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Wrigbt's Poot XVIan's Pilis. AiN excellent vegeiubla tamily Medi me. n Cii?a of lii(li(B on. lyspfsi.i. I,ivr C(ini}l;iini3 or J mndice, Ague anti Fevr, Coat od Tongue. SioknvM e the Sfomacb, Sick Ileadnche. Reinittnni and ItrnHtteut Feverfs Cwghe., Ciitnrrlt, te Ai;, r.mirly vcpotnhlf, ihcy nir; empholiciilly NA'l'l'liK'S KRFKMD. oonduciDgto hottlih mul eountending diaeffse by purifying ilx; bluod, cleansiug {hi syptem o'fvi'intcd hiimors, rennïvmg obsiruc t'nms. Bliinxilftííng tlie nrgnns ol ecretions. minglin witli the food and nciingrevcrv w.iy in li ir monv wiili the sysieni. For Inflnmaiory itiscïscs nsed in c.'nncctlon ■with the 'Rlieuinatie Piaster' ihpy will be found rrcatly to nid in ihe removnl of dráeúea foi which the "Insrcr is abve roconv.m-ndet). mul frticulnrly ate ihey caicoiflted for nil dcrangejnents or ihe Digpstive nnd Biliary Organ, ibe primary oriin f a mttltituiJe of iliseases. Prfce - 25 cents a óO crn's a Box. For sale ai Mccely'i Bokstore mid hy J. T. Stocking. TrareHiog Agent for Micliignr. lC-iy Certifícate s. ■Vodst ck. Lenawee Co. Aug. 20, 1644. Forjwelye yems J have been trouMed w:'h n rheumatic affecten in rey beek, so tlmt 1 have hardly evr r bern free from pnin dnr'iiw tlie wliolc lime and wiihin twelve hours after I lind npplied eimn of Wright's Hhonmaric Plas'er, I was perlectlv tíaev, and liave liad no pain since.STEPHEN CARY. Jc'son Co . Columbia, Aug. 20. TS4-1. This mar cerii'y ihat l have used Wright'p Piüe in niy Ihrnily in violent atiacks of cliill and bilious fever, and hnve found them to he thebesi Pilis tliat I ever used. and vvould rccümmend evcry fantily to kcop ihem on hand. JAMES AWARTOUT. Thompsox. Gcnna co.t O.. Aprit28tli, !rt-14. TUis niny cerlify tlint I have u cl Wrighls' Poor Man's Pilis and Rheummic PIa6tet in my jiractice, nnd would say t the public Mint they cin rety upon thcir rccommendaiion with the ut most confidcnoe; in s-hoi t, thcy only need tryinp to rccoinmcnd themsclves. RV. R. R. SCOTT. AI. D. Loraink Co . Greon, Mny 16, !S4:tThis niay ccrtify thnt 1 hnve ujedWright'e Poor Man's Pilis in IBV prnctice, nnd'ft al ihem to be one of. il not cntirely, i tic hest pill now in isft nud would rocommend every fumily to keep them on hnnl, especially thora wlio live near U morahy land or mtil ponds, or in an unhcalthy climnto. JOSHUA BASCOMB, DJ. D. Without ndding more testimony cf the efficacy of the above inentioned niedierno, A-e do not htsKiite to say that we nre not afraid to hnve its vu - IHC3 tcsted by ihe side ol nny other of ihc kind thnt ever hns been offred to an American public, nnd wewill let it stand upon itsown merite. Fot ale at Moseley's Booksioro. Ann Arbor, 35y Kellogg & Brotliere, White Pi;eon, R. Williams, Jr. & Co., Sturpes Prairie, Simeón Gaget, Qu'ncy. Binnoh county. A. K. Hall, do do W. A. BÜS3, J-imeslo%vn, Indiana, F.lisha Steer. Anjrola, do Chester Moss, Albiotl, Michigan, A. P. M'inn, & R. Sibley, Maishall, Mich. A. Callender, do do K. Pucker, Bntile Cieck, do C. W. Vining, Grileburgh, do Cnpt. Brown, Pruirieville, do D. II. Mcdwood, Aciriau, do Q'iackenbossnnd More, Tecuniieh do 53. A. Rowk'V. Jonesviüe, do Il.Oilberf Manchesfer. do AV. IJ. Pütterpon, Snlinc, do Hormon St Cook, Brooklyn, doJ icire I cilcr, wnoiesnio Agcm lor uetroit. Geo. P. Wrigbf Co . ole proprietcis Cor (ie xlic United States and Upper and Lower Canada. All orilcrs and business leners for tho present. Tiiay be directed to Geo. P. Wrighl, Coluuibia P. O.. Jackson Co.. Micli. Tt is tor tale a!so at Monroe, Mt. Clemms. Utica. Pontiac. ond by Dubo8& Wright, Jiffjron. Anrn's for the State of IVlichisnn. Wright's Fsledicated Piaster, SPRFAD FOR IMMEDIATE USE. Pi ice only one shilling, in order to place ihem icitkii the 7nrans of uli. IN slight ailmenta. or sh-re tfie f a"icnt prefere a Ies3 cxpensivc articlc than ihe 'Anii-inflamntory ond Rlieumatic Piaster.' these will bc found liighly 13eing already spread for immedieate applicntion. thuy will be found ver convenient (or WEAK BACKS, Puin or Wenkness inihe Side. Urenet. between thtfcïhoulders. or wherever tfiere s Pain. or where n Piaster is needed. 1 hey niay be rendered mort scrvicable by pisting a piece of cloth on tlieback of ihem hefore they nre appüed. Multitudes hnve leen relicved of pain and sufitring by these CJieap I'lnsters. P'orsaleat Moscly'e Bookstorc. nnd by J. T. Stocking, Travehug Agent lor Michigan. _____ IG-Iy WRIGHrS ANTI IXFLAMATOÜY AND 11HEUMAT IV PLAKT E II. AN efficiënt reniedy (ir Rheumatism, Fever Sores, White Swelüngs, Felona. Pain or weakness ir the Bnck, Breñst. Side or Li rabí, Burns. Bruise3, Crnmps, Cliilbïairue. LiVai an.l Luns nflectjons. Indolent Tumors. Spiml afifeetions, InflameJ Kyes, Are. te. lt is unsurpnraed in nll Inflammatory diseases. cither Chronic or Acute. n8 it iipcrates by counieractins and reducin liillanunntioii, ailnying Pain. Swcming the pnrtsaffected. and by its sircngtliening and Ano dyne properties giving spcedy relief. A's-o in valunbie as an anti-merrurial plnster. Pricc 23 cents per Box. For further ppxticu lars, see circulatin; PamptiietFor sale at Moseley's Booksiore, Ann Artor, and J. T. Siocking, travelling agem for Michigan. 1G-IyIN CHANCERY, SECOXD CIRCUIT: henveen Philip C. Johnson nnd oihcrs, Complaiucj:3. and Stephen K. Joneaand olhers De:cndonts. I!V pursuance and hy virlue of a decrce of thi Cotrrt, made in this ciusc. I s'iail sell nt public auction at ihe Court House, in the villnaeo1 Ann Arbor on the 28th day of Aagtut ncxt m one click in ihe aftcrnoon ol that day the lollowing described premises, to wit. nll tliat certain piccc or pnrcel oí land sitúate in the county o' Washtenaw, nnd Stnte of Michipan, known, houudcd nnd describcd os follows, to wit: beini tlic Enst ha.' f of the South Wesi quarter ol seclion nnmber ten in tov.n two Souih of lianj-i eix East, coniaining Eiylity acres, be the samr more or less. JAS. E. PLATT. Master in Chancery. Mir.i5 & Witaojc, Soücitors ior Daed, Ann Arbor, Ju!y !5d, 1,845. 