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NEW ARRANCtEIHENTS.' HEMOVAL. TUK Subscritor has removed bis ock of BOOKS io.8tnn No.Si. Exihange Block, ndjoining Lumia &. M C ollums biore.wlteñihe is reody to furniíh cash cuatomèrs witfa a oèw and' well selected nssurtment of Miscellancovs, Relipiavs, Historica!, Bió+ g'aphkal m,d Scltool Books, osehcr whh an nasorimem (f Paper, Quilg, Ink, WHfeis, Toy Buuks and Stutiotiery generallv wlnch has ever boen oflered west' ot Detroit, ind wil! le sold at'he Dotioii C:it.h price.-. He has addud to dis former business a -well setfeted assorlment of Family Groccrics, wilielt he will exclinnge for Cash or most kindir of irodtice. Wnnted- Egge, Bteswa.v and Tallow. R'énember ihe sloro, iwo doois from ihe Fluiiring WH; WH H. PERRY. Ann Arbor. Lowcr Villngc, June 6; iöJ5. 7if IVOT1CE. - f THÉT-Ctipanncrsl ip heretofore exisiinp nnrKi."4 the hrm of Pulciplier &. Judsxm is by muf.ial consent iliis day dissolved. All persons inIcbted to uaid lirru aro lo malie payinent lo Z. ?. Pulfiphor, wno is authoriztd lo receive u and bas bccoine obligated to pay all dèbtJ tluc said ar ín. Z. S: PDtCtPHEIl, L. JfDSON. N. B. - The busliicds will be continued as usual by the aubscribcr. 'Z. S. PüLCIPHER. Ann Arbor, June 5. 1815. !W BEMOVAÍ Til E aubscribera have removed thèir estabhahment lo the siore reccnily occopied by Geo. GreoviUe, No. 2, Hawkins' block, and have recoivad dircci from New York, a cnoic lot of Family Groceries, Fruits. Nuls, frc. tn wlnch ihey would invite the atténtion ol tha citizens. Tliey also continue the BARING business at thpir oid stand ncar the Depot, and keep constantly on hand at both places every attiolo in ihai line. F. B. HALL, & CO. Ann Arbor, June t, 1845. 7 Maplc Sugar! 1AAA pounds for sa!c, a good anide, y Jvf" Jut' received. BEcfeLEY, FOSTER, st C. Aun Arbor, June G, 18-15. 7 Tl845 J. HOLMES & CO., WHOLESALE AND HETA1L DEALERS IN STAPLB AND PAISCY DRY GOODS, Dry Groceries, Carpetting and paper Slaagings, No. 63 Woodicard Avenue, Larned'g Block, Detroit.J H [.MES. jft-jo York ï WS M. HOLMES, Detroit. $ E laRe thismethud üf iufonning our fricnd and cuatomer throughuut tUe that we are siill in pursuing the even tcnoï oVour wuys, endeiivoring to do business upon faii and honorable principies. We would also ten- der our ackiiu-wledgments for the patronage exlended 10 113 by uur customers, ímkí ttould bcg ieave to cdl the nitention of tho public to'v VérV well eelected ns&ortiiiein of scasonaWe Goode-, wfaicb otJered ;u wjholestüe or retoii at very low priccs. Ouriaciliiics lor purchasing Goods are unsurpatwed by uny concern in the State One ofthchrmf Mr. J. resides tlio city of New Vrrk, an from hiïlon e.xpcrience in the Jobbins irade in thaf cilf. and from his thoroirgh knosvlcdge of the morket. he is crtO' bied to avail liimsclf of the nuciions anJ any decline in prices. We also puTchnse from tuo Importers, Mnnufacturer's Agents, and ftoni tho auctions, by the pa-kagc, the same ns N. Y. Jobbers purclïose, thus saving tlieir profíts. With these facilitieswe can aafel'y say thnt oor Goodaare soideHE.AP for ihre evidence of wliicfi wc inviie