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j45. J. HOLMESITCO., WUOLKriAJ.IO AM) KLIA1!. DLALKUS IN STAPLi: AM) KA.NCY DE Y GOODS, 'umi paper Hfutgiïtviil Y c,: )íuu(lu".írd Avenue, LarnccVs. Vlofk, Detroit. j n h.v.i -. ) s Ja iiii.ii.-. Jilimt. Wka iliis mcilu.'ii ti iniürniiqc i cuImnéfs i!n..iilílaui i"-1 Stnte, ilia wo ñre'sliO in piiVsüüig the even tor.or of om W1.V6. cmk-avoriii;; ' do ou; b.uyuftBfl upon 1. 1. ijüd hononiV.Ic princ pjes. We would hIho tender our acknowludgAiêp'-'t (or iho patronage ex lended io us ly oui custoinpr, ond. would bop lenye to cal! tjiu nttaniun of ihe pulilic to n i.-.y wc-ll fïleétèil ioriiiierti of staèonabló Gooclá. which are oliercd ;u 6r rèfAil rii vei low pricT?. Our iacilüiis i"i" )''i h.iMii (Joods me uiiáurpabíc.i by any confuir " 'l'' '-le - One of i!i: linn. Mr. J. H.olnies resjdtJ ui ilic ,[y ut' New YorlfJ ;mr frrni hÏ8 (óiig e.xiieneiice ■.n'ili" Jbbbirtg inde in (liii city. and fföïn lii.ihorough knuwltdpeof ilio iu:nl et, ho is criHb!e! io ii vuil liiiüsclt oi' iho ng una apj an ,1,,-üne ni brices Wéniso purcli!;c frqpi llit lM:pcri(!5. M:.mi'M-;incr's A pen i's, arfd ftó"m llir auciion.. by i!ie phbko)e, tlie t-art-o r.s N. ?'. Jobbers "purchíitíC. ,tU8 s-ivin:: ihoir piufu.-;.- Wiili inese (nciliticswe can s.ii ly soj oiu Tr loas -in: -■ 'i'i Cifk'vP Kr (hè evidc.-ici': oT wlucll we invite the Blfíntíón öf tfie )iib1ic to oui stock We hol-1 to ihe {iient cuHiiinl priniiplo. ol ■ irrcatfsl gfpk l' ü"'- f A ts nuwbr.r." so if y au 'tvnntto buy Gooda cliuifo and Imy ;t irir, ;- thij 'or a í'' móiuiij giVié ds a trial. O.u stoet is is ns n'nv in ilio city. nnd we artconstMi.tly rgadivipg now ond fresb Goods from New Ymk. 30,000 Ibs. Wool. Woniod, ilic:bovc qunntiiy ol goud imrclwntal,!.- oo For which the liigliest inaikct price vviïi lic p.u.l. J. HOLiMFS & CO. Pelroit, 1 45. The Sisses Clark's School. ANN AIII.O!'., MICH1OAX. MAR Y II. CLARK, Principal. CU LOE A. CLARK', Vico Principal. RMOIJV K. GLAUK, Associute Teacher. M. L. WALTEU. Teaclier of Alusic on ihc, Piáríó'. F. MARSH. Teacher of Mathemnlicsond vocal M;ieic. II. F. Í5 II OFF, Tcaclier of Frcuch, Germán and ihe C;.-l: . TUIS fnstiiution hns been in operntion sincf Noveniber 18. S'-'?. Tlio scliolaetic year oinbrnciiiíí for:y-eiyiit weeks, two tt-riüs, o),.iprising nvo quarlerö each - tsvclve weeks in ol qiiarter - a gcneril ' exaitrinatin at the close a,i e;ich lerm- in Febr'únry and August. he !;t3t quarter of the present lorH commences May 19. , 'I'uuMs ok Tuitio.- For the Englieh brnncnes. $2,tti to '5 per quarer. No reduetion made for absence, except in case of eickness, and no pupil taken for less thon a quarter. Extia chnrgoe nre ,uade for musicon the Piano, with the upo of the instrument, $'í;!2i! Frcnch, .JJ Drnwinpand Paintin{,r, W}" Fancy Woik. s ,.,'.' Bnrd, íncítiiUng Avnshing, uglifB; &"?. S'i'O per Tkk if pnid in advnnce. or .2,00 per week f paid ni the close of thequaiter. l'.tiiins.