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Jonathan Walker

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This gentleman, afteran mprisoqmenl of m.iny munilis, most of the time in I chatns, hns been releascd and nrrived nt New York. The Standard contnins the letter nddressed to him while in prison by John k?cub!e; Secreinry oftheBritish and Foreign A ntíslavery Society, enclosinga re.solution nassed by that budy expressive óf their sympathy witli Walker andTorrey, and dcclaring that they considcr ihe cuuse for which ihev are condcintied to sufier u!iononib!c to thein as men and as Christians," nnd condcinuing the laws inider which they are arraigned as ':disgraceful toa civilized community and in the highest degree ropugnant to the spirit nnd precepts of the Gospel." Capt. Wnlker's reply to the Committee oftheBritish Society is also published, in which hostales that the original letters sent him were taken from nii'h whïle in prison by the authoritjes, and laid belbre Legislative Council of Florida. Then follows the report of tho Committee of the Florida Legislatura upon the letters, denouncing this "foreign interference" with their dotnest ie concerns, nnd abusing the Northern Abolitionists. - The Commïllee thinlc the crime of negro stenling has hitherlo been punished with great leniency; and as it bas now altèréd its character and become not or.Iy an offence against private property, bul is also a sort of treason against the State, ihey recommended that the punishment of DKATH should liereafrer be inflicted for this oflencc. Bul as tliere inny be sonie difficuhies in carrying out such a law under the Territorial Government, the Committee recommended that all procecdings on the subject be postponed until the meeting of the first General Asscmbly of the State of Florida, when their act ion should be earnestly invoked. It appears by this whole transiiction that even the benighted región of Florida feels the power of the sentiments of the civilized world against Slavery, by which ihe accursed instituí oh is hemmed in on cvery side, and its defenders driven into cioser q'jarters. It te one of the encouraging signs of the times.


Signal of Liberty
Old News