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Gov. Seward--The Albany Journal--And The Michigan State Jour...

Gov. Seward--The Albany Journal--And The Michigan State Jour... image
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iWiíf-sns. Kditoks: - I coiipnti:la!e tlit; l.ib erty party in llie In e acces&ion of' Ihe aforo - said trio to tlio number or tlieir friends and así-ocime?. H'thetc lïèw friemU are consistent, wc inSy expect 10 ere them liereafn.T. v.-ith a falumíder stcadily appjied tu tlie anii siuvery svliecl. Tlior action will bepolitical Bfl wcli as I tiiink there can be no rmltake n thi9 inntter - lor tlic lust nniiicd j Jotiuial of July lOrh, titiors the followmjr wcirds, whicli aro urírqúivoca] and eiaphatic : "Gov; S i:va nn.- VVo cnmincml to n careí'ul (icrusal t In? excpJleul letier o}' Wm. JJ. StíwurJ un our íir tt Mgf, It presento in n vory cleár litit v.lirit. a ppoars to us to be tho pl;i;n dmv of' ol! (rienda óff frecdorn at iliia crisis. Tlie Albany Journal says ot' tlie lut ler : 1 1. is wlmt we supposed it, an cnlirhtene], piíilantlirojiic, monly iivowal pf stMitiments with wiiicli he lias ever heen embued, and vvhich lio lias exprcísed on all proper öccaaioiie. We c.-nenr, cheerfnlly and lieariily, in lívery thoijlit und expression - every sentencc i:nd wortl - contnined in this excellentWlüit is the laóguarjë of Gov. Seward to ' he CincniKili Lilu-ri y Convenlion, so promptly íitiíI c!;pcrfilly cndorsod by tho iwu Journais? Yon liavc pubh-lied it once, aud I liope yu uill be wilhnfí to do ii agn'w - that tlic public may nol nustuke lite truc po.sition of our iew coinrades: "Emnncipnti'ui Í3 now n poliiical cnlerpripe, to bo eilectPíi ttinxigli ihe consent nnd uClioïi of the Americnn people. Tliey will lend im countenance or fnvor lo nny oilier llian ltiwfnl uid conslitulional menns. Nor is the range cifour cfiorts narrowly circuniscribed by the Cansiiuilion. In ni'iny nf tho Pree Stnles tbere is a larpe mass of citjzeus ditii'runcined 01? pdcount t" color. Tliey must be investcd witli the right of ?nffrare. Givd tliom this right and ilii'ir influence wi!l lio mmediutHy feit in the National Councils, utid it is needlcss to say will he in iavo'r óFtliose who uphold the lusfi of human lilierty. We must resist un cénjtrg'l Ihe admission of Slave Stales, and I i:rgo und demund (lie iboülion of sluvery :n lire Dislrict of Colnnihia. VVre hnve sorured rlie Riplü of Petition, but the Federal Government continúes to be swerved bv the ïnllu ence of Slavery as beforo. Tliis trrtdencycon and must bc coiintrracced; nnd when ouc iiulopenfJorit Cung-iets fliall Iwve been elecled, . the interna! Slave Trade will be jiBjected t nq:iirv. Amoudmenis lo t ho Cons'ituüon tnny be itiitinied iinri t ho obsïacles in l'.ic way of Einancipalioii will nu Jonger oppe;irinBümióuntobld. lint, jrontlernpn, Í fenr I mny apjienr lo i]-g tóntizi; wli3') l nieiuled only to invoke concession. C seem lo do so too earnoetly, is. is 'oeciiuse I fee! so deeply iwtei'èsrèH in tlio cniHO to vvluch yotir eiForts nre levotfid, ani I lx:h w u-ilU Burkc, "llial we (u_'lit to act in poiiticnl affaire witli all the mmlpratiOTi #Riefi dnes hol obscl'niply enerv;iioiliat vijror, Miid quench that fervemy of spuit, uiihont whicli ihe best wishes for tho public rood must evapurate in empty spectilaïion ' I a;n, penUcmen, very respectfully, your humble serfant,tfM.H.S FAVARD. Thai (íovprnor Snward hns plaftted himself irmi the hrnnd platform of anti-.livory pulitir:il nrii". must hc ohvions to t'.io nio-t !- inst' V:imil. And that llw tvo Jnurnub !i:ic triken ilipir place by !'is Bjde, is equnlly ccrt.i'm. Will iIh'v innintnii) tlioir position? Or wi',1 t!icv. in tlieic love of tlm p!d VVhfp p:itty, sound n rotrea;? Oim s rertiiin - they have t.iken a lonpr BïrWe in novence of thoir associau-s. And anollier ihinr is certain- tlipy ennnot retreat wil hout rlisprnco. Po tlipy irfWgfwe ihat, whén tlicy concludo to maken porranjient stand in faor pf vqv rielits, the wliole body of the SVhtjr pnity will ho re:ijy to foilow i;i tlieir wake? 1 hope thev will not le dis.ippointcd. We sh;ill nncd the trength pf tliat greiit party in the State of Michigan noxt (all. VVithóüt it, u-e arr in sonie 'aiipor of beinir defeated bv the "Dpnioevrits.'' IVilh it. wc are sure lo elect our Btrnéy iuid uur Tlioma-, und a Sonate aM House of Kppresen!ative of the proper stamp to carry at least, Oife o!' our Cardinnl principlcb in the State - the ritn of 6uflrage to uil, without regard lo coloï. VVith it, we shall curry our Prcsidential Candidate in '48.


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