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AIiWAVS ON HANI. TI IK subscribcr hos removed lila Shop lo Main yK" Sirtíct oppoíitc II. Beek L 'isfer r'9 Brick Stbro wlltr ((,( 15 Si!) 'IU "i;'y l) iulint' H-ndy to _V 1 viPiW waiiiipon all ihat muy give ÍRvÍra1'n'a ca!!VX-jeSEoS"- I-Inving jiiBt receivod di■cl fruin Nfv York an elegant stock of . a JBWELRY, ml Fmicy Anieles, whlcli he intends to sell ;;irír ihau lias ever been soid west ofButlulo iïr Rr.ady Pay Okty. Among which nii.y bo Diind a irnod assortment of Gold and Conimon .Vntch Keya, Gold Finger Rings and Bosoin 'iii8, Gmril Cluuns, bilver Tea nd Tnble Spoons, Silgar Tonga, Butter Knives. Silvcr i'cncil cas"S. Silver and Coir.tnon Thimblcs. Sil,lt Siicct.iclcs, Gcnnnn. do.. Steel, do., Hair Lkuahes.'Clollics do,, Tooih do., Lniber do., Pinc Rnzors nhil Pocket Khivte. Fine Shènre ind Scissors, Lntlicr boxes. llnzór Sndps. Wl. leils. Purses, Violins und Ruwe, Fluie, Violi iiud Bnss Violin Sirinj'8, Clnnonet Reeds, I'errnssion Cnpa, PofUet Pislols. Brinnnin Cnndlcsiicks, Waiches, Letter Sta)nps, Slenl Pens nnd Twofftors. SnuiFnnd Tpbnccp hojc. Fine coinbï', Dressing do.. Side Ho., Bnck (!o.. Shell do., Nfcill.s'.ind (':im, WnierPninis, Toy Wntt-hc, Kid Dolle, a greoi variely of Toys too nunierous to uieniion, Bc.ds, Necliluces, Fancy Boxea, Ci. c:;s and W.tí hks of every deicription rrpaired and warrantcd, alao, Jewelry rcpaired on thori notice. CAJ.V1N BI.TKS. N. B. Ca.-h pmi) OJ.D GOLD ANL S11AKR. m C. B. Ai.ii Ailior. Oer. [. 1-H. áS-lf. ALLEBASrS MEDIGSMES. THKSE MRüJCINF.S ARE cfiecling such astonishing ctircsin ninltitudes of old cases long sinee .bandoned by Physicians and Snigeons as 'ntierly ho)clpfs. tlmt no medicines, wheïe theso are known, stand so deservedly high. Thcy consisi o( THE ELACK. OR ALLEBASl'S SALVE, Pricc 25 Ccnls, Wlüch cures nlmost univers.-iliy. Fcvrr Sores, of the most malígíRibt Fclons. Ulcere. AbBfSéètt, Tumors, Fractures. Cuts, Piinctuvcs, Buin9. Scalds. Soio Tluoat, Clulblains, Qumsey, y, Iñflámatory HIh umaiisin, ínflurñmoiior8 and SwrllinT8 rfcveiy descripiion. Scald iiend, Apuo n tlit; F;icr. :V rvutis Toih Achc. Aguo in the Breasi, Brókcn Ii:e;st, Ac. &c. ALLEBASl'S HEALTH I ILLS, 25 Cenls. These Puls have acquiied Q pópuliirhv wilhin the lnst yeqT (ft two, vhich no oilier i")ils posThe rc.isdiisaie üivitM lo all v.hct uso tlic:;:. They cine nll liiliuns. Scarlet nnd other ïeyers, Fvwr nnd Agüé. Dypépsin', pfoppyj Acid Stoinncl). Disordt-r. d Biwo!.. or tom: cli, Jnuiuü'f, l!c:ul Aclic. Dizzmcss in lu Hcad, Wonns. Liver Copiplnint, Heor'i JJuios, f'holir, Bowtl coniplainl, General Debility. ('oüiím-iks.-', Ac. &c. Tlitir purify the entite s.vstem. kc the botéis in a vigoro us and bealthy toiidition, &c. See pamphlct. ALLEBASFS TOOTH ACHE DROPS. Prire 25 Cnits. Will coro an ordinniy case of Tooih Aehr, in from tliire to ten minutes. For Nervous and other kinds of Tooth Acho. wc Panphlei. ALLEBASrS FOOR MAN'S PLASTER, Pr ■: " ' i' ■'■■'■ Are w.iinmtcd t" lc superior t anjr óinVr Plasprs in Hifa or nnv (t!ier countiy, for pöïn r weaknefs in tho lluch. SiJe. Clutt, BowcIp, Loins. Musclcs, and ior Rhciimaiisro, Lung á'ri'd Licr Con p'iiio'cs, Coughí. Coles', Asthtna, Afe Si-c pnniplikt. j'. IJ. - l'le; bc to nsk ihe apeni for npnmphld which gjvfs uil ihc infuitnatioi) nècessory ..s1 peciing.the us(? of the Medicincp, ihe virtucs ihey possess, etc. Please lo ollow diieciioi s in ihe ubi; f iho iretüeiiHs, tmd jou may reiy u.on ill that !s protnised. A lilieia1 discount runde to tnetchants ond ethers, wlio buy tosell npain. L.MA;' W. (Il BFJÏT. Proprictor. Wlu.le.