6w2(. BELAVAIM HOUSE. ALBANY, NEW YORK. BY NATFIANIEL ROGERS. IHIS celebrated house is now open for the reception of travoler8. It is the Inroest dimen eione, nnd is en'irclij nar n :ill its pane. Ii is ptricily a Tcwp-rance Uoise. nnd while n paiiu will Uespared lo malte it nll tint the travelins: public can aslt. it is expected in return that tt will receive the patronage of all the friends of Tetnperance wlio miy have occasion to viii Albany. Mny 10. 1P45. 212-fIi. Paper Haiigmgs, BORDKKl.VG, VViiiduw Ifapere, Kire Bnnn! Papers, S:c. will be aold at very luw price by W. A. RATMOND. Detroit, May P., ■&■&. 913-Snxi cüstömsaw!ngT" LUMBEit will be sawed to orrlcrn; all tirrr? lor customers ai ihe Ann Artior Snw Mili by M. W Q.UACKEÜ EU SU. V. S. - All los lost by hts ueglcct he w'" pny for. May S9. 18 15. 8f KEGS of White Lead in Oil, 5oo Hf. J Ditto, dry, for ea!e chrap !nr onsh. MAYNARPS. May 15. 213-Sw! ItïapSèSKgar! 1r%kw 'lonnds Tor aaie, a good anicie. 7VHFi ÏBirecied. RFOKI.F.T. FOèTER, & CO.The Wuudcrfiíl JShcccss VV Meaiing Bnlsam lina n:ei with. noi only ín its sn!e, bul ils h ilie cures wli-cli it c('bcled. in persons wh we e in q Isope'crs conliiion. luis cony-inced ilie itwst skcpiuvil l ii..'X'rnürdinarycuriiiivc propemes. nnd eííamisfíed its claitr.8 to the uanio ot'ilte ÖttEAT HKMEDY. The qi:cs:;on sm louter nskcd.':Cí7í ÜWthta 4í fB.fl" 11 ïmsleun sn:i.s'ricior:ly ü-ulfil wnli ni iIíü !iis! tivu nion.tha i' H Folg r'.a üloslbiifan vi! I produce U cure qnicker than any oilier icniedy n ihe worlil. r.nd icít-ienfes en bu fi.v.-n io persons in n:id ont of the ci;y wh'o liavo expe riencéd iis wonderful virtucs. who liad iried loi íeirs all oihers remedies iti vain.Mr. WlLSON.n lirick hyer. icsidingat Hobo ken,N. J.. had trudivery reniedy which b boóTd henr oí for tha rolief ol Btíhnmy nod hnd spcn' moro (han nr.e hundrod dulhis in cndcavoring to procure heJp, but iti vain. lie coir.inrnced ueiiiL the Ölóanorrtan, .Innnnry 2!st. The lirsr José he took him rdief. and uvo days afierw.-ird lis wife #ilcd to siy that ílic smalí qnnnliiyol ibis remedy wbicb In1 had taken hnd done him moro good thrui nny nnd al! ihe medicines he lind tver tisrd in IiÍh lií'c. Mrs. Be, ihc v.ife ofllUcrt P. Dell, of MorrUtOWtt. N. J.. who wns s'verc!y nfflicicd wuh tsilimn. wás vén up ty l:cr jilivs'ci'ins. Fin wns removed io tht senlnrd in t'ne hope of pal liatínií her distressing syinpiomS;, bt wiih no lirneflt. One bottle oí the Olosnninn sn far re 'ieved her i hal t.he as nMe lo ge u (rom her hed and dress hoisilf. s iliing fche had not dont; liel'ore in mon'lia. nnd slie lija now rciurni'J to her residence in Morristou'n. N. J., wi'h every prospect of being speed!) rrstred. ÍNCIFJEN'I CONSUMTTION yields (o its eflic!8. Ilsooíhcs ihe troublesoitio Cough nnd pives refrcshinir eVnhifierë id tlie weáryj it ull.iys the pnin in tha side nnd a-renes-s in the chesí, and ennhlts the ers'n i expectórale eoaiív, wliile it eniiiely retores i!ic se crctii)8 of the svstein and expedites rctuinin healili. JAMES B. DEVOE. 101 Rendo streel, hnd long be-n comj'lainigy of asoicnoss in the chest. accoir.pnnifd with a t-hort hnckmg cou;h; I raised maiter fiecly. had lost his appetite ond fe alarmed at u situntion. He haJ iried vario renii'dies without ony beneficial elTect. Ii stioriness ofb.enh and jnin in the sido continué to i 'cre'ise. lie useiiune butile of ih Olosaon :in. nnd is restored to health. George W. Burnett. of Xewark, N. J . Gco V. Hays. of S'ew York: DaviH Hcndcrson. 6t Laightit; Mrs McGmin, 20 [Walker tu Lahan, 52 Pike s'.. Mis. Árch'ib'ntd, :5 Walker t, wïth HüNDREDS OF NA.MKS 'of persons rssiding in New Ymk. copld be given, who are reaily to hear testimony to the suporioriiy of (he Olos.ioninn over evi'i)' oihcr renicdy known for ihe cure of couphs. colds. nstlimn. etmüftnpiíbrí, spitiing of l.lood. d_ sepsia, consimiiiiion. lirónChitis, difiiculiy obreaihing. honrsenrfs. influen'zn, pains in i!ie brenst nnd sir!e. ntid the vari iKM ríleciion5 of the stom eb and liver. For sJi'ni 106 Ni'ssnu st. ono ilwr abpve Ann, tnd at Mis Hays. 10 Ful'on st., Broóklyri. Asentí, for Ann Arhor. W. p. A J. V. Mnvnord; E Snmf.son. YpsiUinii; I). C. Whitwood, Dexter; Pickford .- Craiir. Saline: Smiih & Tyrol. Clinton; 11. Bower, Hahfclipsfer; P. FarlicU & Co.. Plyniouth; D. Grcgory and A. Géaai, Northville. 218-GinoFEVER ANJD AGFE, EFFEGTUALLY ÜSED UP. DR. HANMSIER'S CFLF.BRATFD FE VER A.M) AGÜE PILLS are a snitspeedy nndsuid cure for Fe ver and Ague. Duml Ague, Chili Fever. Periodical llmdache, anc ;hc Bilious Diseast-s peculiar ti new countries These Pilis are designed for ihe affectiona ifie Livcr and other intcrnnl oreans: and ihe un p"irilelleí mecen tJiat hña úítgnSei iheir use, in diices the pr.QpTKiot ik b'lii-ve tlftit tltey are superior to any. remed y ever ofiêred to ilie public or iho nbóve disrases. They are purerv Vegetable and are perfectl liarrultss and mny ttc taken by any persptl, Hiuk or femalc, with perfect s'i'oty. Certificares to any nurarier and extent tcslily ing to the extraórdinary powers of this medt cino might be insertetl, but it is deemed fiitirely un nect'ssary. as it hns lx;cn used tor severa! yenrs by great nu tnbers of persons, of all euüditions. and vvbere ihr.y havo been taken in accordance iih the directions. they wero 05 ever known to fail. L$ Tne above Filis are kept consirintly for saie. wholesile and retntl, at the store of BECKLKY. FOSTER & CO. Ann Arbor, LowerTown. July I, 18-15. 219 THÊÖ. Iff. EATON. Stores I3C and 190 Jefftrson Ivtnue, Detroit OFFERS fnr salfi the fqllowiog goods - itru i for citih or nprüvcd paper; the goo(!.-;ii i!l new and fresh, havmg lieen purebased within ihe past ihtr'y diiys, of the inijiorierp nnd at auc tion. EXCLÜSIVELY FOR CASH, and wili be sold at r-ery rtdued jt 100 chests and hall chcbts Tea, 28 hogsheads Susar, !