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To The Freemen Of Oakland County

To The Freemen Of Oakland County image
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The anniversary of our Vatïoris b'irth-day j9 a hand. Our Revolutionary Fathers d'ecrued, 69 yoars a?o, that thie IVation shouíd'te ffeè'. The achieved its independcnce ot tho mothér country, and eecurcd its freedom by théiï Bon'd, ecaled with fneir blood. f hey solemnfy declared in the face of the wo;id that all mcAare in'itlti toequal lihtrty, and soon afrer that ''no person shall bc deprited of tife, libcrly or proper!, ttichout dueprouss of l.xo." i. e. without the comniiEBiort of crime. Théy svoré in the name of the Great God to carry out these principies to their practical resulte?- and yet three milüons or one eixth part of" our peopit nrè iri chains. Our fathers battlcd for the full and free enjoyment f inaliennblo nghw, n'ot for th'emschvs and Théy tranjimifted to' us the liberry won, and thcir polenin'obligation? wiih it. c accepted the boon. The oatir of God then is uponus. Your ftJelity to tint tfaír ftced not be questioned by asking whether yotr wilf di&charge it. The atduous Msk of working out Cur country's eutire freedom ia but half accotnplished.- It remains for ue to finrsh in peace wbat out fath ers begun in perilous and mortal conflict. Th right to personal freedom one. iff the righi fo the same freedó'ii with' alt. Án encroachnieni npon the indefensibie rightö of one member puip the whole com'múmly ín jeopardy. Öur liberties ktc. unenfe while fliéfe isa slave ín tho co"unry Let UB come rocflier then ai Poniiac on the tth of Jul'y nèïf, nnfilroïrf frrendly ani carnesi consuhations, corïcerniiig thitf most importanr eubiect.You have heard the (leep unennhly wail millions uf your rnanaded ami afllietcil brethrc wrung out by the cart-hip, coming up fro your southern border - - l}ut we forbear. It ín erïough. "ton wiil gi a day'd rest to the ploiigh, aíid come to rtie co ?u!tation. Éríng your vi ves, you'r son's and" yo dauqhters. Let us have a gatliering that m truly denoTninatcd a mass ga'henng Let cx-e town in the tcrunty bc l.irpely representcd. [hc couree of p;oceedin?s a Legislntive ticket w 10 nomuiared. Ae 6miar meetings are expecte to De held in tiesrly all the CouutÑsjii the State t niay be diflicuft to1 obuin thé ,-ritf of good speakers Iroin ahroad: - some tiU be pruvidcd ii íracticabíe- if A'ot, grill let ub coïiio toucher and lo the best we can. The meetiiig 10 beyin nt 10 o'tlock A. M.


Signal of Liberty
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