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The Wonderful JSucccss V7"HICH Dr. Folgers' Olnsnoninn, or AïlVV Heaiing Bal&ani lins mei witti not only n itrt sale, bui auo in thu cures which ii has clëctetl. ii persuns who wo.e in a hopelofö conliiion, has convmceil ihu niosl i-kcpiical ot" its exnaordinary curmivc propci nes. ntl cstablishcd 19 claims to the name oï ihe GltKAT)Y. The question is no !nrrr ;iskc(l.-'C7i Asthmn ie cured?" lt lias been Ktiislnctorily setlled wiiliih ihe IWQ niontlia liint Foiior's Olusaonian wfll i-roduce a cure gnlcftcr 'hn'u any other remedy in ihe world. nnd lefe ' cn lie given to pereons in a'.id out of üic city wlio !wie expenenceti iis wonderful vinues. who had iricd lui years all otbers renedies in vmn. Mr. VlLSON,a brick layer. rcsidinanl Hobo ken.N. J-. ltail tried every reitudy wliich lie coiild henr of tor the rcliet ot nstlimo, and had spem more than onc hundred dollars in enden vori n to procure help. bui in v.iin. II; CbrnrijCÜtfed tising tho Olosnonior., January Sftsfc The fir&t dose ho took tinve hini relief. nd two days aderward h's wïfe called 10 s:iy tlmt the. smnll nii;inii y ol thie rcniedy wbich he hnd taken had hiin more good tbtn any and all the inodicincs he had ever used iii Hia hfe: Mrs. Bell, ihe wife of Robert P. Bell. of Mor■istown. N. J.; who waa sevèroly níllicied wíth oélhmk', ttrakgíVeñ p 'v lier physicinns. She was removed to [he sc.ibonrd in iliu hope of pal liatinsj her disiressing syniptoms. but with n benefit. One bottle of the Olosaninn so fnr rlicved her thnt shc was nble U get np froni her bed and dress herself, r. thiny: &ho had not doneHiíore ín mon'hs. and she has now reiurned 10 ner residence ir Morrisiown. N. J., wiili every [irospcci oí being bpeccüy rcstored. INCTPIEN'Í COSSÜMPTION yieldfi to its eflt-cts. Ii soothes the trocMesomo Cough nnri givcs refieeliíng slumbeis lo iht wcary; it allays the pnin in the sidc nnd 8nreneps ín the chosr, nnd cröMea the person to expectórate oasily, wliilo it eniircly rosturcs the sèL-retions oí llie sysCeñi und expediies rt'turnin: he;ihh. JAMES B. DEVOE. 101 Rende streel, had long been comlainigg of a soreness in the chesl. accompanied 'ith a eïiort hnckine cough: lt raised muiter (rctly. liad Ion hia nppetite índ fell alarmed at hi sitüaüon. He h-ad tried vanm.s ret-u-dios without any beneficia! elltct. Iriis short ness oí b:eath and pain in ihe sidecontmued to increase. He sed one botile of the Olusaoni nn. nnd isrest.ued to healih. Geoiito V. Burncu. of Newark N. J.. Gco. V Hayft of"Ñew Yoïk; DnvW Hftrtderson1, 6(1 LaÍht3t; Mrs McGann. 20 Wallu-r st: F. Labnnr52 Pike et.. Mis. Archibuld, :J5 Waker si: with HUNORKDS OV NAM ICSof persons re siding in New York, cernid he givcn. who are ready to bear lesttmnny to t!ie eupenority of tlu Olosaonian over every oilier reiucdy known Toi the cure of coughs. colds, aítlimo. consumpnon. pnitiinp of hloud. dyepepsia, consumption, bron chitis, difficulty ofhréatínng. l.onrsenef?. influenza, pnins in the Wenst and sute, and the van ous aflections of the laonSacli and Ijver. For'salci.t 108 Nnssan st. one dor !ibve Aon. nnd at Mrs HwS. t?9 Fulmn st., BrookWiW Agento for Ann Arbor, W. S. & J.W. Maynnrd- E SampBörti Ypsilami: D. C. Whttwood, Dexter; Piekford &. Craier. Saline: Snuih& lyrol. Clinton; H. Bower, Manchester; P. Fnr.icK .Co.. ri'yrrtoütli; D. Greory and A. friam. Nonhville. 