ó boxes sugar. Loa! and Lump, 10 bogsbenda Molaaèes, 2 bogshcada Stówari'a Syrup, 1JO 1-figs Co (fee, 5 tiet ces nee. 150 bo.ves misins, lt'O ruma fi.'s, f0 Oranges :nd Lemons, 300 p junds Cinnanion, 2'( pounds Cloves. ]75 pounds Nutodegs, 25 kegb Gingcr, 19 bags Peppe ■ and Spice, 40 kegs and bn.xcs Tobacco, 5 lult s Alntonds, 200 boxes Glaes, 10 hogshe.ida Sperm Oil. 20 boxes Sperm Candiel, 230 imrrrls Dye Woods, J5 barrels Coppeias. 8 barrels Hlue Vitriol, 50 barrels AHum, 15 birrel-' Mudder) 400 kegs White Lend, 15 barrels LiiisecdOil, 40 boxes S;arch, 35 boxes pipef, 2 enses Indico. 5 barrels Sulpbur, 5 barrels Salís. 3 ha neis Castor Oil, 2 b I s Scnnn, ] case Hum Opium, ]() bárrela Spirits Turpeniinc, QT" T!ie following named popera will cach pulilith the alove nolice. inside Co the amoun. 't thrca dulhiii and seul copy of nolice with biils to ihe pjrson aiiveriising. Pontiac Gazettc, Pontiac; Ann Albor State Journal, and Signnl of Liberty, Ann Aibor; Jiickson G-izeite. Jtfckson: Expoundcr. Marshal 1; fJ::zette. Kalamrzoo; Viles Hepulilicnn, Nilés; Banner, St. Ciair; Gnzette, Monroe; Gcne-cc Democrat, Flint; and Chathatn Gleaner, Chat ham Cnr.nda. May 11. 1825. 2!2-3m JEROME M. TREADWELL, ATTORVEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, TX7ll.iL nttend to the Kilo aad c.chnn5 oí Ti Landa, pnyment of Ttixcs. nnd Kuirmp'ion of Land sold lor Tases in .Tackson and i joining co tin nes. examinationof Titles, Cnnvcynnrinür and nll binPsaj)ertaintng :o Real Estáte. 'w:?i'.ír !i tlje Cfi.-c Fio jacket}-.), Mich ," 1?Pcopïc iVoiia the Coiry VISITiXO Di'iinii. 'or [Mm hi?i ol Urj Go.hI-, l'.-ipor Hnngin;s. or Rlh white goiog ihü fiitKis iy Mïtcr'ni:j ihe v:i:nni fiVies or'pïicèg órGoous'ïn itie cTtyj are ie:lli'ít-'d IO C'lll II I W. A. Eaymond's Store, "i. I-" Ji.' -is ui n'tiiiie. lieinii door ;dmve Bntcé Bi. nd hp.m íloor io hc ''Manhat'an S'urc." The iino't'rsiijnod t:iko:i a lm;m IimI of piii!3 üi solc:tmg lus gO.O]Jd iq cel lashionwlle 81 y les ;ind aeiinlve auntiues arid lie is confirtiMjl ih il bis r.c,,riii."t tnn.p.ihiify of s'.ic-li ud.k.'s as ;■■ i!o ir.;bU r ilic c u;iiry írad& isí.s compelo as anv in 'Do riiy, He has on hand Ciitmlinfns, KiiziinoR, I-n-iis. Musl.jidu Laines, CH.-s of cvory Muffe, J.nces. [h'ylo. JvJgiiiizs, 15ií)bons, Pausols, SIitaIs. D;,s FlniK-kfidiicfs (' j S:,:'--. Vre!, GIovcb. F!".sicry, Alapacns, Bmp LmciiP. ■ IcacHd J.'nriis. T.ililc i-oviis. TnwrhnL'. ShiniiiüP. Sliecijn. Cnfjijy?. Mihns, I.l.-Mk. )!iip I !m.-lt tn) f pcy Irires.! Silks, Loniiei fc'tlks, Lincn Cainbiic Ih.iidJ-cf I'. ts. ALSO, KROAD CLOTUS, -.V:-I M KKKS, SATI.NT.rTfj VESTJSTGS, FILL CLÖTHS, MOLKSKINS, DIIILLTNGS, TM.ACK AND FANCY CHAVATS, And indrpil, afnu8l eviüy amele Kciouginw lo fiit! l):y Goode !)iism"S-i. Aii -.f v.hicli vi,!,f Bold at tlit ren t'urcï rttt.'s. fur Cnsli. Ca'l nnti soe for yourselvea - none are expecier! 10 bny it they do not finH pricvs ful! as Iav. ifnot a lidie Ivircr íhíin eltcwhoie. W. A. RAYMOVO. Drlroit, M;iy C:i, 1-'15. 2!::in)0 Impori nut !o Farmerü. KNAl'l' & fJ.WJLAM), u-1(..i.) t.,Hctiti!;y iniiirm ine farmcrfl t W.-sliiennw and ihe u roinidmt! ('ciinin s iIirv continue to manu!ac;ur3 ni 'oi'ir ehop uear the rivtr Liidge. Luwfr liwn. Ahri i dor, Tli'vesMng irachincs' or (üüurent kinds coiipnsihg ilit-Buir.-Ii. ('.d , in-!'ti M.'imtnry l'owcr. nnrl QÜachnrèft d.fl'iiciu iroüi :iny in;idc. in iJiie Coniriy and preferrêd lonny ot' wnïcn ifipy intcnd lo sí il at sucli [dices nid on sm h Iminé W nnnot f;iil o 2Jve sjiii'.iotiun. TIn y :ire ilvu.rinincd not lo e outdoiio by nny csiaUislin.f nt. tilher in piicc ur qu l (V ol' work. ]iaviii! Iicrn' for mnny cnrs CDffOccd iujhe bi'siriesí llicy tliink ihfey can wirli rtríííai rcc rec Dinn.ciid ihcir work, nnd nriniTS and jiIiciswiflnng lo luiy wiil dj well tp-oill ui-.d examine thèir Work to pnriifi'nsii d i-Ubwhere'. - They ure piepared to do nll kinds ot' iiirv?hina niri'-iiini' repairs, on the.shoucst nolicennd ir.orc rc;it;nnn!'l.' lertrs tha.'i vny n"rnünr is rvblrafiiiiètfi in the Country. AIso. Burmll's ccjehriicd CLOVEK .HIACIISKE'S, wliiou eej t.iIij ;!,.■ chfl froni tbusaednl a si ie}e liprritiSn :n:d nre nniversiilly .-"pproved of nnd ufied wln-;ever mr d.úced otifj warrntiieH U thresh clesn and nol break the secd. For re erercenpply to Roben or John McCorniick bPSn lem Waihtenaw Co., who have use j one ihe puti season. W. VV. KNAPP. T. A. IJ A V 'LAND. A-nn Arl.or, Muy Is', IS '5. 6n2TUK ful)scrii)ciöl,;iv.' removcd iheir estnblisli inent to ilic sturo recenlly oocnpied by Geo Grenville. No. 2, Tiüwkins' bloek, anti imve re ceivsd direct froin . w Yoik. a chotee !.n f Family Grocerics, Fruils. Nuls, &c. to wliicli iln'v wo il cl invite the ntjêntib'n 'i iii ciÍ7Aii3. TÍiey nlso continuo tbe HAK1NG hu siness ni their od stmul nt-.'ir the Depot, ;.nd kee cónstan'ily on hand at buth places every artic! in i hal linó. F. B. HALL, &. CO. Ami Aibor, June -1. IS '5 7 TÊMPERANCË HOUSE. NKtfUAiNIÊL ROGKRS. A"i. 2-J9. TI-.n-'.i i'f.on .S'rrri. Boston.'PIIÍS house hns undeigone o thorough rrpnir and it ia intrndcd that uoium luiu.e sliail lx .-■iiperinr to it. It w:II he undcr (Tle immeIiat( charge oí Rrown fc Coll)iirn. iis Mr. Royr keeps tho Ddevtm House in Albany. May 1Í). 1-iir.. 2. Cm "NEW ARRArVEIflE3WS. REMOVAL. TÍ5K Subscnbér lina removed bis s'ock o HOOKS in Rtoro X,). . r.xtlifince Hlork i'ljoiniiiL' LuikI vt M'Cullunib btore,vliere lie i réndy lo furnish ctish custoiners v.itli a ne.w ani well iplcrted :9sort if.ciit of Jirscellaneorif, RèU'tifui, ïïision'cal, Biogtaphical and School Jjouka, (oircther with hc U-si nssor.inf nt of Papfir. QuiIIp Ink, Wofers, '!'y Boukfl and Swiiionery aenerallv whicb lins ever Uècn onèred west ol üfiruit and wi!l bc Folii it 'lie Detroit (isli prices. He hóS ndded to bis forrner business a wèfl 6e 'ertcd assf)rtincnt of Family Grocenes. wñiel ho v excliango ior Casli or most kinds o produce. Wanied - Egsrs. Beeswax and Tallow. Remember the store, two doors froin tlie Flmirinp Mili. WM R. PKRRY. Ann Arbor. Lowcr Villnge, June 6, 1845. 