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fXGOO N;-; AND Gl.Ai t&INGS.Q) Í-..,!cr liiea... !,ií : tion u Dt '■'■ Kim. i I Jnckion. ivhy h-. luicly ::.!vcri' .1 his nvñlunbie "'iic vruPilis'." iütend.-il i-.pri-ly 'T i '- ünd AtU'' For a long .friol íiiv am.iy huye iiuiúriui y , Uitli FYvcr and Aff'Jíi :i:d h :e tried cm ry -'P-Tcnt Mii(l.:i;:f" wfwcb. I BOÖli lind, cvfn ihe ma f I p rilar o! tlic luc.-i as v. il1 n.s ilio oWlésl reMerfy añil nltcr speri'ding ijveí .-.i.". [ de-;i rtci l' pvir btirifc rcüeved. bu' haring ol Dr. K JTluscovctus JPalJs, :in.l M:p creat elioci thty produced n) ib Aguo - . a 1 ,-t and hone-leea rcsori, I i'miiedi ; a box oí íhenV, tóoft bein ticcora intf to directiob?, n-i tl.ey pjn-c mo iftstoitt relie; „n",l ] ,,, írpiH i.i.í ter. ible distase, uiülc. v.ih oilier medicines I recetved bul mo--m mee and wüef. Tfid Pffie I háve ,, ■,..:,.. I httving pro.hi.-ci so sduiny :ii: eñect ip;p i e oud my lanuly, J .cniiüot rcírnin íru;:i acqiiiiiiiling the 'public c-l theirgreni vvorili. BA'MltEL ITDIKK. tíieodore irPDiia:. VYiiness. i Luk -., July 14, Id 15. 0'21-:ín C. -BIUNCKIiUIIOFF'S The vi-ei;i!)lc kingiiuni a provided ly tho Gu;l o uatuie w:ih herbs ofdillerèni pröperñd a'.ii eJ when pruperly üdntirtistered to erjl coWHíJoti uf mMüe. I' ill not be coiiteiijtú bul that it requirió mvcmiun aiui well iJirci-u-:! fkill to pre, are tlieic nniiye medí- . iliaí ihcir remedial powers símil be vrá lii.i. . out tnd ilie bbtter npplied; that';ppuroni a necesstty tü require si[ipor(. - T.ic i'fojuifor ol iho IJculih les:onuive. in tlie number ot years sirtce he í'nst co'rhnsencea it.!■-, iratiun trom ihe original tainily recipe ln i ! o r;nii pimion ol his i;mo to the s'udy o. iiic niedical effect and sirnglh vi cach herí) usod in ihü cumpound. This-e'.udy h,os hnd ;he effect oi' inore pprjectty convincing hhn .'" úusuperí i i-iitniivc powcr of tlie Heallh Ugmoihl'e. J'. poems perícc:ly ndnpwd-to 'lio cinc o; Coiuñiúlptiutr, Livfer CótUptairtt, AatJítílijj C.)iís. Cang.ií, u:iJ r.üns i the Si-.'e and Cliest - li.r th' se disensos h ispanicularly recomjiiended,wun n cèftiiiiïlï üf succrssar.d sñtfsfifction which enn beTflt in is (orce mily by iHon who hnve been . iis means. Miconéiderit!"r.8 ot' ccumary recompense swfiy t!e propnetor; he [3i enecu ole) ' y inc jnai ile.'islilí' rti i : !■ l!i'É íi :i ! ol m,!;.-,1Il: I ! ' i - niniiiiv, nd lins devo ed such gren expoflsein the (aciurfeiihisreiuí-dy, and dculu ouj s largely in lite t(iinntiiy given, (li'ii he [ucoir.C bnroly sulTiccs io over the ni):i i-ii-cuiiiliv. f.t : limt wjio are seekin n Buhu jn Gilead. ue the ücuhh Rpatorntiye, Tin foliowing certifícate i fnui Dr. Chilum, the well known New York chetnist. I i. ae 'iii.'ilyzed a l'otile of medicine callecl Brinkchuíi 's fl:d;ii líestoráure, and fíiid tint i does not cuí)iatn Meiciiiy. or any o'lici metallic )reprmon; nor ojiuin n ony of iis lornis. ít is compoeed 9I vegetnlije 'niátter eri;i,(.!v." James R. Cihi.ton. M. D. C. BRl.N'CKKRIJOFF, Propríelor, N. Y. Horck EvKnKrr, General -Agent. Principal OffKíe Í)G Hudsun stieet.N. Y. F'or si'e by V. S. á. J. V. Maynard, A cents. Ana Arbor. 