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W. S. & J. W. Maynard

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tCTRcnd the following cnse of CONSUMPT10N. Tlio cure was trn a wondcrful one, int] places the ''OLosinriiun, or AU-Heuling Balsnm" at the head of the list oí remedies tur oradicating that dreadful disense: Georgtj W. Haysresidinain this city wnssciz. od witïi a severe coid in ths early pari ot the suinmer. His cough becnrr.c very tia.iblesonie and lie bogan lo tu'iïc bluod. He compli ined ot a severe ptin in the chest and his brea'hing becaine so 6hort ihat he could not walk any dismnce without stopping for breaih. His nigJtt siccnts reduced hiin very low. He wne under tho care of seTernl physicinns in BrooUlyn who told hin they could do no good as lus diseuse wns a seitlet and iixed Consuniption. He rf moved to thia ei ty to die nmong his fiienrís líe waj by thi time 8J weak iltat he uouUl not walk without assiatance. Although liis friendi had now givei I up all hope of his ever betng any better he coni nienced using the 'Üliïiioviun. or All titalina B'ihum," and in a few weeks wnsso far restorcd l aa to be able to reaunie hts business.Agents, fori rtnn Arbor.


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