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New Impressions

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Léwís Clarké, íbrrnerly a whiie elavcofKen" uckv. wlio his been 1 -ctiiriiig in the East, has ubüshed o narrativo of his lie for iwctity-fiva cars atnong tbc Algorines of Keniucky. Ilere íü passtgc describing bis imp.essiuns on cdui-" ng into Ohio. 'Since coming to fiie free Siatés, 1 have beeri' rucli whj prent surprise at theíjuir. andpcnceblo pinnuer in Vhidti lafnilíea live I had rio' :onujptun thni w-men could Jive wiihout qunr ■ elling, till 1 cnme into ihe free S'ares. Afier li ni ben in Oh o n short lime, and Jiod not seen1 lor iu:ir'l bny Scoldipg or qiinrri Ilírlg i;i irio ainiilds whcie í was. I did not kriow liow to' cconnt fur ir. 1 loltl Millón, one doy, what a; (Ciiliy tluse wotncn lioveof kecpingall theirbad' eelinys to tlieii'sclvcF. I liavc not eetín them' Uurrc-I witb their buábnnds, nnr wii'á thc iris, ir cliildrrn. sinec I hoye bien bc)é. 4ÍO," eaid Hilioí), f;t!icse voincn are not liko our women' ii Keniucky; ihey ilon't fiIit ot a!Í." J lold' nm 1 d'u!.red ihat: í yues6 they do it somewhoré' - in he kiíciion. or d.nvn cellar. 4tIt can't be." ■aid 7, t!ia(ft woman can live. and not scold or" lunrrol." MíWod lüuched, arid lold' me to watch' liern. and sce it I could catch tliom Dt it. I havo ;ept my ves and ears oijen from t'nt d;y to' Iiíf. and I havo not fuund the place tha vonion i'.ei ínnd and rave Iike they do in Ken-"" ticky yt. It ('; db it here, they are uncomnf.n sly: but I bnye abiut concludci ihat they re ahogethor diflcreñi heré from wíiit ihey are n the sliivo s'ntes. ) red;on slaver nnist work ipj.i thcir inimis ond disposition?, and make hem uu'Iy. It hos been n matter of greut wonler at ine nlso, to sto nILthe chitaren, rich snd% loon L' 'iug to soho'.'l lvery fcw miles 1 see acliool-hüuse here, I id not know it mer.nt' vhen I Bow theso housca, wlicn I firat cnme'lo )!io. In KenlucUy. if yoü eiiovild féed' our lorsc oniv' v.-hen yon come toa school-houSc.' hft voiUl s'-irve :o dc.ith. I liever liad' beard a' hurcli liell only at Lexiníjici!, in niy hfe. - iVhen 1 saw sieep'fii and niceiinc housés sb' h1k. it seeaied like I had got imo anothtfp vorld."


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