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C. BlÚNCKKlUÍOFli"S i % -2Ctría v x. 7 Tp.-u ;aul principa] object to bc tjesirecj m i „ ; ,v inedicino ilint makea auy pretcnsión b( t'cïiró i.1l ór ah'y clasl of discöeès, fa rhál i shóúíd show óvideñee oí such power of cui and „ a reo6Oíabie speedyi'tinie. Ín diseuses o! al omoUcaicd ñu ture, rjuwe th.e c..ot ia cl-r, fenod. as irl CoiisnAíptíbñ; Lyw Cómblaiut, CjucIis. Colds, Ar.hma. ond Pm m ;!:e Breast s, ,,,.l Sid u ífl (v rfltíidy diflWttll mnticr to 'j brin i ...der the eifrc! ol usual remedies, lt Ippears reanlstta that ine conouml ewú be bfeuch a riècüiiar coi.ñbinqiion, ilíRt al I ns matenía may nct sñnültanéooály upon i he aflected oigan; ñnd not foweift díff d ; other L tarta of the human frame, nnJ tlia; these , la ! ave Borne defined medical eflcct on that oran. Mnst truly in ilic Ileallh Restorative do 1iocoiiipoi!nt part wben srparaioly or collecIveh' consideïèd, most .onviii'-Migly sbpw llieir ndividnal ond cinnectol powr ana emeacy. - rhuail is that tilia icmcdy xorie sudi nn 1 omsbing inflaenco n tfic complainjia for which c t is co'irirtíeñ'cetf: É íf ín any 'oütnry fea it had n noi powe.-effiuaciouí, the confidente ofHiépnbhc c vouíd liav. btrn (-IkiIvlmi but (Voni its never failIg n m c!iec!iinjj ilie rny:igos nf dis:ao, nriá íts Baje poiveí in rpstóhvg to healtn uní ir b'èyönd ttíe pbsSitñmy ofn Honbl íat ih(! n-me o! porfóètSon tn snch n medicine i: ,i,3 ]„ I. Leí til-; o.?r:iíicaics oí thr í grenr, hp.m Bt v.rn ol our country or ifaítííul tfia! öl ihc kestóyátive, conviriSB th -no seérn óthorwtée incredülbus of such a , '■:■. 'j'lic followiniT crrtitica'L1 3 from Dr. - ■ m'i. fhe well Unoivn New York chernist. ] ';; hqvc auai'vzcd a !'i:!le of medicine ciücd C. Brinlverl-.oíT's H'i!i Restorattvo,' and find lint ii doeá ft8i coTiinin Mi-rcni y. or íiny o-lier iK-tülüe nrepuraúon: nor opium in ouy of its , forins. Ii is cornposerf of voí."!tl)!e nmuc-r t rclv "' ,1 mes R. rmi.roN. M. D. C. BR1NCKRRHOFF, Pro[irietor, N. Y. FToracb Evtt.ktt. Cpiiñrnl Agent. Piímcíoü )iïi-9C liudeon si'coj. N. Y. For s-jle by VV, S. & J. W. Maynard. Agonts. , no .i!, t.' S13-4w HARTFORD Fire Insurance tsontpany NCoiuo:'wTi.n i!í 1H! - chartjck pfe'RPÍTÓÍÉ - C.i'!TAJ. fff)O.(:nn, witti to iN-c:::v?i:ir ro $Vr,().O0O. Tll', wel! Hiinvii nhd tóng éstítblfslfed Insti . wiih ampio ei!i capilál, have , lalied mu ii-Mk-v in Aun ,:!ur. -uní oílVr to uiare Dwl -Ai!. Furnuurt:, toied, ]Ucrc!niu!.f Mulé; t'héat. ' Floúr, ívc oíj yery favoftiblf érmfl The high cháVacteV of t!is cSilípsrij s vveil kii.íwn. anl is ertensivt business íscmifl p i!f ims juíi honoralile pnnciji'os . is of property in Ann Árbor ana vicinity vjj i wh to usure il agaiiiei luss and danmgo by l't-. me irivi!c I: ) cali Micr'fy on ilie enbscnber. it tría Siukí in Ann Atbyr, who is auilionzed tu ïsuo poücies uibi u ;!- ! ry F, ■'. B. CUANE, Ágént; Ann Aihor. Jan. 1. 18)5. r,9-6m. ( CLOÏHIERS! Ji.ST i.o .-.vs;l aj ihc General Depot, 'or the euleof Cí.ihiu-s Stock, Mncliinery. DyeStnfla, &c. lStc, 'No. Póí.1. Jèflerèoh Avenue Detroit. k fótltívrfng larpe, wtll n&sorted. and cárefully hídvoied atook, i .: J00 bb!s. St. Dóminjo Logwood, C's:t, 5 r.ns ' " iñ Stick, 15!) !b!s Cuhá Fustic, Cut, r, Tona 4i " n Stick 50 bJbJs. Nic. A'-' '. Chipped, SO tí Lítna Wood, " 39 J; Red Wond, " ]'0 li GTround Cnmwood, 10 " Qiierci'ron Bark, 500 41 IS'iugaüy. 