218-Gmo"THEO. H.-EATO. Stores 188 and 190 Jrferson jlvmue, DetroitOFFERS fui -s:ili! iho ibllowing goods- f tlior forcjsbor approvetl pper: iho good . til npw and (reeb, liaving buen purcbaaed withm ihe past ifiïrty days, of ilie imponer ;tn.i ;ii lauc ■ ion! KXCLÜSlVKwY FOK and WUj De sold at r.-y rctiücal ptiw.' 100 clictits and hall clicbis 1 en, 28 hogslieailsSugJtr, Ï5 boxcs ? Lont on 1 Lump; 10' liDgslteada Molnss; .-. y bjicsheáus Siewan'tí Syrítp, lír háp Cofiéè, :' lieiccsrnce, 150 boxea misins, l'uü drtirné fi's, f( Orniiírcs and Lemoiis, 300 ponnds Cinnrmion, 250 pounds Clovos. 175 pounds Nutniegs, ?5 kcps Ginyir, li) bagí Pcppo- and Spicí, 40 kegá and üoJi Tabücio, 5 bales APnonda, 2Q0 l)cxos Glass, ÍÓ li.)gsticads Spiirm Olí. 5?n lioxc?Sperm (JudcHoo, 30 haricls Dyg Wouds, h") bárrele C"p1' i:ir8 barféls Hluc Vitribly 0' l.arrels Ailpu, 15 bárrela Mndoér, TOO kegs Wlnio FltíHff,' 15 borrels Lni6td üil, 40 hoxes Siarcl), 35 bbxcá lirpct'j 'J C:iSt'S llUnU". fi barr.eíjB yuiuhur, 5 l;nre!.- S.tlií, 3 r re!: Castor OiF, 2 b;.K?s Scnon. 1 onsc Gum üpiínn. ltl banols Tiiipon'ine, QTT'ie following namod papers ril cncl thti nhove nolLcé, W#irf4 W h Rnionni I 1uce Zira oud íP ;;y ƒ rtoec wm, l.uUio ilie p'iiion adverümng. Póníiac Cazctto, Poniinc: Ann Albor Swc Journnl. and S.R.iah of Liberty, Anr . Arbor; Jnckson Gnzetie, Jackson; Lxj.oundcr. Mnrphnl!, Gnzette, Kalaninzoo; Nilea Hcpublicnn. iIcí: Banner. Si. C' iir: Gnzette, JVlonroe; Gcnescc Do.-iuicmf, Flini; and Chaibam Gleaner, Chni hn:.. CamJa. „ My 10, 1825. 212m Paper Haiiffins, BORDKRhVG. VVindow Pnpers. Fire Boord ;,, U., 13, 1ÏUt'3-6 m"TO THE VICTORS BE19NG THE SPOILS." AlrUOUGH inany ptepañiiioñs m tbe lorm . .( ■POWJLAR MÈölClNHë" KW#b?h i.irc the public, cl liming lo gic je!ei. twl uvcn curu ihe most inveie i ■■.-. y et f.uiitFinvë mi wí'II answei'ed the itrtiitnte tii Dr. Sliefiiiuii'b Aledic iicil Lozangoa 'l'iioy aro anc.üe 10 ihe inste, cíisdF'ndnnjjiMerecl. n.l Inim thé iinprcccdoriied ancct-ss wlinMi ïlicy li.ivc mei wnh, inri the ïei):trl;;ille cuio whicli ihey iiá.vü ■ l'oruifil, rnny jnsi 1 iv cliim tó lleVule of ■ iRTur nvcr thu diyctisr? )ir wiiicii tlioy )mv.' been iccoiiHiit ni( .1. Dr. Slic in.ri's COI (Hl LOZKNGPSV ilic ihobt ol nfuntu -i-c l ('mmli in n few hounú 'l'iicy hav Oind i l;n:;' iiuin!)cr of pei- i ■ - u hu liavii lciigiuu iip !y iliur physicianB ruld Iricrii!. and iiüiny iHiÓ Imve In-en icilucuil o ihe verge ui ihc i[nt: Ly p . 