7t jjartforlT Firc Insurance Company LHCOBPÓS'AlKU IN Jvl" - CllAHTJ;i: PI KPKTÜAL - CANTAL .? !'().(. 00, VVITH POWKK TO IRCRKA8K ir TO $'0,000. THISwell iuiown ind Icmj; esuihlisliod Institiiiior. with arriplé c.ish cdpital, hnve estuli hshed nu asency in A tin Arbor, nnd ofU-r toinsure ü wel lm ijs, Furniturv, títore, Merehnnd;zc. Mijle, Whcii, Flitur. &c. on very favorabli ternis The higli cliorácter of 1I1Í3 coinpnnj s well known. nnd its extentiw' bnsinefs iscmliictfd 011 the tnost jnsi nnti honornble principies Owneiís ol' property in Ann Arbor and vicinit) vh wysh 'o insuro it ngajtist liss nnd dannige by re. nrc invited to cal! dircclly on the gubscriber. t nis Siore in Ann Arbor. who 13 authonzed U) 83U0 policics without delny. F. J. li. GRANE. Agent. Ann Arbnr. Jnn. 1, 14 39-fin. In Chancery- 2d Circuit. M.ulicw IV. Tilluison, Coinplainant, vs jen Ficderick P. Towïi?end, Dcfcndint. IN pürstiance of n dcéretal o dr of tlie Conrt of Clinncery, innde n tbc nb.jve cnuse. will bf o'd u:ider the dircction ol the biib-ci iber. 01 ubjic nuctioti nt the front diior pf the Court [ouse. in 1I10 villáge of A"ñn Arbor, in the couny o( Waslitenr.w, on Saf.nd.iy. tlie twpmyïird d,iy of Aui:st next at one o'clock in ilic TtTinoop. of snid (iiy. "all ihat certnin ir;ict ot ).arcel of land siiuntc in the town of Superior, in iccoiih y óf W'asfnenaw and the Stnte of Mic'iian. : : tl utst 1 1 nr H of the north west (unricr f ec.i n nine in tnwn two sotitli in rt).rrge.eeyflp ïst in ilie Uia'rict oi lundoirered tor sale at Deoit. Midiig'in " .TOHN rf. GOTT, Müfcr 111 Cliancery. James Plnü. Sol j citer fur Comphiinnnt. Am. Albor. June::'. 1-í.". 218 - Pw KÖBËRT W WARHEB, Carpenter and Joiñcr, (.ARSAHl)STiar.T, BK rWl.rv KATK8 AND UANJOÏ-P1I TRKKTi, RKTROrT. Shop. on the AUv in rctr. of t.hc Fanklin Cold Water House. M. S0, l?4f. 2J5-6mDU. SMITII'S Ü N I V F, R SITV IMLL S. Til Si; I'üU. ,irji epnred by Wm. M. Stnidi. Inte Professor ui Materia Med'Ca mirl Phnr! n.icv in the Uui v-ersity of' Loke Krie, Ohio. - I):. Sniiih woulduy to -the public, lint m ofionns them rtis l'ill. li jrc-t nts u quiok nosiiiin will. ly f8 :riüi:lnu effect1 tipian the itOlQnëE . n 1 1 bowels cix-ito Chteofté wiierit tliorisv.-j liiilo uoiit! tic'orc, out nnp ilmt is safo, m hl. s.iiat. ry mikI ifailwrui in ooifecis upoh'ihc wlidlu sys'eru.. llo uonlil BJfy i'iKit ho lms now spcnt twenty ■■:!■ in rewjVcti mul mvirs(i;ration. d;i , , v u ■.(ie PaibotoHV ol disenso, and the proportie I ■ncdiciiil stihstnh'ccs, ;unl thvir an'apiM! ion to fJie cm oval oí in.-h.t.txs to whlfll i]r,-.ii is h r. Ai ilu resul i of 't hese Inhorsi, hè ij nów able to pic i. i!ic pu! Ik: h con;!)iniiMii bF rncd ciiui! vcije: -,l.i' ulisiiinrcs wlnch is ;is licnr ixrltfction. B pïtrelul stujily pnd rlcis.1 iifvestigpiion. tesis and r].criinonis. cm bVWig if. He w.mM pny tn I'hv-'u ins. .'- ui as üihcre, try thisiiill; ii'will luit il.-ccn e )mu Ii is pccuüarly aibipird to t !io rpniovnl ftui " o.l 1 o lolldwing dii--C.nst.-s: Bilions. nrcrmiiiJini, oh Romitianl Fcvus, Févr nho A?uo. ('on-h. Livcr Conipiainis. Sick He;idnche. Pasarle IJmpsv, Rh uuntism. Kiilnrceinent ol ffie SpYepñ Interñal Vilo. C,]r. Acidi ty of il:e S;otii.ic!i. I n-ipicnt Dnilmn-i. Hnhltttfti ".)S!iri)( f.. :mil in ali C3SP8 of Tol por of i hf Bowèis'. !)n :i cainar'uc'. apcríeñf, oí rtltorh'liVe] is necded. They are mild. yt" t ci'iiain in ihpii opcrntion. nrotjiieiiifr ncidiri nrtus'Ti. riujpgd nor di'hiliiy. '{'he híren'iá ol ilitf; Pilis nifi bstruc,rd. in ense lull s.iii-Tm-tiini is not trivt-n ro onv 'orson who niay piirch i8 tlicm, tlmt tluy sJinll ?iave iheïr nioney icfunded. TESTIMONIÁIS IN FAVOR OF DR. S.MITh's UNtVERSlTY FIM.S. Tcïtimoiiia f f1!'. J(iiuln. Mo.wo-r . M tf)ignji .lime '. HIJ. Dn. S.muh - D'nr Sir,- I inke pjneura in '7ÍVÍ11ET l)ij' trfsiinn'liy ir, fiHmV nf vuur vn!unl)lr t I' mos! clii'or'iiüy rcot'-ii?rnd them to thojniMic ns n si'o. r-'sv. rüid efficioni rnihni'ic lor niDst of tlie disensos ineidoni to tliis i-fijion oJ'c.iintry. I tmvo made extpnsivo u.c o1 them tor fon r years in inv prnciic5. nnd I liclieve them to le thp l9t nntibÜious Cnthartic nr Apinient niedioine ever con'biucd and oiTered lor general Lío Y)iirs. íc. nrmiOK F. i,NDO. M. D. Tí ■■i nr.n'nd of Dr Tdhr, AKmii LOÑ. Ohio. Mny {, LQ!'l Dr. SviT.i - Pir. - I t;dp rnurh plcn-surr n hearing tef-timony to the eflioacy ol your Pilis in rr:novini' bile frnm the stom ich. dcterainj; the l.ivcr. and in all complainis emfliioting from ;liatsource. J V. C. TF.LU'Fl. M. D. Tcsiïmoviul of F. L. Wells _ Watkkloo, Mich.. March 10. J844. To Fk Ss:it;i - Sir. - For uowards of si.v TConths 1 wns qruellj n&ictcd witli Fover and ÏAgfië. and dúHng iliat timo conld find noth nc tlnr ::v imp pern anent relief; a lenfiih. blcever, your Uiiiversitv Pilis wpre reoommonded 10 me. l.y nne of the beat Physirinns in lliese mts: and I arn happy in briní? aWe to sriy. tint iVoni the nse of one ho.x I wis permnnontl1 cur d oí iny nsue: sinco ilinn a munher of niy f;nnily ftnvij fiefen fis ?irmallf henrH'ifd. ywtrsjAoi " V lii WFELta Tcsltmnvifll of Paniel Goodnoio. Mox,k"oe Mich.. June I. I344. I hrreI)V ceniiy tlïnt Dr. Wm, M. Smiih Iki. hoep n!y í'.ii'iiíy Plivsiejat) fnr four yrn s last pi?!: fhni Ihj h-is tijed hjs {"ni ei.-itv Pilis in l)is oroctTee in nf laónly with unparidleTpd sncrDss: and I think them prf'ernble to any pill for brlioue aircutiuns in thu woiU. ' . RANIÈL COODNOW. Ii.n'.-rrrrr. Vnomh 5f! IToiSC. Tcsü of D 8: PitrshaU I'i.i.nt. Mich., Junefi. IS44. Du. SiTH. - I n-n iinpy !■ -ive vod n.y Cor ii:i! appiovn! l votir Univrisi'y Pilis. 1 nm ible to kcop.oii Vcver and Aam', and Fevcrs to wlrcli all ui usnroBuhiect in ti'ig Western conn 'iy, l.y the tinipiv use of your Üntierihf Pilla. " Scnd an i%geoj this way as snon ns possiblè, for vveiireaiï uut. Yonis Are. ]). S. PARSHALL. Tf.iï'woviui f Itfëssrt: A'iMe nuil tvfuld. Wc certify ihat we are and have been person riliy acqu-i, !)