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Cruelty In The Navy

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- The Old Dum'mionslates tliat Captnin Voorhces, of. the United States fr gat e Congres, b cliorged wiih the grossest crnelty townrdsthe men utitlór hi charge. U is soil ihot on leaving tlie Cupos of Virginia, lie liad lite whole crew ur6embled and made lo thom the fullowing proclamation :- : I wlfch every man to understand, tliat if hc is reported, 1 will pimish I im, whetlier rirrht or wrono-- for I eli!? Uiat I con place coufidence iit my (.(Ticors, tliat tliey will uot report u vin wiihotit ouuse." Under H'is brutal poücy," snys fl.c Ottt Dominion, niniishfOërit was? perpetual, and lhechaige is ooldlf tnnJe thot more llian one eailoror interior përson was vvhipped tocieathl Tius wc do know, tfiat the meers of thal ehip did ot darc lo slay to miügle witli ih men, bul liurried tht niselvea i.ft' nt the ci.iliest moment; for th reate of veneance Wciej lond and deep ngniost them, ond we have no doubt had the men beti diVchargcd( errious hconca wotild li;ive been witnc--cd in this town," (Porfs:nouth.) ___- The chm ter iicorporatinj: llie Connccticnt Grund LodfieofOdd KeHöw.9 pauséd the SélS ate by a vote of 14 to 7; and the House by i vote of 00 to bO. iueach Houfjftobjoctions aere tirgedibui as ueared by the votes.vviihout avail.QT The Odd Follóos biívc h:id u greu ci-!e. l,ration in Bosu.u. Aoni 7.0iJ0 eet down lp tliniicr imder n pavillion on theconiimin. rJ"l,e Grcnd Rapide Enqui'er savs. thi.t ihot i,e (rand liivcr Vallcy uscaped ihe late i'robts ftki.géthèr;


Signal of Liberty
Old News