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State Liberty Convention

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A Convention of the Liberty party of Michigan assembled at the Court Hbutre in Marshall, July 9, 1845. The meeting was caJled to order by S. B. Treadwol), chairman of the State Committee. The Convention wa$ organizad by the electiön'óf S. B. Tkkádwki-l, of Jocksnn, as President, 'anti of 'Geo. Hill of Ann Arbor, and L. Wüc x of Jiickaon, for Vice President s. W. Kiaslèy of' Ann Arbor, ond Geo. Ingersoll of Marshall were chosen secretarles. The Convention was openedfy proyér by Rev. G. Becktey,of Ann Arbor. The delegatoa were then rpque.afétl to record their natnos, ond on motion oll Liberly friends present were invited tb eh'nr their ñames nnd particípate in the 'proceedings. - The counties were thén 'called, and one hundred and ninetoen gentlemen answertul tó their ñames 'frotn 6ixtcen counties aa follows : Waj'rtfe, Washtenaw, Oukland, Livingston, JdcksbV-Calhoun, tëatoó, Öahesee, Macomb, Barfvt. 'Joseph, Monroe, HilUdule, Lena we.? Branch. Kalamnzoo. Tie fbliötving-gentlemen were oppointed o Biisiribss.Cominittee: C. Gurney. C. H. Stéwart, G. Beckley, E, Hussey. J. D. -Zmmerman. F. DenUon. WVE. Edsnll. i Adjoürned to huif past Sha, P. M. AFTKaNnO.N SKSSION. "Prayer by Doel. B'-meni . fcit$éTty óh;s were'shrijj by Messrs. Bnh croft and C.idy, lo the great accoplañce of flie nud.ieneé. The Bnsino.56 cornrqille? reporled sunory rc'solütlöhs. fÑo 1 was diecusfod by F. Dñison, C. Gurney, K.F. Gy, Dr. Atlee, Mr. Thomife, oiid ff!r. Trendwcir, nnd adopted. 'fccsoiulion No. 2, was read, and was fijioIjtén tö L)r. 'Dement and adopted. Thé CnhveiUibn tfièh procceded to ma.te 'riominaiions for átale oftserj}, nnd on moñón ofC. EL Stewart, JAMES G. ÜUtNEY wifs iflominaterf as enndidufe of the Liber: party 'fiir Governor, by acclumation, every Liherty 'jnan In the house voiing in ihe affirmative."=■iin inf"rmal bAlt was ihen Inkon fr candi date for Lieni. Guvernor, wilh the following 'e.-ults. . 'K'. M. Thomas received 32 votes'. C. H.Ste.vart, ff 30 E. Bowéy, 4 9 " C. Gurne.;, " 3 " Geo.Hill, " ft u T. MGee, " 1 " R. B. Boment, ' 1 " Afver ihe result waa dcclurwl, Mr. StêwflTt Tpqnested MWliW to be wiihdmwn, not fnun ■nny relucían e t áenft ;íhe caus.?, bnt be'cóiie'hRllcnew'a betterjippnin' inent tnigljt bc ina'}é. 'We ihnnkcd friends for their considtif'ntion, hut jírvld:'iá to the meeting hajj siaud 'tó só'me vlió mention'd his naririe, liis pref'erence for onoiher. A srcond infoimal bulioi Vastlun tnktn, ns followe: N. M.Thomas received 70 vet8. V, H.tsspy, U f' C. Gurney. . 2 " 'C. II. Siewari, .6 " W'ire'tpon Dr. Ñ. M. Thomas, of Kulatnazoo, was deeïared unaninionsly nomináfid 'a candidate lor Lietii. "GuverHór. Ajoarned to 7 P. M. KVRNING SR-SIOS. Prayer by Rev. R?r. Mills. Resolulions were introdiced by C. Il"Slewurt and aduplc.I. The Convpntinn was then nddresc-ed wilh great cfi'cct by Mr. ■bibb. C. II. Sfewirt, ( Beoklev, ond irnr?THnJlock were nppointed a 'ominiitfie to preparo an addre.i-8 to the fieójile of Alicliiíjan. TÍesótúte'n No. 7 was moved by S. B. Tresdwell and adopted. Mosèrs. Binc.roft aml Cady contibnu't toiucii to the interest of the meetings oy th rongi? yjjh v hich tho proceedrnrè were inicrsperted. Áfter a Vrfte of thimta to t!ie Sinters anr tiSet-itiízerís of Wi'rshal!, the Convefti ion ad■joiimed till to-'móiï'ów al ?. A. M. Tiiuits'DÜ'ir Morni'ö. ' rrayer by Rev. Fogrg. of M.hiip. Resolutions were discussen ntid adoptod. Mr. Fogg nddreised t lic Convent on npon th prtfent condiiii'n of llie fugitives frorn SlaVeryin Canada nnd in this Stale. The Contion then adjournod, sine rLie. RKSOLUTIONS. 1. kfiolved, That to vote for Slaveholders, or for any of their pctiiljcaj enppor:ets, is uiterly incoi.sistent vvith the principies ol the LiberiparLy'. 2. R solved, That oüf principies beinj fun (lamenta!, wè will ricver abandon tficm. 3. Rfsohe, That sltould Sluveholdors ünd their abèttnrs persevere in tfieir iniquitous écheme of nnrftpg Te3Ías tó the Tiinioh, oiidphould Cüngress Banciion sucll a palpable violatíorí of íhe Coñ'stítution, both shoul te ádviséd that the rvpeal of a Joint ResoluUon, especia lly of ohe as óbhoxiolí as that Íot annexitión, ís at all limes u-itliiñ the control ofthe enaét ing body, oud that such. repeal, nnd cor.biquent disera'nce tf tnfe 6niied Statts froiTi iVxan cónyiclíona will bo ptominent obj. ci iíj hc Liberty tffort. 4. Resolved; Thatihe meulbof miijijle tneír eytnpathies iii the lose súBtained by the antf-elavéry cause in' ihc dealhof Ür. A. L. Porlor, of Üeiroit. Uo Waa one ofthe earliest advocutes of emuncipatioñ iii Mich.gnn. In coiirSè hè was conéistent, in neatures iiuelVigen', m advérsily úntiring, and li'm nioral wofth añ'd pcien tifie a"ttainhVent8 endeared him io all hie acquitint ánce. Wo tender our eympathies to his bereaved widovv. 5. Resolved, Thattbia Cóavemion appuiíit ih cach cóunty comrhiltees of two, auxilliary tó the State Central Commitle, for the pnrpose of corrésporidirig with and carryitig out fhé operotions ófihcCcniral'Contmitite, búch appoi'ntrhents hórtevernot to interfere with the local coniniittee?. 6. Resolved, That the fiiends in Detroit fcaving promited to 6end efücient lecturere into the tevernl counties of ihe State, if sustained, the aüxili8ry Commitlees be charged ith' tlí duty of raising funde for1 defrayingthe necessary expenses of a lectu.e system, and tp communiente tlie rfisult tcTS.'B. Trcod toell, Jackson, Chairman of the State Com mitlee. 7. Resolved, Thnt we deern it of gteat importance tb tire ad vanee rient.uf bur causo in the Strtt, that the Signal'óf Liberty be ex tcnsivcly circulaied. ,


Signal of Liberty
Old News