!.■(' v.i;h Y,'m. M. Sllillh, M D. . nnd kno-.v ilini he isa man of eminetice in liis piofession - and that for for years lie filled tho cfi:iir of Materia Medica and Pharmncy in the Willoughl.y lTniersiiy of L:ke Er:. witli honor to tiimsolf and satipioction to the Trustee? and Facuity oud as well as to Studenïs ol the ïhovc Univeisity. As for his Pilis., they are pai excellence." rriARij:s xoble, B. F. E Y FIELD. Motjroe, Mich. June !!. 1.-14. Testimonial of Rhil. 1} Cimsc. This 1 crrtilv. that ín the nunth of Septeni !er last. I wns attackcd witli Biliotis Frvtr (whils nway from Ix-mï at pwosp to build u Water wlucl) nnd wiih one dose ol Smith's University Pilis. I liroke it op: nnd as matiy other weresick at ii;:ie, 1 aduimistercd thfse J i ! ! t. them. crid in i.Z i.Miscs it brok-: up their fevers. f have used theni nriny times since. and wiih L'ieat Buects-s. Thuv ;ire the best pi lis I evei iised. RIAL Iï CÍTASE. Milhoright.oinüwaci'. .ilICIl . June IS', I 44. Testimonial of Mr$. Atigal C. Wriglt. Tina nmy cemly', tliat ihree yenrs 20! yns irineked witli ] ,iver Complana so seveicly thnt I could scnrwly furn myst-li ín lei; I used mmn sppciries and ronirdio;-, sucli aafernndreth's, Res urrectii.ii, Oriento!, and nTheí pills. botwílh lii or no ífiect. Ocie ycnr ngo, my ftftVid Dr. Smith cnlíed un me on íiis wny to IJnston, wInmi he L;ivf-, nte n box oí )iis Univftsity filis, wtiich períeetly restorcd nte. nnd my health hiis no' icniíi suíTeied lioirt like cnuse. 'Roclicsicr. N. Y., No. 13. ) FiiiiiWlm Sfrééí, Jime y 1. 1844. J Tryti novia), of John TV. Mitlcr. Dkak DocrcR - Justice requires me to slnte. thnl I Imvc s )ld yonr Umversity Pilis for omnnd a hall yenrs lisl pnsr, nnd tlmt I enn scll n mhers whilc I Iinve ihci'i on liand. Tlicy hnvr uperfeded ihe sale of all otheis - iheir eflect t truly wonderful. JOHN W RIII.LKR, BtibéáL Monroe, Mich.. .limo )', 1H44. For.aÍbjr J H Lund. J.owcr Town, nnd Wm. S. and J. W. Mnyn;ird. Upper Town. Ánn Arl.or. i:?-ly NEW ËNGLAND HOUSlí No. 111 BROAPWAY, NEW YORK. (Belwctn the City Huid and Trinitij Church.) TiJK Poprieior, gralcful íor (he paironage iilrendy beetowed pon liimby the public genei illy, woutd piye náuce ihot in's hotÍM is nou m complete order for the reception of Lndies and Gentk'inen who muy wnni permanent bourd oí tranríenl nrcomniodaiions. The New Enjrlnnd House beino strictly n tcmperancelio se. and 'plensnntly iocaicti in die íniinediíiie viciuily of busin.sf", míikes it very dcsirnble íor men ol business. s well as nll oilicrs who iKe rjietccommoda(ions und apreerihle conipany. P. WJGII Pi Mny 1. 18IS. .Gm'l2 HEWriSTRYT" E. G. BURGER, Dcntist, HAS removed liis office to Crane &.Jewett's HiK-k, first room on the Second Floor, where béihg wcll propaied to nitond lo every ranch of his prófesion. would rcspectfully sny i) nll who hftva not had thoo neerssary oraans. PHE TJÉETH, jiropeilv aitended to, del iy pn otiger1, but cnll upoft liitn and experlence t'hé ease nnd dunibility of liis operntions. Tkrms accommodating andehargtía in no case uureasonble. Ann Arbór, IVIarch (i. 18-15. 47-tf Wool W&iated! THE Subscribo wish to purchnse 50,000 ponnds of Wool. for wjjiclí they will ay Casli or Gjcdsat their store in the Lower Villoge. BECKLEY FOSTER h CO. Ann Arbor, May 19, 1845 213 "W00L!W00L! f í(( Ib?, of Wool Wuntetl by the "j"" eubscribers for whicj they will ( )ay tiie hihest price in O.'ish or Goi'ds. LUND U MCOLLUM. Ar.n Arbor, May Iot, 1845. 2-4w1845, : J. HOLMES & CO., WliOLLSALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STAPLK AND FA.NCY Í DRY GOODS, BPry Groccrirs, Carpeting, and ptpvr ilattgitigs, Aro. 63 Woodward Avctwe, Lamed' s Block, Detroit. j 11 ii.mks. Ar. ir York. ) s m holmks. Di.troil. $ [ T""E '' k 1'S "if'!i)(l of infoi niing our friendtV V hh'i! cusiomers íhrmighout the Staie, iha'i wc are 81 Tl ii purgtiing the évetl (eóöi of our j wt.ys. endcuvonag io do ou: buèiiOLa upon tiii md honorable pri'nc'plée. We would aleo tenJ der onr acknowlcdinen's for the pnttoñiígé ex tended to lts ly ur custonrors, and won ld hpp , leave to cali the nticntion of the public to a eiy vvl-11 f-elcctcl nssornncni of taeonubkp Goeds. : which ure OÜVfëi at whojesnle or it;:il nt venIon- pricee, Ot facilites for pirclin$iui: Goods ni e u imin-piissed ly nny concern in the State - One l' the lirm. Mr. ,T. Ho trucs lesidés ín the . ity of tfetv York, nnd fvoni bis long experienco q tlie Johhtng tinde in iint ciiy. ind Ironi hi n ihórougb knowlpdge of tli; tnnrkèt. ho is enn bied to nvail himself of the túlcílotía ni.l nn'y r drcline in priófr XV v also pundiwe (rom ilic r Iniporters. Mnuufncturei's Acen'P. nnd itom ihe !iiict:ons. by ilic pniKHgfl, tVie snrrè ns N. Y. 1 lobbers purebnpo. ibus snvii)j ihcir profifM - Wiih theso fncilitieB w cm salt'iy fjy iliat om Goods ore oid cbkap for tiio evjdencp of which we invifé the DMcmtfóti of tlic public to nui sinck. 3 We hold to ilio grent wdniül prinriple ol t'ie rrrcct'St croad to llir. irft l nuvibcr," sn if ou wnntto hu v Goödö rltfiip. nnd btiy n large. q-navl'tij 'or a l 'l'r, movtiif givo us n trinl. Onr etock i is ns ox'cnsivp na nny n ihe city, nnd we are -. ciingtiinily rccoivin,' ncw nnd fresh Uoodd fron! ) NewYoik. ♦70,i00 Itos. ÏTool. Wanud. ilie above tiMitiiy oi tjooiJ ni"rc-linntaWe for whidi the higbest inarket pric? will bc made. J. HOLMES & CO. r Detroit, ]F4". The Mísscb Clark's School. ANN AR1I0R, MICHIGAN. MARY H. CLARK, Principal. Í C II LOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. RHOBY K. CLAÍÍK. Aesociatc Tencher. M. L. V ALTER, Teacher of Music on the Piano. V. MARSH, Teacher of Maihenmiicsand Vocal Music. 1 H. F. SUOFF, Teacher of Frcnch, Gtsrman nnd ; the Clussics. THIS Institution lias been in operation since November !8. 18S!. The scliolastic ycar embracing forty-eight weekf, two terms, -comp rising two quartera ench - twclve weeks in o( (jnarier - a ficncral exairiinaiion ut tire close ui each term - in Febiuiry and August. 