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DR. SMITH'S ü NI VER SI TY PI LLS. TilKSF. Pilh preparcd by Wn. M'. Sftiitti late FröfeKrot' Materia Médica ana Pifar ;nacv in the l'niversity of Lake Kri Olu.-. - Dr. Smitb wouid sa y to the public, ttiftt iii offering ihem iliis Pili, ie presenta no quftck lio' trutn tiüU wül, by its irritulln? efiects pon the Btomndi nnd Ij :wu!s créate disease wlieru waa li tilo or none béfofpy ont ono tluit is saín, mild, snlutnry nnd uniform in iiseiVecis upon the wholc sys'eni. 13e wou! I fcá? lic hm now spont twent yccw in -" rCh aridifivesügntitfn, directed l the Pijhêlósry of dlegasn; nmi th próperiiès o mo.Hcinal sulistnnces. and their ad.jptKtion m th reiiiovnl of m.-it.idks to which Msüji-tt .ir. A the resuh of these lnbors. !ie is now ftblfl 10 ghe to the public a combinotion öF med rirtal vegetable subfetairces wlnoh is as near nérreeriön, o careful study nnd close nveatigouon, tesis anc oxperinienis, can bnnj it. lic wouhi Bfly t. Physicïnns, n? well as othcie, try ihispill; it Wil liot deceno i l It is pcciili.irly ndnpted to the removnl nn. prevention of tl e following Hiseases: BUitfus Intermittant, anti Re:nittant Fevers, Feyer bïw Ague, CoiiL'li. Liver Cowplnints, Siek Head che. Possive Dropsy, Rheumntism, Eril niont of tho Spleen, lntcrnnl Piles, (olic. Acidj ty of the Sioninch. I:tcip:rnt DinrlmM. IIoüitUT Costiveness. nnd n all oses of TVpor ot 'h Bowels. whrn a oaihariic. nperient. oi aH&rativo is needed. They are mild. yet certnin in thci operntion. producing neiiher nnusen. gripïng, no debility. The nents of these Pilis ;ne insuuc ped. iii case fiill saiisfactiou is not gïven to 'n lerson who tnny purchase them, that they sha] have their maney rèfanaed. TE6TIM0NTAI.S IN TAVOR OP DR. SMITIl' UMVERSITY -PILLS. Testimonial nf Dr. Lando. Mokrok, Michigan. June 12; 1844. Dn. SaitTH- Drar Sir7- 1 take pleasurc ii piving niy testimuny ir. fav r dT your vaiuflbl Univers ty PM, l most eheeWuHy recomnwjrü them to the public as a snfc, easy. and elïïcien cath;;rtic tor most of the discases incident to tin región of country. I have inads extensive use of them for four years in niy practicr, una I bc lieve them to be the best onti-bilions Ca:hartic or Aperient medicine ever cambined and ofiured for general use. Yonrs, &c. GEORGE F. LANDON, M. D. Tclinonial. of Dr. Tdhr. Masili.lox, Ohio, M:iy Ist, Ir ! Í Dr. Smit.i - Sir. - Í take niuch pleasurc in bcaring testimony to ilie efficaey of your jPHla in removing bile from tho stom ich, dcierging the l-iver. and in all complaints emanuting f'roni tha:SJUrCe' J. V. C. TELLER, M. D. Testimonial of F. L. Wells. Wateui.oo. Mich.. March 10, lSNh To Dr Smjtii- Sir.- For upwatd? of sis months I rns crivúj oLlicted with Fevcr and Ague, and during ibat time could fiad noili ng that gave mi; permanent relief; n leituih; l;owever, your University Pilis werc recommendcd to me hy one of the best Pbysíciáns in these paris: and I am happy in beine a!i!e to sny. that from the use of one bo.-ï l was permanently cured of iny ogue; since tiien a number ofmy family have been na signally beneñticd. Yours, &c, F Li WELLS. Testimonial vf Daniel Cojdnow. MosnoE. Miuh., June I. 1344. T hereby certily that Dr. Wm, M. Srrfithhas been niy Fami'y Physician for four yen lt npa8l: that hc hns tued his University Pilis in his arncticein iny lainiiy with iinporallelcd succfiss: nnd I think them jircrerablc to any piü for bilioue iTeuiione iu tfce'Wbrld. DANIEL GOOD.-VOW. Jnn'tceper, Alacomb-St. llo'isc. Tcstimonïd of D. S. Parshall Kunt. Mich.. June 5. 1844. I Dri. Smith. - 1 ani happy lo give you n.y cordin' approval of your I'nivcrsiiy Pilis. l am nble to kcop oü' Fever and Asuc. and Fevc:s to wliich all ot' usare subject in iHs Western cuun try, by the timely ue oí your Universi'y Pilis. - Sendan Agent this way as soqii as possible, fo weareallout. Tours Ssó-, D. S. PARSHALL. Teifmonial of Messrs. Noble and Ftjjicld. We certily thai we are and have been person ally ncqnainu-d with Wm. M. Smith. M. Dand know ihat iie is a man of eminence in Iii profession - nnd that i'or four years he tilleu ü chair of Materia Medica nnd Pharmacjr in the Willoughby Universiiy of L?.ke Erie. with hon or to iiiinself and satisfaetion to the Trustee and Foculiy snd as wtll as to Students oltlu above University. As for his Pilis, they are -pa exceiiunce."CHARLES NOBLE. B: F. EY-FlEbD. Monroe, Mich.. Junc l'J. 1844. Testimonial qf Rial B Chase. This I certifv, thnt in :!ie niontli of Septern ber last, 1 wos attacked with HiÜous Fever (wliils away froni homo at Ovvao to build ; water wheel)and with one dose o Smith's Uni veishy I'ills. I broke it np; and as many oiheit were sick at the time, 1 culminisiered ilieso Pilis to tliein, and inWcnsesii broke uu their fevers. j have used tliem nny times ei nee. and uhl great success. Tliev are ihe best pills 1 evei .RIAL B CFIASE. MMioright. Shiawassee, Mich., June Jst, 1814. Testimonial of Ahs. Abiguil C. Wirigld. This may ccriily. that iliree ycars ago I was attacked wuli IJvcr Compíaint so sevcicly tliat ] cauld scarceiy turn myselfin beJ: I use;) toan) specifics oud rcmndic-?-. sucli as Hrandretli's. Üesurrection, O;ienu1, and nther puls, biu with little or no effect. One year ago, my friend Dr. Smith called on me on lus -.vay lo iio3ton, whaii he s.nve me a l x of his Utiiversity Pilis, wliici; perfecrly resiorod me. and niy health haa nüi aain suffered Irom likc cnuse. Rochester. N. Y., No. 13, ? Franklin Street. Junc 24, Ib44. 5 Testimonial "f John W. MUlcr. Dear Docrun - Justiec rccjuiics me to state. ihat I have sjld your Universiiy Pills for on and a halt years last past, and tliat I cm solí no others wbtle I have tlicm on hand. They have 8uper?eded ihe sale of all othcra - theír cííect is truly wonderiul. JOHN W. MILLER, DrvggisU Monroe, Mich.. June 12, 1844. For sale by J. II. Lund. Lowcr Town, and Win. S. and J. W. .Maynard. LTpperTown, Ann Arbor. J í-í- I y1NTEREST1NG TO WOOL GRÖWERS. THE Subscribers would respectfu'ly nnnounce to tho VVool Growcrs of Ann Ar bornnd its viciniiy, iliat thcy continue ihe business of IVool Carding and Cïoth Dressing at the old stand ofJ. Ecckley &- Co., where tbey may be found at all scasonablc hours to vait upon tbosc who may favor them wiih iheir patronage. 