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To Whigs

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In our paper of to-day will bo foimdnn anic Trom the Boaion Courier, cntitlod "Conditio nnd Polify o( the Wh.g Party." As wc ha m;n; Wiiig föndars, wo invite tbcir attention t thisarliclc. It is not nn abolition pr.x'uctioi 1 " !■ riiif p !,v ngable nnd cli-iir-siyhtcd men Ixyögdwj own p-.r:y, ii 8 oddrtasod to Whigi. nnd oppears in n .prominent Wliig paper. It seeni8 to us that every oandid Whig must tome to acqu;esce in the mnin conclusions of the writer - -tha.f in tlie race of servility the Dcmocrrta have lorcsloüfil dm Whiga and eccured elaveholding furor- ihoi the Whirpèrty, oithougli it qiwbé aïTi'n orgnnized nnd tnorshoHcd for baltic in IS !8. cannot sneceed as a pro slavery pzrty - ihnt the loss of nntislivery votes was the occasion of Uieir Hefcrit in '44. nnd thnr will be groatly .-nigmented in '48 - nnd, finnlly. if the party wonld sucoecd. ii must take antislatcnj ground, nnd cut loose (rom its slaveholding allics. The Whig press is ecnarallj' very cirefnl tosuppress cvery rucie of tlus tonor, ns far as possiblc; and yet we are convinccd there is quite a mino iiyof that purty wlio are preparc-d io take t!iiJ stand; and we belicve that if tho Albnny Evening Journnl and Symcuse Journul had peraevcred n "raising (he standard of emuncipation." nnd hi-p' U flying', thot a laríje ntimber of the country Wliig prosscs wooltl by tliis time have foilowed in their wake But thcir cowardliness sliowod they were unfu to lie leaders, and ol' cotirBC nobody foilowed. But ihc design of the more unprinciplcd of the Whi? innnngers ev.'dently now is, to hold on to southorn euppori lili '4ÍS. ;ot whnt Slave States thoy can. and at the samo linie carry the Nonh by matting jnst as great pnfssims of an islavery as the emergency may dornand. They may keep their party together by tbis menns, but they will not save them9elves from defcat.{L? According to the Message of the Governor last winter, the acknowledged debt of our State was S4:Q77,167 38, of which there was due July lst 1345, $316,343 77 and on the lst of January, 1846, $147,565 23. Making in all on ilie lst of January, 1846, $463,939 00. {t5 The Beacon of Liberty saysthat 12 per cent is the lawful interest in Wisconsin Territory. This rate is in advanee of all the States. (ET5 The Legislature of Connecticut, at their recent session, passed an act declaring that on the second trial for the election of Representntives, thecandidate receiving a pluraliíy of all the votes cast, shall be elected. OTThe New York State Antislavery Society adopted the following resolution. It is right. "Resolved, That we are fully persuaded that it is the duty of abolitionists, evcrywhere, to refuse to recognise as Christians those who buy or sell, or hold in slavery, thcirfcllow men, in as much as il is a prncticedisgracefuí to the religión of the Lord Jesus Christ, and brings into just suspicion the professed piety of all who are guilty of the sin."


Signal of Liberty
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