'T'he last quarier oí thu presem lerni oommenecs May 19. Txrms of Tumor. - For the Énelish branches. $2.r0 to 5 per qunner. No rediiction mode for nbsc.Mce, exerpf in case of eickness. and no Jpupil taken for less ihñn n quarier. Extra clnrTOes are made for mudicon üie l'iano, wiiii We use J of the instrument, ij!8,0') French, 3.(l(i Latin. 3iWl Drawingand Painting, TlOO Pnncy Wok. 3.0(1 B ard, inclii'linc; wnshinor, liglits. &c, $1,7 per week if paid in advonce, or 2,flU per weck ii' paid at the close of thequnrer, Piircntsnnd punrdinns are mvited to visit tlie scltool overy Friday. whon the siudiea of the week aro roviewcd- nlno somi-monthly on Wedneaday afieinoou. at reaJingof the weckly composiiions. Youns; Indios desVnus of nterins the school nnd pnrsuingthc recular course of siudy. wotilf! do welt to cominenco at tbe.bfjin ning of the term, or vs soon after ns practicable. H.1. inging to ihe sclinol we n Librnry ofbewern five and eix hundred volumes, nnd Philosopliical ApparatuSjEtectiical Alachine. Globes. &c. Tho Misses CUrk will etidcavor. not only to proi.-iote tht; intelli-ctnnl culuire o( th;ir pnnils Imt wil! atiend sirictly to their moral dé portment. With no scctnrian feeüng. tmt wiifi i deepyense of reliyiotis te)oifiiLiliiy. thiy would nive sucb a tono to cbarnctcr. as sliall rcfl:r i' irncticilly fitioil ior evcry station - yielduig tu dttty bnt tirni to principio Ainong thebooks used in the school aio. Al efcroinbie on the Intellect nal and Mornl Puwj-rf - Knm;'8 Eleiiu-nts of Criticism - Wnyla'nd's Moral Science - Ncwnwn's Rhetoric - lied's Loge - Paley's Natural Tlii'olí_'y nnd Kvidi neet of Chrftint)it-T - G.-ey's Chemiary- rurker'.6 Vatural PbHbsöphy- Combe's - Mrs Lincoln's Roiany - Eaion's and Wriolit's Man Mal of Boinny - Jiurriit's (leosrnphy of the Hcavens - First. Second and Third Books o History - Mes. Williard's Republic óf Amè'ricn - Phelps' Legal Classirs - Plivfnir's Euchd. nnl Day's Alumbra and Davirs' Ariih'iiftic. Inquirv with k-ëgard to ihe school can be mnde of the Principáis or nny of tjie folhming genttfl men to whom reference ia" uiade liy pnnissinn and who have nt diffrrent pcriods had eiibei 'lnu?biers or nndr our care. Rev. Is-iac ï. Kctrhnm. Cenlrcville: Geo Keichu n. Mar shall; Mon. Wm. R. Detflnd. J.ickson: P;iul B. liiiií. Michigan "entré; F fí. Winnny. Adrián; Dnniel Ilixson. Clinton; Girdncr Whei'ler. M. O.. Howell; Rcv. F. II. Cuming. Grand Ropids; Jereminh Clark, Clnrkson; Gen. . C Rnscall. James Birdsnll and Rev. J. BeTch. FlirH: D. H. Rowl-nd.Northvlle: AmrsMeul; Plymouth; [Ion. Elias CoiibiocU. Ownss); P. Urishain. M. D.. Ilon. Wm. R. Thompson. E. .Mundy. Esq . John Allen. Esq.. Geo. W. Jew(Mt. Esq . Tljrt8 M Lndd, Professor Williams. -fthe Universiiy, and Rev. IL Colclaxer, Ann Arbor. The followinrr wnilcmen. Rev. H. Colclazer. Rev. Win. R Curtis. Rev. Charles C. Tavl r. Professors Whiting ond Wilünms of the Üniversity of Michican. have consented to act asa visititi2 ommittee of the School, to bfl present when the weekly studies are reviewed: bui especially to altend during the eeim-momlily examin.-ilifiis. April, 1843. 213 JL845T W MOLE S ALE & R E T A I L. A. AT F ARREN, BOÖKSELLEB AND S ' ATIOER. SM ARTS BLOCK, 137 JKFFRRSOS AVENUE, DRTROIT. KEEPS constnntly for salen complete assortinent of Miscellaneotis, Schooi fuid Clnssicul Hooks, Letter nnd Cop Piipcr. plain ;iml rul cd, Qutüs, luk. Scaling Wax, Citltry. VVrnp ping Pnper, Printing Paper, of all sizes; nnd Book, News nnd Cimnister Int, of varion kinds. BLANK BOOKS, full and iiali bo'.tnd, ofevery vnricty of Ruling, Memorandum Books. &c. Td Merchants, Teachers, nnd oihers. biiyin in q'inntities. a larce discount made. Subbuth School ond Btble Society Depositor ' ri-tf lotice to Alci-chants. THE Subscrioers enconraed y the pntronage they have hitberto received in tl.e wliulesale depirtment of their business, will the first day oí May np.xt. opon the store now occupied hy Geo. Grcnvillc, frontinson Huron street. nnd connecting with their present store in the rear, exclusively for a VVHOLE SALES ROOM, i where they will keep at all times a full I ment of ' DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES CABSJBMTINO, HATS, CAPS, PAPER HANGINGS, BONNKTS, CROCKERV BY THE GRATE, HARDWARE, AND GROCERIES, &C. &C. &C. nll of wiitch will be soid on ns goud terins ns at " any point ihiseideofNew York City. G. D. HILL, & CO. Ann Arbor, March 26, 1814. 4ö-ifVOICE OF THE PEOPLE 'Plint e uli o ímii ,uit.rit a i unz scrvpld, tch pitase nad JtiUuu'hi - never brfoxt publithid Vutti rraaraing Ihr SUGJ1R-COJ1TED IMPUOVED Indian Vegctab lo Pilis KOR CONSti.MrriO.Ny, COLDS, RHKLiMATISJ DYSPEI'SIA AXÜ FEVEKS. HAVING been uttacki'd spnfe months sinc wiih a bod (;u;ir!i. wci!;i!O.s in my ches nul lof-s o. appeiirr, I ii;,c(l Wisylu's Jnd.n Vegetable PilN. l)!ii grcw vn. ;. wiiii co'lii wen tl iul'Iü; could not shop. inri heliévcd 1 wis in co.isumpiion. [ piDCiircI q Ii.jx ui Dr. Sugnr Coatud. Imprbvi ,1 Imü.n ' gi tabli Pili liich rostoreil my ImmIiIi wiihin six d.iys, r.nd btlicve iliem to be ilie bust reínMÍy I vver us.u (ïi o. V. Gi.aSgkk. Cambridec, Oer 10. 141. Kxir;ici tïoui A. G. Pngcs's !e::cr. datcd - Bath. Jon. 31. if45. - The Snrr Conreo1 ludinn Vegetable Pilis, yo siMit inc. si'.'l wcll and give gnod suiisfuction. - ThíTy sel! bciief tiiasj noy 1 have had. Extract fiom Lev i IJimrtt's h-t'er. dnfid - . - Cam.w, (Mc ) Fel). :i 1845. Tlie Piüs. whiili I rpceivcd of vmi hnvo gix orí ptich li'nivéfsnl Biiianiciion wiiere ihry ha lnen purcliasoil. :ind ihe sole hn heen so unifort ihai I tliDiilit lie-si io rf-ijtif-pt jrou to seiid n on pomp ntorc imniff'i.i! 'y. &c Extnict lunii Win. N Pick.ird'fi Icitrr dnin Mokson. (,Mis5.. ) Jin. 2 1815. Sir - Enrlnsp') s rhe i'.'iydicni for i!io In Pilis. Ydii nvi'I iIc;i?o hi:tu me liy vx; rt-.s im vlier lot. 8iy or 8 W.. 