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Great Fire In New York!!: Estimated Loss Five Million Dollar...

Great Fire In New York!!: Estimated Loss Five Million Dollar... image
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New York has again fnllení we remetió 6ny, into she line of conflogntions! A fire hroke onl between 3 and 4 o'clock this morning-, in New street, a narrow passie between Broad strect nml Brondway, extendin froiu Wall etreet to Beaver - and ppreading with feart'ul ropidity among ihe dcnsely built edificesof that neiybborhood, hns already extended throngh Bruadway on tlm west ana south, ncross Broad stree nearly to Williom on tbe Enst, nrui Í8 still biirning witli scarccly a perceptible check. An iminmice aniount of property bas been drsnoyed, ond more to be deplorcd, a lamentablo loss of life iiaa ndded to the terrors of tlie occanior! The eidewalk in Broadway, nbove Trinity Church on ihe we6t side, U filled wiih furniture- piunos.looking orla8ser, mohognny brd 6íeads,rich tables and other articlea of hmisehold plenielnng; and hundreds of men are still Uusily cmployed in removing oods frern the warehoiipes ar.d dwellings willtin reuch f the fire. VVe have two or three reporters on the epot galliering inuterialí for a fiíll account, and in the meaiuime we givesuch information as we have been ble to collect. At about four o'clock, Crocker &, Warrcn'e store in New slreet, in which was stored a very large quanliiy of 6altpetre, blew up with one of the most tremendous explosions ever heard or feit in Uie city. Tliat building itself was of conrse ecattered in frngments in an inflant, nnd tliose near it wcrc ütile bettei ofF. So twfiii was the shock that the thick píate glass in nearly all the buildings in Wll trect was broken in fragmente and si re wed over the pnvomen', in many instr.nces the sub 5tantial witidow 6asbes tJteiiiselveii being broken in.A rumor prevatls tliat therp wns aqonn'ily of gun-powder in lhd building, received in borter for ealtpetre. Of the tn-lh of this ve cannot at present obtnin ony eatisfactory evidence thougli it is ver certaii .bat snltpetre in Us coramon Btato, anl having umlergone no p.cpnralion, wül not erplude, thougli it is high ly combustible. There werc about one thousnud bags of it in the building. Fivo or üíx 6tores oneacl side werc tlirowndowu by the shock. Engine No. 2-2 wu buríed undei the ruins, and ifull t!ie mn rscaped with their uves it wee al.nost mirat ulous. A report is current to llie con:rury, but on eye witness Expre8ífis the belief tlH.tth-iy nll etcnped, tbe pólice hoving kcpt the g round 50 ciear iiia' they had ampie room to play their enaine and to niü nt il firsl sound of the explosión. - While s-prnking of iliv pólice ve shtiuld herf sov thut tlieir c ndnct nt í-vcry pait of llie con flHgrotion wns excellent ubovc praise. Wi iitívor saw n ew York better airangemente [Here ollow the nninr ófuboút 200 oftlie aifferers, in Exchange Place, New Street, Soulli Wiiliom Sree!, Broad streei, and Bpu ver streel. The süfc eslablihmen' of O. R. Bunham, in wt'ich fiom 200 lo 300 hands were employed, was deitroyed "JO.TK O CLOCK. The fire is subdurd and ha imt spie;nl iiny fiither tlian afrpndy (Ic-cnbfd, ih uh ihcdetriiclion williin ihat limit id no e coni píele. We Iwve sren some fr.ifinriits of bnrni i-i k, coitdii, kc . lickci! n Stalen Idlaud at 5 o'clock ihis uioruiojj. A gentleman ta8idinij tNere tells us tliat, wlien ihe expjpiíiori (ook place, the windowe iu n !;Ouse, wincli are incoiivenientiy tigltt in tlmir frum's, ni tTed witn such viulence os to awuke tlie house hold. A letter, adi.'resced to a Broad Ft reet wiir mercliunt, was picked up at the quarantitu ground, pnni.tlly biirncd. ("nptuin1 íork. of Ihe brig Aliltun, ns well as tlie Cap tai and passengere ot' the brig Kavaiinuh, off the hihlunds, lieurd iho report and feit a con cussion.The frtmep were distinctly scen at New rk, ono the report was ako Ijeard there. It wa suppo6ed that