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SOB2ETKI9ÏG SST2SW. MUSCO F ET US PILLS, FOR THB CERTAIN AD PERMANEMT CURE OK FEVER AND AGÜE. TTlilEöK pilles areprrpared bv ihi diatinguislicd X F. KLING, AI. I. olJnckson Alien. ín ull of ibe mnny cases i n whicb tliey have been used. ibey have given ttiemost entile and perieui s.itistnc ion. The ;rup'iesor linz.ards iioilimg u íayingi ihat they are the very best medicine in lie wofld t'or tlití cure ol llie nbove mcntionet! disease. Any qiiuniüy of reconimendutions migbi be publishpd- os is the cusioia wirh man; - bui thai is cons:dered unneces&iiry une nn wil satisly the most incl-edulousof tlieir greit vi. uit;. The infijoriiy oí' Medicine now m use HFord luí; a leinpomry relief, inerely brcnkinií and check mg the disense lor i short time und preyentiag only ti external uppeaiuiicí1, lulu inwaidly n is sitll rnginy, ihus ciusing tnany oihor tnalndy and consi'qiifntly piovin liigiily injnnouB, 10 luturchenlth. It is tiie object in tfais instan cr, t. present lo the public a Mediotn'; entircly i) ;T rent trom tliai hcreioforo (ití'ered. and one ihai will nui mere'y ciiKCK thk cHiu.s. but ihnt wijl Bndieato the distase entirely froní ihe sys'.ci.i. Warrantni lo effect a pc jet cvie ií the drec:ins ar■trictly tbüowpd. Diréciioua ncoinpáuy cveiy ii. ori'l no lyiuwwvetua Pilis are geniiie wiih int the ivnitrn ■(nalwd oí iln mveiner 4í. Kl'ng." KmcIi box chüóiíü 1 00 piilsand twelv.liowders pnce $1.01). For 8ftl by M.iyiuinls ■in.I Lu:).! & Ve Colliim. Aun Atbot; K Stimpíiui imH NorrisÁ Feloh, Yplanji; Ciubíds yiTt I)r-.vr; ll,-. Soiiih &, üwnhaiii. Gí-iíís L;iko; Smitli Tyr.-I, ('In - ion; ü. K. Undei wuod. .Adrián. Thonws I'. Muy, l'lvinouh; Pe:fr Van Evejy, S. U Sanford, Ginnd llnpicís; r O'iri'ntT. Jnnerville; Saffbrd Hopkins. Hil!sín! : BlelierS: ICintst. A. Temple, J. McConnell de Cu., Jackson, and hrougbout the State. P. S. All ihose wbo uve alBicted -AÍ:h a ebron ic Dueflfe without reirt} to nnnip a:ií tature] even if prunouneed nncarriliJe Dyotheivare ie6pecifulfy inviteil ip cil on me at my residence in Juckeon, and í will tndeavor tn resiore them to perOct healih. if Qot alteadj bevond powor of úll esnlily aid. r. KLJ.NG, M. D. Jackron...'uty t, 1Ï43. 3iií)(Lr=GO0D XEVVg ANI GLAD TIDINGS.eJ) IFKEL iiiysc í imdèr me most las:tn(j obligbtion t L)r. F. Kling, uf nckbOn, who ha li'.cly adveriisetJ his mraluftble "MuscovetUB Pilla," imeivied xpressly tor Fíver and As.For a long poriod my family hnve uníorlOftfcW: ly been atilioioJ witli F"evr aml Aguc and lm tiied every "Palent MeicliCine" which I could lim!, oven thê ■#' -dar uf ihc Intest os wIl m i 10 okleát rcmiuUj uní fter spending ovur sir I despaíred ot cvtr btmg relieved, bul hebrinij ' li". Klmu's üluscovetns Pilis, and iho oreiit clTect tliev proríuced upon he Aeué -aan u lut and hopelesa reeoít, litnrtiéili.iiuly prucured i b.x o! üiein, took ilnin nccaríni f direction, end tliey gave me iiíioiítíéliel iiid I haye baen'fres from ilíaf tonib!e disease wiuie wuli oiher H:e iicun'6 1 n-eeive-J b'Jl rno- mentarjr naiatanco rih) mliel Th Pil's I hnve reeommelñied fmving producid 90 sulutary an effeci apon me ónd 1117 íamiíy, í ennuot reírnin frurn acquaiiuing the publiuu! lhirareat worlh. SAMUEL UPDIKL, THEODORE UPDIKE. Wunt-ss. GrnsLitke, July 14, 184o 92T-?