'I'hey guarantee tlmt fheir work wil] bc done witli neatness nrul despatch. To tbcJr tld friends and as many new custorners os feel disposed to givo ibera a tri:i!. they would say.cotrie on wih your Wool and GiiOTH and we will do you ampie justice in ilie execution ofyonrwoik - the price and icrnis ol payment. Tiïciai y tlitotisand poands of VVool wan tcd in exebange for Full Clotli. Flannel, &c. N. B. - Civc us n cal! belbre pnrehasing elsewhcre. SUMXER ÜICKS & CO. Ann Arbor LowerTown..Mar. 2(J,43. 26-öm Wesleyaii ESooksi THE Suliscrihcrs hnve jn?t received a goot) supply of Wcsleyan Hooks irom tlic Depository at New Vork. Those wisliing u purchnse will pfease cali and examine lor thènisclvea. BECKLEY & HICKS. Ann Arbor, Lowcr Town, Dcc. 6,li44; Shecp Shear.i, OF .'i superior qualiry fbr saie by bkcku:y, koster t Co. Alarch 2 ', Wlü.Wright's Peor Ilan's Pilis. A i (.niiiiH t.t:t;iLlt; iailüly Medien:. I. xjL CM-ca oí Indias. ion. Dysprpia, Liveí ( ' , i.; ! iüi ■■] .1 lüud ir. A;mic huí Fevcr, 'otn id Tonque. Si'Áncss M thc Sioniacb. Sick icaihiclu'. Roí; lnifiiiütu nt Ívis. Coiiglis. Colild, C'üi :ii. &r. V. Cuiinly vcgetnlile, tiicy nr ompjiQlicaÍJy NATl'ltE'S yi EN,D, conducing to irculih and couutcraciing disease by purifying tlio blami, clpausiug üic system oí viiiaicd huuicrs, romoving obsiruc. MÍmn!ii;iiig t!io ui'fí'ii. - i ■ ■■■u :ums. in'my lin, u'iili iHo fond and aciiag every w.iy ín luímonv wi'li il.o sysii ni. For Irifliiiiiatary dse.ises iised in conncciun v.-itii the 'Rheujnatic Elpster' iHcy :ll be Ibund greaily to tiid n iho reinovo] of uiénses (o) whiih ihc ulas:ur a ;:.e recpíumedeií, ani] aniculnrly aic ijiey calculo led (o :'A dernnycincuts of" ilic D:' siivi! and Siliary prgans, ijio prinoary origin ufa nuilütude ofdiscíisps. Price - 'J.'i i ñ;) cenia a J... Fo. sale :::' liooksíotc ;iin! by J. T. SiocUing. Travelling Ágenvior Küchigan, 16-1 y Certificates. WootTrc, Lcnnwcc Co. Aug. 90. 1-844. Foriwelve ybare i lnvr been trouL-led wuh g rbeumajic nffeption in my !k,c!v, so tlmt 1 hnvo íardly over !;c -n freé Ironi nn (lur;ní Uic whole lijne'ónd wilhin iwelvc liourj nfier I fiad npplieiJ 8oiti ot' Wright's luic.iiiuríc PJnstor, I ya perlectJy oasv. .':r.d live hud no ioii s5ic STEriIF.NCAIiy. J.,ckson Co., Colunibia,,Aug. 20. 184.4. f This :;iy oerliiy Uiat I Ii.tvo nscd Wriyht's Ptüs in my íainily'in violent niiacks of cliiü and hiüuus iever, and Invc fpund ilirm to be tbe boet Pilis ihnt J over used. nnd vvould recomniend every fanuly to keep thcm un hapd, JAMKS AWARTOÜT. THOMPSOff', Gcanrrn en.. O.. April 28tli, lli. Thiti muy cerñfy (lint I have iréd Wriglits' Poor M;m'a Pifls and Rh'euihniic Plnster h my practico, nnd wculd sny i) íhe public ilial thcy cim rely npon tlicir rccomincndaiinn witli the ut most confiacncc: in s-liort, theyonly need trying to iccomniend tiienisclveí. Rkv, R. R. SCOTT, M. ü. Loraink Co . Grpcn, May 16, 1 -943. Tiiis niay coniíy iliat 1 fiave u?ed Wntiht's Por Man' 8 Pilis in mv practico, nnd find tlicm to be one of, if not eniiroly, ile best pi 1 1 now in use: nnd vvquld rocoitimen-l cvciy fa t : i I y to kcop thcm on hand, especially ibftse yv'ho live n'nr Ufyr, roarsby latid, or mili ponds, or in an iiiihcalthy cüniníe. JOSHUA BASCOMB, M. D. Without adiling more testiraony cí tho officacy of lic abuve megtioned medicine, ve cío not hesta'e to soy ihat wè nre nut nfraid to have iis virues lesUdby ihc. sir'o ol finy otlier of, ihe kind that ever hns bcen oflVred toan American public, and we will let it stand npon itsown inerits Foi ale at Moseley's Boul;storc. Aun Albor, By Kellogg & Brotlijera, W'liiíe Pircún, R. Wüliama, Jr. & Co., Sturpes Prairie, Simeón Guget, Quincy. Btancíi county. A. K. Hall, ' lo do W. A. Bliss, Jnmeslown, Indiana, F.lisha Stcer. Angola, do Clu'sio.r Mo.-s. AH)ion. Michigan, A. P. íMann. & R. Sibley, Maiahall, Mich. A. Cnllcnder, do do K. Packer, Battle Cicek, do C. V. Vining, Galesburgh, do Capt. Brown, Proirieville, . do D. H. Mfdwood, Aríiiau. do Quackcnbossand More. Tecumeli do S. A. Rowjey. Jontsvüle, do il.Oilbert filanchester, do W. II. Piítcrson, Salino. do Hartnon .V. C"k. Brooklyn. do Pierre Teller, Wholesale Agont for Detroit. Goo. P. W-rightGo., nole proprieiqia Tor the the United States and Upnornnd jLower Canadá. All orders and business letters (or the prestnt, moy be directed to Geo. P. Wright, Coluinbia P. O.. Jackson Co., Midi. It is for sile a'.so at Monroe. Mt. Clemens. Utica, Pontiac, and by Dubuis!t. Wright, JifEsrjon. Aiieiifs for the State ol JVJidiigsr;. Kiiouk. Carrol Co., O.. Jan. .". 18-11. Ten years since. I was taken with the Scrolula 30 that I 'iad no relief day or night. my litube being much swelled and covered with Ulccrs. my icn.-t nnd back in grent pain, pnd ñervos much shauered. I appiied to dilFerent Pliyslcians. all cl whoin said ihure was no help lor me, and al the remedies I trk'd pioved iinavailing uniil 1 .üa.'le usc of Wright's Apti-Innamatory and uheuinalic Piastor, which reducKl the inflamalion, iitalod ihe Ulcors broughi the skin fo its nat ara I color, and rc'ievcd the pain. I would recommend it to all siniil.irly afllicied, nnd ani aun thcy will be satisritd a.tcr giving it a faii nial.CATHAItINE ALLENSUORTIJ. Tuo.mpso.v. Germán Co., Ohio, ? April ÜU, 1.543.. 