the nntliorilics were blowing ïip houses to ai-rest the progess af the ñames. Enginc8 were despatcfoed from Wi'linmsburgh, Brooklyn ond Jert-ey City. and an ex pres6 was eent to Ncwark, whence engines orrived durinjj Ihe Forenouir. Some ut'tlicm returned aboiit i o'clock- otlicrs will go tlns evening. But th'py and our own Sremen, the latler notwithstandinur their long cnntii ued Inbor?, will long be gratefully on ac count of t-heir learless deportnient and greai exertions, Tliieves aud pickpockete are plentihil nnd active, but are vigilantly uatched by the poÜce. One has jitst pnBsed our office tmder nr rest, and othcrs hnve found cooler quarters than they sought. The new pólice have done their dutyraml without di.splüying unythinjr approachinjf to andue inteiferencü or (heexuhatioivofu newly acqjiired authority. A mounted Iroop of General Sunford's brigade was called out at an early hour by proclamaüonof the Mayor, who hufl done all that could be done under the ealomily.Our city renders will bo generally oware tliat the burnt district is the most importont and voluablo part of the city, being composed of largennd costly buildings,, filled wiih expensivemerehandize. The French and German merchante congregated chiofly in that district. At 12 o'clück the dwelling house No 23, at the corner of JJrosdway and Morris etreet, feil with a treniendous crash, etriking with great force against ihe opy)O8ite building, and breaking in the windowe, Sec. No one hurt. Several iion safes have been saved from tho Tuins, many of i hem so little injurtd thai the booksand pn pers are perfecth legible. Tlmt of Davis Ja Brouka is siill standing on the second floor, and thotigh severnJ' t;mes onvelptd in flames, is etilJ ia available cujidition.-Barclay h Livingston have alao saved their books and papers. Mr. Anpii8lu8 L. Cowdrey, a member of No. 42, son of the late Samuel Cowdrey, wns n one of Uiw buildingB in Broad street whcri it fe.l - he has not been heaid of sifice. VVe learn that the Jefferson Insurance Co's losos will nmount to S200.000; the National Jnsurnnce Co's loss ia cstimuted at L28,000, - weich we are infurmed, ie qII r.liey have at risk . The Bowery al $60 000, the amount ol their surplus, and the Ciiy Insurancc Co. is üiipposed to suffer to the amount bf ten ppr cf.-nt n their capital. The New York Equitnbp Insurnnce Co., nre snid to be losers to the amount of {$242.380; the President and Secretnry put down the amount al O150,000, or aboiit one-half of their capital. VV'o undertand that the Boston Ins. Compaiups, nnd tho Washington Insurnnce eotrpany at Providence, lose but a vnry emull nmount, in consequence of huving at-ked much liiher rates of premium (han our city compa nies, éihcè tl; extreme low ratcs of the lat ter; tiinl neiiher of these companies lose ony thiug in Beaver, Broad or New st reets, noth'ns in Exchaiiffe Placo west of Broadway, nor any ihinpr in Brondwny or west of them. Tliree hundred buildings, according to the best ralculntion, have been levelled tó the gTound. Most of tliom v.ere large three, four nnd five story houses, nnd occupied principal ly by impoiting and other merchants. It ia supposed that mony Uves have been lost by this terrible explosión. As the etreetfc end Imuses, near by, were filled with firemen and citizens, it is painfully expected that many liavo been acrificed to the wickedness of í loring larje quantities of snlipetre, or som other explosivo matler, in buildings in the heart of the c tv.The totnl loss will, o are pretty well snt isfiel, rnnge from 5,000,000 to $10,000,000. Insurance Companies are losere of the gre.iter portion of this; and we are told by a gentleman of ejperience and knowleo'ge that in his opinión our heaviest compiinies liuve btitied one-rnlf their capital in ihis day's ashes. A considerable number of persons were badly 'n jurod by the explosión, niid several were killed, bul the precise nunber is bhknuwn.


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