1 1 i 1 1 i_ hlomi, ('uu. iiinpiion and Uectic I-'cver, by tiiuir uso lmve had the rMj 'of licahh losiored tö ihe hnst'nrd olicel; nnd ti -iw !,vc to spenk forih tliö pruiicsor iliis nviiluab'c nied c ne Dr. Sha.niun's -WORM I.OZENCJCS" Have been pr ved in inore thini 4C.0I0 cases t be nii;dldle, n lact im nly ctTinin ■: n Di-s'io}ng Medicine ever iliscovLTi'd. Cliiliinn wdl eat ilicin when )hev cnnnol ba oreed tu take ; t ti y oiher medicine, nd llie benefn ilorivecl hom the admiiiistiüiion of jüedlclnè ii tlicm in tl e lorin is gt9W hcynnd CDticcpiion. When ih breath ol ihe liild bccomts oHensiye, and there is ; i kiiia ol'ihe nose. gi'ttíffing of the tt'c.ili dü ririL sleep, pnlentrá iibout ui lips witli HiihIx.H choeks. lic.-id'ichc. dn wsim-sí. einriing durini; lt■ep. dsiirlicd rfrfaiiie. üwokinü vf'nh frijhtand cr;:i[iiiï. troubleso:ne rishncs3rtltir8t. vbrncious .ipnetiie, gicknc&ü nt üiv stomnch .and blontid stömiTch - fflesi ;ire afrióng ihe tnany iio.iiineni syniptDtns of Worms. nnd cnr. bfi re lieved by thew. incinbarable Lo.enges. They liuvc never bêrii Itnuwn to fii!. Ür. Shennon's "CAMi'HOR IOZKNGEi?" Kdievc Ileidnchc, Nerous Sick Headach Palpiia'tion jf rtie lieaVï, and Si.-kncs in a very ie minutes. They cure Lowress of SptVits'. Despo'd.'ncy, Fainttjejfj, C.'.-lic, Sparrrts. Cramps o( ihe Stoi'uacii. Sumincr or tioWct Göftipbints; 'liey keep up the sniiiis. dispe! all the disuessin" ■rymptQnjB)! a niíluol rliwifjation, muí enable a person to imdêrgó great Sietitái or büdiiy toil. - Dr. Sheruian's rOOIl MAVS PLASTER"Isacknowledged b'y n!l whó have ever us d it t- [ je Uu: best Ptrengtliening Piaster in ihe world, mi i Boyerei go remedy for pains and wcaknes ii llié b;ick, loiiis. fuIc. bicisf. nei-k, limbfl. oints, rlieumatisni, lumbaeo. &c. One million i will nut supply the dornand. Cnntïon is ni;;u.-sar' . as ihèrè are mnny unprinriplod ",- soiis wlio would lorce a 3puriot;s articlo upon. Uiu coi.iimiii'iy. Bh c.ireful to get Shcruuin's Poor Mnn's riitter. wiili a "fác 'similn" ui hh tmifan name on the back - nono otliers are güira1!.... and will dn more hu rt ilian good. Wh'eñ sufli nen ns the Rt-v. Dnrins Aniluuiy, of the OneiUa Conference. U..'v, Sticeter, of Bosion. Rcv. Mr. Dunbar. Mr. Hancock, Rev. Mr. Do Forest, Iltui. Aarnn Clmk. J. Hoxie, Ksq. Hon B. B. Beanlsley. Daniol Fanshnw, Esq. and n host of imines of ihc liko reputation can bn brouht (orwbnl to prove the ellicacy oí Dr. Slurmuti's jreparations- when they are so wanuly recomir.ended by the medical profession, ind prescribed in the practice, and wheu such universa! apprnbation follows thcir usc ainoii all clnsscs. we may justly say that th Dr. 9 nut only entttled to the appellation o -VÍCTOR,'' but can faiily lay 10 the pat roñase of the aml will reoi'ive it. Agents for Ar.n Arbor. 11. tí. Thompson & Co.. W. S. &. J. W. jVIaynafd; K. Snmpaon Ypsilnuii; ?. C. Whitwood. Dexter": Pickford t ('raig, Saline; Smiih A Ty;ul. Cunto, U. Bower. Manchester: P. F;ir!ick & Co., Plymuuth: ü. Gregory and A. Grant, Northville. 