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Olivet College: For The Signal Of Liberty

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The ubecribers would reppectfully give n n tice, ihat the present term of the Preparatni Üopartmenr of thiB Iiwtitmion, wil! close, on Fr day, June 27, at which time, there v.ül be pub lic xercisw, ótuAtüap ( original addrecse and compositions from the etudenta, togethe with muaie und such other oxcrci8e3 3 are usun on roeb OccJiflona. The frienda of cducation ■ad the public grncrally. are cordialiy undres pectfully invited to nttt-nd. In connection wiih thisnotice. wc would ah ppriethp.iblie. he lirst co!l.-Cinte yrar o thta Jnsfitution uü! commence on the-ith dayol September next, nt whirh time, from the present rnembertrof the school, nnd euch othcr individuáis, as n.ny opply for admission, wfao are found qualified, a Freehman clasa will be formed. to enter ïrnmcdiarpty upqn the studies usually pnreued by student in the first year io College. h Briould'be underatood tfiat Oivpt College, ia theoretlcally andpriciically n manual labor nsütution, rieaigned tó brtftg the indaris of thor'ut,'h Chríáttan èëüintfoti within the reach of alt We have no instittirioTml öystem of mannat labor operntioñs. by whióh we pledge ourselvt'fl to reóeive etüdcnts ond furnieh them with labor to meet alí thcir expenses. We bclfeve thnt experiínce has fully, rhat ncithér the intereötsof the In?tiiution. nor the higheat good ofthe etudent, demanda this. But we wish to place evcry student on his own individual responsibiliry,- nnd ehnll endeavor to pur into his hands the meaná of heiping hlmself. And at preteni. faïthful and rndustritfúé young persons, wto wish to edúcate tnemsefves tor stations of usefulnées iri the world? can find grfo.I employment arnonr u?? B8 mU(.j, of thc tjme n36(U(,enI:, night to Inbor m connectiyii ith their Btudk-s. None therefore, who are willing to labor nnd [ Belf-d&níaí to edúcate themeelves. need 3e deterred from coming to join us. There are anda of an excellent quality, connecred with the [nsiitution hich atudents, who may desire il, ■nay cultívate free of expense. At a subBequent period. tho course of atudy vhich w,ü Be purttaed in the Preparatory nnd olleg.nte departmenttf of this Institution, will publ1?hed. At present, howovcr, we would ■emork, that it is désigft'd Tbe ns ful! and thorugh as is to be found' L'enérally in Collegiate Inamutions. Intel lectud and moral science, to?ether with the physical sciences, will ahvays ïoH a prominent place. AH anbjeets connected pUi human well-being. both in ita relations to in and eternity, will be thoroughly and freely iiscuwed, and every student will be left freelj o takc that courae, in oí matter'a of belief and luty. which, in hia truth ehall dieet Tuition $12,00 per r.nnum for young men, and ;9,0ü for young ladieo. Vacatiorr of ;hree nonthain the winter not ftifelïftfiCf


Signal of Liberty
Old News