ím C. BR1]NCKEHHOFF'& The vegetable kingdom is providecl by the" God of nnturc wilh herbs of different properlies aiid sui'.ed when properly administered 10 every comütinn uf diseasc. Ii Witl not be contended but ihnt it requirc invcniion and well diréeled gktll 10 prepnre these native rtiedïcatnenis so ihat thcir remedial powers sliall be well diawn out and the betler opplicd; ihat w too apparent a ni'ctssiiy to requiíe support. - Ttic Propricor oi tle Health Resiorative, 211 ihe number of veáis fiince he first commenced itspreparation froin llie original family rácijle lias devoicd a great poriion of his time to the s'udy of the medical oflect nnd strenlh of each hcrb uBfd in ihe compound. Thiss'.udy has hnd tH' c " et o more perfecily convincing him of ihu Mipcrior curativo povser of die Health Rertoioiive. Il seenis perfeeily ndapled tu the cure of Qorisnmpiion, Liver Ccmplaint. Asthma, Coldfr, Coughs, end Pains in ihe Sidc and Chest-- for hese disenses it is particulurly recommendcd.witti i certninty of succesa and sntisfaction which cat' e Mi in its l'orce only by those who hve beeU' lealed by iis mcans. No oP pe- cuniary recompení-e owny ihe proprietor1: hfl' iraels lic is infltvenced solely by ihe grent plëasure of minieterine tu the relief of sutTering humanity, and h;i3 devo ed such greai expense inf the fceture cS this remedy, and deala out so Iargely in tke quantity given, thnt the income borely 8tifllces to cover the immense outlay. Let tlfcso who are seeking n Bnlm in Gil&id, use the Health Itestorntive. The following certifícate ia iiom Dr. Chillón, the well kiwwn New Yrk cheinist."f hn7c analyzcd a botlle of medicine oillcit :C. BrinkerhofF's Ilealih RestoratiVe,' and find thai il does not comain Mctcuiys of nny o-her metallic preparaiion: nor opium in nny of iis forms. It is composed of vecetab'ie maner entirely." Jau:s Ft. CiíiltoU. 5ï. D. C. BRliNCKEIiflOFF, Proprictor, N-. Y. Hohack, General Agent: Principal Office 96 Hudson stieet.ri. Y. For sale by W. S. & J. W. May-nanii Agenta, Ann Arbor. ' 221 -4W nT0 THE VICTORS BEL0ÑG THE SfOILS."' ALTHOUGH many prepnratiuna in üie forift . -.; l'OVÜLAR jIED1CMN:S" Kavebeert hetorft the public, claiming to give relief, and even cure the most invetérate diceasee, yet none have so-well answered the purpcise as Dr. Sberinan'ffMedicated Loznges Tbey are ngreeabie ! ti)ft tr.ste. casilv administered. and Iromthe unpfcedented8ucc(.-ss whicb they have niel wiüi, nd thé remarkalilc cures which they have performed-, tnay justly hy chim to tbetitle ofnucnvr over the tliseasts for which they havo beeu' recommencied. Dr. She:nian's ♦COUGII LOZENGES" Cure the most obstinate cases of Cough in a fev hours. They have cured a large numlier of jicr-.tns who hnve heen given up hy ;heir physiaans and friends. and ni&ny who have been retluccd 10 t'r.e verge of tlie grave by spiiting blood, Consunipiion and Heciic Fever, by iheir tise Kove t:ad the rose of he.uih resiored to the líaRrd' cbeek and now live to ppeak fonH thpraisea-of his invaluable medicine: Dr. SVierman's "WORM I.OZCNGES"ílave ltren prrved in inore ihnn -1C.O0O cnws o be fallible, in fact tiie