218-6.nC, BHIJNCKEKIIOFFS Tlie practicó uso of the Hcaltfi Restoranve being .o relieve und cure ihose most hazardous mid Ttgui.i.uu-tofuU uiseasts. Cunsumption. Liver Conipioint, severe Couulis and CoKfe. and Prin9 in the ' SHe and ChesT. ïi isconïidcrcii botli righl nnd proppr tltat a slatemcnt le made morí partícufarfy reláfing tó ts propcrtieí. In the phce. t foriunately ia eonipmndel oi naiivc planta hei bs and roois. and hns nol soiiiih", therufpfe. the ndvcniiiif-us aid of dancrerons miaeral piepnratioiiP, which oniy pallinte at the best. mstead ot cunng .'lisuaso. The fact of ilic Reetora nve beïng puiely vegetable, is corrobormeJ by the testmiúny of the eminem Dr., Chtitoii o! New? Vuik. whu nftrr a cnrelul ani! iniüü'e examinaiion o(' i!, decides tl-e tr'uili of i'. anl so -f tectuöllv 6tops envil on shot point. Furiher, ihe Ijrompmcss of the action of this medicine is wiihou; doubt unparfll!?d: it sÜovMf süch enereiic action in cradicating disense and then healng ihat ttie tranSillon 'rom iWpfcired nnd cnfeel'Ied heètih to tónfëoirtnQB is ostonisliin nnd conclusivo. The happiness ofheing ii,. Incirmnpni nf Kprh tin' -viinded' benefit, is súgrent to permlt ihis Resturative to circuíalo as lierMfore tvithin narrow circum.eciúu á limils. and tlic Proprietor h mad?siich nrraricsr.'.ems wiili bil fimeral Anent ihut ilie ïéinedy can bc i-eacliod ly all. The continu?' accès-sions o' :eruficntës 'éiéuná tlie moiVtoucIiiflg caeep fdis ease h-ppüv cured. prevente he pncsibi.liy o. iheir beiu Vu!lli:sie! lo ain' extellt' llUt -V('1 lllr n left at the ofTice r.f the Gencrnl Agc-m tor e.mnnMion. t-iü.iw in" certifionic is Irom Dr Clniion. ihe jvell kiwwn New York chennst. ! hnvc aliaryxed a botile of inedieinf cllel V BriMkcrliolT's Henlth Reftorative,' artd find :!i;.; it dots not rontain Mercury. or any o'hei il i:llic pfrparatinn: nor opium lií niíy of Ui lorms. It ia coinposcd of veeetab'.c matter, e.c,ire]v " Jamks U. Ciiii-tov. M. D. C. BRINXKERHOFF. Proprietor, N. i ■ Hiirace Rvkrett, Gencrr.l Apehu Princin-il Office .% Fludsn iieet. ff. ï. Kor ea'ebr W. S. & J. W. Maynard, Agente. AnnArl.r -Jw . - --öialc gi Miclupan, t'ic ciivuii cmirt lor the couniy of Wuslnèiiaw. of tht Jime Term, U 1845. WinfiTabcr, ,s ArrACHMENT. Vnthan Sturgcss. ) XI ÜTICE is hereby giveti, thtl on the twenIN ty-fignthd;iyofFefriinry. A. I one ihou sand Bj'ghi lioudrcd and foriy-fiv?, n #ril o uichineni ijkaiued öul uí Üic Circuil Court fui ihc couniy of VVnshtèrww nforwnti ngainst Ui land :md icnenieuts, Roods. challéis, riglits. crt'-lus i.iüncys and cffecta i Nmlm Sllirgew. nefendantnt ihc sttit'ol Wingr 'labcr. plaiut.n. ,or the anuí oftwo Inüd iwcmy -hvc f larfand sixiy cen s, which ril ui uiiaJi.i.cni wa, ...mie :ön:ni.b!.j n i!;.e fitst TiicSdv ol .!mi A. 1). IÓ45, atul lu.s neen reuiiiiud 4m -c!Vldn. Kisfï.nofk Il.vK. l'r.Mr. A:i'y".(or Plaujntl. Ann A rbo .Ju-, g jL _ "í1!"! ín háñcéís --2d ireuit. Alailu-w W. 'J'iliu.son, Cuiiiplaiiiüiii, Sledend PI Townnd, Dcfmdnnt. IN -Hh-sl.nnreofadccüt-ao Krol rhr ( -oiirt O "Cl.anccry. tnndo nbovo n. w.ll M ,'d under the direc.ion oí enber a pub! c ouet on m tbc Ironj door ..f the Court House: in .Kè ville of Ann A.bor, n ,l,c cburr ty of Vahtenr.w, n Satnrd.y. l e twcniy ilnrd doy of Au-ust next at or o cRmS ui ihe ..Hrrnnnn. of Wid dnyr "uH that Ccrtn.n part or parctl of lamlaiiuote in ihu town of Superior in thecomiiv of WushionnwiinJ the biafe ot Mtcni in. viz: il"1 wri-1 llnli f llltó n""!l "(!st quartei ni'üixMiiiitiiiK in Inwo iwstili in raijge sevon cast in ïhc Dmtrici of Iñnil óuertd fór falo nt üeiroit. Micliigan " JilII.N . GOTT. M iáícr inr Cftniiocry. Tnrr.osft. Flnit. Sol ei tor f" r Cunij'la'rnani. Ann Arbor, June), 1645. 