1 cerüfy that my litile boy put his arms into 'xiilin yater. rearly to (he elbow, so ihat w!iei rho dress was taken dïF ihe skin carne w iih 1 nf'ter spplyinj: severa] remedie? to do purpose - the armbecoming mitch LvlJien anü cliik in grent pain, I applied 'Wr'i'.ht's Anti-Influnintury and Rhcuinitism Plr.ster.' ar.d wiihin iwi hours lic waa perfect 1 y cisy. and went to sleep Af'er two or three daya I removed the. piaster, and applied another, and when ihatwaa remuvee lite aun waa healcJ. except a place the size of a shilling which was soon wcll. I believc it to Ik the best ariicle tor a burn that can be produced (ind would reeoinmcnd all lo keep il on hand in case oi accidenisELIZABETIJ BROUGIITON. NERVOUS DIS CASES 'are trrentiv beriëfiticd !y tlie useof ihcse pills ; - as Nervoüs Hendnche, Tic Doloronx. St. Vitus' Dance, &:. their tendency bcing lo sofihe tbo irritabiliiy o tlie system. allr.y pain, and induce quiet atid repose. Those iifflicied with Coughs, Colds. In ihienza. ftc. , will find relief Irom iliense of-ihest pills. Exposme 10 c.)ld doses the pores of the the skin, checks i)ers[iiration, rctnrds the cirrulation, and produces various inflainntory disenees. Does any one perreive a cold coming upon inm? Lei him on going to bed, taltc sufHcicrïl lo op"crate smanly, and then every nioi]t. take ènöugh to produce a mildoperation till ihc disensenbates. In cise of Wornis let a tea of Pink be laken frecy for 12 honrs. und ihen o'dmfiiáter Pills sutiicient to produce abrisk cathartic operalion 21 -1y. The Truc Pain Extractor Salve. WHíCíI cures like a charm all J3URNS by íire or water, and every cx'ernal SORE, PAIN, INFLAMMATïOiV, ACHEor ri'CHNG- ever yet {ound upon thc human famüy. ií vbich it has been applied, must al;vays bcsouht jenuine íron Comstock &. Co. of New York, or their authoriztd agcnis. A II are cautioncii igainst any fpurious aiticles, whícli may olsvnys )u avoic'ed by knowing thc one you buy cuines rom Comsiock &Co., wlio are now ihe only )roprietors and manufaetnrers. Inqtiire (or Connel's, which is w erran ted to ilo all il ever vould when c.'illcd by nny oiher name. or the price eholl be refúnded jo any case íf il' does) nol líense. To place it wiihin reach o" all, tho price has icen reduced inore than four fo!d, and is now sold at 25ccnis. the former [rice beirg too exirbílont. The 50 cent size now coniüins four iinesaamany as thc former, and the $1 size near en times as much. No friiiiil ihat lina any t.tle to liumanily, with h(l to have CoKjtKt,'s Pan Exir.ictor O'jíltrn'eñi jKvays at hand, to tsnvclile. all ecara. and leduce a íagony f.oin any burn in fiv'e minrilea, provicled hcy huve tjeeu t used, or beileve tlioae wlio have used it. COMSTOCK &. CO., 21, Cuuitland Street. tCT1 Be sure therefore, and asik for Cosnf.i.'s ís our plme with Dallcy's nanic on it has bcei stolen, imd tbe spnrious may appear with the name on it. Know, therefore, that it comes di ectly from Cotnstock fc Co., orshun it. WM. S & 3. W. MAYNARD, 6 Agcnt for Ann Arbor. LOST on thc llih inBt. probably bctwern Crancs nnd Coons in ihe vicinity of Plym uih a smnll, black Morocco Pocket Rook, conehtíngraboot s'O.O) bpnk notes on Canada. - Any person findinsr the same nni leaving it at the office of the Signal of Liberty shall receive thc above reward. II. h. KEAMEY. Ann Arbor Dec-, 12. 1844: 3w-35New Goods '■ New Ooods ! - - . , ... ir:r!tj.-i::i;t''l bisju,3i receivcd hi.s sipy g( K;ilJ üiiotis iioiii .. Y. i'uv. Besitte's ;i nt ol S!i"cins. Cotrori Yrtrn. . I'-.okI Cln;!is. :n;-.l mticr Ctiütis. ie i-3 j u -s t njiL-nluu' ; -■■jÍcmíuíiÍ lol of Kielt, Woostod DiinnUi Sh.iwU, sl qualiiy, Brocli i. lo llO 1 V 1 h 1 . f] ) i!o Ci8hWiVo, do F.n?!iio"nhlf! Ora vut liicli Hprinet Uiblmns, Faehionablc iloaJ Tiimmings, Ve!vet do Ailsd, Ar.AUTIFUL A8S.0njW'T OV ORSSS STUFfS sftH A5 . Cashinoro )'l',r gsci 7T - -lin Dcíniíie, Pdrissennos, RWJfi'j I'i'.'.l, Prints ofovery de.-ciintion. Plain. lilnck Mnpac.i. ÍÍíTUipJ, bl.ick Alnpnca. J'l.iin, colored Alnpnca, fjg'urqfjj coi'ii Alupoco Plain, atui Ch nneenblo AhnniM. Tle uiiik-iMünc lins i .i.-l.l'iion lö n tir raio nsaortment o( Stnp!o nrul Fancy Di.v GooJs ïciioice lot of Te.-ts aun CoiTc. for íamily use A so, a lar ge lot of Créese Feafchcrs, JPaper Hangings and Travelling Baskets. (Jia S:o;U ís uell Miüoii io l)oih cuy iind cuín tty irado. CiMintry peóplenre iníictl to cill mu look nnci snjisíy 1 1 1 e su!ves. ihr.t lus st ik wíl iienr fomparis'Hi -itl:er in qunliiy or piice wii] nny oilicr u din rest(í-Ti c upü y. W. A. RAYMOND. 1 4S"Jefleion Avenue. Detroit. Oct. 14, 1844. ' 24 tf GOOD NEWS FROM NEW ÉNGLAND Dr. SmitJi's Coatcd Improvcd Indiasi Vegetable Filis, TKirMI'IIANT FOR CONSUMVTIOXS, COLDS RHKUMATISM, DTSPEPSÍA AND FEVERS. . ITOOK i severo cold. !)is fdjl, vliit;h settlcc in inv lifnbsj and brouglu on the Rheunia ;;;;)?. orcornpfirlJêd iú Béveté [íafhá nnd b htii coiigh. wliich obliced nieto give npniy businers I liiid many icmcdics without nny rcücf, tmiii procurcda box of Di. Srnjtli's Sugor Cohíed Indinti Vegetnlile Pilis, wliicli. I Dtñ hnppy io sny ir.uiK.'diniely' relievod me. nnd ennbleJ int-, ii thrcc dnys, t return io iny business. I an now entirely weil. K. F. TIILL, Washington at. Hosten, Nov. 4, 1844. 1 linve liccn considere n tbe Consnniption for abóut nine ycars. with a severo cVTucH ever1 ín II . which did nol lenvo me till fie next sprint with an almosi constant Meadache; not beins ablc to sleep many ninlits durin the winters, ii consequenee ol the severc fits of eonghiiL. linve tried niost of thc coiiph remedios, with on ly tcuipornry rt lieí". My usual cough conimcu ced nliotit for weeks sinre. wiih on inriensing soreness to my hmgs; nnil was urijed lo try Dr. Sniith's Sucar Conted Pilis- which I but without nny faílh n their efljcacy. J took four Pilis before retiring; anri within forty-eighf hoiiis. ny eou;li wns cntirely brokrn up. wfaicb h.i.-j not reairned, agid tlic suvere pains ofliyod;ic!ie (ave left me. I nevnr liive found a retnctiy befóte thnt brought so sudtien relief. I do not beliove ihore ís nny cure for ihc C'onsumption: bnt r.m s:itilied. ihe c i. no icmporniv relie! ( q mi to thesc Piüs. I hnvo since admrt;steréd ihet'n to tiiembcrs of my ínmily. (or Coltls und Coughs.' with the most happy )P6uIt. H. F. WELLS. Bosion.nnving ncpn nnr.cieci mr scverm yeara wmi ; Weakness n the stomach nnd Lungs, witli Cos tiveness. He.'id.