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O r readers are aleady aware of the existence of an association at Skaneateles, N. Y., known as the Community. Mr. Collins, a Garrisonian abolitionist, was one of its principal conductors. It was füunded on the principies of strict nonresistance. No physical forcé was to be used in controlling its members, and the necessity of the aid ol the civil law was denied and discarded. At the same time the largest mental liberty was secured to its members, by a rejection of the Bible, and of any public worship, while marriages were regarded as a temporary arrangement of the parties, to be terminated by mutual consent whenever they should think iheir happiness would be better promoted by a separation. In a word, it was designed as a model institution for the human race, to demónstrate the fact that hurnan bemgs could livetogether prosperously v, ithout the aid or government of any law?, human or divine.The human race are looking on to see the working of this experiment. The reports ihey have heard from the inslitution have not been the most favorable. By the following i.otice from the True Wesleyan it wiil be seen that the Community have been compelled to resort to the civil law. "We have knownthat difficulties have existed amongthem,butthe nature of them we did not tinderstand, as the organ of the Commuuity kept dark on the subject. The olher day a friend from Onondaga County gave us the following information concerning a part of the difficulty. A mernber of the Community, believing he could be as happy elsewhere, and vvishing to observe the IJible rule of not going out empty - the community does not acknowledge the validily of the Bible - he took a cart and oxen and loaded with wheat which he intended should make glad his new home. Now carne the test of thenew hw of society; lie was remonstrated with, and the power of moral stiasion was brought lo bear upon him without effect; the loveofwheat bread was stronger than the law of non-resistance, and oíf he moved with his load of wheat. - VVhen moral suasion had so signally failed, an appeal was made to the civil law, and an uttachirienl was issued for the arrest of the property, butit was found, as they owned all things in common,out dístinct individual titles, the law could not reach the case, for no man could prove a better tille to the wheat than the onc who was removing it for Iris own use. - F rom this lesson Mr. Collins took the hint and made application to the Legislature for an act of incorporalion, so as to strengthen his non-resistance and moral suasion with the power of the civil arm. What success Mr. C. met with at Albuny we have not been informed." It is proper to say, howovcr, that ihere is no nécessary connection between Infidelity and the principies of Non-Resistance. The advocates of the Jatter, generally profes the highesl respect for the doctrines of Ch ristianity.The Stock foi a Rnilroad from tho Ningnra to the Detroit River has been loken up. This I v.ili bo the erreti fhrout'hfare Tor travel durinrr ! thecloao ofbavlgatioii.


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