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The New Slave Convention

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Tlie new convention botvvcen the goverrimeijts of Franco and Englnnd, and which has been signcd by bol h partios. and the rntiilcalion of whieh wil] bo exchanged in a fewthys, is to the following effect: "The prcamblo of the ncw treaty sets forlh that the Queen of England ond King of Franco, (the parties most dooply bound tothe execution of lhisduty frpni thcir superior naval resources) doeining that the treaties of 1831 and 1833 have produced all the effect that they are capablo of, aro desirous of forming another compact suited to the present emergency, in order ir.ore effect iially to represa the slavo trade. They have accordingly drawn op the present treaty, to endüre for ten years, unlesg, nt a period to be nppointed, which will probably Lc lowarda the fifth year) their mutual efforts should have proved insufiiciont and uhsatisfactory. It is thorefurearranged that Franco shall keep on the western coast of África a fleet consisting half of sieamers and half of sailing ships, tlie mimber amounting to not less than 36j and the naval force employed by England will be of same character, calibro nnd amolint, cxcising simulianeously due diligence on the flags of their respective nations. - Acting in concert for thisobject,each may visit the stations occupied by the other when convenient, negociating treatiesluí ui uiuive princes ana ctneis lor the suppression of the trade only, nna bearing jointly the expense of presenls, &c.,upon tíie conclusión of such treatie?. Should the use of forcé by land pr sea Uceóme necessary in the execution of tue olject in view-, neither shall have resource thereto without the sanction of ihe othor. Notice will be given when the operation of this convention is about to commence, and from the following thrce months, the right of mutual search must cease." The convention is signed by thc Earl of Aberdeen, the Duc de Brogüo, the Cou::: de St. Aulawe, and Dr. Lushington. A Fre. - Hon. VV. C. Johnson has rcceived a delicate compliment lo bis abilitiesin ihe shape of a $100,000 fee for seltling an extensive land claim. His visit to New Orleans was no doubt connected with thisinteresting business. Perils of the dsep.-The Philadelphia Nortli American inikes a competition, by which it appears that for tirtetn sailors who die of all diseases, eleven die by drowning or in wrecks - that thc number cf British ships vvliich are nbout one to twenty-five - that nearly ico ihuvsand perish snnually in thc miglity deep.chieíly from shjpwreck, by which property to tlie amount of tkree millio7is aonuajlj of widows and Ihousands of orplinns ore thrown upontliecold on.'i precarious chority of the public - that the more frequent cause of these shipwrecks is inlemperauce - and that in the case of tliose who are enved from such sndden doath and watery grave, 8ü severe is thc labor and exposure of the seman, that Jortyfive is the average limil of Jife. Editors sometimes deserve credit for their ingenous hints. Ilere'sa a specimen which we quoteí "There isa man, somowhcreinMaine, who has been in the habit, for several years, of celebrating bis marriage by paying for his paper. He is said to be the iviost prosperous and happy man in the neigbborliood. We wish there wcre more nen happy from the same causes." A Sign of the Times. - Winchester has sold seven thousand copies of "Mrs. Caudie's Curtain íectures," since last Thursday morning. People llke to reaf anything thal comes homo, to them. The trial of tlie persons cliargeil vviih tlie mu der of Joe Smith, lins rc8nlied in i'neir áfq iitta They vrerc held in bonds of f$ 10.001) to answe ai a special term io be hcld ipimediaiely; for th .nurderof Hyiuni. his brother. In a hump. - A whoie fire compnny in fu uniform and standing by tlieir engine. were d, auerréotyped in Hartford, a Few days ago. - F.xchange. Our youní: frien'd. Mr. Mv. vit. obtained uto ejccelleiu views of Compnny '-f!." Dufl'alo City Ghjanls, s it balted in front of ihi Cliurches. on Monduy Inst, while on its nnrch o, cngagcd for its plcasure cscuraion. - I'iIjt.In Louisiüna. - "If any persun sliall use an latjguage, frorn the bar, bcnch, stog o' jwlpit ar (mi plttce," [mclndinj bolle bl Icgis-litior. 