-ichc. and Deprcssion ol tpiriis ihouglit by niany to bc in a Consumption, niu was olilined to givo up my buiTnéss. Aftijr try in a rrütóbe? of the vmious Paisapnrillis nnc BolShgis, v.ii hout iiny peminKent reliel. I va j prevailei) upon 10 try Dr. Sniitli's Suar Contci !m)rivct! ïndinfi VegeinMe Puls; nnd. to Kt; nstonishment. thoy mmedintnly relie veel me. nmi .ificr laking a few doses, nni eniircly recuveie:! and alile to ïciurn to my biVsmcss' JUSTUS CLARK. The dircciions and treatment of the diseases accompany every box. r:;rrK 25 CEN.T.s pkk box. No "SUGAR COATKD I'JLL." canbe een uinc. without the bijgfimttrCfi of tin; sole invcitor G. CE.XJA.MIN KMITH.M. D.. President o tiie N. Y College of ÍJonlth." qpo'n evnry box Cffi -es devotctl exclusively to the salo of thi medici. 'io. J 79 Gieonwich Sticet, New York. N. '2. Wáíei Ptrret. Biistan. lir s.ilc in all the vtllapes and lowns in thf New F.nalnnd S'atrs. N. Ii. - No travelling pcdlars are allowed to sell tlirse Piils. CTFor wie by "W. S. and J. W. Moynard Lui-.d & McCclliiin, F. J. B. Crane. Ann Arbor Perriii Cc Hall. iVorthvilln; Thomns P. Miy.Jr Plymouth: D.' C. Whitwood, Dexler; G. & J G. IIill. D.iroit.Wright's Ifóedicated Piaster, SrRRAD FOR IMMEDATE USE. Pn'cs ouly mr shilling, in order to place iliev wilhih the inians of all. IN süslit nilments. or whvre the patiënt préfets B li i expensive ni ticle tlian the 'Anii-inflamatory and Rlicuiuatic PJagter,' these will be founo highly bencfieinl. Ceing nlréody spreod Airiminedicate nppliention. they will ba funnil ver convenient br WEAK BACKS, Pain or Veakn.:ss inihe Sitie, Ureas. Stonncli, letwcrn the Sfioülders, or whe'rever thore is Pain. or wliere : Plnsier a nceded. T licy inay be renrlered more servcabli; by pisiinga piece of cloiii on ihebick ofllicin before they are applicc!. :Mnl(itudes lime en relievód of jain and suflermg by these Clit-np Piasters. For&nlcfit Mose'y's Bookstoro. and by J. T. Stocking. Tiaveliiig'Agem for Michigan; lfi-ly F ROM ihe Subsciiber, nbout ionr weeks since, a black Baiin vest. It is supposcd o have lecn taken by an intemperate man, n arangervvho was about here at tiiat time, oijí: ïas probnbly pavined it eiiher for rnoney ur liqor. Any onewho wil! .-ive inforniation concernng it. ni ibis oilice, is inforrned that I will rcieem the vest and amplv rewnrd him tor bis roi.I.Ie. ' S. E. BROW.N. March 21, 1L-15. The ISirncy JPorirails THE SuOsciibers have on hand a quamity o: these large and sple'ndid ngriiylngs. beauilnl'y esécüted on etcel plaies. by an excellent rtist. frotn a pninting by VI. W. Goodwin, Esq. f Albnny.N. Y. They nre n strikinj; likenoss 01 'ur. Man, and rfieke an elegant ornament foi llë ;■:!! lur. For salo, wholesale and retail. at $8 per dozen, rsl.Oü éach', by A. McFanen, JÜookseller. 3ctruit, and by BROK LEY. POSTER, &. Co. Ann Arlior. Nov. 4, I8l'l. 24 tí fiilicrty Almanacs for 1 845. FOIt sule by the dozen or rinslti by beokldy; PoefTER. &co. Msrch '0, JB45. Iïtc Gëesé FcaUicrs, CF a superior qanlily. for sale by m BECKLEY.. FOSTER, & Co. Mnrch 3. 1845. 4ó_iw MKS. C. BUFFJNGTON would respectful ly infonn the Ladies of Ann Arbor nnd n vicinity thaibhc has received the íull and winter 'uahions. MRS. C. nUFFIXGTON. Nnv. T4. 1311. Bluuk iiöecds and lllovte&ges, WHOLE.SAEE AND RETAIL,7or sole by HKCKLEY, FOSTER & Co. ' March 20, 1845.THE MT3SÍ$ CLARKS' IToiBiig Laaie's' Scimiiiary, ANN AKnOR, MICHIGAN. WAR Y IT. CLARK, -Principal. CHLOK A. CLARK, Vico Principal. M. i.. WALTKIl, Teacher of Music on llïè Pinna. !:MMV i'.F.FRMANN, Teacher of Germán mei (lic; Gni:nr. liinliY i: CLARK. Teacher of Juvemlc De pnrimeii!. t'j MIiU. Teacher of Mathematica anil Vücnl MüS'O IÍ. F. tíliüFF, Teacher of French and Classics. T;iT fustiüjtton Ims lieon in onnrntion sincc NowmdIxt H. 8'J0, The Kcholüstic ycar 'ünhrnoiii'j fony -c;_-!it wee!;?, tw.. t',, .. eompriainii two qunrlcrs each - twölve weeks in oí rjnnrti r - n pfincrnl exnininotion at the close i ?ioh lorm- in I'Ybru and Ai:;i:;;t. tas! quárier of ihe irdsqnj nn comme nCcd November -,'.".. Tkkh or Tuiiiov. - For ijhfl F.tiglmh h ranch - fs.í.rO (o í") per (j'iu'iT. No reduction made for ftbéeiicVj n.fp p' in cn'sO ol sitknèsö?. nnd no pjjpil tnken foi los tlmnn 'i'i"-r"!r' BstCS clnrars are made lor music on the Piano, witli the nw of ii) insirumeat. $8.'O) French. 5.00 iHifiii 3.00 Drewjngnnd Painting, 5.0(i Pancy Wo U. 3,0 Bonrl, inclnilinir wiphirg', liglt's. &c. ftt.75 por wvck i f paid in hidvaiicc; or 2.00 per week il p;iui tli liic dloÉÖ of' the qinvlcr. Parcntsniul "imrdinns nrc ir.vitfid tr visi' the Bchool every FriHny. wMen tho Btiiies of tho week aro reviewed - nlso scmi-nwnthly on Wcdnesilay afternoon, at reodingof ihe weekly compo.=iiion!. H.ivins iiiirchnscd n henlihy nnd commodious building in a plmsnnt nnd convenient pm of tho vil lajee-, no pnins or expense èWhll 1 spmod to facilítate the studies an.l irmlor ih ï-iitintion of the youngladies profitablc and n?ree able.. " Yohing l:iffii.-s los!rous of entering the scl-oo and piirsuinT t!ie reculnr course of slüdy. wouh Io wel I to commence ot the bcscinnirg of ih qnnrtcr. 15'jlonfring to the school n'e n Lihrary ofbe l.ween iliroe and (uurhundred volumes, nnd Phi iosoplnciil Aip'iiii'ns.F,!i'Cirical .M.H'.htnc. Glo'r:? &c. cieniiiic LecfUjTes ae delivercd before in school y próper'infè'rvnfij. The Missee Clnrk will enden vor. nrt onlv io promoie the inieUectual culuire of their pnpii hut will atlend Biiicily to their moral dcpor'iment. Wiih a deopícnsc of rfiligious resnonsilulitv ;hcy wvtlJ c_r vo sdcIi n tone ofcl-aractor, as sha] render ii practicalïy fitted for overy station - yieít ing to duiv but lirin to principio Among the bocks used to the pciiool are. Ab erprinn!)ic on the Intellect un! nnd Moral Power? - Kine's Elennnis ol Criticisni - Wayland't. Moinl Science - Newman's Rlietoric - ticHgéSi Iogic - P.