the attention of tlieimblic toout stock. We hold to the gtent cnrdínaf principie oi ''ia grwtcst good io iheicft.Umnnbft," so'iï yon wantto hny Goods chenp, and buy a Íarge-0umfty for a liCe movaj grve us a trial. Our stock is aa exiensive ns any in the city, and' we nrtf constnntly reccivmy new and fresh Goodö froio Xew York. oO,000 Ibs. W00L Wanud, 'heabove qunntity o! good mercliantable Wool forwhich the highest marker prics will bc paid. J. HOLMES & CO. i Detroir, 1S45.EPILEPTIC FITS. JUSTICETOTHEAFFLICTED, induces me to makc known puhücly. the benefit I liavc dcrived from 'he use of Dr. Smith'a SUSA R COAT F.D PILLS. Hnving Been mljet 0 Epii.kptic Fits for tJircc years pnst, with exremc pressure and pain in the back part ofmy ead, afier osing all the remedies thnt can be nentioned- piwr.rful and mild Mttücinesfblcedgi r-l wns prevailed upot to try one box of Dr. Sinith's Suar Pilis, but tlionght at the t me. ihey done me no good; but befofo ustnc all ot fiother box, } bvgan to realize a sliglu chango f feelin ir my head. and niy fits left me graduilly. I began to thïhk ticy "would do itte cood. 1 boiiTu anrother box and uscd them mmedinte y. I miidt say, I .- m eared eniirely, and think ny lifc liria beerr sjinrcd by usmg these Pilis. I jave sinee bouht iliein ly the dozen for my nvn family uso, and would not dispense witfi hem. GEO. WAftNER, Allegan House. Allegon. Mich., Maf 10. lS-ló. From vvhnt í hnvo observcl of the eflects af ír. Smith's Suijar Conted Iwve no doubt f the correctness of the ninvo. ÏOUSP. ÁLLORD. Mich. -? Boware of rrrrtations. Soid by rei(ccinble drugists tljrotTghocC the nited S:wtet, and at N. Y. prices. For Rule r.y Ú. nnd J. G. Hill, Detroic W. S. b J. VV. MaynarJ and G. Grenville, Drnggis's, uin Arbor. 6OAK LUMBER, IN any quantiues, cvnsiainly lor sale, ehettp for Casii, al tlic Ann Arbor Saw Mili bv M. W. QUACKKNBÜSil. May 29. 1943. 6-4w CÜSTOM SAWING! LUMJJER will be sfivved to order nt all timrs tor cuslomcrs ni the Ann Arbor Saw Milr, by M. W QUACKENBUSH. P. - All I:;3 lost by lus Böjlect he will pay for. May 20, 1315. 21 '-4w " TraTeli sTiSasiZetis, LA DIKS' Garpet Bags. Straw aml Cuno Éftrg, fofsnteby VV. A. RATjMOND. Dbtroii. Itfay 9. 1845. 213-tímo 70,000 roiBiids WOOX. WANTBD rïiHE ubsonbers will pay Cash lor Woul, nt X theit Store, No. llö Jeflbrson Avenue. - Grcat care shourj bc taken by Wool-Growc.s i clcnAeiflig ibejr Wool, and pMting it up f.jr i.iiktt. dlnny Fannors are ia the Iwbn wi clip. ng their Wool withoit wnshing, w hich reners it nfomcrciinntable. Lei il bc well wh1icK ml rolled ns tight as poïsibfe. instile ODt, aml astened wiih u strong coid. Tlmse barving Wool t sell will consult ihcir Uercsi l' cali ing on usleforc selliiig. IV E W CiOOOS. TTRnre iww ncoivmjr ova Spring stock of rV Goids. bit-b wo oifer fur CJi or Prouce at the very luw,-t tnarjie, priers, SMlT'M, OLOVEI4& DWIGHT. Detroit. M.iy. 1-1.'.. Ki-tf Osoml' Cholaogiic. ITt2 li.ivc jH!t iccoivtd a Mip ly of tina va!u► V íil'lí irtodicinc .nut sli ill tii.e cara not lo e o; .f f asn'Hi. MA YN RUiJ. ApsrHB. .M; 18) l-li,. 2ia-3w


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