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It is gcnerally believcd lliat Meo lias made on offer for the recognition of Te.xas ns an indepen Jent nat on, provïded she will not eniertain any overtures of annexation lo the ünifed States. As nearly as we can judge from the conflctïng statements of the papers, the wcll informed and business port ion of the Texan community are opposed to Annexation, while the gnorant and the bble are fierce for it. The Cabinet of Texas, Ihus far, has not evinced any parliality for the ineasure. The N. O. Bulletin says of its membcrs, -"Wliat their ultimate intentions are, we have no means of knowing. We hope for the best. They have, however, so farabetted the British and Mexican (or rather British) policy, ns to have despatched one of their numberon an errand to Europeand delay the convocation of the Congress until a sullicient time could elapse ior this special agent to arrive in London, lay bis budget before the foreign office, and send, or get back with, bidsff?3 Elihu Burritt, well known to oui readers ns the "Learned Blacksmith," ij, devotinghis energiés largely to the cause ofPeaco. His manner of procedure is thus stated in a letter to an Engüsh friend: "Desirous of doing more than I could effect merely through the columns of niy paper, I adopted this expedier.t, which has surpassed my most sanguine expectations. I have vvritten a short article weekly,and had it printedon slips, which I sent around to the papers with the request that they would insert it either as original or selected. They have acceded to my request with a cordial ity that I never expected; and I have now 75 papers on my exchange list which have opened iheir columns to such sentiments as you will find on the slips which I send you herewith. Thus [ am permitted and enabled to speak weekly to at least half a milhon of hunan minds on the subject of Peace."f (CTA New York correspondent of the of the Emancipntor says, ((there is now in 8ession in this city a convention of infidel. Robert Owcn 6eems to bc the preeiding genius of the body. Tliey appear rather ashained of their cnuse, for the other dajr, on a molion being carricd lo publish the roll of the convention, there wns h great rush óf membere to 8crn!ch tbeir naince out from the list."


Signal of Liberty
Old News