-iloy's Narurnl Theology nnd Kvidi-nces of' Chriíú.iniiv - Coinsi)ck'a Chemisiry mu Natural rhijosóphy- Cómbe8 Plysiology - Mis Ijncoln's Botany - Eotrn's'Mnniiiil of fJoinny - Buiriit's Geocrnphy of th üeavens - First Second and Third Book of History - Mis. Wil linrd's Republic of America - Plielps' Legn Clnssirs - Plnvfair's Euclid. nnd Dnvie's Alc""bra and Arilhnietic - Purker's Natural Philosophy. T!ic Misses Clark have taucht a Young Ladies S-'hool for severnl years in ihe City of Ne Yo:k. and arft lurnis-iiod wiih tesiiinonials Irom Rt. Rev. ficnjnrtíín Onrferaonk. D D., nnd John M. Giiecnm. D., of New York. Ilev.'J L. Blnke. of Brooklyn, and Mrs. Emmn Willnrd. of Troy, N. Y.; nlso, refcrence is made. by permission to tho fjllgwinn gentlemen: R'. Ilev. S. A. McCoskiy. D. D.. Robcrt Rninèey nnd I.. B. Misncr. Esqrs . Detioit; Rev. Isaac S Ketchum. Cen:reviilc: Rev. J. Hudson, U'lnu Pigeon; Rev. J. P. Cleveland, and Geo. Kr-tch urn. Marshall: Hon. Wim. 11. De!nnd. Ja'cksííH !'oul B. Rinir. Micliipan Centre: F. H. Winnn Ailii;m; Daniel llixon. Clinton: Gardine Wheel Ier. M. 1). lïow'èll: Rev. F, H. Óuming Orand Rr.pidi;: llcv. H. Colcbzir. Rev. A. M Fitch. S. Dentón. M D.. P. Brighnm. M. D. [Ion. W:n. A. Fletser, Hon. Wm. R. Thomp s"n, E. Mundy, Esrj . Co!. Thomns Mosely Oapi. J. Perkins Thomas M. Lndd, F. Sawyer Jr. Fs.. late Superintendent of Public. rion. Profes?ors Whitïne. Williams and Fiouuh ton, of the University ol Michigan, Ann Arbor James Hinis.ill and Rev. John Bcach, FSmt Amos Mead. EíT-, Farmington. The following genilemen. Rev. íí. CÓlclnzèr Rev. O. C. ComMÓck. Rev. A. Al. Fitch. Rev Mr. Cnrtiss, Professors Wiiiting aml Villjnma of tl-.e university .ifMichirnn. and F. Sawyer .Ir., late Superintendent of Public lnstrnction liavc coneented to net asa visiting -ommiitcc o iIip si hooi to ho present wlion the wcekty ptudieinre icviewed; bul especially to aticnd during tht senii-ánhuál ex i mi nat ons. A.iiriist!). 1811. 3'1-tfWRIGHT'S ANTt-IXFLAMATUVY AND MIEUMAT IC PLASTICR. AN cííicípni réme'fly for Rlienmmism, Fove: Sores. White Swellinga, Felona. Pain 01 weakneea in the Bark. Brt'.-is'. Side or Linibs, Burns. Jiruises. Crarnps, Chilblnins, Livei nn: Lung íiíTeciions. Indolent Tumors. Spinnl aflec tions. Jiiflanied Eycs. cc. &c 11 is unpiirpnssri i i all IniTirnmntory diseasesT eiihcr Chninic oi Acute, as it nprmtes liy rounternctinsr nnd redticing liiflamniation, albymg Pain. Sweaiing tbf nrts nffeciccT, snd hy iis sircngtlicning nnd Ano dyne propertiee giving speedy relief. A!so invatunble 33 nn nnti-inerrurinl plnsicr. Price 2") cents per Box. For fuither particutare, sce eire nlntitisj Pnmplilet. For sale nt Mosply's Bookstorc, Ann Ar!or. nml J. T. Stodsing, travelling agem foi Michigan. 16-ïy BROWNSVILLE JÜÏATA IROIV STORE. THK SUJJSCilJBKR. ncnt for the Míiii.jfncturcr. Pitisourgli, Pa. has now on IiaiK. a lurgc and wull assortcd stoc!; of 1R0.V, NAILS, GLASS, &c, wln'cli is oíTored lo t ie public in tiielowesl cnsii prices, coniprisiiií; t lic following: (jom'n biriron, allsizes I Plow slahs, Üiindy tire " " Plow wings, Horsc.slioe, " " Sheei iron, Nos. 1ÍÍ Saddle tree, " ' lo I.G. üound nnd Sijünre ;' Xnils, 3d to 20d, Sand and hoop, '; ' Spikes, all sizes. Etailer irob ; " ïtailrond car ax!es, Noil roda í Carriage Í DteaK und spike roris. Cnrringe. Springs, Spades, sliovels, &c, &c. , Together with cvery otherarticle nsunlly mnn'nctuied at nn Iron BstaMishnYenti i'ho nlmvc anides nre m .1 n n fa et u red at ihe JrÖwnSvilfé Juniata Iroti Works, Pitlsburgh. 'a. by E. Hugheö, an') are of the best qualiiy. WIN DOW GLASS, of all sizes. nnd of the best branda, constnmlyo ïand. 'r Airnislied to order. Mcrchants nnd otliers will find it to their adaniage to cali and examine the Mibícriber'i;ock. as iccll as the piiccs, beforc going clscwhere. JNO. ROBINSON, Jr. Agent. o. 1, Wardell's Bfock, corner of Woodward Avenue nnd Woodbridgc Street, Detroit. Den. ál, 1844. 38 Tbc folln;ing pnpers will piense publish the bove to tho nmount ol two dollars, and send lieir bilis 10 this ofiicc: Poiuinc. G: zette nnd Jnclfoninn, Ann Arbo State Journal, Argus nnd Signa! of Libertyr ackon. Gnzftte nnd Dcmocrat; Marshall. Statesinan and Expoiuider. JliRÖMË" M. TREADWÊLL, ATTORNEY AXD COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, WILL fittend to the snlc and exchnngo of Lands, payment of 'I'nxes, and icdeinpion of Lands sold for Taxcs in .Tnckson and suloininy counties. examination of Tilles, Convcynnng nnd all business pertnining to Real Estáte, jflice in the Court House. Juckson, Michigan. 17-lf.C LOTIIIERS! TUST reccivsd rit ihe. Gètfërnl Depot, 'or the J sale of Clotliiots Stock, Machificry, Dye.Sniil's. &c. &c., No. 139, Jenerson Avenue Detroit, ih; foUovving lorge, wcll nssorted. and '■.iic i i ! v éèKjctfetl üock. viz: 101) l.lil.s. St. D.;ningo Logwood. Cut, r Tona ; i( in Süclu I5Ö bbla Cuba Fusiic. Cul, r 'l'ons ' ' in .Stick, 50 bbl.s. Nic. Wood. Chippcd, 51) " Lima Wond, 30 fi Red Wood, ptñ " Ground Cnmwood, 10 " Qucicitroi) Bark, 50!) Nmcnüa. 10 Cnjfea Extract of Logwood, 30-J H Dyv.. 2 CiWiin Sjunnfeb Indigo, "00 Ib?. Suni.ic Sieily, 3 Casks Modder. :5 Casks Blue Viirio', I C:isks Aluin. 2 Boirefii lío.! Tmtar, ' 2 Burrels Crcnn T inn, 3 Cailoys Aqu.n Fn:t;s, 5 i: 0 1 Vitii.!, n ts MdViftHc Acid, 500 lf)S. 'ildif!ÍH. 53 ;- Block Tin. Tenséis, Twine. Coppcr Ketties. all sizes, Pmson'a Shoarjnfl Machine-a, Ouitis' i{ ' Scieus and Pross Plnies, Cr.-niks, Pies. Pfipcr. S;cnl Reeds, Worstod flnrncss, Ttntn Mouks, Emery, nll .o"s . Olivo Oil. Clothicis' J.ick. Sütiiuoit Wnrp, Cluthiers' Bnislus. Shuttles. Pickers. Cnrd Clmners. &c. iSrc. The nbove. wiiji n v;iriiiy of other artidcs bë longinu to the irnoV. -have been pmclifiscd Uiíf su m mor by tho siibscribcr from Maitii Tact urerj ;nd Fli'st lnnds m the New York. ]Jlnl.i(]--lpliin tnd B'st.'n Markets, nnd evcry tliing linvingndei ved liis personal infpecjjun, iie enn wiih tlu niiiuisi conlidence oilor them to 'piuclwisers .