221 -4 w "TO THE VICTORS BELONG THE SPOI LSi' ' ALTHOUGH njany pjAparéUons in the form el --rOlMíLAU MEÜICLNi.S11 havebec. bèförfi the public, clainiing to give reücf'. ahd even eme the most invetérate liceascs, yet none iinvtí 50 wei 1 answertd the purpose r.s Dr. Slierman'a 31edicucd L'-zi'uts Tin-y are agreealile to '.b: taste, cjisíIv administcrccl. and f 1 0111 the unprecedented snecess which they hnve met with, aiid ihe remaikuble cures whith they have perfornied, may jusily 1 iy claim to liieiitle o! Conquemr over the disea?cs for whicli they have been reeoinmemled. Dr. Sïe:rriaVa l'COÜGÍJ töZENGES" Cine the nu'si obstinate cases of Cough in a few Iioiirs. They have enred a large numlier of perpi-ns wln have been given up by ;hcir physioans and friendo, and many who have been reduceo" tui the verge of the grave by spitíinj; blood, Góh'snuiption and Hectic Fever, by liteir use have ji. 1 ihe rcise of health restored to ihe ha;-ari n I in-w uve to speak forth the praises oi his juyajuahle medicine. Dr. Slierrnan's f'WQRM L0ZENGÈS" FJnve hem preved fn more thnn 41'. 000 crees t i jt F r fallible, in fact tlio only ceitain U'onn ! sifOfing MeJftítte everdiscovered. Children %-..l caí úu n v. hi n ibcy cniinqi be íorced to tnkf my piijer n.edicine, and the benefit deríved (ron; 1I11 ■. "ion of medicine to thern in (hiü ni is íirt-nt bpyond eoi:cepii-n. When il:( ■1 oí t)o cliild bcconies oflènAfye, aqd ihen i? íii-kini: püthe nose, gfiñding ofthe teeth du. sleep, paleness about ihe lipa with flushed cneckí. liead jehe. drowsiiirsg. stoniní dnring fl.'ep. disittrbel drenms, nwaking with friglil anci Ecreuninir, truublesonic.eoiigh.feverishnesí.thirst. vomeius apaetite. eickness at tlie stoniach and bloated stoniaeh - ihése are air.oní ihe ihcny prominent sympioms of wonns. and can be re tieved hy thes-c incomparable Ls nces. They have never bein kntiíi to fail. Dr. Sh'ermán'f CAMPüOll LOZESGlli" Relieve líend.iche, Nervous Sicl; Hcodache. Palpitntron jf he hear;. and Sckne--s n n wry few minuics. They cure Lo wr.ess b Spirits, Despordenejr, V ir)tncL3, Colic, S)asms, Cratnpá ol ihe Sioiimct. Huintncr or Bowel Conjplnints: t : y krt-p up the ppiiiis. disjel n!l ihe tiístressinj syrjipitomsol a nigbtof dissipation, and cnable r pereo'n ti u:i('trgo great mental or bodiiy toil. - Dr. herni'in's i'OOR MAN'S PLASTER Jaficknowledcd by all who have ever u d it t. bo ;he bot Btrenglhenihe Piaster in the worjd, aii'i ■ sovenign rciuedy lor pains and weaknesi 111 tiie back, loros, side. breast, neck, limbs. ji.itrs. rheunjatmn, lumbago, &c. One millitu 1 f ir iffiU nt su;p!y ihe demnnd. Couripn i i-, ! r ' . ns there are many unprinripled perm!6 wrtw vonlil latea a spurioga arricia lipón ihi ' Hiiiiiiiniíy. Be can ful tu get Shertnan'a Pooi Manta l'bíter. wiül a 'fue similc' of his writlen nene on the back - none otlieis are genuine. and will do moiehurt tliau yood. When such nien as !he Rev. Durins Anthony, of ihe Oneidn Conference Rcv. Sébnttúrn Stieet t.