'í'lipy pive gm d 81 isfiiciinn. I linve nut on üaivd nxirc thrtn 1i s, nnd do not wish io be in of ilic:n oiw day Kxtrnct from Onniftl T.ift A S'on's ledr-r nn'c: TAri-svit.!.:. (Vt.)Ftb. b. 1 -' ló. Yoiir Pilla were received n lew sinco. nnd h-ive so!d soine tl lliurii. ntul nleo uod sou onrselve. umi ú'Mk vtry divöfnftfy ötthrtfi. ■a'ni ihcy nre likci! ly thosr ho h.ivc usod ihoni. Mr. J. P. Smiili. óf GJoiijest( r. étnica thm 1 hnp s.ilrl all. n.u wishes Hdoz. irxes more in int-diaicly: and ilxiy ijive nnjveis'il sfitisf;ic(iot 'hnt he hos determinod to sell no othcr kind PilU. Mr. A. Allen, oí Palmer Drpot. si.'it thn he v;is very tlinnfnl lic v:is nunoiottd f,'ont.n his wilè h'fls tíM iin snvn'id Böfne (ime. nm 'i box ol'tlicsc pills ininicJi.iltilv - was nponf f other Pil's. bui sitoiil only lecomincnd '.hese. EA'tract Irom J. 13. Danio't'i Icitcr. d.iterl - Uarxahd. ( V i . ) .1 --i n . II, 145. Picase Fftiid me rnmeaintely 6 dnz. Btniih' Sugnr C.mifd Indinn VeöYnbfé Pili.. Thof you sent a shurt timi: sincfi. are ncarly all solc nnd ivo universal sxtièlflctiorji The nliove nro oniy n fèji" af tlip nunifion lettrrs whicí) nre nilv recoivcd qfitie rrcar p i{ ul.iriiy rid mi.'iHíss (A ili s mily cxcrlícn Pili They nro the heH incdioine tbr ilie nbove cm idnints th i' are snld. and i-i rvcrv c isr s hnt hnv b'èen tnéd fia'vc iriv(ii univfnl örinfnciVon. n'ri shouid be krptnsii i'nmily fmeHiciae by every one Wc onlv ask n 'rinl of the n lo couyineftth mot-t bkt'ptifnl Öf'ffift iiuth ol ilirpr íifsm lions. Tht; (iij(ct:ons nnd trtMtment of thi; disoae nccompany evpiy box. puicr. '25 cWft3 rr.n nox. No '-SUGAR CO ATED PIIJ.." cÜnba ?on utne without t'ic tifpminrc nf tlu; solé inveálol G. BENJAMIN SMITII. M. D.. Prmidefn ihe N. Y Colleüe of Monlih." upon pv'jv ! C ffi :ts devoitd e.xclusively to il;e talt ot tin medicine. 179 GmenwiVh Snert. Pfew York. N. 2. Witu-r Sik et. Bojion. F'or snlc u nll ilic viljagëa and lowns in :h New Rngltmd Subs. N. 15 - No tr.ivelüng pedlars are aüowcd t sell thesp Pilis. Examine the Sipnnttire. (CTFor en y W. s. nnd .). W. Maynnrd Land & McColfnm. K. .1. B Qrnnê, Ann Arbor Perrin &, Hall. :orthiUo; TIioihíip P. Mny, Ji Plymouth: Ü. C. Wímwood, Üoxtor; G. & .) G. HiH, Dei.rtit. Alsii nt rot.ii! in cvory town throughoiit tlu LJni'ed Sintrs ai y." rita pè Hnv. 213 CLOTÍI! CLOTHÜ "J"Mi K subscribe! will coniinuo to munulatr JL turtFnllecï Cloth, 'ór 37 ets. per yard. and white dannel for 2 een I? por yiird; or ihcy will nirthuOictÖïè il:i vvoid lir hall the riotfi it -.vill inaki:. Their Kiic tory 3 2i iiiil.'í W-t vl Ann Arl.or,on tlie ' uron Rivt. Wci'l will hls'i lc rèceived at Peio 'Vhfn sent bv línnJ-oifrj it will lu Hiiciulrrl to ir ilu's me rnnnnor ;is it me owncis w ciini willi it. Wiiol will in:imi':u midi in min i' it comes ín ns nciHy is it cftïi Ie clhné witli refcr dnèe ti ihrj {ii;ilitirof wnn!. WOOL CARD1NG, wi!l be dono at Scio. by Tllnfnos itcsl-ins. S VV. KOSTER & CO. Scio, Mav 1, I81". 10 INTER EST! NO ToT WOOL GROWERS. 'IUIK biil)Scribniá wouid ifs-pi-ciluh y anX nonnce to the Wool Grcwcrs ol Ann Ar borand iis yiciniiy, that ilioy continue the business uf Wool Carding and Clolh Dressing nt tlie old stand ot 3. Hockley &, Co., wuen ihey niay be l'otind rit uil scasonablo hours l wiiit upon those who niay favor tlieiii wiilj theij patronage.' Thy guarantco that theïr work will be dom wnh neatncss and depiatch. To llicfr old fi iciids acid aa niany ncw customers ns teel disposed tr givc thoni n tn.'il. thcy would sny.connG o wi'h j'otir Wooi. and Cloth and we will do you ampie jusjice in ihe execution ofyonrwork - the price and terrns ol payinent. Twcnty (Ixousnnd pounds of Wool wantod in exchange tui Kuit Clyth, Plannël, &c. N. LJ. -Give us a cnll belbre pnichasing else whei'j. SUMNÍCR tlICKS &CO Ann Atlior LÓwer Town.Mar. SiMSJ"). '26-öirHeady Made Clothing. AT REDÜCED PR1CES. TUK largost nnd lni issui uiicni of ren rl y runde nlothiiijz ever belbre oqered in tjiit Sunc, now on hand .nul lor tnS, Wholesilc oi Iletaií, ti L tle Cloihin Kmpoiiuni ot ilie Sub ■ jscribers. cunsistinr in wnrt ot Fine broadcL:!) Frock uwi Drcss Cn:r. Tweed nitd union c:if-siiiiei!, b-atinütunci jcnn Frock nul Business Conis. Sumnier Coate in great vnrieiy and very clicap. Cdssimere, cloth. iwccd and summer Pnnts of all styles and ricea. Satin, velvct, silk, valencia, cnshmere nnd Mnrsoillcs Vesrs- a large stock ofricli and fash ionnhlc stylcs. Also, nn extensivo assortment of Ilosiery. Stocks, Scarfs. Hondkèrchiefs. Collars. Shirts! Glovt'8. Cravnis. SuspcndtMs. 4&c. 5lc, all oi whiih wiil bc Eold low for carkThey woulil respeetfaHy invite nll, in want o( rendy made garn.ents. to cali and examine ttioir stock beTorc purctiasing êTêwherej asíi luis been selected with care in the Ensieni mnrkct nnd monufactured i.i the lutest styles and most durable nianncr. HALLOCK A RAYMOND. Corner ol" Jiillereon &, Woodward aven-.ics. Detroit, April 4, 1845. 213 -n öakTümbërT IN nny qtianlincs, CühStoiniy lor snlo, oheap for Cash, m the Ann Arbor Saw MiU by M. W. QÜACKENÜUSH. May L9, 1S45. C-4wALIVAYS OIV lIAIYJD SoJ nplJE Sulfscnbcr hns rè, gjaP J_ moved his shop to Mnrn y1 vi.O Snoet opposite . Heek. ]p Kt crs IK Sioie, whcrehto ij'f' ]]r " "-' lc '"1IIK' icnit'y to wa tórovv J sl ";in "" ll"" "iay 'i Wn , -fffiffP5 Hnving just receivsddV reet froni New Volk nnolccïint sioik of .vii Fhncy 'iiic'cs, whlch he iiiirnds (o SpU loirer iIimii h;y ever been frold si ol Bufl'ulo f.r Riad y Pmj önli. Ainotig which mny Ifo louncl a l'"O(I ossortnuni ol Gnld and Common Wmch Kiys. (.ioti) Vinger Rfps nnd - Dosoni l'ins. Gunrd Clinirrs, fciilvt;r Tv md Tüblb Sj)oons ÍSiicnr 'J'iiti-s. üut:cr Kliivee. Silvpf Pcncil -cïra s. yilvftr aiid Conin'ioh Thimlifcs. Si), vor Spi-ttsclcs. ncnr.nii. do.. 6ïcel. do.. 1-Jnfr Hfiish''S. Cloihes }.. 'J'doili (Oij Lnilier do.