only certam Worm Deatroyíng Medicine ever discoveredi Children will eat tlicn when ihev cnnnot be torced to tnke uiv oiher medicine, oml ilie benefit derived from ihe adminisíration ot' medicine ib tlicm in this brni is iret he?i)d' conrcption. When íhe breaih of the child hccomes ofl'dnsive, anu ihere is pickins ofthe nose. grinding of ihc teeih durí ii lt s!iTp. pálenean almut ihc iips witli flbhed cheeks. headiclie. da.Wsiinss. startitifl diirint EIeep, disiiirfied flrenms, awnk'ing wiih frighVúnd -crenmin?. trmiUesonincoUgh'.feverishness.iliirst, voracious npDdite. sickuess ni the stoninch and l.loated stotnoch - thesé nru arjiong ihe inöny prominent symptoms of wortns. nnd cart'ba foieved by these incomparable I-ozenger. Th'ey have rtèver bötn knovvn tú fail. i!)r. Shcnnau's "CAMPJ1OR LOZÉS6K3' Relieve Hendachf, ÏVervous Sick fteadache, PaU pitation af Wie hcan. nnd Sicknes in a verV few minutes. Thev cure Loyvrees of Dcpoi doncy, Faininci-s, Cdüc, Spnsms, Cramp af ihè 8tam8ch, Summcr or Bowel Complnints; thcy keep up ihe spiriis, dispel nll tbe diaressinir sympfoms of n niL;ht of dissipMion, aM' önBle a person to undergo great nentai w bodiij1 toil.- Dr. Sbermaa's "FOOR MAN'S PLASTEA Is ncknowtedgéd by all wüo have evr uöcd'it tt be ihe bf_-t slreiigtbcning Piaster ïVk liie w'orltír mi 'I a sovereign rèniétly for pniris rthd weaknee iri the bnek, loins. side, brei9r, neck, Iimb8 jninis. rliruniniism, hunbago. &&. One rtiiHion n year will not strpply the demartd. Caütiöö i necessan , ca ihere are many unprinfiplcd pepsons who WouTd lorce n spurious anide üpon th cirnnuinity. Be carcful to gét Sherniflft's Pbor Man's Platter, wiih a fac sinrile" of h writ ten nnme on the back - nonu olhérffare genoine, and wilt do more hurt than gobtf. When such men as ihe Rcv. DaYins Anthony, ,.f ilic OneiJa Conference. Rév. Sebastian Stieet,.r? of Boston. Rfv. Mr Dunba, Mr. Hancock, Rey, Mr. De Fora", Ilori. Anron Clark, J. Hoxie. Ksq. Hort B. B. Bcardsley. Daniel Fnnihnwj F.sq. nnd a hoái of ñames of the like rep- utation enn be broucht forWard to prove tho efficacyoi'Dr. Shirman's preparationa - when they iré so wariniy recomnienrfed by the medical profession, and prescribtd in the prnctice, tw when such universal approbation follow iheu imoiij nM claèWft, we may jusily say ihat the Dr. ft nt only cttüthd. to the appeUntion i VÍCTOR,' but l-sh fairly by clann la ihe pM mnngeof the public and will rreeive i. Aj."-:it8 for Ann Arbar. H. M. Thompson & Co.. W. S & J. W. Maynard; E. Sampson. Vpsilanii; p. C. Whitwood. Dexter: Pickford Tí C};,ïa. Salin?; Smith & Tyro?. Chnton, H. Dower. MVritï%8tei"': P. Fnrlick i Co., Plynw ouih: Ü. Gregor and A. Graai, fforinvil) rB-6m Village Property for Snle. npilK Sabsriin-r c.HVrs tor snle hs propery X in thb Vi!l;iLía m Sen. (tttareí the Hurun river, tv. o miles Lclow Dcxier Vtfjoge, cen sisiing of A Stort, and, Hoi r,, in ono bui!d in?, 53 fré in leng;Ji by 19 feet wide-j V.iGHT Vifct.Acr. Ldtí. bfinjr onc emir Fllock. fiiue Acret of ïrnproveci Lan, adjainiig thö west wde qí the Viü.ige. The property wilï toTd ogothtr, or fepartelj !o i;i:i purcliascrs. 1 Í-!TODCRE FCSTER. Ajia Aibor J.-I; 0, ÍÍ45. '2Vif


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