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Cincinnati Convention

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This Convention which carne oft on the J ltb and I2th uit., was dccidedly tlie most intercsting of any that has been held since the coinmcnceinent of the nntislnvery rnterprise. What wos to be the policy of the friends of liberty Tor the next ibur years has been a queation of deep solicitude vvith politician9 of all purtiea for the last few montl)9. Tliit question we conaider nnswercd - the Gincinnaii Convention has put the subject at rest.The ntimber in uUendance - the tolcnt and moral worth of the assemblage - the high toned chiracler of lts proceedings - the unanimity of views and feelings expreesed, are all portentoiis. and must convince the moal casual observcr, that the friends of tlie slave are in earnest, and that the abohlion of slavery and the consequent overthrow of the slave power in this nntion ore written pon the scrol' ofdcstiny. The issue between Hherty and elavcry is fairly made, and the liberty ranki ore being daily replenished with ihose who have bccome tired of doing homnge at the hrine of Souiliern dictatiun, ond it does nol require a prophets visión to foresee the deiiveiance of the American bonchnin achieved by the triumph of liberty principies.(L7 Tho Albnny Patriot thus speak of the first numberofC. M. Clay's paper "The way Cassius deals with his gasconading brethren is a caution. His a ticle gleams with cold steel from ene to end. One can smell the powder - hear the sharp crack of the rifle - see th blood gush! The fact is, Cassius is no only a match for the wordiest of th Gascons on paper, but he has a real rel ish for the dirk-and-pistol exercise. The) will not attack him in front by dayligh - they know him too well for that! Seriously, C. M. Clay hassome gener ons impulses, - sotne good thoughts anc slrong words - but as a reformer of thi day, the ground is all quaggy and hollo under him. He is an adventurous pio neer. If he is overtaken by a "Brad dock's dcfeat," soine othcr croe will be ready totake his place."CCr3 The writer of the book of Ecclesiastes in commonly quoted as teaching tlie doctrine that there is nothíngnow under the sun. We ratherthink if he were to awake to ïife after a slecp of 2500 ycars, and ímd a printing press in his own city of Jerusalem throving oíF its myriads of shcefs among the surrounding population, the opinión attributed to him would be soiTewhat modified. Mr. Warden Cresson has issued proposals for publishing a quarterly paper at Jerusalem, to bc called "Day-break," at 81,00 a year. It proposes to gives information respectingthe country-its climate, produclions, government, laws, taxes, inhabitants, &c. &c. Persons Wishing to subscribe are requested fo forward their nameí to Mr. Warder Gresson, Jerusalem. How they ure to get there we do not know. We nre too poor to subscribe, but wc should liko very well to exchange with a Jerusalam paper!{JLf" The Licenso question was dcfinitely seltled at the late session of the Conncclicut Legislature, by authorizing the towns to appoint tbreecomrnissioners for each lown to decide upon the question ol License or No Licenso for thcmselves. Tnifg Connccticut and New York have folio-wed rhe exainple of Michigan, the legislation of all agreeing in leaving the poAver of granting or withho-lcíing I censes lo the towns. The other States will follow in due time.Tliat the world is lillle indebted to Virginia tor üicrature, may be inlcrrcd frotn the following slatislics for 18-10. Massachusetts had 104prinling presses and 72 bindarics; Virginia had 50 presses and 13 bindaries. And liom other facts, it is to be presumed that ihc presses 'm JUassachu6ett3 do -on au averngc doublo ns muoh btrsinoss as those in Virginin, in proportion to the nuinber. Masíuchiii-etuhas capital invcsled aniounting; lo $41ti,200: Virginia $55,400, Maseachuscttö lias ten daily papers, Virginia none. Massachusetts has 67 vveekly papers; Virginia, 26. Massacbusetts has 14 semi &i tri-woekley papers; Virginia, 1. Massachusctts has H periodicals; Virginia, 3.


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