-, ni Hosion. Rcv. Mr. Dunbar, BIr. Hancock j Rev Mr. De Forest. Ilon Aaion Clhsfc!, J. Hqxiè, Esq. Ilon B. B. Beordsleyj Dam'd Fan; ehav. Esq. and a host of ñames oflhe like reputation can be brouuht förw&rd t prové iho -fÍieacy ;'lr. Shtfiióri'p preparntioi:? - whon thc) ore so warmly recóiuinended by thc medical pío ícssi-n, .ind pitscribed in the practico, an' wheu such universal appr.obalion (oUowb their usinmo4 ait classrs, we róny ustly s-iy that thtDr. ií not 'ly etMÍtled ío thc appellation o' VICTon." biit can faiily Iny cíaim t 'liepai r .iiiíiüt ol "Uu public, un I wül rrceivo it. Al' 11:3 (or Ann Atbor, II'. M. T'i p?.-n & (o . W. S. & .1. W B. Snippsori. Ypsifanu; I). C. Wh'ítwnótl. t. xí-r : Tcklor'1 v CraiL'. S.1Ü1H-: Smith &. Tyml. Clinton", II liower. MímícIipek-i-; P. Fnrlivk ('o., l'lvmuuth: D. Greyory and A. Grantj Noribvillp. 2íS6m Villaje Property for Salo. Til' Su!.M-:i!i(r .uier :or srde hiy propcriy in ihe Village o: ScM?, sitnated un the H11iiki nyt-r. (wo nulos bulow Dexter Viüaye, con e;&titig of Storb and Hot sx. in one build i;i, 58 feo' m length 'jy W feei i Kiciir Vilugk Lors. beiltg oneeniire Hlouk. Nine Acres of irnpToved Land, adjoini i iHí west side ol the Villiye. Thé prnpírty wül sold togetlitr, er eparateíy 10 suit puiclnscrs. TFIKODORE FOSTEíl. Aun Arbor. JuJy 9. Ir 15. '.2)-ifThe Woiidcrful Success WHICH Dr. Folgers' Olosnonnn. or Aillleniiim Bobínm luis niet wjtb nol only ni itssile. luit ali-i n ilu; emes wliicli il has ellecteil. in persona who we o u n hopciefs contliiion. lins convmced ilm hiriW skcpiicu! ot' itf exiraordinñry curativo progenies, opd csf;ablis.ked íts clauus lo ihe name ut ïlie GKEAT REMeiy. The qaesiion is no lomior asked.-'Om MWRfl h,-. cured?'' li hasbee swis'ucior:ly sotiled wiil}. in thü iü iñoiilha that Knlyer's Olo'saonJnVi will produce B cure quicker than ;my ntlier rcmedy in 'he world. nnd loicienccs can lio given o persons in and onuof ijjfi cijy 'h? liave "Re rienceo iis uonderful virtues. wlio liad tned toi n!l otliers remedios n vain. Mr. W1LSON. abrid; layrr. residir ■_' at Hobo ken.N. J., liod uiid every icmcdy wliicli he cuiild hear oí fyr ',hë relief, of nihin;i. ond had í-pcm more th.iri nv.e ríuridréd doHore n endenvoring i procure help. bu. in v:iin. lie contuicnccd usn tlic Olgaaonian, Janunry 2l,8t. The firs! José he look gavo hitn relief, nnd tvso il.iys bTrer wíird he wifo vnV.ed u s:iv thai i lie small qunnj.y U tlus reniedy which he had taken had done bini mote g'iod iiinq a"i' 'niu' "" lljc medicines he liad t vor us;d ia lus life. Mrs. Bèll', ihe wife of Roben P. Bc!l. of Morristown, N. .'.. who was soverely offlioted yviih iistlum. was. 'gi ven up by her physicnins. Sbe ums re'm'oveH 10 th'e séííboñVd in the hope of pfil ü.itini; her dlStré&shig syn'ptoms. bnt widi im bepfiL uno bottlc ol ihe Olosanian so lar i líeved her sné r.s alde lo gei p froni licr bed nnd dresfi herself. r. iliin? sho had not done liet'ore in mon'ha. nnd she Iihs now retín ik-.í to her lesldeaco in Morristown. N. J.f jyiití every uróapcel of 1k-ii:t peeéfly resloVetí; INCiPlKNi CONSUMT'TION yieldsto its efiVcia. It stioibca ihe troublesomo Couh and gives rc-Arshing slunibcrs lo the vvc-iiy; it íill.