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Most of the European nations have colOMi'a! possessions, at a distancc from the mother country, but subject to her sway. This is not thecase with the United States. Her territory is pcrfectly compact, and it has not been her policy to encumber herself with colonial possessions. Rut thesettlements now commencing at Oregon may be regarded as an American colony. The setllers are principally trom this country, and are partial to our laws and insiitutions. The rush of emigration will doubtless accelerate the growth of the colony at a rate far in advance of that exhibited in the settlement of thn English ColoniesofNorth America. The dispute now existing between this country and England respecting Oregon will probably be settled by fixing a certain degree of latitude as the boundary between our own limits, and the British possessions on the north, and our right to the remainder wili be acknowledged as clearand indisputable. In that vast country beyond the Rocky Mountains, there are all the requisites for establishing a great and independent nal on, and such we doubt not will ultimately exist there. But until the settlement of the country shall have consideracly progressed, the people will probably be willing to remain uuder the proection of our Government. A considerable degree of interest is beginning to prevail respecting this new country. We shall give our readers from time to time such information respecting it as we can gather from authentic sources. The Washington Globe has been furnished with the following letter from a very higlily esteemed citizeu of Oregon, dated at "Wallametla Falte, Juhj Qth, 1844." "The territory has been regularly organized by the consent of a inajorily ol the citizens here for their own municipal regulationsj elections held in the various dislricts for an executive committee o three; one Secretary; also forachief jus tice.nicmbers of the egislative commitlee aheriir, justices of the peace, military of ficers, &c.Our provisional laws have been in forcc twelve months or more; courts held in the several dislricts; and the law executed with promptness and satisfaction as they are usually ín a frontier settlement, notwithstanding our citizens are tnade up of subjects of almost every civilized government in the world. Of course, these lavvs are to give way toeither of ihe great contending mrtics for jurisdiction when that mooted questionshall have been settled. The laws of Iowa have been adapted so far ás they apply lo ihe wants of this territory. The Legislative comtnittec mee again on the second Monday in Decem ber next by adjournment. The canal charter (a copy óf which send you)l am informed vvill costthepro prielor some twenty thousand dollars. - lts lengtli will be near half a mile - par of the way through a solid bed of piimi tive rock. Tlie iall from head to foot, a [ am informed by the Hudson Bay Company's engineer, Mr. Fenton, will be about thirty-five feet. The wing necessarily thrown across the east chute of the river, in the construction of the ennal, will letider the hitherto precarious na igatiou of the river, at this point, safand easy. Several canoes have passec over ihe faífsj drowning all on board. - The last onc, about twelve tfiontbs ago carrying six persons, amongst whom weithe late Mrs. and Mr. Rogers, and young er sister. This cvií itself remedied,vouk fully reward the community for thepriv ilege conferred by thé Legislatura. Par of Uie contract for excavating has airead) been let to a Mr. ïlatch, an American citizen, who with several hands, is en gaged in its construction. All is life anc prosperity here, and nothing is wantec to niake this One of the fairest portion of the globe, but good laws and iñdustri ou3 and enterpr3ing cif izens The harvesl which is just nov being cut is abundant, and of the finest quality the grain being of a superior quality to any raised east of ihe mounfains, gives a lively and encouraging satisfaction to all ncw emigrants. I am respectfully, Your obedient servanf, M. M. McKarveh. Rev. John lier(jont, wcll knowp to our readers aa a poet, oratoi, and antislaverv and lemperanco advocate, has lelt his church (U nitariaiij in llollis street, Boston, of which lic has been pnstur 27 yeais. By virtue of the constitulion of the church, lic vis entitled to be the pastorship for lifc. But his zeal for temperfince disguated many wcnlthy persons in his conyregation, wiio wcro rumsellere, or conucctcd With the business, and thcy rel'iised hini his salary. Terras of separation have been agreed upoji bet ween hihi and hid poo])Ie, by which he is to reccive thu arrears of Jus sulary, nmounting to about $14,000. On the iirst Siinday in May he prcached lo the cungregation his fa re wcll sermón. Q55 The wüolcamount received last year by ihe voriotis naliomil societies in the U. S. lor disFemmatlng the Gospel umoug the lioathen, and the desiittite at lumc, was -S'871,S35. The Wnr expenses of tbc present year, wiiich may bccallcd the Mission of Gnnpowder mnount to $ïèföftQti4 - an araount tixteen times grenter.


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