'or ho!d any ronvtrsatiun having n tkndknc to promote disconlent anión; fí:r colorp( people, or insulionlination nmong; slavc?, lie fjiay bc iroprisonvd ut liartl lalior, not lew thnn three, or more llmn iwen y cue years, or In may sufler DEAT1I at ihe discrction. of the Courl." Lilsworth the great prJeslnan, at New Orleanp, completpd his 1000 miles in 1000 hour. OD the 8lli uit. For the fun of the tliinr, he vvalked a few ddjtional miK1?, eo os to inake tip the baker'd dozen. Notwithstüiidinjr tlitfatigue ho liad gone throuh, he JVs reatly u: the comi!ction of his labora, to uk a mile nny ihing that wore 'inde or hair' lor frum SO to $M0 a t-ule. Tuk CorpiiR Stock fever runs high herc. Sevcral of oor most wcalthy citizens nre iterested i the mining going on ra the Upper Poninsula, nnd have pone p with labofers to work them. Evcry boat brins inore or Jeís from Ihe Easl w.'io are góing üj) to mnfcc thcir fortunes. Sonicbody is bound to gel nch.- Fit Pest.We con horJlv behcve ti.m tbc foHowing modern application of an oJd faying comes frora nny ofoiirconrltouK dealers along street. 'I'i.-y.viveüiso hot thpy ure nsver happier than n llo opporinnii v of r.vliibi'in? tlieir ;joice oomls. ThL-, hovevn-, mtt be frorn -ome one w!,o not ;ulveni-p. Thal'u ii! - iiiict e;.;;. FORTIIK &ENÏ5F.TF0F THE T.ADTKS. A éOOd S1GN rOB PflrtCIIASINO A llonsB. lfon white fnotj bny Icm; {f t ivo whtift frfïf, I ry lii;n; ïfliireo whi e fbfii. (oiiy hin; Ii' foiir wtiirc fpff. ntul n White ni-r, Toke oífhis hide and gire him to the crows. A similar sipn Fiirrfrests ifpé'f on ?reing ladies come into a dry gnoña stoip, ir one emirs, she'ü hnv; II' i v.o como. tliey'IJ try : If th ree come, tliey'll deny; Iffonr comí, y'ou may snppose Tiiey'JI only look at gnods.atid öfftliey goes. WJipii VVolfTwns misionnry to Jerns2lem,a Turk, póinting to Calvary, 6aid: - "There on the very spot whfrp your foi-d pouiyhI out his bioo'l, that Alehomedan is obliged to intefere .o prevent yon Chriálians frotn ehedding the blond of eaeh othcr Grrnt Decisión. - Some boy were iiuli ted in R"?h Co. indiana, not longéince for disturb:ngr nn Abolition moetinfr, where Huil was to make a ppeech. The jury ncquitied them on the ground that nn Abolition meeting wo8 not o lnwfnl assemblage, peacenbly assembicd for n imvful purpoae. The commiesioner of patents givea notice tbat after ihe lst of July, wben tho new posfoffice law poes int o operalion, no letter addressed to his office wil! be taken out iinleps the postage on it is paid. The Eridencc of Marriage - It hr.F been decidedby Judgé Pars ons, that in Penneylvania, marmge is a civil contrr.ct, and aa snch my be prove.l by edmissiona end acts of the partios, without the neceesity ofany particular ceromony. In the cope belbre hin, it was provêd ihat therè had been 110 ceremohy per(niied, but the pertiea had l'ivert together as man and wile, and the man had treated the woman as a wife in tlie presence of acqunintnnces- Thie, itwas held, according to the law of Pcrnsylvania, wos sufScient to constitute a marriage, and endow the woman with the rights of a wife. To takc nny kind of Orease out of W ooien Clolh - Tuk cquft! parts of the Btrongest alchohol Sl aqua ammonia, mix them towether 11 nd opply it with o pirce of cloth freely, and the grease ill entirely disappear, without any inj.iry to the cvi. There nro 85 incorporaled Bunks anl C5 Banking Associatione, mking in ell 150 Banks in the State, with a capital of $ 45,734,838. Iu the counties of Aüerrhr.ny, Clinton, Cortland, Franklin, HaTmlton, Queens, Richmond, Rockland, Scheharie, Su!livf.n, there are no Banks. JThere are 40 Foreign Consuls resident in Tïiis ciiy. There are ffoéj mucs of Railroads in operation in the Siate which cot for construc tion 819)606,737 00, for repairs and running 6790,752 81. The receipts have been $1,895,653 59.- A'. F, Tribvne. It was the remark cf a Romr.n Consu?, that some ere bom to great nc, and others have greati-ess thruehed upon thern'. Tiiis is to be eyemphiiod by a law jnst passed by the Con. uecticut ijogislature, whieh imposes a fine of $' 20 on e very person who refuses to accept, when elected to a military command! Vbis 's blowing "tfie bubble reputation" in one's facr, wiiha vengeance.


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