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Odd Fellows

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Wc lm o nolK'ed the proress of il;iiaiioii witli considerable ai tent ion oikJ iniere:t. k JBÜfltttJ 1" kë ( w-r)' WtbBTfl pRDÍpttítttUi New lode.t mo unirtia'iy lucilod in overy tii ficiiiij; ilio niuubcr of' diPinberri pontiniteHy .i:;niii..n's: lite avenues f the r-st-ocintionF i:c sAol't'd ti v constant snpplcs fioin tin luemberi.; cis pi iiicurju.ruUijn aro ubtainec: "mm llie SiaU: l.oUl.-ifurcs without umlcrin (ifiiculy: and tlie pres? goneriilly ia caret'u 11. t lo OÖcitd tiiOtn, qr iú.-e is ready tn.spenk in t.'nir pruL-U'. A Jr'0 c'!i-bruitin v:is lulo!y lii-lii in D'ö?oi), at wliirli ToOO-Odd Fc-llovvp ook tliiiner; the Order is rapidly tütoin'iii ii Bngltfnd and, in a word, Ilie insiitiitinn is a? flourvbiog&a its most sanguine fiienns conli juatly liavc nnticipu'od. Severa] cau?ed of i hts rflpid propresi-ion migiit le mmliv-ntd. Wc will name tljreoor fjur. Tlie íiríl and prinfipai tino is Vhat lheii)li tutiüp is scift in te operaMojps, TitQQwaj tle priyacy of itaproccdingK, and it wouk li.l! ihr-ngh voiy noot), or burrly exis'. . 'l'iio eecopd aupé if its prntjperity is foY:n in thcfiict t!;at ; s Jie ntctst of partièuiLi ciu.-ses of personn to bfCompTntTnbRrs. Tlieir cecial méetms'á nre iVcqent-- ofien onfce a weck. 'Iience llie-mem'.iers vi,M naturuüy become in rtnately ncquaind witb each otlier, and. will, tbereforp, ba more dispused to pairooize encli o'.liör in the onünnry business ot Üfc thnn to employ Etrofigëra whn itrenot. oj the or!cr. IThua n pltysipitui wlio wa-nts pmclice Tvill öo well to join an us;sorinlin wtiich pmvidcs nreiy for the -ick: a la.yer vvho l'cjs f ir cüfiiis w il! not loso prnctice bv iiccomin a mr mher; n tailor bv juinin caii gel the job ol' tnakintr the 'reiüa,'1 while tlie ('O'liticiiin, tlironüh the Ifdges, can increape bis acn.tiointajices and his personal infiuènce, A tlrird muse of pmsperiiy is tho iikn'ity of feeling whicli existsjmpug ihe membersol' such socifties, by wlnch each on regards the vealth, power hddglorv of the order as hi own, and tlierefore is w ttlmf to nmke luro sacrifices for i!s iipoTandizoment. This princi)lo beion:s t-o iurman nature very where. - It was largely (Jeveloped in the .ociclv of Je suits. It ifl'ïqen it! ihf! rr-yncni; of poüucal parUes. Each pulitician ii-ilstliat uvvn" have accomplishcd ninch, oud ''WR1' are wilünj; to ancrificc more. Tliis feeJinij will rrow in streogih tvitlj the mrinbera as tlie iiibiitnüon beconiPt! olikr. A fciuih and prominent nea(n f.r the pros re'iv f the oraer is touiid in i he rnidlekefl idea whifh tvery wiiere prevails tliat it is a binevolail and philaitlhrr.'pic institutinn. We eay mistaken idea; btcause, f we have a'.tained h riht npprehrnsion of its character, it has no jnst claitn to tbc nppelliiiion of n benevolent issocialionj in the proper sense nf the vord. - tt may bo benrficial in its efírets: tnit so nlso niay ba Banking ïn.-tiiuiion.--, Radroad Coiporations, Insurance Conifianie?, Sec. He wnuld je ihought singular in his jndpment wh'i shoiild piff an Insurance Company into notico as a bnevolent inttitution; and vet tlie Od'l Fi'llovvs stand on the same f oting. They do not iimire apein?t fire or water indred. jut sickrress and vfeath and the funds paid out are iminliy restncled to Iheir own members, or familie!: and aklronoh charities may sometime9 be destoyed on prrsons not niíMiiberp, yr such clnirities are not rrqtiirrdby th; rules of the order. Henee if s mniniy a business concern. The memberipay out so mtich money, ezpecting to reenve thesfinie ai.'ain,if nececsnry. MUsinary,Tem perance, Antitlavery, BüIe and Tract societios iic fupporU'd by the donotiMií of tho.-e tcho receive nolhinz in tclurn. llonce tiiey have o just claim to the titleof benevolent. Dut if earb meuiber receivcd as much as he pnve. vvhure would be the philanihropy of givinp? This view of the matter corresrronds wit h the doctrines of Christianty. Tlie rrent Fonoder of our Religión was not s'ow to dis cover ii'nony the Jews the nmo pretensions of Selfi.