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VOiüE OP THE PHOPLK IJkSaé uhü hare cotiscivnünus scntpd s, triü jlease rat il l'ir follvving - ncvcr brfore VuLjisfud Fiets rrgu reling the 'S U.CL1 li-COA TE O M P II O Vil f) :ndian Vegetab le Filis, ■ÜR CONSrMP'nONÍ, COCbs, HliKrMATISM, DTSI'KPSIA A.!) FKVERS. HAY1NG been :ii!.iclu-i! sou o montha si net , witlij a baÜ Cough. wcnfcnpsa in my chcsi. i mi loss of iiiputiif," l iisftcl WngfuSj Iii(I.:iii egetable Pilis, but í,';'v,v ioui y qoltl w$flj a niülr: could not shop. nnd boHcved I was n.fl utfBiirhpiion. I procurcd n ox óf Drt Smith's ! 3ugar Coaied, lmproved Iniliim V'cgetiibla Pilis. ; ivhich rcsior.ed ivy lie.dili wiilun six iliy?, r 1 1 I I ' )ilievc tlicm to be ilic bo.-i íénícdy I èvér usotl ' ' i o. W. Gniisaxit. ' CambHde, Oc't I!. -11. Extract froni A. G. Priges s letter'. l;itr!- I', vin. .l;m. :il. I846Í Tlic Comed Indi.ui 'f-cinl'ia l'ill. you sent fne'. sèl) wi-ll atul vc good 8iitU..aclion. - Tluv 6611 liener timii nny I Itavé h;i!. KxtiMtl i.oin I-ri liiri-cn's h-titr. d;itc(! - Caï ïan, (Me.) !'V. :. 1845. Tlie Pilï?. wliicli 1 n foivoil dl y..!i liavi' jivim] iic!i nniciil a-.ti.s!ai'iu)n v.hcre ilii-y li:ic been ptirchnsed, nnd tlic fic hns been so uniforni .li;it 1 tlioiiflit best ti H-qucst yen io scml me .;r, .-.i;iiu nn)lo HTilue;li.-lly, S.C. Extráctfroiñ Wm. N. P.ic.knrd's leltpr " dnlcd: iM...)N. (Mnw.) J.nn. ff, lló. S.r- lv.u-!i.sod is tlia paymwU for the Inst Pilis. You wi I piense tcn! mo by cx rers on oihor lot. s-ï.v O nr 8 tlv.. T!;-v give goed eoi isföcticn. I 'li.-ivc iiot on hand more than ü boxes, mul do not wish to be rut of ilicm onc day Extract from üaniel Tflft & Son's letter d.ueu: Taftmii.i.i-. (Vt.) Feb. C L345. Your Pil;:s ware receirod a few si.'ice. nnd I have soid sume of ttierÍK and n!so used aonsc oursc'.ves, think x-rv of tl. om. and ihey aic likcd ly tliose wko have uscd them. Mr. J. P. Siaitii. ófGToucest'er. stñtes flia) he liassold n!l. oud wishes 8diz. btffM moro' finmcdi.Hüly; and thcy giye universal Baafiicjioii, lat hc hès dctciüiinid to sc!l no oilior kind ol lis. Mr. A. Alien, oí Pülnifr Depot, statf-s tliat ■ írhi very th'átiíul lie was (tppofnted Agent. ns B wiiu lias bien un inva'id for eomc time, nnd bok oftheso pilla immediately - was aient for her V:Ls. biu sh.mld only recomniend:hcse. Extract irom J. B. Daniütth lottcr. dajèd - Baksvül-, (Vt.) Jan. 11. lf45. Picaré send me iuiinediatfly 6 dcz. Smiili's ugar Coau'.i Indtan Vegetable Pilis. ■ Tnos ou sent a short time since. are ncarly all aold nd'giw 6ritis"action. The above are only a íew of the numerous ttera which are daily reeeïved of the ijreat popaüiy and ïuccess of thi sj truly Pilis. lity are tlie bet nnxliciric for the nbove coniainls that are sold, .ini in everv cuso tint huveeen iried have given universal satiafaction, and muid lie kopt asa fnmily medicine by uveiy one. Va only ask n ri n i of the.ti to convinee the ...-t i-kt jtu:tl o!' tho irutli ol these assertioiif. Tlie.dircctions pd ireuimcin of the diLoas( ccoinpany everv box. rnicK L5 cEr.TJ PKR nox. No "SUGAR COATED PILL." canbe gen ne without the igiiatüre of the aole imentor G. BENJAMIN SMJTÍI, M. D., PrcpideTit of ie N. College of Health," npon tveiy bBJc Cffiees devottd exclusively to tlie sale of ü ncdicine. 