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The Spirit Of Liberty Gives An Account Of An Uproar In Pit...

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(t The Spirit of Liberty gives an account ofan uproar in Pittsbnrgh consequent on an aftempt of a slave-catcher tor carry off a colored boy whora he claimed as a slave. He seized hirn in thestreets, but the boy mak ing a good use of tm lungs, n crowd collected, and the clairntínt and boy were conducted to the Mayor's office. But just as they arrived, by some means the boy d3appeared, &nd subsequenily escaped from the city. The clairaant of coufse swore some hard thinga against abolitionists; buf he found very fetv in the crowd to sympathize with him in his loss of human property. The crovd generally joined in loud exultations at the boy's escape. One rough, warmhearted fellow said to a Liberty man - "By hokey, I don't believe in your Abolition doctrine, but I could'nt help being glad when the boy goi off; for I can't think that one human cretur ought toown another." ftr The Liberty party of Alleghany county lately made their nominations for the county. Tlie meeting was held at Pittsburgh. The Morning Ariel, a new daily paper, says: "The proccedings of the convention streugthen the idea we hadalready formed, that Aboülionism is becomíng cíaily a more important element in popular opinión. All the members appeared to be sincere earnest men, and there ws no lack either of those of acknowledged abil05=" The Old School Abolitionisis have commenced the circulation of tho fo!loting, which thcy cali tho "Disunion Pledge"i "Believing that an oath oraffirmation to support the Constifution of the United States is utterly irreconcilable with the freedom of the "slave, we, the undersigned, hereby pledge ourselves not to vote for a candíate for any office, the entrance upon which retiuires such oath or aflirmation." (j Tlie Florida election has resulted in fa vur of the Democratie party. Tliey iiiive tlie Govornor, Members of Congreso, andSenateand House of Uepresentatives, Tliis gives the pixrty two more U. S. Senators, and they claim that it will insure thciua majority in that body. (t In Virginia, the Iav prescribes capital punishinënt tur 71 o(Tences,if cornmitled by a col u retí man; whereas only one is capital when coir.taitlcd by a whito man. We should think the Democracy of that State would bo proud of such an exhibition of Equal Riglitb! 0T?3 The Legislatureof LouUiana, prohibits all ministers of religión from beiDg members ol' üo Legiilaturc.


Old News
Signal of Liberty