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The Fourth Of July

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C. M. Clny tlms expressies him.self on thilopic in liis pnper - "The True American:" "Some of the onthern peo, lesecm to wonder t'iat this once glorious day hns begun to be iieplrcted by our people - in miny places, "nol celebrated at olí." Why should tí b otherwise; are o nor, in the face of men. }VÍtlg a lie - shall we be &o uilly, as yeariy to prf'claim otir own abandonment' We cannot lift tip our hfarls lo God, in holy aepirations of gratitude nnd fxpectnncy, becauee we ore 'ai lial in the appropriution of bis tnercies- we canno! come logeiher nnd exchange joyoua conijratul'itions, because selRshness it üohtary in its manifeHlations. The Four'.h ol Joly, 1770, saw us proclaimingr liberty to all mankind- the Fonrth of July, 1845, wiü look down upnn the An)pricat) pcnplc, as the of -pi opa gandiste oj sluvery omong men. Henceforth) tül the riyhts of men be vmdicnted, let the fife be muio-Mhe drun be mufiled - tlip Aiueriran Raule wear inourning - et Christians prny that oiw holy religión be rcstored t its life-giving puriiy- our Statesmen re bnpti-e themsrlves in theexhaled spirit of tho patriotinn of Washington, A'lams and JefTertson- let the people m)iirn their apstacy--lei the Fuurtl) of July be a Way of Pisting and pTayer, thot the Natioti be lüstraled of its jreat ond dfstroying sim'OjT" IIw Mie jiianliness of the foüowin cxtruci froni C. M. Clay's reply to GoV. Met calfe, putt; to shame tlc litile and contPinptihle inacJiinailoiie of ilie Detroit Advtertiser to prove t ho Liliel'ty rnen iraiiora and ''Locot;" bocouse ihey could not vote lor kèeping out Texne by votiog for a "Glad-to see-it" President ! 'Tlie diarfrc nninst tlie Abolitioölaté oí failniíj lo ihrow the b Innce of pover wbich tliey hfld in tliir hands in mvor I tilo Whips njihus ecliu!p 6lavelioliiir.íí Tphus l'rom cofiuiiir intp tlie Union, is Ime. God kuowtwe Ihbored in tliis cus? wi h a devoiion and tleepless energv wü'ihy of beller succpss IhiI) artniied uur party, or thnfi tlf cold recofniiiot) of' the services rendcred by oor hum Me self vvliich nwailed tis on -ur return lo our native statp. Vet lo sav ilint the Adolilioo ists were opented upon bv Ip-8 lofty, or e:nree rriotivrs tria Thomas Mettalfe or our.-lf, h.iH r.ever hnd ilie praof to sus tain it: and toe do nol scnipte to chardclnite such insinúa luns as unworlhy oj rttiy vutn of right principie aríd honorable hearing.'1