-iys llie pnin in the side nnd s.rencfí! n Ihe chéá öHa unibles the perpon lo c.pectoral eiíily, while il cniiieJy resion.s ;he e crctioiií oí Un" sj'Siem ond exgedites roturnin jami;s b. nr'.vor:. ioi Rm-'c hitëèv, had loncr been complíiiniug of n sorenoss in the cheet. aeroir.pauieü sviih a shoJl liaoking cough: he raised rañíiéf ireéíy. náa'lpit hié o'ppctite md fclt alnrmcd ht lii situnlion. He had tried varioit. i-onifdies without ;ny bcneficial cfiVct. His shortnees of,breih and pi:i in thc sidecontinued io i.icrense. líe usedone bottle ofthe Olosnonian. nnd is reetored to henlth. Gfiotge VV, Buinctr. pf Newjjrk, N. J.. Geo. U'. ííays. qf'New YorU: Pavid HÜndcrobh, 80 L'oTghtsi: MisMcCmn. '20 Walker st: F. Laban,' 52 Pike sr.. Mis. Archilwld. 5 Wnlker st, with ÍIUííOJREPS OV NAMKS of persons re puiiní,' íü Kcw York, could tic given. who ore rëadv to bear trstihiony to ihe superiority of thc Olos.iotiJnn over every wher remedy known tor tliecnre ofooughs. coldí, aslhma. consunipiion, .- 1 í ' i n er f l!ond. dyspepsio, consumption. broncliíiis, (!:íliculfy nfbreaihirtg'. honrreness. iníluetizi, pains in t brenst nnd iíe. ;ind thc variOU9 aflectioní ol'tlie stum ch and iiver. For solé, al 106 NV.síiu si, one dorr uboVe Ann. and at Mis Hays. 1".9 Fnlton st., Brooklyn. Accnts íor Ánn Arbor. W. S. & J. W. Mnynard; E Sampson, Ypsünnti: D. C Whiuvood, Dexterj Fickford & .Cxaip. Saline: Smiih & Tyrol. Clinton; H. Bower. Minchcster; P. Fnrlick f Co.. Plyínouih; D. Gregory and A. Grant. Northville. 2l8-6mo FËVÊR ANB AGÜE, EFFECTUALLY USED ÜP. DR. BANNlê I ER'S CFLKBRATFÜ FÉ "Kil AND AGUF. PJLLS are a safe. speedy nmisure cure üir Fever and A;_'ue. Duinb Agne, Chill Fever. Periódical fltadache, am! lie Bilious Diseast-5 peculiar to new cointres. These Pillü are designed for ihe nflcelions oi ííioLiver andother imernal ornns: and ihe unpnralelle:! sneceps ;hnt lrs a t tended i!e:r íiáe. n duces the proprietor to believe ihfll ihey are suppiior to any remedy eve ullered to ihe public íor the above disrnses. They are puicly Vègetamè, and are pcrfectly harmless and may bc taken by any person, nialt or fcmale. wilh perfect sa'ety. Certilicates to any nuniber and extent testilying to the exiraordmary powers uf this medi cimmiaht be inserted, but it is deemed untirely un necessary, as it has becn used !r sevtrnl years. by grcat numbers of persone, of olí conduions, and wtjere they have béen tnkon in accordancc Aih ihe directions. they were KTever known to feil. L0 Tlc aliove Pilis are kept consinnily ior s:i!e wholesále and reinil. by CharUs Stnrks, Wel - s'.er; Daniel Tu tilo, llyrn.nuh; and at the store vi BKCKlÁ.Y. FÜSTF.R & CO. Ann Arbor. LowírTowrt, July I. l15. 2?9 THEO. hTEíVÍTOIV . Stores 183 and 190 Jcjftrson dvmut, 5etroit OFFF.RS fursdn iho ullowing goods- ;k i Ior c::-h or approvcd paper; the goods are bII ncw and fresh. havmp; besn purehased within ihe past ilnr'y dfiya, oí the r.nporters anflatai:c non. EXCLUSIVE, Y FOR CASH, and wili be sold al zenj refaced piies: 100 chests and hall chests Tea, 'J3 hogsheads Sujnrr 15 sugar, Lont and Lump. 10 hogsueads Molasses. 2 hí-gslitnds Siewart'sSyrup, 120 bagsCoffee, ÍJ tieict r.ce, 150 buxes rniains, 1U drnrns fi'S, 50 Oránges and Lemona, 300 p'iimds Ciiinamon, 250 pounds Clovos. !?." pounds ÑutmegSj 25 kcg Gínger, ll) bíi .' s Peppe'; and Splce, 4U kece and boxea Tobacco, bules Alnionds, ?0t K)xcs Glnjfs, 10 hwgshends Sperni Oil, 520 boxea Spcrin Ca'ndle, 230 b:inrls Dju Woode, J5 barrels Cüpneías, 8 barrels Blue Vvtriyl, i'O barrels Atlonr, 15 bárrelo Matiúer. 