'JI--8"j ij 'JwB!BB SUS? Pcoplc Trom the Country V1SITNG Detroit, for ihe purchase of Ury Goods, Paper Hangings, or Fenthera. kvhitc going the ruunda to ascertain the vanona" Biyles or prices of Goods in the city, ore re- qui-sfrl to cali at W. A. Raymoñd'' &ïóre, No. 1-H, Jciferson Avenue, bcing one door nbove Bntes St. o ná next door to the ''Matihat'on Slore." 1 ie undersigned has taken a great liea! of pnins in Bclecimg his goods to got lashionoble styles and dédirabfe q'unlities and lfc' id confident that hts assortiiieni párticularlv1 f sOch 2oods as are deeirable fo the country tratfeyisW complutc us jiiiv in theciiy. He has on hand Ginghams, Ji;iiznnne3, 1, ja ns, Musln de LnincSsjCalicóes of every Mulls. Lmcos. [siyle, Edgings, Ribbons, PofffsOh.Shawls, Dress HandkercrnefarCravnts. Scarls; Veile, Gloves. ífosiery. Ai.ï[rtiL.'ns', Hrnft'rt Lin'-" ene. .[ leached Linens. Table covers: Towdin, Snirtings.Bheetings, Camb'rics, Muslins, black,blue black ond Émcy drcsS Silka. Bonnet Stfka;Lincn Canibric Ilandkeu-hiel's. ALSO, BROAD CI.0TI1S, CASSTMERES, SATIN'ETTS, VKSTINOa, KULL CLOTIIS, M0LE8KIN8,' DHII.l.tNGS, BLACK AND'FAXCY CRAVATS, And indeed', almos: every art tol er beTo"tiging tó' :hc Dry Goods business. All of.wtiich itr-bJ 30II at the rcry Loicest rutes, for Caslf. Cnll arrfl' ee lor yourbclveá - none are expecied o boy if ihey do 11. t find prices lullai r'uw, if not a UttU loioer tban elscwlierc. , W. A. RAYMOyP, Detroit, May 2:3, 1 V45. 2l3-iml mportant lo Farmers. T'NAll' & HAVILAND, wouldréspcctfully JV inlorm the ftfrnic-H of WailUCTraw' nh'd thö' ÉHirrounding Coufttiis ih:it ihey continue to manufaetur? at rtieir shop near the nver'bridtfe. L'uvrer Tuvn, Ann Afbof, Thi'eshiiigr Machine of dilVerent lqnds coinririinc the Burrnll . Codiz, ana Eftsunap'a Planêtary Power, iirid Machine ditíarciu frym nny made in thlá Conn:ry nüd prelcrrcd lo nny o'ther, whic'.v they intend tó sell at such prices nnd in nuch tenijs as ennnut-fai! to tjive 6nÜ8fno!ioh. Tlrt-y nr6 dctcrinined'not o be outdone by any establishment, either in pric or quality of work. Havinji buen for many years cngngd in th' busincsf they think ihey enn with coniidence rei?oinnicnd tlieir work, nnd farmers and othorè wishing m buy wilt di well to cali nrfd examinó iheir work previous to purchosing eleewheTeV-They are prepared 10 do hit kinds oï thrrahifig machine Repairs, on the shoriest notice and mottf reasonnhíe ierm3 frran ny similar esiabíistimeíft' in the Couniry. Alio. Jíurrall's celeb'firiedn UIC louniry. Also. Jurraii s ctricuiuicu CLOYER itlACHINE'Sv vhich separate ihe crnfi from thescedal-n-si-igltf iperatiort ond aré univeisally pproved of arfa ised tvherever ntro'duced and warrarftëd1 ttr hrcBh clennand nol lrenk the secd. ior rcferncti apply tö Robert or John McCormick of S5iem Wath;cnnw Co., who have used orfe Uie pait jcason. ' a w. w. kñapp;T. A. HAVlLAiVÖÏ Ann Arl.ol-, Muy lst, 1845. .".!