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Onr Western friends ore enterprising-. One of them, Mr. R. Muil, of Indian, hns actuallv performed a lecturing tour on aini-slaverv. through cighl counlirs of Virginia'. ín u letter dated M;iy SO, to the editor of tlie Indiana Frceni':n, lie describes liis labors as nttended wilh most eiicournging circumstanccs. ;I entered ihe State of Virginia oppoöjte Marietta, Obio, and cotnmenced agitating niv way through eight coimtie. In going tlirc' I delivored six public entures on the subject of slavery: on slavery in the cliureh and slavery in the State, and I have the ] leasure of announcmg that I addressed the people each time from a Methodist Episcopal pulpit. I was uot refused a single tbr which I niude application. My meetings were larjje, and the people demenned themselves with that decorum which should ever characlerise a people inquiring after trutli. I preached to the slavc and the enslaver, and both eeenied to be benefitted by tny discourses; and I am confidenl that I neiiher softcned my words nor enioothed my tongue for the accommodation of either. Tne people in the slavo States know but liltle of our principies. The most common idea that prevaild amongthem is thoi amalgamativn U aiolitioniam. The Virginians are very much opposctl lo every form of amalgamation, save that which is carried on by mus ter and slave. But with nll the burning wrongs of slavery upon them, they possess a magnanimity of character which shines back to oblivion the proslavoryism of In'Iinna and Ohio. VVlien my meeiings were dUmiased in I Virginia, it was not unfrequeotly the ense that some twelve or fiftocn persons would flock around me, and urge that I leave another appointment, aesuring me that the whole country for miles around would turn out. - Two Virginians, tearniug that my mission was one of inercy, paid me $5 each 10 defray my expenses in carrying the vvar int o Egypt. "Ail things work together forgood to them that love God," and you may rest assured that the very gatts of heil shall not prevalí aguinst ns and our cause. Yours in high spirite,


Signal of Liberty
Old News