40U kgs Whue LchI, 15 barrels LiliMcd Qilj 40 boxes S taren, 35 boxes ptpet', 2 cases [ndígo, 5 bárrele Sulphur, f barrels Salís, 3 barrels Castor Oil, ' 2 b; lia S-ennii, 1 case Gum Qpiaio, 10 barrels Spirits Turpeniine, ITT T!ie following naiued pnpois wül each publisfh ihe filove notice. insiifc to ibenmöün! oí threc doltars and reíd 'ápf of notice with bilis to ihe pjis'Hi advériising. Poniin; Gazcitc, Pontinc; Ann Albor State Jounial, and Signnl of Li!erty, Aun Ai!or: Jacksoii Gnzette. Jucksnn: Expoundtr. Maisliall; Giizpttc. Kaformrzooí Ntlea Rcpubliean, Niless Baiuu-r. Si. ",'lair; -G?izt;tte, Wobíoc; Gíjnesee Deinocraí. Flint; and Cbailintn CleoBcr, Cha ham Caoad'a-. My 1!). I.-?r, 212 -3m J EROMË" M. TREaDÑVELlT ATTORNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT 1..UV, And General Latid Agent, WILJL attcnd to ths sale aad .Achana? oí Land, piymeiit of Tixxcs. and tedérnp'ion of Lamía sohl for Taxea in Jnc'kson and adjoining coiintir. examination of Tules. C(nvrmein and olí ltisinr?8periaining to Real Kstate. UÍfice in tluD Couri ilousc. Jüilwiou. Mkiüijaa. 17-tf.PeopBe f'roin Ilie Country "TTlSlTNu Detroit, r me purchnse of Dr) V (ïoods, Paprr Hflñgurgsj or Ft-.itht'i.-. while guitig liu: roninjs in asccnain tlio varioiü .:yles o; pnces ui in the city, Jiro lequ,ottd ió i uil nt W. A. Raymofed-s Store, PÍO, I4. Jeffersoh Avenue, bèing one door iibove [Jatea St. nnd next door to t'io "Manlinfan Store." The underaigned has tnkch u greni deal of pain ui selecinig liis uood.s 10 jrot fofb' loiiaLilc siylcs ;uul deirnlIe qualmcs nnd lie ií eoniidem tliat liis nssurtment parücaforfy of such aooiis rts are ilcsirnhle for the c untry trude, 18 a. complete as anv in fhe ciiv. líe has on hand Ginghnnia, Balzmines. LiiWnéj Mrtslin de Lnincs, C.dieoes of evcry Mulls. Laces, [siyle, Kdgings, Ribbons, J',n;i-i)!s. Sh.fmla, ürese Handkcrchiefe Crava'p, Sc.irls, Veils, Gioves. flosiery. Afnpfltóns, Brown Linens. '- lenched Lineus. Tahle covers. Towelin. Sm runga, SJiectiogs, Cainbricj. Mjuslins, llai-k. blue IiImcIv an f;mcy drcs-i Silks. I3unnct Kilks, Lincn Cainbric Hnndkerclliefs! ALSO, r.UOAD CLOTIIS, CASSIMEKF-S, SATlNETTSj VESTINGS, FULL CLOTHS, M0LESKIN8, DRILLING8, 15LACK AND FANCY CRAVATS And indeed, almosi every articlc bc!onnp 10 the Diy Gooda Allfwhich wiilhe s!d nt the rent loiccsf rutes, fof Caeh. Ciill md seo for yonrseívee - nonfi aro expceled to buy il ' ihi'V d nol lind pric-cs full as lov, ifnot a liltle luiccr (han elsewUerc. V. A. RAYMOVD. Detroit. May 2H, 15. 2l36mV. Important (o Farmer. KNAl I' A IJ .WJLA.NU, would if-pecifuüy inforni ilie laniie'-s of Wóshtenjiw nnd ilie .-ir loiindini; Cóontiés (lint ihey cnntiniie to ntnnitl'aoüirc nt their sliop near the river bridge. LowerTown. Ann Arbor, Thveshing r.. achines of (Hfiereni kinds comprising theliurnd!. Cadiz, nnJ Hasimnn's Plnmanry Power, and Machinef(l:ffj;eiit frotan any made in this Conn:ry and proieired to nny other, which lliey iniend to seil at sucli (irices and on snch (crnis as cnnnot fnil to civc satisfaction. Thcy are dcturinined not to be outdone by any establishment, eiihcr in priee or quality of wor'u. Havingbean for inany yenjs Dngngcd in the business they iliink they cn'n with confidence rtcomnirnd