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Southern Methodist Convention

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Our last exchanges have brought us the official proceedingsof this Convention: bul they do not vary in substance irom whnt we have befo re stated. The resol ut ion erecting the Conferences thére represented into a dislinct ccclesiasticul connecüon, separate froni the jurisdiction of the M. E. Church, and comprehenuing its entire rules and regulations, except so far os verbal alterntions may be riecessary, was adopted, nyco 04. na}s3, viz: Wm. Gurin, Geo. VV. Taylor, John C. Fïarrison. The second rèsolutiönassertslhat tvhile thcy cannot abandon . the principies of action on which they have procüeded, they are ready to entertain and consider any proposition lor a unión of the two great bodies, North and South, on a basis either jurisdictional or connectional. The Bishops were requested to iucorporate into the Soülliern Church any border Conferences who might bedisposcd to come over to them. The General Conference of the Bouthern Church is to meet at Petersburg, Va., in April or May 1840 and every four years thereaficr. The Missionnry Society of Louisville was appointed to be the central society for Missions, and wei'e instructed lo appoint two receiving ngents,onc in Charleston and one in Now Orleans, who should report '.oihe society in Louisville.055 It wiíl be remembered that whon Torrey was imprisoned, a charge was lying against him forriSsisting the slavcs of Bushrod TaylÖr, of Va. to escape f rom their master. The family are now in Canada, and were recently visited by Rey. J. C. Aspenwall, who thus describes their condition and appearance: "I think I never enjoyed an interview so much as the one 1 had at the house of George and Emily Webb, the family claimed by Bushrod Taylor, on whose account brother Torrey is claimed by the Governor of Virginia, lt is onc of the most interesting families I ever saw, and they are prospering finely. SeVeral yearssince, Mrs. Webb bought her freedom, and afterwards that of twosons, who have been in Canada Tor some years. - She afterward obtained money to buy two daughters, and was induced to run in debt for nnother, lest it should be sold to the extreme south, and morigaged thoso sho had paid for, back assecurity for the pay for the third. This morgage was soon sued, and before she could obtain mcans to rcdeem them, lliey were all taken back into slavery. Mrs. Webb was then advised to use what she had obtained in paying the passage of her family to Canada, instead of wearing herself out in buying them over again; and she now has the pleasure of sitting down at herown table with her husband and seven children. A better regulaled family I have seldom seen, and I am sure I never saw a more happy one. Could she obtain her two sons, who nre yet in slavery, she says that, like Simeón, she could depart in peace." (t53 The slaveholders are not oble to stond O'CoiineU's Abolitionism any Jonger. We mcti'ioned last week the dissolulion of the Repeal Association of Bultimore. Tlio Associolinn of New Orlenns olso dissolved, aftpr receiviiiflf the news of O'Connel's speech respecting Polk, Slavery and Oregon. It was (leterniined thnt the fnnds then on band shotild be cqually diyiddd - one liolf to bc devotcd lo tiicFcmnlc Orphan Society, and the remainder lo tlio Clinrity Hospital .


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