-hnesa to tho characterof Philanthropy; and he vvarncd hia dit-ciplea against a misapprclieníioii of ln characterin long-nnge which we think ppplies precisely to Ihe claims inadf in behnlf of the Odd Fellow?. We will (lióte a íew verses from the sixth chapter of Luke;l'If" ye love lliom ivhich íovp yon, wliaf ilmnks hnvfí ye} t'or Hiitifrs al- di thefaine And W'ye do good tothein which do good lo imi, wliat tJiimk lnvet? forfinriers 3ó also ivpii the Famo. And ij ye lend lo tken nf ii'linm y hope lo rect-ivr, whnt tlinuk Itnvp y ? lor sin ne 'S afsu lend to sinnerg. to rrcrivf us miuh tiztiin . Rut lovc ye yonr eiuniii -s, niid do fforM, and lend, kaping for nolhing a SZain. oud yonr reward .-lialt lie rent, and y' h;illbetho childcpn of th Hiffliesi; for He is kind unto ilie unilmiikfu] and the evil. lio ve tlierelore mercit'ul Cbenevolent) as your Futhcr is merrifiil.' It will be sen ut our argument s no( ]i reclid "CTiiiníii Odd Fellnwsbip as nn ir.iilu tutiori benefiet al in t. ejfrts: fur on this poin' we liere expresa no opinión i but np one clniming to be in the liir host cii'grr charitablc oud philsnihrqpic. In t lus lnt ro-peci, t mny be claëspfJ wiihthp London Life JnsiijhinCe Com pmiv, in wliich racb inember pays anniiolly n rer'ain stim to insuro h6 Ufe for h (iefinite oruotini for s m;iny yoars. f he survive the lune, he loses the a.T.onnt poid: if he de hefore ihc linie, ihe cüfi.pany pays over tfife full anioum to bis heirs. 'J'he Ood Feilows uU ïnsuie iheir tnrrnberd ptr-iinst bjeknesa uno death, nliliougli in j iiifirent manner. Pom xt 1 1 we l)av le;uned of liie instiintion we ore nt (iip.'trd 10 rtc- rnmend itj becatisp,' biifhe evils necebfaiüy rittend it, ihe ui o I wliicli it vi!l do w? ijjink enn be beitcr c'ccorhpKséd in othcr uny.--. Hut on tlleae j:ointá thero trry be nn lioíiest difíerencp o} itpinio, nnd il i-; nol our object to dtbotp icm. Üür intention in coinmencing this túfale eras Ui mention one olj etion to the f-upport of ti.e iiKstilulion whxh we think ebgiiltl he ii)M:perub!e with Liberty men. Tiie KtnctiOTj 9'jstain, an;ígive loresand dircction to tlie comnion fuolit-h and wick i (1 prrjiidicc against color by excludingr all bul ■mim;" persons Trom membershn! 'J'lie cvwlcticfi oí" filis is mhkhI ld the Symbol and Odd Fel'SUvs Mügi zine, for April as quoted by ihe 'Pa. Fieeuian: KUGIBILITT TO THRKBKRSniT. "No persen is Piio-iblp. In ndmipsion in! o (iie oick-rof Odii Früott'-lnn, n) the j'nd iet i on of tlip Grand liodge exnppt víiitk : mal pp, f podjn.ornj chfiracfer, who Inmp iir riveaat ilieajic o{ tweniy-one jeors, )md wlv he lipvé i n Sti'prp'mfe Béjlg, Uie (rt'ntor nid lVcrver nf the Universe. (ee prfin rri proCefldinjf. Grand tJnógH U. S , ptffffl S4-5.) ƒ ia o 6 ■ pnmimid that grvwf ludgts inll tnl;e voiicc. and nrjmrr ihrir siiboidinutes tu gótei n liemselves ace ■rd'tngïy." We reofhrd 6iich a provisión in on instiuition mokinjr c.'"injslo thomo-t pnlnrjed philnni!impy, as illibe;al, nrrow-mindcd nnd an ti-clirisüün; and we do m! two how n gen uine antiílivery man c;iit consistent ly be a lamber of a fraternit y tlittt fbus siiymatizcs n lir'e poríion of communiiy as iimvurlliy of tlteir fclluwship, igerely on account of their Complexión or descent, sud tliere'iy virtually denlas the cmnnion brotlierhood of man. A blight oóalvsis vvill show ihat hal red oí" colorcd mon 'on ucenvrit tij their color or Arricon Itlnodis the real reason f ilieir exclusión - Wlry .vere tliey rxclddeu"? Bi-cunse tlie Odd FelKuvs d d not vvibh to have them tbr memLers; and tin on!y reason "rstiigfiied for not .idmiuinor theni is bcatuse ttfflieir-colw. Culor ed pertfons are not exejuded betansc titcy are poor, or beenúsa llipy re viciovs, or becmise t.:iiey aie ignomnl: for iIipd piovision vrmld iiove been made for receiving os candidatee tho.-e culorpd lersons wliomi{rht be ricb, viriiici-;, a::d rnr!l(;ei)t. Uut msieud of ibis u sfolh pTl pftheii country men n re exclnded by (he Odd Fi-Uows front lbo brnefils of ihis jfjdlituhm fwr h bing-le rent!on.&nd that t iie nio.-t rontfimpiible of ntl o'hers - Ihrp are -not 'winTii!" Therule apptars to usvery mncli Irke ccibod'yfng1 with form. Tjne. wid respect'ibü'üy the f-entiment sd often heard from the fcfcafrge.rjng bar-room loafer - "JVe don f tcant u til' uiggers life.r'


Signal of Liberty
Old News