10 Casos Hxtract of Logwood, 30) iis. Dy'. 'J Coren? Spa-p;h Indigu, '300 fbs. 'y, 3 C3ifcá -Ah.ilri"'. } Casks l'iue Vitriol, 5 CasU.s Aluní, 2 B.srrrls Ucd Tartar, íi Barrels Cier.n Tarta.-, !! Curboys Aqna Fortis, . 5 Oü Vitriol, ;: i; IJuri.iiic Acid, ' „, 500 Ibs. Virdiciis. 50 h JJ! ..ek'Cm. Toaseis, TwinB, Copper Keii'.es, all sizes, Parson'e Shcaring Machines, Curtis' " " S'jrews and Press Plates, Cían!;?, I'ap.:r. öieel Reeds, Wöreteél Ilarness, Tenlcr Ilooks, Kmciy, a!l No's-, Olive Oil, CJpthíers' Jack, Scitiineit VVnrp, ;.thicrs" Bni.-li.-s. Sl.intles. Pickers, Card Cizañéis. &.c. Le. The nbove. wiih.a x-oriciy ofoilier artieles be !or;ii) : i ) tl;c trade, have been purchased thisiihiiüer by t!:e subseriber froni Man;-iciuiers 'irsi íínnds lii the New York, Pliil'adclphla. +ind Uü Murkets, and evory tliin: liavingreceived liis peisoriul u:s;)cctioii. lie can wuli ll)i iitmusi cohfidence ír:r 'tliem'to purchasers as (Ín hfistaxrl mnst complete, stock in tho cfjttiilry, anu s i' big li.wl d':;i.i'iiiii'itin (!-y the !ow rato? f v. liir!) hVwlil t-í'll) to prevent tlic héfceséity our ClotJ-.ijid ond Mnnufaciurfts lenving il Staíe to make ihcir piuciüscs, lie woulJ síry to tho (Valle, f.'ALL. cionifrife thc goods and ír-pnai;: pritesln-fbreyouaay youcan buy cheap er auy idicrc r-!s:. Hr is aïïo prcpnrrd to contrnct for CARDING ilACULNES tnadein ihia Hiato or Kast. PIERRE TELLER, Sign ol tho GöTden Moriar, VJ0, Jeflereon Averue. Detroit. [l?-tf.] Sea'dy Made Olothing. AT TxEDUCED PR1CE8. T' " largeej nd best nssortinenl of rcady ipade clotliing ever be'foro óffeJ-èd in this StaW', nóf oí. Inn-I -niel foV salo, VVholesile oi ReiMil, at ihe Cli ihiuy: Jj'iporium f the Sub jcribere, consistin in part ot FitTe broancloli Fiock htid Drcss Conte. Tweeil mul unión caefiiniere, eatmetand jean Fipck aiül. J)tiii;css ''njer Coa is in grein variety and very r.hctip. CuEsitiiere. cloth. tweed and sunnncr Panls DJ -;■'■-■ Síííín" veiv'pt, Biík', vaWhcin, caéHmerè r.nd M araeilles Vests - a taresioek of riel örftl I ionalilo fciylf.i. Ab, an extensive assortrnent of IJosiery. 3tOcK8, r: ■.:. Í ■::.:!'..( ü-iiirTs. Collars, SlliltS. Glovca. Ofavauu StBpímdora, &c. óic, all 1 vyhicli will be Bold low fpr ca.-h. Théy rtouid kespedt'fa11y imirenü, in want "f reirdy made liaiments, tQ cnll nifd exnmme theïf sioc! before purehaeing é!t8ewhere, nsit luis been ted ivlVli nc i" th"ö Knsiern rhórkèt and mar.u;' tfl tiie ! it st styles and nioet dura'j!c'"il"IR'r' -HALT.OCK MÏAYMOND. Corner of' .Tüffcrson it Woodward qvenues. Pctioir, April 4. 1H45. ""OEIV'I'ÏSTBY. E. G. BURGER, Denlist, Hks removed lií pfiice io. Crane &tJeweu' K!oi:l?.' fü'st room on tho Sccond Floor, ■■ 't bei mr wcll prc-narcl (o altend io cvery branch ot hie pr,pfqp4ion, would rpectfiüly suy (o all who hove not had iliosu necesaary organp. THE TEETïï, properlv aitendcd to, dtl.iy nu FÓngerj bit cali upon liim and tbè : easè mul dniability of his operatiens. Tj:umaccommodating andcliarges inno ca&c unreasonablci- Ann Arbor, March C, 1845, 47-tf.


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