tlteir vork. nnd fiirmers and others wisliing to buy will dj well to cali and exauiine ihcir work previous to purqhosing elehero. - Tticy are prepared to to all kinds of thrrshing machine repairs, on tlieshortest noticc and áibfe rensonablc terms tlinn eny similar es'ablishnieni in ihe Country. Also, Barra U's celeb rat ed CJ.OVEJR ÜIACHirVE'S, which separate the clnfl trom the secd at a pi iffle opf-ration and are universaliy npprovcd of and used wherever introduced and warranieil to thresh clcanaód not hrenk tho sefcd. For re'ercr:cc apply to Ilolf;rt or Jolm ilcCormick of Sa leni V-!.htcu iv Co., v!io have uscd one the past season. W. W. KNAPP. T. A. HAVILAND. Ann Arbor, Muy lst, 18I5. 6m2 rêotövaL] THE subecubeis have removed their establishment to the store recently occtipied by Geo. Grenville, No. 2. Flnwkins' block, and liave receivsd direct from New Yoik. n choice lot of Family Groccries, Fruits, Nuts, &-c. to wlnch they would invite the attention ol th citizens. Tliey also continue thn BAKING bu einess nt their old stand near the Depot, únd k;ep. lonstanily on hand at both vces eveiy ariicl I in ihai line. F. B. FIALL, & CO. Ann Arbor, June4. 1845. 7 nnÖARiLBORO ThOTÉlT TÉMPKllA.NCi: HOUSE, NATllAiMEL ROG KUS. No. 229. Washington Street, Boston. MPHIS house hns undergone a ihorongh repai-, and it is intrnded ihnt noruni house ehnll Ik superior to it. Jtwiilbe nndcr the mimcdiun' charge oí Brown & Colburn, íjs Mr. Rogers keeps the Delcvnn House in Albany. May 1Í), 1845. 2 2-6 n "NEW ARÜANGEittENTS. REMOVAL. TiiT) Subscriber lina removed his s'ock of BOOKS to Storo No. 2. Kxchaiijre Bloi-k. ndjóining Lunds & M'Collums btorc,wliere he r rEudy to lurnish c;:sh cnstoniers with a new and well selecied nasoiitpeit of jMiscetluneovs, Religiovs, Historical, Biogiuphical and School Books, loaither wiih licbcti pssorUnent oí Paper. Q.iulU. hik, Wafers. Toy Books and Staiionory generallv which Íihh ever heen oilered west oí Detroit and wilJ be euld at -hu üetiou Catb prices. Me has oddcd to his former business a well selected as3ortmcnt of Fatnily Groceries, wiiich he will e.xchange for Cash or most kind oi produce. VVanted - Eggs. Beéswas and Tallow. Remp:iiber the store, two doorn irom the Flouring MifJ. WM R. PKRRY. Ann Arbor, Lowcr Vilhge. June 6. 1845. 7t HARTFÓRD Fia'c Tiiiüiiraiic'c Conipany I.NCOHPOKAIEU IX JölU - CHAIlTliK PKlii'K'ILAL - CAPITAL Ñl5').(00, WITH IMIWEli TO i5tia:ASKirTO$yCÜ;000. ryUIIS well known and long established InstiJL tuiuti:. witli ampie ciií-h capital, have establiahed on agency in Ann Arbor, and offer to in-ure Dwell:igs. Fuiniture, Stores. Merchnndize. .Miüw, Wheat, Flonr. &c. on veiy favorabh lernia The high cliaracter of this companx is well knowti, and ita extensivr business is c n ducted on the inost just an! honorable principies Owncia of property in Ann Arbor and vn.-imn h ' w'.--h Ui in?uri; it agriinst loss and danagc l fire. are invited to cali tfircctly on ilie itibBC'ñber. at his Store in Ann Arbor. who is authorizcd to ssuo policica without delay. F. J. H. CRANE. Agêrn. Ann Albor. Jan. 1. 