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Whig Baseness: For The Signal Of Liberty

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The following parngraph may bc found in the N. Y. Tribune of May lOth, credked to the Albaiiy Evcning Journal. "James G. Birncy pnsscd throuuh our city ycsterday. When nmong ns. he was labor ing ne au obolilmn cuuduhte tbr President, to promote the election or Mr. Pulk. so thal Texas might bc annoxcd to the Union. He is now procecdinsf to a Convent ion which cpntetnplates the dissolution of the Un on, 'J'his certninly preserves the consistency, while t cnrhes forward the principios bf tfmt palriotic and philanlhropic Presideiitial aspinuit." Mere Í9, in substance mul spirit, a ropetition, and renewal of the "Garis nd Forgerv,'' which it had been Elippo'öcd, evcry whig, makinjr ony pretonsions to trut h ana veracity. vns heartily ashamed of. Hut with leading Whig., it is evident lliat shame hns lost its blnsh, and turned to mpiiderjce, and tnuh to fnlschood. The Evcning Journal, and Tribune KNEW, when they made the a'oovc assortion that there was NO cvidenco thai Mr. Birncy liad labore;;, or wishcd tbr ilie election of Mr. Polk, exctpl thu wilful and malictovs Jahchouh and forgcrifs of thcir own party. The gentlemen, (rurdoii me cent lemen never vvilfiilly aseort knuwn faisehödifs,} f.hc Journal atíd Tiihnne knn Úiéy had novulcncc ih:ii T-Ir. Birncy wnsgoing to Gnrrisons convent on, to encouroge the dissolution of the Union. How detestable must bo the principies and party tbat descond to such menns to promote thcir cause. If Whigs kntw how voin llieir are effbrts; oud how ridiculous they appcar, in Uy'ing to get the Liberty party to join them, they would de-, eist. Should the Liberty party now disband bnt few of them could descend to the Whig party, with thcir present leaders. Neither is the Democratie pnr'.y prèferable rxcept it hos not euited thcir present poücy to abuse the Liberty party as ihc SVhige have. Neilher hnd tlioy any higher principies or motives.than !to triumph over their opponents, by ony rneann whatever : and then divide tl e epoils. Andto accompiish their object, they do not hesüate to keep 3,000,000 of thpy human famüy I in bondage; nnd woiild nol hesitate to enslave ns mnny more if the interest of the party could he promoted thereby. This is said, more particulnrly, of tho lenders, from the Mflj. Gencrols down to the 4th corpornls. - But let us examine a littb into the long, loud, howlin, groaning and grashing of tceth aboutnr elecUng Polk, by voting tor Dirney. It is said ibat if the Alolitionists had voted [br Clay he would have been eleci cd. Thie is said on the supposhionhat all Abolitionists would have voted for Clay if Birnoy had been dropped, Wherea it w)uld not have been so. Many of the party would have refnsed to vote at all, rather than 'ote for a slavehold - er and duollist. And JDenocratic ] ists would have voted foi Polk, so that his ; vote would have been hcreased nearly ns much as Clays by tho annihilation of Ihe Liberty party and principes; and he still have a hnndsome majority.Bat a grievDUS chargt has been hrought f gninst us; that we kneu we could not elect I 3irney, ond Polk waa peferred before Clay. i The charge is too ridbokis to admit, or deny, ind there has been no teit, or expresssion on he 6ubject, 60 that t ctu be admitted or denied. But what if tbey hac sucli a preference? Are the Whigs the ony men and party that have a righi to a preFerence? Did not the Liberty party nominale their erndidate long beforo the olher pnrties did heire for the express purpose of voting for him? Why not quarrel with, and nbnsc the Democrats because they woulu not drop their candidate, ond immolato themselves on the altar ofyour idol?But iflbe Whigs wercso pátriotlcally anx ons to defeat Polk ond 3ave the country," liy did they not vote for Birney nnd defeat Polk; for thcre coiild have but littlc doubt filis election in that case; wliile those who ad sufficient candor to look at facts ae they oere, knew there was not more than one hance in ten for Clay's election. But let us ee if the Whigs of Michigan did not prefer Poli: next to Clay. They knew, or might ïave knowju, if they had been sane; that Clay ould not get the electoral vote of Michigan, whilethc Whigs and abolitiomsts could have given it to Birney, and kept five votes from Dolk ; which for aught ihey knew, might have tnrned the scale in favor of Clay.In Shiawasse nnd Clinton cotintics, the Whigs eeemed to prefer Texas, ond Polkish men to abolitionists. Tho Liberty pany had got thcir Btrongcst man,(Judg5 Comstockanil nommatcd hitn in advance öf both the other partios as Rcprcsentative (o the Legislature last full. Me was none the lesa a Whig in principie than when supported by them, but lïis domning sin, in their optimation was, that he had odded Aboliiion to his whig principios; and they chose to "promote" the elcction of o loco foco, by "throwinnr away their votes" on a Whigcandidate. Who can doubt but the whigs are, whnt they claim tobe, the usimon pure?' abolition party?


Signal of Liberty
Old News