-ale DniEgisi, 214. Putión st. N. Y. 0For s;dc by the culfoiibi-r. who hns been appointcd [reneral fienl lor rlie C'iiy of Ditniit ond its vii'.mty. Country dealeia eupplléd on liberal termèi C. MORSE, Mlciirgari B.." k Store. TIip übive medicines ate lor en!e at iho Rook Store of VVM. R. PERUY, fn Anti Arbor, Lcwcr VilTnge. . Doccinbcr 9 I84Í-34 Jy5O,0O'O FoihmIs WOOL WANT33S' 'IPIíK SiiSmtiíki:. wiil i.iy CnáK tir Wool, ot jl tbeir Store, No. lid Jeilerson Avenue. - Great c;re shou'd lc taken ly Wool-Cfrbw'c.8 !n cl cansí ng tlieir Wool, ond putting it uo for iiuitUi t. ftbmy F.inucis uie in the i;ibit o' clipinr ilioir Wool sviilu ut wnahingi liich len!iii it unmêrclinritable: Let it bc we!l wnshecf. ,n I rolle, I na liht us punible, incide out, and fastenqij wiiJi ;i strong curd. 'J'lmse hnving' Wool to sell will consult their inteiust by ciillmg un M? Iteforö sel J ing, NEW OOD.. WR nrt iiow ïiceiving bxii Spring stock of Glotis, whicli vo offer fur Ciisli or I'ro luce, ut the very lowest inorkei pri.cea. SMITH. GÈOVEK Ki DVV1GHT. Detroit, Muy, I b 15. ir-tí TEmPSRAKCE HOUSE, by l. u. 6 o. vr,U(Li;x. Ncarthe Sieamboatund !yac!;ct Landing,!} ff-do. 'T'HIS establishment lias du iog tlio winter, boen consirlernbly cnlarged. and iniprovod wi'li new fnniiture. etc, and is now icady to mike tho Tnvollt-r ut Lome. nt the n:oderato charges of 5 cents per ineal, and i7 Cents per Day. Pnssengcrs nnd Baggoge conveyed to and from the Housü free of charge. N. B. Pnssenccis notn the East will fir.d n Sign lor iho lioiii'. in tlie Depot, under wluch to place tlieir Baggrfge, In connooiion witïi tbr-, nbove House thcre is an KATING ESTAUUfciilMEiNT, on lbo Curopean plan. Wc, the eubscribciK, tnko ;ilens,ure in recommenning the nbove House to tho l'riends of the cause, ns beirif; worthy oí' their patrunage. C W. UAJIVKV. Pres't Eiie Co. Temp. S. s;N. CALENDA R.'Séc'y do II. MILLKRD. Pres't Pollnrd Tem. Society. II. G. WHITE. Sec'y do E. D. ROIMSON, Tie'tY. M. Temp. S. W. B. FOHES, Secictary do Builalo, Februmy, 1845. Gtno- 212 BEI.AVAN HöUSE. ALHANY, NEW YORK. BY NATIIANIEL ROGERS. TMJIS cclebiated house is now open for the rccep'tion óf traveleis. it havinjj nndergone n thorough repair within the lust few n ontha. It is strictly a Tcvp?rancc l'.ouse, and while no pains will besparcd to niake it uil that the trnvelincr public can nsk, it is expected in return ihat it will r.ecfive tho pa ro;ioge uf all the friends of Tetnpcrtuice who ïnay have occasion to visit Albany. May 19, 1845. 212-fim "iWEARLBORO HOTEL. TÈMPERAKCIC HOUSE, NATU ANIEL ROGERS. No. 2-29, Washington Street, Boston. 'PHIS house hns undergone a thorough repair, and it is intrnded that noruin house shiill bo superior to it. Jt will bo under the immcdioto charge of Brown & Colburn, as Mr. Rogcra Uccp8 the Delevnn House in Albany. May 1Í), 18-ir-. 2i2-6m Geesc Fcathëri THE Subscriber has alwaya on hand a good biipply of Ge se Fcathors which he will sell in quantitiea lo suil purchasers and at the lowcst marketratc. w RAYM0ND. Detroit, May 23, 1845. 2l3-6mo ""TravêiinslBaskcts, LA Dl ES' Carpet Bags. Straw and Cnnc ags, for salo by W. A. RAYMOND. Detroit, May Ï9, 1845. 213-ömo


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