1H45. Q-fm. In Chanccry9d Circuit. Matiiew N. Tillótson, Cotnplainant, V3 Frederick P. Towusend, Dufondanl. IN pursunnee of a dccrttal o der of ihe Court of Clnncery, made in the nbove canse, will be so!d undrr the direc tion of the subscriber. at ptitilie nuciros n-l the (idnt door of the Conrt House, in tho vilfagcof Ann Afbor, in the couny of Washtenaw, on Saturday. the tweniyilitrd diiy of August next at one o'clotk in the aftrinotu. of said d.iy. ;iall tliat certain tract or parecí oí' land .itnate in the town of Superior, in the couniy of Waslitciiawaiid the State of Micliiga, v .: the wist bal) ef the north west quaricr of sociion nine in town two eoutn in range seven e:st in the District of land oll'ercd lor sale at Detroit. Michigan" JOIÍN N. GOTT, Mns'er in Chancery. James E. Platt, Sulicttor for Coinplainnnt. Atln Athor. Jutii-:). l?.I.r. R_PV 'KOBáilRT' W. WARMER, Carpenter ana Joiner, r,AnNAIU STHKKT, l;l IWEVN i:TKS.MJ llANDOLril ..TRKKTS. DETHÓtT. Shop. on the Alley in rear of(he Franklin Cold Water May 20. 184Í 21 dnBJKW MtJS ()}l'US l'll.l.V ■oit Tin: c::t.u.n au niüMAMwr cu:;u of FëVER AND AGÜE. r Mi i-.Sl ; a i malied X F. KLI.NC, !. 1). ui .!:.i-;..s,n M.,!,. In lll i)l llie ! IJ .■:'! Whicl) til'-V llni' !i - I iisod. iliey ijovegivèn'-tUe mí'SJ eiiiiw ain! i ion. The pn;' '"'""■ '.!' '' dn "' ' ' ' ■::■ ■'■ '.lyiiig. iliby hro ïho very btst liierficine in hu woiid tor tliti c'.iro ui ihu above nieaiioned hsetse. Ad y cjii.iiniiy ot recimimondnüonB migli; Ik: 'puliüs'ifd - is i.s ;iii; ousioni vvirli innnv - 1ui thm is considerad iinnccessary Ons triul wil) satisly tne ínósi íñbrédutuds of ihoir grêit vi.nxï. The iiiüj uity of Medicine noW Ui ilso alford.luil .1 U'inpKi'iiy uhci. ïiicicly hic;iki!i'_' and clipckt in:i the discn?ft förn short linie nnd prèvëhnng nuly it c.xienuil iippenrnncc. ntililé mw.-udly il is still r;iüiiiLr, thus Cnusing mnny o:lior mnlady; and oïièieqitliiHy pnninu Illgniv iijiirious. i i'u turé heiilili. It is tiie object in thisiusiiinrr, to present to t!m publica Median; cnüM-ly d.6.:reni firom that hereiofore ofiered. and one ihnt will ftoi iiiorü'v tHKCKTiri: nni.u bnt will omdieaio ihedisease entircly from ilio ayaicjn. Vavnnltl la fñct n ju f cl rmo il' ilic diréetiong nVè qtiictly followfd. Diruciions iiccomiuniy cviry l)'i. ;m-l no MiiFcovctua IMls ore gertuiiiS wiililiai !i" ivrirtcn sfgnniure T tthie itíveiíftr 'F. Kl'iiij." Knch box contiiint lü'l pills and twrlvc powdciii piiiY' si. OD. For 8'i!: by iMiv ii'iif's b'ml funil Mr CdI'nim.Niin Aiboi; IC 8fU3O0 anti .NouisiJt Feleii. Vpsil.ini!; Civ.-iiis Swil't Dèxier; Hnfe, Su.nli lV . Diiiilcüu. fír-i!? fynKe: Sinith & . Tyml, ('!m■ "ir. I). K. l'iii'ci Avnüd. Acliiim. 'J']oii:;ki V. ,Miv. Plymouih: Peter Vmi Kvery, rronRlin S. R. Hnnford. CJrnni! jRnprdg; F (inrdner. Jppvillëj Snir.inl llopkms. I Jills-iülc; H.lclierA F.idu.-i. A T nipie, J. JMcCnitinü & (ji.. JaÖTisón, imd UiioiiL'lumt lbo Siate. P. ö. AU thiMe who ire nflücted wiih ji chronc Disi'.ife without regfird (■ nhme And uaturè'. even il pi'inoniiccd iiKMivnblc by otheifc nre rrspoc-Hiilly iinitcd io cjII vn n.o nt niy residence in Jhcfesöbj ;in! will èriHbavóf to rtsinrc thcni io perfect liealih. i f not alrendv bevond the jiowor of all caitlily (lid. F. KLING. M. D. JncUfon. Jiily 's!. IP4". S.n'219 IN CHANCERY, SECOND (IHCUIT: l.etween Philip C. Johnsyp nn.l