-is Ih Bitst and must complete, stock in tlu: country. ;m is i: is bi.s fixpd (k'ieniiin.Ttinn ilic low r;itr at 'wliicii lii w sel!) to pn-vmu ilic necessiiy o dur Clothiers =inl Manufactureg lenving the n:akc thoir pmciciscs. lic wcniM mwetj siy to tlie trode, OA IJ-, exnniitie the rooi's :nx ;iyi-pi tai ii pi lees !efore yuu s-iy yon can üuy chenp .r an; irierc else. ■ He i .!.Si pjeporod to contract for CARDING Al ACHINES made in ilii- State or East. PIERRE TELLER. Sign ol the Golden Mortor, ÏO'J, Jeiilison Averue. Detroit [17-"-.] To Eloihicfi$, j?L:imiIhctHi'ers and ïllerchaufts. Til F. subasriber is now receiving liis stores löd and 19 ) JiiT is.) Avenue. Dciroit, tiir ollowing carefuily nnd well sejeqted stock o ')vk Woons. IDvk Stüfts and Woolk.v ManurcrunF.n's M.mhineky. i;"5 tons Fustic, Cuba, Tobasco, Tnmpico Coriri.Tgena, 10 tons Losiwoo'i, Campeacli, Domingo and FJoiuiuias, C tms Nicnragua. Bonair, Coro, Hache and Lima, 3 tons Cnmwood. very clioice, JSl) barrels Log wood, cut and ground, ]H0 " Fustic, " ' 100 ' Red Wooils, U " ]QÜ " CnniModd. " " J0 ' Qncrcitron Bark, 45 tl Alluai. .42 ' Coppeias. 3) ; Blue VïrrioL 28 ': Maddcr. Ombre, and Dutch erop. 3 " Creom Tartur, 2 ' Nuignlls. 3 cases índigo, Bonga!, Manila and Guattimala. 2 " Lac Dye. 20 " ovt. Logwood, 2 " Gr.itn Tin. 300 pounds Verdiiis, 15 Cnrboys Oil Vitriol. Spirits Sen-Salts and .Xitric Acid, ALSO. Copper Kttiles nnd Clotiners' Screws. Tenter Ilooks, Jacks and Bruehea, i'ress Papers. Card Cleaners. Wcavers' S'.icars. Nippórs and Burling iions. Comb platos.. Pickers and Bobbins. Wire, VVorsted aiul Coton Harncss, Steel and Cnne Rcrds. Broad Power, llnnd Loon i's itïtcl Fiv Shuttles. Steel and Coppcr Maüs, Emery. Parsons' Shearing Machines, 4, G, and 9 blales. A Hen 'e donblo nnd single Cardlng Machines. Mi.chine Cnrds. Leiccstcr, The abovc joods have been reccnily purcha?ecl diiecily from the mporters nnd inanufuctiirots. KXCLüsiVKi.Y rort nul, nnd will be eold nt the New York jobbers' pnces, ndding ininsporiatipn oiily: nn3 in cunsequence of tlic decline on inany Óf the American nmnnfaetnred n.-iicles, will. in many cases, be sold at F'Ktkk.v pkii ck.vt m ?s than roioii'K DTICK8. 'l'li í i-t ecu years experience inthcDyc Wood business cnables tliesubcnber to say to his cusiomers that'he is prepared at all times to warrant hls goods of superior quality. Til EO. H. EATON. Dye 'Wood ann lye Stuf)' Warehoiiso. 188 and 190 Jeiicison Avenue, Detroit. TheAnnArbor Journal, Ypsilnnti Sentinel. Poniiao Gazetie. Flint Democrat. Adrián Kxpoe nor. Marbball Siatcymnn. Niles Courict and Re publican. Gnzette. Michigan Ciiy 'Ia ) nnd Ik F.nqiliier, London. (Cnnaria.) will each ptiblish thealiove nolice insiic. to the nmount of thre dollars, and send copy of notice with bilis to subscriberfor payment. 17-tf"aéways öSThawd." G?C npilF, suhscriber hu? reè,J3t. ■- m()VC'l li s Shop lo Mn;n F-& -i'.iJ% Stieei opposite H. BeckWP 'í$L 'rS "ck Storp, where jjjAV ! Mf3{ wa'' llPn ali that mny yiv " : ia" ' '"tfr" Ilnvingjnst rcceivad direct hom New York nn elesant stock ol JZ2WSE.RY, and Fancy Anieles, wlilcli lie mtí'ncJs to scll loiccr ihni) luis ever been sold west of UuflMu f ir leadij l'axj Anuuig which may lc ;ot;nd a cood i?soi tniont of Guld and Conimon W'.-ttch Keys. Gold Finger Itlngs nnd Bosóni PjnSf Guird Chnins, b'ilver 'J'ea and Toble Spoorft, Suofnr Tonps. f í 1 1 1 : e r Knives. Silveí Fciicil casis. Silvcrand Comuion TbUpbJea, iit ver SpcctfiQlcs, Germán, do.. Sleel, do., Haii Uruslics. Cloibcs d.. Tomli do., Lnilior do.. Fine Rnzore ond Pocket Knive. Fine Sbfiara mu Scissors, Lathor boxi'S. RnzQf íiirops. Wnlk'tis. Piirsos. Violin8 ind Dosvs, FluVcs. Violin nnd Bass V'iolin Sninj's, Clnrionct Reeds. Percussion Caps. Poekel Pislols, Biittnnia Cündlegticks, Watclies. íetter Siam'pe, Sienl Pens and Twcezor8. Sniifl'anil Tobacco boxes. Fine combí. Dressiüií do.. Side do.. Bóck f!o., SlieÜ do.. Xei'dlrs and Cosos, Wnicr Pninis, Toy Watchcs. Kid DoIIm? n great varietyof Toys too nuriierous fo mcniion, JJcads, Necitlaces, Fancy Boxes. &c. &c. Ci-ocks and Watch8 ofcvcry dcícríptiori repnired nnd wananted, also, Jewelry repaired on thort notico. CALVIN BLISS. N. B. Cajh paid kor OLD GOLÜ AND SILVER. C. B. Ann Arbor, Oct. 24, 1844. 2-5-tf. CHARLES II. STEVVART, ATTORINEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLÍCITOS IN CHANCERY, JEFFERSON AVKXUE DETIIOIT. 49-tf. SPÊCIAIi COTICE! ALL tliose who liavc unsettled accounts for Wool Carding or Cloth Dret;sing with the laio rinn ot J. Beckley Sí Co., are licreby no:ilicd tliai it lias beconic iNp.J3PKN3ABLy kcéssarï iliat tbcy should bj closed by noie or othcrwiee ns carly as 20th of. April next. Iet thore bc o prompt attcniion 6 the above. and it wil! bc for the mutual benefit of the partios concerned. SÜMNER HICKS & Co. Auii Arbor, ajarch 7, 1Ö45. 50-3wALLEBÁSI'S MEDICINES. THESE MEDICINES ARE cflucting such astonishing cuicr in multitudes of oíd caácslong since abandoned by i'hysicinns and Surgeons as tittcrly hope-tass, tliai no medicines, wherö tlicsc are known, stand sg desorvcdly high. They eonsist oí TIJ E BLACK, OR ALLEBASl'S SALVE, I'rlcr. 25, Cents, Wliicli cures nlmost üiiiveisnlly. Fevér Sores, of ilie mObl umlij'naui kind, Felons, Ulccrs, Abscesses, 'l'uniors, Fractures, Cois, Punetures. Burns. Scalus, So're Thr&htí Chubíninal QuinB3y, Drop 7. Inílnniatory Rh'iinaiism. Inll.imnuuions and Swellinrs rf ovary dascription. Scald í le id. Aguo in the Face, ÑWvous Toolh Ache. Ajgo'e in tlic Brcnst. Broken Jï, Ac.&c. ALLEBASl'S JIEALTII IILLS, 25 Ceñís. Thcse Pilis liavc nequired a nopnlaritv witliin llie lirbt year o two, whi'óh no otlicr Pilis nossesa. ri'lie rej?rns iro ol)vi'uis lo nll wbo use iht!in. Thev etno nll üiliüiip. Sciulet nnd o t h - bt I'cveis. Peí'Cr ftiíd Agu'e. Dyppopsin. Dropsy. Acid Stoinnch. Disorder d 13. ivvels. or Sionradh'. Jounphce, Ilend Aclin. Dizzincss in llic llanl. Wonr.s, Lívit Coihplnint. rfètr't TJurns. PlioÜc, Bowt'l cotr.plnint. General Doliility. Costivcness &c. &c. Tlicir purify thn cntiic 6ysiein. lca( thc howtls i n n vigorouá and healtríy condition Sc. Sec pamphlet. ALLEIiASrS TOOTH ACIJE DROPS. Prlr.c 25 Cevts. Will cure nn ordisaiy cns-c oí' Tooili Adir, ii f rom threc to (en ni imites. Fur ÍVcrviius onc other kinds of Tooili Aclie. scc Pampl:!ci. ALLEBASJ'S POOR lAN'S PLASTER, Pricc. 