pntnpnlels to bo had of agents gratis. N. B. - Persons will also notice on ihc top label an engraved ludían figure, crossed with fine red print. The genuino muy n]en be boiight wiih safety at Dr. Guion's corner of Bowry and Grand 9treet, Biooklyn, nnd nt respectablc stores hroughout the United Stntcs. HARTFORD " Tire Insurance Coinpany IKCORPORATED IN 1810- CHARTKR TJCRPtTUAL- CAPITAL S130.000, WITH rOWER TO INCREASE IT TO $250,000. TUIS wcll known nnd long esial.lishccl InstitUtioc. with ainplo cash capiml, bnve esiabIrahednn ngency in Ann Arbor, and olFur to insure Dweliings, Puruiture, Stores, Merchandize, Mills, Wheat, Flour, &c on very fuvorable erms The high clinractcr of this company is wcll known, and its extensive business iscondiicted on the most just nnt! honorable principies. Owners of property in Ann Arbor and vicinity ■vho wish to insuro it againsl loss and damage by fire. are invited to cali dircctly on the subscribcr. it his Store in Ann Albor, who is authonzcd to itsuo policies without delay. F. J. B. CRANE, Agent. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1845. 39-6m.1844. WHOLESALE & RETAIL . A. M'FABREN, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. SMART'S 13LOCK, 187 JKFFRRSON AVKNUE, DETROIT. KEEPS constantly for salea complete assortiment of Miscellnncous, Schooi nnd Classicul J5oolv3, Letter and Cap Paper, plaiii and rul ed, Quills, luk, Sealing Wax, Cutlery, Wrap)ing Paper. Printing Paper, of all sizes; and 3ook, News and Cannister luk. of varions kind. BLANK BOOKS, ful! nnd hall bound, of cv. ery variety of Ruling, Memorándum Booke, &c. To Merchants, Teachers, and others, buying 11 (juantiiics, a hirge discount made. Sabbath School and Biblc Society Dcpositor. 51-tf CA1VT BE BEATr ATEWBOOT, SHOEAJYD LEATHER STORE, Ann Arbor, Lower Town. Q FELCH has removed O his cstoblishmcnt froni the Upper to the Lowcr Villagc, No. 4, Uuron Block Ag.ft wliere he holds himsclt in g?QB rcadincss to 'dress the "understandingi" of cvery Man, ►_ VVomun and Child who will W3fe givc fi i ni a cali, in the ncatest, nd best manncr that can be done in Michigan LEATHER and FINDINGS of all kinds oiiHtantly un hand. WANTED, Cash nnd Hitlcs, in nny quantiies. for which iho highest prices will be given. ÏÏTLc. none purchase until they have callea t Fclch's, No. 4, Huron lilock. Ann Arbor, May?4, 1844 __T_ lkl. & J. Ii. AVIDSÓW, tt a VE now on hand a complete neaortnient o FJ1LL AND ÍV1JVTER DRY-G00D8, CRÜCERJES, SHELF'HARDwAREyo. pa which they will scll choap ior icady pay. i no lnplicbt market pricc paid at all timce ior l'ork anu all olher kinds of produce. - Ann Arbör, Lower Town, Nov. 50, 1644. IJ


Signal of Liberty
Old News