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Foreign News: Texas

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Tho news from Texas is of an internsting character, showing that a great variety of influences will be brought to bear upon the question of Annexation.- It is discussing in all the Texan papers. The "Cirilian" regrets that the Government of the United States has submitted to the Texan government the bare propositionsof Miiton Brown's resolution by which the governmpnt of Texas s required to respond yea or nay to them, without any chanco for amendment or alteration by negotiation, Mr. Polk as Well as Tyler conceiving Aunexation impracticable" on the plan proposed by Mr. Benton. This decisión of Messrs. Polk and Tyler correspondí with our view, as expressed at the time of the passage of the resolutions by Congress. By Mr. Brown's plan} Texas is required to answer within a givcn time, yes or noto a definite propositiun; and the answer either way will settle the question forever: whereas ünder Mr. Benton'.s plan of negctiatioh at large, the dÍ6(íu8son and altercations would be so numeroüsahd profracled, that theonly propitious period for successfully securing Annexation would be frittered away unim pro ved. The President of Texas has fínally concludcd tö cali a special session of Congress. The following is a copy of the Proclamation. By the President of thé Republic of Texas. A rjlOCLAMATld.NWhereasj since the close of thé last Session of Congress, a Joint Resolution respecting the Annexation of Texas to the Uniled States has by thëir Con gress been adoptedj authorizing the President of the United States to selec tbe alternativo of two certain pfoposi tions contained in the sarne Joint Resoiutions, as a basis of consummating the proposed annexation: And whereas, the President of the Unitec States has selected the Jirst and second sectious of1 tbe resolutiohs ds such ba sis, and notified this government there of. [Herefollow the Resolutiöns passed bj the United States Oongress for the An nexatiori of Texas.] And whereas, the premises, requiring the solemn deliberation and rction of the Repiesentatives of the people form an extraordinary occasion fbr convening the Congress of the Republic: Therefore, be it known, that I, AN SON JONES, President of the Republic of Texas, by virtue of the potter vestet in me by the Constitution, do, by these presents, require the Senator and Repre sentatives to Congress of this Republic shall assemble in special session, at the town of Washington j on Monday thcsix teenth day of June next ensuing then an( there to receive such comrriuhloations as may be made to them, and to consult anc determine on such rhéasureB as in their wisdom may be deemed meet for thé wel fare of Texas. In testimöhy wbèreof, I have causee the Great Senl of the Üepublic to be hereunto afflxed. Doneöt the town of Washington, this fifteenth [l. .] day af April, in the year of óur Lord one thousand eight hundretand forty-five, and of the Independence of the Republic the tenth. ANSON JONES. By the President: Eben'r Allen, Acting Secretary of State. The Houston Morning Star hos the following intelligence: "We learri that our Government has recently received Communications from Gen. Arista, by way of CorpusChristi and Bexar, conveying assurances that the new government of Mexico is disposed to treat with Texas upon the basis of Independence. Similar despatches, we learn, were received from Vera Cruz by the Euridice about a fortnight since, and it s rumored that the British Minister in Mexico, will induce tlie Mexican Rovernment to present definite propositions for ho adjustment of all difficulties between he two governments. It is rumored aJso, hat our government has answered these Communications, and the despatches for his purpose were sent back to Vera Cruz by a British vessel. It is expected that he final proposition of the Mexicati government will be received here about he middlc of June, or by the first of uly. SWITZERLAND. Blond hag been spilt between the rival protestants nnd Catholic fnctions . Tlie free Corps vhicli invaded the cantón of Lucerne, have een signally defeatcd by the troop of that banton. From the accounts we have received which areeomewhnt confused, we coltect tbat hey were received by a fire of grape-shot o terrible ihnt from 300 to 1,000 were kiileH. H is said thni out of 600 men who tnarched from the half Cantón of BjiIc country, ony 100 have relurned, and that a single man alone has cot back to Liestal.POLAND. Spncial letters received from the frontiers of Poland ppeak of a Jewish insurrection which had token place at Varsovip. The He trews had aesembled under the very cannon of the citadel, and reftised to move off, replying to the warning of the officers, '-We 6hall not retreat; fire upon us if yon ihink proper; e will romiin until we fallí" Without resort, however, to more strenuous me;isnre.- 'he crowd was dispereed by the vigorous np [ilicat.on of Cossack knouls, and pólice botone. The rising is auributed to the imposition, by governmeut, of a tax. INDIA. SirC. Napier means toforce three robbe triües lo surrender, and then to place them ot the norlbern side of the Indus, and make them labor nntil they erect houses, and fonn farms, sufficient for their own 6ubsistence and dwellings- then to offer these products of their la bor to them, }f they will be peaceablu; thry refuee, he wil! continue 10 make them worl as convicl8. In pursuance of this plan he has blockadd them in their tnountains; and the) hod on the 14th of Februsry, egreed to surrender. The chit'fs were to have been thai day, in dis camp; but they only seni their relatiuns, promising to cotne thè'rriseïves in a day or two. Their folio wers (tihtng men) are sairi to be 2000. Sir C. Napier, on the Mth of February, grove them four day6 of grace; but meunt, if they were not in his power, to itiake a sudden night march, with his camel corps and caval-y, to surprise them in (heir camp. This was the otate of affairs on ihe 14th of Febr'jfirv;- ïbefore the 20th, the whole were prioncrs of his camp.


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