25 Cents. Are warranted to he superior lo nny other Piasteis in :his or anv oilier country, fnr pain or wrakness in the D.iek. Sido. Chept, Bowcis, Loins. Musclra. nnd Tor Rlrjiniiaiism, LÚQ( and Liver Compiaints, Couglis, Culds, Ásihma. &c. íec pnmphliít; N. 1?. - Ploasc to ask ihc aent for a pnmphle which pivrs di tlie information necessary respectincr ihe uses of ihe iMcdifinrs. ihe viniie? iliey pussess. ele. Pleaso to íollnw direclious in the nsi; of thf; medicines, and you may rely upon í:!1 that is prnmispd. A liliera' discount runde to merciíants nnd oth ers. who lmv to scil apnin. LYMAN W. Gil BERT. Própriror. WlialesaN; ÍJniLri;ist '214. FuIkhi si, N. Y. CTFor sale by ihe suliscnuéj'', who lins bcrri appointed freneral neent for thc City of " toíi nnd its vicinity. Country dealeis supplicd on liberal terrhè, C. MORSE, Michigan 1} )( k Store. The above medicines aic for eaVc ot ílfó RAoIí Store of VM. l. PMRRY. Tn Ann Arbor, Lower Villaje. December í). 184!. 34 ly Dyspepsia ofte ycars sta íling. THE Wifo of CantuiP. Robería, on Vinr Street, neir Wa'er. Cincinnati, has been illlicted with dispepsia in its nio?t agravated tbrin. for i he last ttjn years. She was recomenriod l;y celebraied píivsiciiins of Boston, New York. Pliila;iclihi:), Bnl'imore and Cincinrnti to travel, as ihey could do no ih ing for hcr. She did ?o, btit it done lu-r no god. Siie I den cotniiienccd .us'iir tlfe rnos1 papular medicines of the day for hoi' compiaint, bit I dmived no l'cmli' from ttieir nsu. Sering in advprtiscmcnt of Dr. Smhh's Sucvn Coatku Vxgkxmvk Pn.t.s in tbc papers, ebe crnclii(í.'d to ti y iiiein. She sen' io G F. Tfnmaa. Míiñ bt. Béíví'éch Thiid and Fourih &t?.. Ür. Sniiih's Aant for Cincinnati. nnd purchaspd a box. tO"k ihcin necording to ;lif direction, and can wiih lieanfeh jóy stnte innj she derived moro bcnefi! frum tlte n?e ofonr box of Doctor Smith's í-U".r Coatti Víckta blk Pili.s ihnn from all pijier medicines shc ha.' ever made use of for te last ten yenrs. The a'iovc wfis sent to G. F. Thomas. Deccmíier I -Ith. 1"44. IETPKICE 25 CEKTS PER BOX. Ño "51'GÁR COATKD PILLS"' enn he SPiiuini? u-iihout llie siírnaturc o'f ilie nie inventor. -;G. BENJAMIN S.Ml'ni. M. O." Prcsi dent of iho N. Y. College of JJealth, uponeven box. OHíces df.'votod cxclusively to ihe sale if tliis medicine For salo by W. S. & J. W. M.iynard, Drng iss, Ann Arhor. March, 20. !$f5 4Í) tfScagar Eoaled PilEs, v. Disease- I?torc Kvicïence. MR. HILL. of ilie firin ol'(rly nnd Hül. 10!) Brondw iy. .siys lite S.Hgnr Comió Inüiu'n Vegelabíe Pii' q supcfiir to nn'v lie tíai over tiikcn. M.s ivifo luis t'uuiul iliem deliyht:ul Mild ellicncioiia. Miss Douc;r. s corner of u'afker nnd Ludlow streels, lins heen eured of p.iin in ilie lioud. dim nes3 ol siht, nnd tfízzífidsá of Jon sMndii)'' In (hese Pilis. Mks. Simons, of 9) fïenry s'wi, curecl o pnitis and orainps. ol' ■■.'!' ypars prnndinjr. Mr. Ari;rNS. of 3fi8 Grebftwicli srcei. cnrei oi'ily's)epsia, of sevcn ycnrs pi.-nf.'üiL'. Mr. Cauum'k's ijnnghter, 8 Sjnpta strcct, curcd of Vorni8 in tlioir vróftt fiinti. Rov. Mr IJunvj'.Tr. ol Rronklyn. oiirtd o1 hiÜDiis coniplaints. wcikniss. Ac We néed itt ndd more. Eyuience crowdf iijinn us froni .-ill qirirtcis. fío l'illp over hcl'on occomplislieii so nitich, wilh nn luilo ironhio nm' disaarecaWcncss Jis I)i. Snii'ii's (.e;ir (Umtcd Improvcd Iiulinn Vegetñíilo Pilis." Fold ni Guirm's cornrr jJowpry find Gaind st. : PhilipV ooi per of liecliiiifin of Willinm strocta. Kverru's 9) Mntison fit. : Mrs Hy'e. I1Í) Fulton stiti" Biooklyn, nnd 00" Grcenwicli streüt. F.xnmin the label - hok for Dr. Sanra's uritien -iipriature. 45 . SAL-ERATUS. Wholesale &, detail. TIJC öubscribers me now ninniilactnriny pj theirest; Llidiment in Atin Aibor, an nrticle ol whicli ia equfil in pnnty nnd excellence ro any i lipt can be produce! in Mjchigprt, II ívill he kept cen MTtitiy on band in qiinntitic; to sup)y customers ai as Iww a price Q3 can bt allljrdod. To render t convenient for trnnsportntion ani' retuiing, the anicle wil] ne sold in kegs of out bundicd potinds weigbt encb. As tho Snletntus nmdc by tho snbscribers i.pcrfcctly LRV, - purhneera will xipi bc compcllod to set the kegs out of kop) thcir floorf from beirc; spoilcd by ilie constant draininsoiit o' tbe ley Irom the ensks, as is sometimes the case witb nu ndulternted nrt'clc, Those who wi'sh for afnsl-ratc articlc for re tniling wil! do well lo culi on us bofore pinchas ingclsewliere. EFCKLKY. FOSTER & Co. Ann Arbor. Lower Tuwn. Apr. 13, '45. 51- tí BISSOIVTIOrV. T ítfíE Co-par'.neiship berptolore existinc un JL dor the firm nnd siyle of Beckley & ÍJickf is by mutunl consent tbisday di&solvcd. All persons indebted to snid finn, by note or otfnirwiec. are to mnko poytnent to Gny Beek ley, wvo it antlion.ed to reccivcit, and has becofne obligaled to pay a'l debts duo from said finn. GUY BECKLF.Y. BÜMN'BR fHCKS. Ann Arbor, March fiih, IÓ-15. 45-3w TAKS NOTXCE. TMK Subsr:ribers hereby give nolico tlint tliey will continué the Mercantile business nt ihe Store rccenlly occupied by J. Beek ley & Co. where tliey will at all lime. be found ready [o wan on tliose who niav feel ilisposcd to l'avor thetn wiih thcir patronage. SÏXAL OF LIBERTY. All business relativo to :hc Signal of Liberty will bc nltended to by ilie subscrihers. BECKLEY, FOSTER. &Co. Ann Arbor, Lower 'J own, Alar. Gy; 1845. 46-tf ITIaplc Silgar! va7'tCá II;. ju! recejvffH. and for sale by 4}3 bei:ki.i:v. fostkr, Si co. Aun Arbor. April 20, 1815. 1BUM VLO NEWSPAPEKS rUBLISHED Olí THE CASIÍ SYSTEM1. THE NATIONAL PILOT, DAILY, WEEKLY, AND TIU-WEEKLY. MANCHELTER & BRAYMAN, Proprictors R. W. IIASXIIVS, Editor. Commercial Dtp.'