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1845 J. HOLMES & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETA IL DEALERS IN STAPLK AND FAPCCÏ DRY GOODS, JDry Groceries, Carpeting. una paper ISangings, No. 63 Woodward Avenue, Lamed1 Block, Detroit. 3 holmes. Nac York. W m holmes. Detroit. J E ihis meihod of informing our frienda and cusiomers ihroughuut the Sute, thti we nrestill in puieuing the even tenor of our wuys. cndenvoring 10 do our business upon fair nnd honorable principies. We woidd. ajso tender our ncknowledguieitts for ibe patronage exlendcd tousby our customers, aud would beg cave to cali the attention of the public, ton very well telected assornnent of 8taonaÍe Goods, which are oÜ'ertd at wholesale or remi] a very lo)v prices. Our lacilitiea lor pi-rch.Lr? God are unsurpassed by nny concern in State One oftholirm, Mr. J. IloUnes resides in th city of New Yorkj and from his long experienco in the Jobl'ing trade in that city. nnd froni In thorough knowledge of the mnrfcet. he ia ena(led to avail himself of the auctioua and any decline in prices. We ntso purchnse from the Imporler8, Manufaciurer's Agent, and ftom the auctions, by tbc package, hc snnie aa N. Y. Jobbers purchase, ihus eaving their profite.- With these faciliiipg we can míely sny that our Goods are eoid chkap for the evidence of which we invite the aiicntion of the ubiic lo om stock. VVehold tó the great cardinal principie of "the greatest good to Uie xthole nnviber," eo jf you want lo buv Goods chtap, and buy a large tptantiltj for a liít'c money give us a trial. Our stock is as extensiva aa any in the city, and we ara constantly rect-iving new and fresh Goode from New York. 50,000 lbs. XV ooi. Wnnted. theabove quniirity oïgood m-rchantable Wool for which the liighest market pric will be paidJ. I10LIH.ES & CO. i Defroir, 1845.EPILEPTIC FITS. JüSTICK TO THE AFFU.CTED, induce me to tnake known publicly, benefit I have derived from 'he use oi Dr. Smith's SUGA R COATF.D P1LLS. Hoving been subject to Epii.kptic Fits for ihree yeora past, wtth extreme pressure and paiti in tïie hack part of my hend, after usini all the remedie can b mentinned- pnorrfut and mili Medicine, bleciti'gt fat 1 'is prevailcd upon to try one box of Dr. Smilh's Sugar Pilis, but thonghtat tliat e. ihey done me no good; bul before nsing all of aother box, I began to realizo o sliglit cbange of feelmg in niy hend. and bij fits left megradually. I been to tliink they 'would do me ood l bouhtanother box and uscd tbem immedii iy. I must 9ay, lam cured emirely, and thiuk. my life has btei sparcd by using these PiUs. I have since boughi them by the dozen for my own fomily use, and would not dispen&e witl them. GEO. WARNER. Allegan House. Allegan, Mich,, Mny 10, IB-iT. ; From whnt have observed of the effect of Dr. Smitli'a Suear Coaied Pilis, 1 have uo doubt of the correcmess of tbe nhove. JOHN P. ALLORD. Allefrnn, Mico. j, Beware of miitations. Soid by rfepcciabfe dmcgisti throughont the United S'a'e8. nnd at i. Y. pricest. For sale by G. and J. G. HiK, Detroit: W. S. &. J. W. Maynard and G. Greaville, Drnggis's, Ann Arhor. fí OAK LÜMBER, IN any qnnntüies, con9iniuly for snle, chep for C.t. -ii, al the Ann Arbor Saw Mili by AI. W. QUACKENÜUSH. Mnv9. 1845. fi_4wCÜSTOM SAWING. LUMBER will be sawed to order at alf times lor cusiomers at ihe Ann Arbor Saw Mili, by M. VV. QüACKENBUSH. P. S. - All loga lost by his neglect he will pay for. May 29, T845. 215-4, TravellaBaskets, LA Dl ES' CurpetBuga, Strawund Cune Bago, for salo hy VV. A. RAYMOND. Detroit. May i 9. 164.". 213-6mo 50,000 Pouiids WOO1 WAWTBDi THE Suhucribors will pay Ca,n for Wool, at thcir Store. No. Hei Jcfierson Aveaue Groat earc should be takcti, by Wool-Growc.a .n cleansing iheir Woolt ond ra.ttin ii up fuP market. Mnny Farmers are i tlj babit o cIídping iheir Wool 'H.noat woshing, which renders it unmerchan ,able. let it be well washed. nnd rolcd ostg}lt 08 posíiute, iuöide out. and lastened with. tl srrong cord. Those !.,aving Wool u sell will consult ihcir interest, Ly calling on usheforc scllin. 7E 8ro ow receiving our Spring etock of V Y Goods, which we offer for Cash or Produce, at the ver y lo west mnrke prices. SMITH, GLOVER & DVVIGHT. Detroit. May, Í64&. StatTQA KKGS nf White Lend n Oiï, 50{Hb O üUu, dry, ior saie cheap for cnah. JJLL6! ers" ORbKRING, Wuidow'np re Bpar-I iapocs. Jkc. will t at.ldat wy Jo. price Detroit, Mny , Ï'M9. 3,Mmo WOsgoorf's riiolaogriie. " K itavè'jiiM rr!ivc,l M:pHl o uï vaiunl'ir modi, mo n í 6h;.il tnkc caro nat to t.e ont of t again. MA NAIÉD3. .oD-8.


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