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"The Land Of The Free!"

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All the papers ot last wrik conloin nut icos nf the rcmarkablo eloprmcut of a body of chives, sr-id to be 04 in nurnber, uil firoin ('hnrles Cor.nty, Mary'and, not Fnr from Wa.-hington City. They orrivcd in Washington abu( 3 u'clock ui the marniin-, whertï they divitJet! nto ihreecompanio, cicii lüking o diflorent road. Tho next morning uboui tweniy persons, tonipted by b reward fron one of the oneri slartod out in piusuit, bu cotne back iinsucccísful. Two parties of ilie fugitivre have QOt been heaid f'rorn. The ll.ird party, consislirg of ihirly one, was over taken by the üihobitants of Rockville, eig-fj miles north of thot place who commanded ihe negroes to snrrender. As they made show of resi&ta nee, a volley was dischargcd amoni,' them by wbich cight were wounded, and al then sunendered. They wero taken back tt Washington, nnd paroded '.hrongh the e reets hcovily ironed, and placed in oncof the "nigger pens" as they aro called, vvhich is kept open wi!h the sanción of this nation, and may be seen fiom ;he Capítol steps. One of the nlaves was lefl in juil at Rockvillo to be Lung for snapping a pisluJ ut a white mui). The A. S. Stnndard says: "This movemenl crealcd a panic in Washington and B.iMtnore. At Washington. (Jul. Hendercon had tho inarinps oflhe garrUon and the navyynrá under p.rtns all the night of the ?th, and arms were rlistnbitcd to volunleere. Many families cvere so ahumd t bat they tork refuge in the arsenal for the night. In Billunore thfre was alio a great dfal of exoitement and afFright, and ihe military were also caHed out. As is usual the forcé, and, no doubt, the inlentinns of the elaves were cxsgerated and n isrepresented."' The treatment of the t-laves is tims referred toby the correspondent ÍN. Y. Herald: "Baltjmork, July 12, 1815. The Runawny JYrgrocs - Cruel Treatment Jfom Iheir Copiara - Shot down like Dogs - Triumph of Whiskeytoicn. I learn from a gentlernin who was present nt the arrrst of the gang of runnway nogroeF, near Rockrilie, Alaryland, that they were Ireated in the most brutal mannprby their captors. Wlirn surroundcd by the Rockville volunleers, they were comrnandcd lo surrendEr, and bccause one out of the forty showed j a determination to tesis t , a wliole volley of balls from rifles and pistola wns puired indiscnminately an:ong them. Tliose svounded are Ferdinand, lave U) Wra. Drc.vner, a ball in the lefl side of tl'e neck, whicli wil! probably proveíala!; Jrtnef, slave of Edwin Jones, rifle ballin hisback, which will crippíe him for life; Dnvid, a slave of John Ilamet, part of nis choek torn oway, and a ball in his back; David, another sfave of John Hatnet, his right arm complet ely shattered wiih a musk■etball; James, a falave of Barnes' estáte, perfeotly riddled vvith balls in his side and neck, nnd pait of his cheek torn away; Mark. dJ. a pistol bal! in the back of his nerk; James Gray, belonging to Charles Ry, feverely wounded ch the side of his face: Lewis Dey, elave of Colonel Miller, struck wilh a ball on the side of his face; Henry, slavo to General ('hapman, a bal! in hisback. Had their arms been loaded with fine shot, or even a ütlle coarse salt, it would have answered every rpo?e; bot instfad of tliat, the t'eadly bnllet must beused.smd airn Va ken, n cvery in 6tance, as will be scen by the direction of the shot, at th head and shoulder, instead of the extrennlies. They oould not, ho wever, have fallen in with a more bmlal and cowardly set of people in the wo-ld than thecitizens of Rockviüe. Unless they have greatly itnproved of Jate, there are but two or tliree sober men in the whole town, and Ihey are taverr. keeper?. It used to be said that moro whis key was drahk daily in lillle Rockville, ihan in any oher lown in the State, and from the valot displayed by them on this occasion, it is evident thst they must have heen aroused to the battlefrom iheir Bacchanalian orgies. What a noble debt of gralilude is due to then, for pivin to our State such a chracler for brutUty. Soaie of them on their return, even regietted that they "covild not make the damn jjiggers resist, 60 that they might have had the pleasure of shooting them all down." - They were all marched with ox-chuin?, handcufff, fcc. and driven through Washington yestérday, on Iheir way to their home?, more üke a drove of hogs than human beingp. In les than a eek, those that escaped the balls f their aptors wi!J be on their way to the cottoti fiekJs of Louisiana, hile 6ome,at least of the wounded, will die of neglect. Although slaves, hen they behave well, nre nol badly treuted in Mnrjiand, íor a runaway slave there is no compasfion. Although no Aboli:ionist, I detest brutality inevery shape, and think that tbere are white men both in this city and Washington, who are nwre d( serving of ptinishment for assisling and vucow.Bg'ing them i:i thrir foolish attempt to escape." Readeri What had these men done that tiiey were thua thot down like a gang of wolves? They iid -cernmitted no crime: ihey %vere American bom c.t zene, peaceably travelling the highivay. lf you had readan &c . ccunt of such a transaciion having taken place in Petertburgh, under the dirtction of the Kus-sian Autocrat, you would havoexclainird, "What èarbariiies ars pracüeert nnder theautbority of the de.cpotic tyronts that ctirse the esrthT' IIow think yu will this trettuèt óf the shooting f American6 at tlie seat ol Go vernmen í of Ittpvblican A menea, for mereJy claiming their Jibefy look in the G:izette of that city? May not the aristócrata of the _ rmpire exclaim, "Jlhcfj arX thuu bccume like tin. lo ú$i' . ' " CT" The popalation of Rugfi", nccording tti'.lie latt ccnsti", was CC,500,00f).


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