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W'ill bopublished every Monday morning, in Ann Arb'or, Michigan, by BËCKLEÏ, FOSTER, & Cd. For'thï Michigan State Anti-Slaverï SoCliTT. TERMS. Oni Dollau n year, is ndvonce: if not pnicl, nadvance, Two Dollahs will be invariablv required. ttJ" Oíd 8ubscrber8 can hnve their papers at One Dollar a year, by forwarding that nmount. and payin arrearnges. All gubscribers will be expected to pny within lhe year. TERMS OF ADVEUT1SING. For each line of brevier, (the 8inulle6t type.) fot tbe fjrsi iosertion, 3 cents. For each subsequent insortion, 1 cent. For three inonthu, 7 cents. For six moaths, 10 cents. For ene year, lóceni. Orders by mail wil! be ptomptly attendcd to. IjOsal Advertising by the loiio. tCT Manufacturare. Booksetlere. Macliiniats. Wholesalo Merchiiata, and all others doiüg an exUnsicc business. v,',u wisli to advertise, wil) iiiic'i the Sign;il ihcbest potuihle itiedium of comtnunicalion in ths State. (L3 All Remití, mees and Coinmunicaiions ihouM bo addresaeil, Post paid, !OSicNAr.0K Libkrty: Ann Arbor, Mich.jji


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