.rtmmt, hj J. C. BUNNER This paper is ncw andpectilinr. It is 1T10 only paper in the Unitcd States upon the plan it . conductcd. All oihcr8 takc their Toroponn intelligcnco Oom the English Dru, thns lenvine us ignornnt of all Continental alïairs except what it suits tho lLngüsh ïntcrcsts lo detail. In Politics the Pilot, looking aüove nnd utvond the present party distinct lons nims nt NATIONALITY; and its mojio is- "For Ouk CDUSTRV AT AU. TI3IES; TO AITKOVK HVR Wilt RICHT; TO RIOUT HF.n WHJ'N UKONR." The Fi'nt'-! pnrty is the citizoriA o( tTiis Repub!ic, ngai-ist nny imd nlWts enemics. Locally, the Püoi will especidlly consult the nlcrestf, commercial :ind oiherwisc. ofBuffnlo nul therentond grov. ing Valley of the lukes, with whir-li the formcr is uiseporably connretcd. The Puit is pnptilicd with regular düily files of the Paris Papers of ever y politirn! pnrfy. nnd wilF tberefore furufsh not oiily original jouree, omi' by -htis piving hotli nirlc. cwitíle ity readers to jikIl'6 more correctly than ihey possibly can b? rcadinLT only once The Qoinrriercioi Department ofthe P'dot is irr fully competent h.-u ds. as all will ndmif, andihe market iniciliL'once will be second to no ot her slieet; either in accuracy or its early proniui galion. TERMS. Diily Pnper. per Aenr, $4.80 Daily Puper. per inontb. ü.40 Daily Paper per week, 0.10 Triwoeklv per year, 3,0,7 Weekly. per year, i.oy 5 ciiii:s d.iily per mail, 1 year, 20.00 ifTlie Daüy Pilot. is delivcfed to siilucrihers evory wcek-day morninsr. Suliscribers who pay weeklr. pay at t!ie ond ofeach week. Thoe who pny momlily or j early pay in advnnce.-l Finale ropiis can be oblained tbr Uro cents a cbpy, either at the OiTiec. or of the newa boys. 'J'o EptTORS - Puttlishers of wi-ply pnprrt who icmil .íc. nuutcrnict, shall beentitlad to an cnirh ingi; tor one ycor wiih the Dtrihj Pilot, tt3Any prititcd west of Rnffil. hy copyin;,' the .ibiive four .inies, wnh this note, will Ive pntitlprl t.. an exdiange for one year wiih the Dc.ihj Pi'!, on Binding a copy ot'tlie pnper, coniiniiiü: the nrlveriisemcnt. inarkcd. to ihis olFice. Qr the pnblisher mny dia-.v on our columns for $2 in ndvrrtisirp. ftoíice to ASerchánts. T!ir: Snhêc íiers encoiirajied by the patroungë t!ic-y have hiiherto reieivcd in ti:e wh-ilesale di-panmenr ofnhíir btisinesí, will tho fi .si day ol :Jay nrxi. oj)n the store now occu[jied by Gco Grenvilfe', frontliig on Huron street. and connocting wiih ihcir prebent store in the rrnr.!i:sivc!y for : WIJOÏ.E SÏLÊS ROOM, whec they will kvat nt all times a full assoninent of DRY OOOns, HOOTS & SHOES CAnPENTIXG, 1IATS, CAPS, PAPKK HANGINC.S, HONNETS, CUOCKF.llV BV TUK CRATE, HARDWARE, AN GRÖCRRIE8; &C. &C. CC. nll of whicii will be sol.i on .is o.wl term as at .iny point ihis s:de ol New York City. G. IX HILL, & CO. Ann Ai hor. IVInrrh 2G. 1814. 48-if GCaution tofuTuïö LET ALL THÉ WOüLI) T.KK .UTICE ifnd he oreful not lo Iny tJie (Snanr Coat■d) iin;rovnd Indlflii 'e:!a!-l( lMls. iiiilcfti toy bos li is on 1 ilic wñtieh signatura ol lie 01 jLjinnl inventor ;ni'l fifrffc. G. BENJAMIN SMITII, M. D. Tluse piiMfint 1 pnèsf no.wcis to open all the. nntui-nl drnins.oi hc sysiem.- vi?: tho H'NOS. K1DNLYS. SKINS and ÏÜÓWKLS - hiiliorlo laikiiowii n tli trnctice of medicine: ■ind so ctunplete has lu-cn their tiimuph over nll )l:cr ïi'erliciiic.i. tli t m.iny have deen ted tosup. pose they oir.nio Mme powt-rfnl ruinera); hnt pon pxnn ination by Dus. Cntr.Tov. Randoi.PH, Hu.vriNüTOM. and others. thiá snppositiun is nt Ctlice prover! to be roundless. Solii in Rcw York. ::i the principal Ofilce, 179 ÉGreenwicli slreet, nlso by Ruvlitun & Co., Broa(vny, corner of 3jh stret't. r:iiiipiil.i 10 h! hnd ïif L'en's prnrij. N. Í) - Persons will also noj'cfl on iho top label :m engj-aved ludían figure, crossed with fine red print. 1 hs gpnuirif mny n]en bc bonpht with pnfety nt Dr. Qnion's corner ol' Bowry nnd Grand streot, Hroiilclvn. nnd at rcspècthbie sioife lir ULf{ioi] he í'.-iiti'il Sirtes. HARTFORD Fii'c ffnstiiraiicc (ompanyt IXCORroRATEIJ IN JblO - CIAKTKK I'i.ül'V.Ti: AL - CAPITAL ."SfÖO.COO, WITH POWKR TO iscR-t ;ask 11 io $250.000. nniHS wcll known nnd I0112 estülilishcd In9ti JL turiur. wiih nmple cisli capital, have cstnb1 s'h') 111 aifTH-y in Ann Aihur. and ofil-r lo n-mc Dweil il'.. Fuiniture, Sioie.-. Mcichandize, Ajills, VVheai. Flour, Ac. on very favorabln 'cruis The hili cliaractcr of th ia company is wcll known. and its extensivf bnstne?s is cjnIncied on the m8t jiist nnd honornble principies. Owneis of property in Ann Arbor nnd vicinity vh W'8n to insure it aii,8t loss and damngë by ,ir.:. are. invited to cnll dircctly on ihe snbseriber, it his Srpce in Ann Ai hor. who in authonzed to tsuo policie8 withont dela'y. F. J, B. CRANE, A cent. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1. 1845. 39-Cin.W II O L E S A L E " & R ET AIL. A. M' F A BREN, B08KSELLERANDS1ATI0NER. SM ARTS JJLüCK, 137 JRFFKRSON AVKKUE, DETROIT. KEEPS constnntly forsnlcn cométete aesort. inent of ftlisccllnneuus. Schooi iirid Classici! Uooks, Lener oud Con l'iipcr, plain and rul uiJ, Qnills, Juk. Seoling Wn.x. Cutlery. VVrnp!ing Paper. Printing Paper, of nll sizcf; and Uook. News and Cnnnisier Ink. ofvnrions kinds. BLANK BOOKS, M and huil bojind, of every vnrieiy of Ruling. Memonmrhim Booka, te. To Meiclüinis, Tcnchers. nnd oihers. buying in (i'inniiiies. a!;iic disconm mode. Sabbath School nnd Bililc Society Depositor. 5!-tf "CAJXFbe BiÏArfr JVEWBOOT, SHOEJ]J'D LEJiTHER STORE, Ann Arbor, Lower Toten. Q KELCfl bns removed O his establishment from the Upper to ihc Lowcr ViN lnge, Jio. 4, Huron Jjlock Agjj where he holds Jumeell in gL&i&ii rendiness to 'drees the " dersiandivgs" of cvery Man, S Wonwn and CbiW who wil! %L givc fimi n cali. in the neatcst, ;ui(i best mnnner tbnt enn bc done in Michigan LEATHER and FINDJNGS of all kindi constnntly on hand. WANTED, CVitand Hidcs. in nny quanti!C9. lor which the bighest prices wil) be givcn. OLc none purdinee iiniil thoy have calleu nt Eelch's. IS'o. 4. .Hnron Block. Ann Arbor, May'l. 1844. 3-ly R. &. t. DAVIDSOÑT HAVE now on hand n complete ussorimcnto VJILL AND ff'IJYTEJi DRYGOODS, (JR0CER1ES, SHELFHARDIV ARE, $C. fyC. which thcy will eull cluap for ready poy. Tn higliest market prirc paid at all times lor Pork ind a!l nther l;inde of' produce. „ Ann Arbor, Lowcr Town, Nov. 20. "


Signal of Liberty
Old News