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Foreign News: Russia

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A RlJSStAN COUNT, HIS COUNTE88 AND CniLUHExBuRNT A LIVE BY TlíEIU SeRFS. - We liave received from Southern Ilussia the news of tlic tragical end of Count Apraxin, v:ll known for his divorce from his first wife. This gentleman, who treated his serfs with unlienrd of cruelty, has, together with his second wife and children fallen a victim to their vengeance. The infurialed people, at midnight, surrounded his castle, and having gutted it of its contents, bound the inmates and set fire to it. Thecount, who had freed himself, attempted to escape, but was overpowered and beat to deathby hissamge horde. The first wife of the Count Apraxin hnd married an Hungarian nobleman5 but the Pope would not give consent 10 tliis marriage, which beaides, was not recognised by luw, her first husband being still alive. The catastrophe which has laken place has now however, removed this obstaclc, and the union havingbeen sanctioned by the Holy See, the countess has been received at the court of Vienna and by Prince Metternich. - Lebats.SVV EDEN. The laws lately passed are very unpalatable indeed to the aristocracy. Not only do they extend the political privileges of the people, but one of them pro' vides that family sudcessionsshall be equal ly dividcd among all the childron, and not ' go, as heretofore, almost exclusively to1 the eldest son. The effect of this will be,that in the courseof time, there will be no aristocracy, for it is the law of primogeniture alone that keeps up the anstocrac}r.IRELAND. The condilion ofthis country is deplorable, indeed. Suflering, of every, and even unheard of grades seems to have driven the masses to desperation, and murders, and other enormous acts are becoming, as it were, too common for surprise. A magistrate, in the county of Cavan, wos recently shot, while returning from Church, and the murdcrer escapedout pursuit. At the annual fair at Ballinghassings, held on the 26th of June, a fight took place between two persons named Sullivan and Neale, and others having inierfered. Sullivan was taken into custody by the pólice. Symptoms of a rescue having been manifested, the pólice 1 ed with their prisoner to a building used as a dispensary. He re some stones were thrown, and the mob fired upon in return. The country people then attacked the house in the rear, and stoned the roof, smashing it in several places. The police fired upon iliose assembled in front,f rom the doors and vrindows of the" hoase, with fatal effect. The mob gave way, and the pólice retired to their barracks, firing upon those who were collected by the way. It was understood that no warning was given, no magistrate was present, the riot act was not read, and no attempt made to disperse the people either by bayonet charge, or blank cartrige. Among thosef killed were J. Coghlan, M. Ccckran, J. Desmfond, J. Con way, C. McCarty, - ■ - Deasy, afíd a young woman just married, named Johannah Holland. None of the pólice were dangerously injured, but twenty-five of the country people were wounded, some supposed mcrtally.ÉÑGLAND. The cotton markct for the week endng July '3, had been very active- sales Tor the week 40,000 bales. Prices had not only maintained the quotations of the week previous, but for many descriptions, American and Brazilian included, an advance of èd per pound had been fully established.Manufacturera and spinners we're actively erfiployed - it is supposea in fulfilling contracis made in aniicipation of a good autumn trade. Money conlinucd easy, accessible on best bilis at %l to 2è. Raihváys, and railwny shares and profits continucd to absorb pubïic attention. The list of railway subscribers abovc $2,000 recently published by order of Parlhiment, it is snid shows grenter ltabililies incurred in many quarters, than tleir "position" warrants.


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