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The Whig papers maintam thnt the etationary bil) for the last Eession of the members of the Legislatura amounted to $1,500, being ubout $21,00 each. This statement, so far ne we have seen, s not denied b)' the Democrat c pepers. All the apology they have to present is, that the expenses of tfe Whig Session of 1841 were 83,531,79, or abont $36,00 each- befng one third more. The Whigs do not deny thnt this is a correct account, and there the matler rests, whüe the peoplo foot thebHI! This plan of justifying our own party in doing wrong, becausc the opposing party has done tcoisc, is a bad pracfice, altliopgh it is fenerally resor:ed to by ' politicinns. If o Democratie pnper should come out wilh an ackiiou'ledgemenl that the araount used bv tiie members at tho last session whs doublé or trrble what it should be, and that it wao evident thnt all or a portion of the members had largely filched from the public treasury, and recommend nn investigaron of the iniqnity thnt theofiènders might be exposeJ,the whole Democratie press would be out upon the paper advocating aueh sentiments, not becauje thcy were not right and jnsf, but because they were ruinovs io the parly.' Henee the facts in the case are all concealed, and while the al legntion of extravagant expendituro is not denied. i: is attempted to be juetified by thegreaíer extravogance of a Whig legislatura The Democratie voter rejoicca in such an able vindication of his parly from the charge o "Locofoco corruption," and pnys his part o the bilí for extravagance with a good stomach. When the Whigs get in power, they do the same tilines. Now this is all wrong. Every tax-payer, whatever may be his politics, should establish ín his own niind a criíerion of what wou Id be a just amount lo be expended for Btationary I for each member; nnd let his voico be heard in condemnntion ofall wlio exceed if, be their political conneclion what they will. Let every voter remember, that the only way to lia ve his party deerving of support is to keep it pure: and its purity can only be preservad by a united and general condemnation by the moss of its memberB of evory species of corrtiption, wiietlier deveíoped in maintaining wrf)iig nalional measnres, or in effecting email and contemptible peculations frora the public treasury.


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