-■'.. RENOVAL. TH E subsci iber8 have removed theír cslalihshment to the store recently occupicd by Geo. Greiivüle, No. 2, Hmvkins' block, and Ijérvö rctiivsd direct from New York, a chotee lot df Family Groceries, Fruits. Nuls; $Ctrt which tliey Would invite the artentioh I ibfl citizens. They also continue the IJAKlNG'títi sinrs-s at their old stand near the Depot, rtd köep constantly on hand at boili placee erery arltële' n i&al line. . . . f. B..HALL, & CÓi Ann Arhor, ,t-inp4. 1845 7The Birney Fortraífv T111-: Subscribers have on hand a quantityVf thde large and splentliJ engrnVin beau ufuUy execüed on sieel plairs. by ah" excellent artist, frorn a pninting by E. W. Goödwin, Esff. of Albnriy.N. Y. They are a; strik ing hkeness of Thk Man, and mcke na elcguiit ornament fot the' parfor. For snle. tf hölesnle and rerail: 01 $3 per dozeirf T $1,00 e.K-li, by Á. McFrtrren, Bookeellei, Dctroif. and by beck'lï:v. poster, & Co. Anri ArSor, Nov. 4, 1014. 24-if NEVAURATGEi!lE]TTs7 REM Ó VAL. THE Su'miibér has removed bis s'ock etf BOOK3 to Slorp No. 2. ExcIrongcBlock, ndjoinirra Lui.ds & M'Collums StorvvWere he ia rendy io lurtiiili cash customers with n neW and wtll selecied assortmcnt of' .Wáceílaneovs, Reliftioiis, Histöricaï, Bidgiaphical and School Books, lOfeeiher wiih he best aasoriment oí Paper, Quilla, Ink, VValers. Toy Books and Stationery genemliv wiiich has ever bc-t-n ollered wesfot Deiro, and wiil he sold:ni 'he Detroit Cnrí! pricej. He lui? ad'dbd to his forrncr business ivell eel.cied nasorriiuiit of Family Grooeries-, whicli iie will' cxcliange for Cash or most kinda oí produce. ,, _ Wnnted1- Eggs. Beeswax and Tallov.-. Reutember ihc store, two doors from tí Fw'ng ■jj 11. rJfc.Kii. Ann Arbor, LoWcr Village, June G, $tf. 7tUARTFCRiy Fire Insurance Compairy ISCORrORATKD TN 1 610- H A-RTKR MCilPtTCAU- CAPITAL SlÓOjOOO, WiTH fOWl TO fNCKSASi -.rriüS950i000'. TUIS well known itnd long esublished' Inatituúbn. with ampld cash capital, liavc establ.ehcd'ntl rtgency in Ann and offer w ■ insure Dwellia IuTJiiture, Slorft, SfereHnfidiïe, Müls, Whenr. &c on' vCry avorablo ernia The high characicr of thi company is welj Urtown. its extensivr business is con. .íucied on fhc most jast and honorable principie Owncrs of prop, tv i.r Amv Arbür nml v.c.nity vh, wsh fóiftMro t ust loss artd Ammse hy Rré oro invited to cali Hirecily on ihe roUcnbcr. „', bí gitírt in Am Arbor, whui autbjTi2ci to 4? ?,íí!jStCKAÍ Agen,. Ann Arl.or. Jan. 1.1B45. 30-Cin. KOBÊnÖTWr WARMER, Carpenter and Joiücr, I.ARNABÜSTKKI.T, UWEK.N BATXSAD RAU0LFH STRKETS, DCTBÖIT. Shop. on tfie Alli-y in renr of fhe franklin Cold Water llousc. My 90. 1F45. 2156n "CUSTOM SAWING. Ll'MUER will hc Bjiwed to order ai all timea '"'■"-irf'&SS:"1 p. s.- AH loga lost by bw neglect he will WM?vrw. lS4n 215-ir Travel ing Baskets, IADIKS' Gnrpel liagB. Suw nil ('""e M ' i for l.V W A. IIAMOND. é&SSm 3 f "-.. _ OrTKÊCS uf White Leafl UI Uil, iü Ib. oODmoUy.ior.aiedjeap.


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