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Dr. Sherman's Medicated Lozenges

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Thcsc medicines have alrcndy períomed man ahfiost incredible cures. They have been use, by ministers of ihe Gospel, som of whom ha been totlering pon the very brink of the grave and have raised them up; they have bcon usei by all professions and classes of men, in Cough Colds, Consumption, Aethma, and various dia cases of the Lungs, and found to be more cffec nal than any medicines ever used. They hav destroyed more Worms, and saved more childre from ati early grave, than any preporations theworld; and ihcy have relieved more Head achca, Palpitation8, Nervous Aflections, Rheu niaiistr., Pains, &.c. than ony other preparatio ihat was ever recommended lo the world. Th testiinony of those who have been curcd by the use, or raiher, soine of the most stnking and de perate cases, have been published in paniphl t'orm, which may be had from all Agents wh sell the Lozengea and Poor Man's Piaster. Wer it dcsirablo, an overwhelming mass of the lik testiinony could be produced, to show that Dr Sherman's Lozenges are the vcry best medicine in the woild. They are strongly concentratec are preparcd under the direction and inspcciio of a skilful physician, and are offercd with per tect confidence, as they have been before the pul lic lor more than five years, and have nevor bee knmvn to do any injury, or produce the least dib satisfaction with iluso who have ueed them ac cordiug lo tho accunipanying direction. W. S. & J. W. MAYNAKD, Agents, h Ann Arbor.


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