-, Fine Kü'.ois nnd Pinkel Kinvir, pl)e S"ifr rs umi St-Wois. fJn'ihéf libxré. StTops. Wallotts. l'uisrs. Viohns ind Bows. Kintes. Violin iuhJ lióse Violin Sirinj'H. Clarioi-.ct Htcde, Fcr ctiRsion Caps. Po' kei Tisiols. Dr'ntnnia CnTidlt;Hiicks. WinrlK';. I.fMier StTiinpf. S'c-tl Pens -and' Twee Kers. SiniíFitil Tolxicro loxrs. Fine combp, Oic.s.iiir do.. Sidc i!o . JWk r!o.. Shrü do. NitiIIis aii'l Casca, ';üer Püinls. Toy WTcÍ;Vfc Kid Dolls, n prt-ni V:n eiy cl 'J'op too rumerons 10 ircn:ioii, JJcads, Necklatcí, Fínicy DoXefc, &C. &c. Ci.ctKsnnd Vat jiVs of fvery de cripiion renaired ind uarrnntcd, also. Jewclry repnired on short örice. ri,vix BLiPS, f? H. Ca.-h paip f.')r OLD GOLi) ANÖ SÍLVER. C. J}. Aun ArW. Oer. y.j. 184,4. 2-rf. ALLEBA-SrS MEDIüMES. 'i'ijfc:si:MEDiciM-:s A HF, ficoúiií sucli asionishinj.' .nyrrsin ntüllitüdcs pi itfii cases long since nl.andoned by i'liy-'ii-i.-nis nnJ Sm-r!ins o3 tittrrly Ii-e-s. thnt no medicines, wlioie ilu-se are kno'.vn, stand so ■ '-.-ei il!v li n':. 'Hicy consist of THE BLACK, OR ALLKÖASl'S SALVK, WhJch currs irfSiosi tiniversiilly. Fever Sores, oi ihe most ii',!lign.-,ni kind. Felons. Ujcere, Abscesece. Tumors, Finoturesj Cius. Punciures, ihirn. Sciildj;. Sore ffSbati Cliilhl.iins. Qninsey. Drop y. Inflnnmiory B h u-iintisin. Jnrlam'initjons nnd Sw(-llin:s rfcvciy dcscriiition. Pcald ili'id. Agiie in ilie Tooih Ache, íVgúe in (oe Briket. Hiokon o.ifsf , Ac. Ac. VLI,r.HASiS UF.ALTU I II.Lft. 25 Onts. 'Jiicsc Puls have ncqiiiiftf n popul.-uiív witliin the lust year ö iwo. wliich fío ojher rills pnssess. The re.ifor!?5 nix' olni'ius to ;ill vlio iijc ilii-m. They cuié nl! !!iJio(i.. Scatfel nnd'oth er Füvcrs. Ffeycr nijd Ague. üycpi-jism. Vjxop&yt Acid Siomnrh. pirffér il ÍJoivelé. or Stonwcli, Jaimoif. Ifvrid Aclie: Diwineps in the Hcnd, Worms, Livcr Compfaini. Hcn Burns. "'holic, Howd coniulnint,;il ])el)i!ity, Cosiivenrep, $v. &.C. 'J'luir puuy :he i-ntiie system. iravc the bowtU in h viorous and healthy condition, &c Scppnmphlei. ALLKBASl'S TOOTI! ACHE DROPS. Prirc S5 Cents. Will Ctirfl on ordivfjry eriM; ol Tooifi Arhr, in frnm rhre tn len minnts. For Nervoiie and other kinds of, Toojli Acjic. toe I'.-Mnphlii. ALLEBASJ PQOR MAN'S PLASTEIt, Prii e. 21 ürnts. Are wnir.inicil io iic fupi,nir io nny otlior P!n5irs in :lns er nnv (ftjigr C(nint!v. for piin -f weffliHc8 in tho J3nck. Sidc. CJict', Bowel?, I.oins; JVliiscIrs. and for l.Micinnniisrn. Lung ind Livci Con p'üiiii!?, Coughs, CoJds, Astdnm, &c. So pninplilt-t. N! lí.- Picoso to sfi liie nront for npnlnplilrl whioh piis all tli? inl'ornintion nccofs:iry resroiiiiir (;c usts of il,e Jl ( diciíx p. ilic viitnrs lioy pufSessí etc. Pleite to ollow diiéctim.B in 'lie usi; of the iredicines, und yoü juay rely új in nll ihnt is .riii.-:i.-ed. A Ifhera1 discount infrie to ineiclinnts nnd oih eis. win liiy i si li ognin. LÍ MAN W. C11 PFHT. Proprif-ior. VVliulfi-nli' DniEgïai '-2I4. Fulmn ut; jV. Y. KTForjrole by tlie eultscribVr. who íinj leea nppoini'd general n;ent lor i!ie fin .f JVtroit nul is vieinity. Countiy dealers "supplicd on liberal tenue, e. MnnsE. MichiLMin Bi k Slorp. TfiP nbo'-e medicines nn forsnc' m ilie Rook Stoieof VM. R. PF.RRY, In Ann Arbor, Lower Vüliir.e. Decemler Í) l.a4 '. "4 IvPOLLARD TEMPEEAKGE HOUSE, r.Y L. D. & O. WKYl'LKN. XrarlW. X,an.v,i,tfl l'irr.c Látí(fmg?B ' Jfiío. '"!'' H I S estiilil.shinoni hns du ru ili p-isi winii-r. ! conaidcntlilv mlüijvd. ;md improv■ -! wuli iu-vv ñiM.i.uri!. c(W, md i.s n„v ir.-idv 10 miketlie Tr:iMi!tr at boirws. it ihe n oJer;ite clin r os of i 5 ntcnl. and bh Ceiiis jxir Day. F -issf nccrs mui Uaggaire conveyed to and front f rrousé fice Sr charge! N. 15. lsseiiüe:s ïoin ilie Ens will fir.d n Siyii lor tiur ,',);].. i„ Uw? Dt-poi, undcr which 10 place inoir Bfiggngp. In comunión wiil, nlmvc Jfonse ihcre is ui KATING KSTAIiLlIIMEKT,oiMhEropcan plnw. V. thn suhrrih.Ts. tk? plc-isnro in rccom mcr.nng (hc bove . House n, t„; liiendsoftlw cnii8e. ns I'QWB ol' il:eir nainnnao C. W. H ARVKV. IWt Krie Co. 'ilmp. S. S. N.CALr.NDAK.Sccy do K. 1). RQSISOMj Pre'nE. M, Temp. S. W. R. FOHKS. Sc.iru.ry do BuH;.l.., FAruary, 1S1Ö. 6no- -212 Sinie oí Mclii';m, !.e circuit court kn (lic conniy cl' WasKWnawj t( ilw Juiw Term A. D Wing Tabcr, J v , 5 IN ATTACHMENT. ■jVfOTICi-: is ln?rcly iriven. lint on t!ie twen11 ty-ig]uh day ori'Vluuiiry. A. D. one lliou. nnd ei'ght hiiad'red and foriy-five. u writ of attncliment wis isMicd o:t if iho Circuit Conn for lic cnunty of Wnehieimw nforesnid ngainst ihc Innd imd icnements, goods. oh;ittels, right8T c-cdiis iiióheys nnij ofTccifl of Noihan Stiirgcss, IX'fendnnt at the snii ol Winc Talcr. pl;iintifl', lor ilie snm of hvu liwndrcd ana iweniy-five dal!.irs;ind sixiy ceins. wliicfa urii of iittnihu.ent wis .wnde rtiirn.:b!o on ilic first Tucsdny of Jnnf, A. I). 1845, and has been returned d!y scrvcd. D. KINn,Elork. Hawkins &. Pi.att. Att'y.t lor Plnmiilf. Ann Albor, June 28. 1S15. I8-6w 50,000 PÖiimls WOOL WANT&S. IUt Snhscribers will puy Cusli for VVool, nl tlféfr Store, No. 118 Jcfierson Aremro.- iri-iit care hoiild bc'takun by VVool-tJrowe.S n clcansing their VVool, and ruiling it pp f.,r ïarket'. Mnrfj Farmers are in the Imbil o' clipmg their Wool wiiluut wnpliing. hrch reners il uiimerchnntable. Lei u bc veil wnshcd, wl rolled 8 ligia as posfiblc. hiaide out, and irérened witb a ?trtíVi cord. Tliose liaving Wool tn seli will consult t!ir nlcresi by calling on us leforc eclling. NEW GOOBSL WF, ure hüw recé!vin our prin? eteck oT Go.ids. whicb b fl'er for Cash or Proucc, ut tlio.very Iuwaai i. iirkct prices, SMITI7. GLOVER & DW1GUT, Detroit. M;iy, 16145. 213-tf Blank lce! and ITIortifases, WUÜLLSAIJ.; AM) KKTAIL, lor sule by DKCKLCY, POSTER & Co. Mnrrli 20. S4r, . Travel ing Baskets, f A DJ IOS' Cnipet liaga. biniw and Cune Bags, JLa forsnleby " W. A. RAYMOND. D.-iroit. Mav ï9. I P4'. 21 3-6mo ' Oeese eathers. TfIE Subscriher hns always on hnnd n goot! biippiy of Geese Feathors wliich lic will ecll n quantitiee lo suit purcliniers and at ihe Jo-weet arket rale. W. A. RAYMOND. Detroit, May 23, 1845. 2I3-6ino


Signal of Liberty
Old News