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To-day's Paper

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The Iiiipm cm the first poLe--To the Ünsatia. fixi- ;irc ju.illy cunccivcJ. umi Ustetiilly c.tThe noxt nriicle wns wrii;on for lh% paper bv Kühu Burriit, ihe "Leaincd Blacksnmh." The tliird artide is from :i New School Prosby lorian to hie OW Schoo! brcthren. Ui3 advue is worf.hy of ilioir atiemion. Tlic fourth ironi n sensible, thinking ma on "YVbig 13:isenos3." Tiie letter from JJurace Grcclcy to the antis'aveiy Cunvontion at Cinnnmti is a singular productipn. lts powtions are a mixture of truth and error, wliícli wc liavc not spnee now to annn'yzi. But Mr. Gicc!ty'6 advicc toAboütion ista not tobe sl.iveholdcn, not to treat thcir laborers like elavcs, and to r.(rt thernsolves Cor the colored people, comei with an ill grsce from one who has been l.iboriig to the utmost for tlie exaliaiion of sluvcholdersover thisnation, wliile those wliom lie advises wcre diligently nt work for the clcvation ond inrprovement of :heir colored füllow citizons long beforc the Tribune had conmienced its existerce. In truth, utider all the circumstnnccs. the ttter looks like a graiificntion of political spleen under tliegarbof friendly advice; and it would ippenr that he anticípate1 that some such view rrfghi bc taken of ir: for hc made provisión for its ■.iblication in a Whig paper, in case it Bhould b denied tlic honor of a publication in the procedings of the Conventí on. Mr. Durritt's letter dsplnys fchcity of expression and ori;nality ol ihoug!ii. The lovers of fine writingshould looi at it attcntivcly. We predict that he will som lake Uis rank as one oí the bestwriters of theagc. The Ieitcr of C. M. Clay is writtcn with his usual forcé and eloquene. Gov. Seward, jt will beseen, comes out senli.ncntalli) for some of he measures of the Liberty party, bu' etill acts vith a proslavcry Whig party. This posilion he is evidently determined to maintain. Vetj many other letters wcre reccived br títe Convention, of which many extracts are given in the Cincinnati Uerald.


Signal of Liberty
Old News