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To The Freemen Of Oakland County

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The anniversnry of our Nationsbmh day is ai hand. Our Revohitionary Fnthers decreed. GL years ago. that this Nation should be frcc. They ochicved its indcpendence of ihe moiher country, and securcd its frcedom by their Hond. sealed with theirblood. They solemnly declarcd in the face of the world that all vunnrc cntittrA toejual liberty, and soon after thnt ino person shall be depriced of Ufe, liberty or propcrin, without dueprocess of Uw." i. c. without the commisston of crime. They swore in the name of the Great God lo carry out these principies to their practical resulte?- and yet rhree millions or onc eixih part of our people are in chains. Our iaihers ban led ibr the full and freo enjoyment of inalienable righte, not for themselv.-t and posterity. They transmitted to us the liberty won, and their solemn obligation? with V e accepled the boon. The oath ol God then is upon us. Your fiJelity to thnt oath need not be questtoned by nsking whether you will discharge u. The arduous taak of working out our coun try'e entire freedom ia but half accomplished.- It remains for us to finish in peace vvLat our fnthers begun in perilous and mortal conflict. The right to personal freedom with one, is the right 'o the same freedom with all. An encroachment upon the indefeasiblc rights ofone meniber puts the whole community in jeopardy. Our liberties are unsafe while títere isa slave in the counsry. Let üs come togeiher ther. at Pontiac on the 4th of July next, and hold friendly and earnest consultations, concerní ng this most important subject. You have heard the deep unenrthly wail of millions uf your manacled and afflicted brethren. wrung out by the cart-whip, coming up from your southern border Buj we forbear. It ia enough. Yoir will give a day's rest to ihe plough. and come to the con sultation. Bring your wives. your gons and your daughters. Let us have a gathering that may truly denominated a mass gahenng Let every town in the couniy be Jargely represonted. }ii the course of proceediníjs a Le'gislative ticket will bo nominared. As simiar meetings are cxpeciod to do held in ne.irly all the Counties in the State it may be difficult to obtain the aid of good speakers from abroad: - ?ome will be provided il practicable - if not. still let us come togc'.her ond tlo the best we caii. The meeting to begin at 10 o'cVk A. M.


Signal of Liberty
Old News