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Wayne Quarterly Conference

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Fr the Sigua! "f Liberty.At an official meeling of the Quartcrl) Conference of Ihe VVesleyair Methodist Churcii for VVayne Circuit, held at Nankinon the fourteenih of June, 1345, Eider Bebens presiding, the following prcamblo tfnd resolulion wcro unanimously adopted: Whereas, certnin persons calling thomselves the First Weslejan MethodUt Church,' in the City of and nreeting for public worsfrïp at the 'Mechanic's Hall,' have, for in8ubordinntio to the government nnd discipline said Church, been disowned and abandoned by Ihe Preachers and Mombefe of the Wes ïeyan Methodist Convrnt ion', therefore. Resolved, By the Qir.irWirly Conlerence ol' ihe Wayne Circuit vt' Michioron Conference, that froin ihe t'ine inwhich fellowship vu Wilhdrawn (rctn said persons, we di-claim all connrciion vvith' tliem, and aro absolved fruin all responsibilit y ror tireir cmiduct. SAMUEI IiKBÉNS, President. G. D. Ciiubê, Sec'y. Nankin, June 14, 1845. Ann Akbor, June 27, 1345. The weather has been worm fur tlie past week, and favorable for crops of all kinds We notice that tbo corn 'm generally of u good color, ülthough of email stature in conseqtience of the frosts snnie weeks since. Oats Jiave been stinted by the dry weather, and the erop will be light. Whejt in this Vicinity looks very promising. Thero will probably be quite a home market for Pork next fa II, and those raisers wh ore firpt in the market may be pretty sure of remnnerating prices, and probably somewhat more. Tuere is not much doing in Wool: out we hear of a Bale of a few thousand pounds made to castern nurchasers for 28 cente.


Signal of Liberty
Old News