17Í) Green wiel) Stteet, New York. N. '2, VVuter Str.tet, Boston. .For sale in all tho villajes and towns in the New England States. N. B.- No travelling pedlurs are allowcd to se!! theöe Pilis. Examine the Siunature. O'For sale hy W. S. nd J. W. Mnynard. L.r,l éfe s!''('!!:im, F. J. B. Ciane. Aun Albor. Perrin oc ürill. orthville; ''Iiopi.-s P. Msy, Jr i'iynioiah: J).' C. Whuwood. Dexter; G. & 3. G. Hill. Dolroit. Also at reiail in cvery town tlnottghout the United Sntes at Ü5 ceiilü per Boy. 3CLOTH! CLÖTHH THE subscubcrs will continue to inunufacture Fallecí CiotSï, or 35i ejs. per yard, umi whito Üannc! Tor 2 uu? per yard; or ihey will manufacture tle vod! lor hiill the cloth i't will mnkc. Their Fnc oiy is 2?, ïD.l-ïS Wefet of A nu AiW, on I u011 Rivèr. vVool will olsó be received at Scio. ,Vhen sent by Riúlrond it wiU Lü attcmh d tO lii he mnnner as if the owners werer lo come writh it. Wool will bc manufáctureu in turn as t comes in ne ncai ly as il can be done witl) reiersnee lo the different qunlitiesof woo'. WOOL CAR DING, witl bedone at Scio, by Thomas Hoskins. Si W. FOSTElt &C0. Scio, May 1, 1845. 310 INTEREST1NG TO wool aaowsas. nniijá Subsoribcis wouiil rci.pcctiuliy onX höiincé lo l'ne Wofl Growcrs of Ann ArboranJ iie yiciniiy, üiat thi-y cyntinue the business of ' Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing at the old stand ol'J. Bccklcy & Co., wliere thcy mny bc found at all scusonablo hours io wait upón ihoso who roay favor theih with theii Tlicy i,'iiatnnteo that tlwir wyrk will bc clone with neatness and despaich. To tluir old fricnilsnnd is many new customers us feel ditposed to give úu a trial, they wouíd say.coinc on wi'h your Woor. and Ci.ot nnd we will do you nnijile jusiice in the execu tion of yonr work- ile prico and ternris ut pa y - Twity tlioiisaiid pounds of Wool wanted in exchunge for Full (Jloili. Blarmelj &Q. , ij. - Civc us n c:ill before pmchasing tlseSUMNER HICKS & CO. Ann Aibor Low.t 'l'.j'.vn.Mar. 26, 1 845. 5-6m Seady Made Clothing. AT REDUCEÜ PR1CES. T'JIO lar;f-i and best ussortincnt of ready made cloihíríg ever beloré ófrètëd in tiiif Siaie. no on hnnd and ior ftlej Wholesale oi Reiail, ut-ibo Clothing Eqaporioo) ol the Subscribers, cqnsïsting in part of Fine broadclo;!i Fmck and Dicps Coa;r. 'J'wecd andnnion caFsinieie, satitit-tuni! jean Ffocjk and Business Coais. Suninicr Coais in gront variety nnd verj chcii. (Jaosimere, clo:h, iweed and snnimer Panls ol all styies and prices. Sntin, velvet. silk, valencia, cashmrre nnd Mnraoilles Vcs:s- u largo stock of rieli and iash iunublo siylt-a. Ah', an extensiva opsortment of Hosicry, Stocks, Scarfs, Unndkcrchiefs, Collars, Shlitp, Gloves, Graváis, Suspender, &c. Ac, all nl which will be sold Iow for rn..'. They would respectlully invite all, in want of reody made gnrmenls, lo cali and examine thoir stock before purchasing elsewhere. asit htis been selccted with care in the Kas:ern innrket nnd manufactured in the latest styles and most durable ruanner. HALLOCK A. RAYM0ND. Corner of Jetfereon fc Woodward avenues. Detroit, April 4, 1845. 213-11 Ifiaplc Sugar! 1AA [)ound8 for saie, a'good anicle. ffU" just received. BECKLEY, FOSTER, & CO. Aun Arbor, June 6, 1845. 7


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