-.nd uardians are invind to visit the ; school evcry Frid;iy, when theJtuJtea of the week ato reviewed- aiso seini-inonthly on WednesJayalteinoon,' nt readingof the weekly comBoeitiiinst , Youiii? iiidics ües:iGiisof enleng the school and pursuing tho regular coüreè of study, woülc do well to cMi'nTcncè ;it tho bein ning oí tlu term. or rs sioirfter os practicable. Bolöngipg to the school are a Libiaiy of Ie tween five and six hundred volumes, and Phllosophical Ai-paratUBjCectricül Machine, Globes. S:c. . The Misses Clark will endeavor. not only to proinote the inteilectual culiuie of their pnpiU but will altend atrictly to their moralinent. wiui nu bouiuhuh kc,i ■■ dccpbense of religioua reeponsibiliiy, thny wou ld nivc such a tone to charnctcr. a.6 shnll reuder 11 pracücally Stied for cvery station- yielding lo A„ty HiitKjrm tg principie Auiurig ihebooks ustd in the school are, A! rrenmbic on die Intfüccturr! nnd Moral Povvi-rs - K-nno.'s I'JciiK-ii's of Criticisrn- Wnylaml s .Moral Science - Newmnn'a Rnetoric - Hcdge .- Lotc- ':.!. v"5 Nnturn! Theoloyy nnd Evidmces p( Chrisiianiiv-'s P;ir!w -r't Natural PhiJosopuv-CVrabe'e Physioloyy- Mrs, l.iiicr.lii's Bótony- Eatóh's an 1 WnI.t's ïMon u;,l of IJ.nauy- Buiriit's Geography. of tlir Heavons- First. Sccoiul nnd Third Doolss ol jlistory_Mry. Wiiüard's K{WbTic if Arneiicn - l'iicíps' Legal Classics- Pliiyüiir's EucliU, and Dafe lgcbraand Dnvics' Aruhmctic. ínqtiirv wiili i-euard to the school can be made of the Principáis or any of tlio following genile men to wliom refoence ís made by Rermissmh nnd vvho have at dilfercnt periods had eitliei daualiters or ward undcr onr care. Rov. lsanc S. Kfi'tcham. Centreville: Gfo Ketchun, Mar sluill; Hon. ïïin.R. Deland. Jnckson; Paul B. Ring, Michigan Centre; F. H. Winans, Adnan; Daniel' Hixson. Clinton; Gnrdner Wheeler. M. D., Howelli Rev. F. JI. Cuming. Grand Rnpds; Jcremiah Clark, ClarUsion; Gen. C. C. Hascall. James Blí&eáH nnd Rev. J. Bench. Flint; D. 11. Rowlnnd,Northvüle: AmcsMiü'l: Plvmouth; Hon. ËUaa Comsfock. Owasso; P;. Brigham, M. D.. Hon. Wm. R. Thompson. E. Mundy, Fsq.. John Allen. Esq., Geo. W. Jc.vott, Esq., Tho'sM Lndd, Professor Willia.-ns. of the Univcrsiiy. nnd Rev. I!. Coldnzer, Ann Arbor. Tho followincr üontlonicn. Rev. II. OtffcflteCT, Rov. Wm. S. Ctirtis. Rev. Charles C. Tavl r. Professors Whitin and Williams of the University of Mich'ijáí, have consen'ted to oct os n visiting committec cf the School, to ho. present when the wcekly studi.s aru n.-viewed; bul cspecially to altend during the scmi-monthly exatninutions. April, IS!'. 2_ 1845."" W HOLE sTl"Ë&""R E T A I L A. M' F ARREN, BOQKSELLERANDSTATÍO3ÍER. SMART'S 13LÜCK, 137 JBFFKRSON AVE NUK, DBTROIT. KEBtS ronstantly for salen complete assort-; n, ent of Misccllaiifoiis. Schooi and Clnssicaj BpoKs, Lptter ond Cap Paper, plain and rul ed, Quiüs, li.U. Sealing Wax, Cutlery. VVrapnin ' Pfllierj Priniing Pnpcr. of all sizcf; an iiook, Newsnnd Ctinnister luk. of vorions l;ind BLANK BOOKS. full and hall bo'.ind, of v erv vnrieiy of Rüting, Memorandum Bó'óks', S: To Mcrchfints, Teachers, and others. buyin in "jantitÍL. ■ large discount mudo. Subbath School' and Biblc Society Deposito rl-tf nOIïCKi Wr WARNER, Carpentcr and Joiner, T.AKNAKnSTKKJ-.T, IIKTWK N' 11 ATES AND HAMJOLP bTRKK'iS, DKTKOir. Shop. on tbc Aüey in rear óffhe Franklin Co Water House. May 20. 1845. 2150 n In Attachnicnt. Sabin Felch rjefor0 w. R. Perry Justic 8i ( of the Peace. .Samuel James ) NOTICE is hereby given, thot an attnehmen has been isstied by the nbove named Ju9tii in fnvor of Sabin Felch va Samuel James, an ab ' sentdebtor, and that the final hearing tlureof postponed tintil the 14th dny of Atigimt nex at one of the doek in tho nfternoon, nt tho ofh'c of the soid Justice in the villnge of Ann Arbor. SABIN EELCII. Dated, Ann Arbor, 14th May, 1845. 5w


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