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Most of thepnpers which claim tobe ex ponents of Democrtey have publishtd mort or lesa ngainst llie principies óf the Liberty party, as "diíorgnn'.fcmg," "fanaticol," "sectional," "tfeüsounble," "unconsti;utinna,': tending to dissolve the Union," "contrary to. the compromisos of the Constituiiuii," &c. A constant Euccession of eharges lias been rung for many yoars npon these epithets, by Ihe dignitaries of the party of all grades, froni he o!d "Hero ot the Hermitage'' down to the Editor of ihe Livingston Courier. Siipposing for the orgnments sake, that the Liberty principios ore na bod in all lliee re gpects as represenled, we mny etill be permitted to ask if they be any tcorse ihan "Modern Deinor rafxf' We invite the attentioo of these irentlenrett to tbe following action of l he L"gilature of South Carolina, being part of n luwenacted at tire Jateeession: "That 110 nogro or freo person of color who ehall enter ibis ötute on board of any vemél, as a rook. stenrard, or mariner, or in any other e.'iip'oymcnt on bonrd such ves-eK nnd uho shail íe nppreliendfd nud coiifined by nny f heritK 'n pursinnce of the provisinns óf sniri OC ', MIAI.L BS ETITLED TO THE WRIT OF HAÜKAS CORPUS." Now look and sec what the Constitution of the United States fayp, ection nine: "Tuk ttkit of Habkas Corpus SHALL KOT BE USPENDED, nlew, wben o casfe of rebellion or invasión, the public safely iuay icqnirü It-.' The writ of llabeas Corpus hs ever been rearded in Eng land and in liis country ae the greateít security for personal liberty. - By it the 6olitary and defencelesa prisoner in a dtmgeon cn have his ense brought immediblely before the higliest judicial personnges, nndifhe be illegnlly restrainpd, the decisión cf the judge wül set him free without delay. The State of Souih Carolina abolishes this g--eat bulwark of American liberty, snd sets the Conssitution of the United States at defi once! Remernber that this is the legitímateaction of a sovereign State, throiigh ileconslitnted 'pgisloiive depnrtments, ana is solemnly pronuil'rnted as law! This Slnle, too, is most remarkoble for its 'Democracy." The Whig vote is so email in Soutfi Curolina tlint it i often uncmmtable. It is not knoivn lo us thatthereis a single NVliig in the Legislature: nor do we remember of the Whigs ever prosiding over the destinies of the State for a cingle lerm. The blessings of Democracy have therrfore descended upon her people in oll their fullnefs; nnd the restilt is seen in o diminishing popuiation, three fifths of which are tlnves: in idleneíP, jgnorance, shiftlessnesf!, a barren soil, and a rest loss discontent ed, treasonable spirit in the people, which Icads thcni to invade tlie tight6 of American citizens, ond treat the Fondamentni Law of the Un vn wi' h utter contempl! Such are the fr.iils of DemJcralic rwe, es manifesled in this State, where the party principies Lave nnreeisted sway. It ijfalsethat ths L'berty party contémplate nny legislntive action, cither State or Naticnn!,inconri5tcnt wiih the Constitiition of the Uuited States. Their obj ets can better be accomplished through that instrument than they could be by its destruction. But werr ail the allegations against - Liberty rnen trup, it would not look well for "Democrats" to lay them to their charge. These who throw the first store are to be "irithuul sin; ' and the Dcroncratic party in thcfe reípecff, aregreater sinners than thuse wruun they accuse.- - Democrats, in their ca pn city os a State, have openly and deliborntely legislated egainst the constitution and for laking away tlie greatest sccutily of individua] fieedom: Liberly men ncver have done this.'


Signal of Liberty
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