Qere, Complamanis. and Stephen K. Joneo an'.f otliers De.eud'llltS!. IN pqrsuance nnd by vinite of n deerce of tlii.OiHiit, ríñtífa in ihia cniso, I Bnftt] fcöfl ál pul)lic auciion at 'he Cii:i House, in the vilhiaeo! Ann Aibor on QSth dny of Auyiii-t dom ál o'rje clfli in (he (uxtítütün oi thnt d.iy the l(illwing desenbed pre mises, m w'u. all thai certain pirco or pncel ui inriü siliinte in ihv county ol Waslitfiiau'. nnd State ot' Michii;nnT knuwn. boundcd ind desetibed as Ñ!nva. in wii: bpipg tbc East hiuf 'óf thé South West qunrter rif 'seclion nniuber ten in town iwo Souih of Range six Kast. containing Eighly acres, be the same more or lrss. JAS. F.. PLATT. Ma?ter in Chancery. Mir.RS & Wm.son. Söüciiors for Ciimpliinnii. Da-ed. Ann Arbor. .ii!y 3d. I-if). Gw'22n dblavAbj HcuëÈTT ALBANV. NEW YOUK. BY. NATH ANIEL ROGERS. THIS ccicbrared house is now open for ibe receptkm ol'iraveleis. Jt is the inriresi dimensión, nnd is en'.irelif nnc in all its parte. Ii is strictly a Tcvijt'rmice I!o'$c. and while no pnins wil! bespared to nml;; it al! thnt the travulmíí pnbjic can atk, it 8 expected in return thnt tt will recnivo Sla pr rin.-ip,e of aM thefriende of Temperance wlio niay have. occasion to vími Albnny. lv 10. Í94& 212-6ni NEW ENGLAN1) HOUSE. No. Hl EROAPWAY, NEW YORK. (Beticetn the City Huid nnd Trinily Chvrch.) THE Proprietor, protefnl lor the paironnge already bestowcd upon him by tbc public generally, would civc noiice tliai his houe is now in compleie order for the reeeption of Ladiea and Getirl''ii;en wl;o inny wnnt permanent bouid oi irahnent accomiüod.-itinns. ' The New Espinad House being strictly n tcmperance ho se. and pleasantl locaied in ihe immediate viciuity of 'business, makes it veiy desirable (or men ol business, ns well as all Othera w'io likc quiet acconiniodntions and areenble coii'pany. P. WIGH V. M.iy 1. 1P4'. fim-M-2 Wriight's Medicated Piaster, BPBEAD FOR iaiMEDIATE t'SE. Price only mc shilling, in order to p!ice theni tvithin the mrnns of all. I'S sliylit ailuieiiip. or wh re tlie potie,nt preferf a lis expensive article tiian thé 'AntiintJainatory nnd Rlieumntic Piaster,' ihese will be fbund highly bcnelicial. Bein already spread lor immedieate application. tlu-y will be fotind verv convenient for WF.AK BACKS; Pain or Weakniass in ihc Side, IJrcast. Stomach. letween tinShoulders. or wüerever there is Pain. or wbere ; Piaster ík nuoffcd. '1 hey may be rendered more scrvicablo ly pnsiing a piece of :loib on the back of them before ihey are appüed. Muliitudes have been rcücved of pain and suflering by theee Cinop Piasters. Mone!y's Rookstro. nnd hy J. T. Stocking, Truveling Agent for Michigan. lfi-ly WRIGHTS" ANTIINFLAMATOXY ANO IWEUMATIC PLAÜTVIl. AN eiïieicnt reinedy for Rheumaiisin, Fever foi es. White Swellings, Ftlons. Pain oi weakriéea in tbe Back, Brext. SiiFe or Lïinb's'. Hurns. Bruisc?. (Jrantps, ChilWalné, Live. an i Lungr iifiections. Indjdetvt 'l'uniois. Spitnl alü'c lions. 1 tiil.inieJ Eycs. iVe. &c. M is üniurpnsBèid in all lníliiiimafory diíe'isee. citliíT Chronic oi Acute, as it iiporatcs Ity counreraciing and reducing loflanimation, allnying Pain. Sweating ihi partsafiected. and hy its sireiigiheninc; and Ano dyne prwperties giving spcudy relief. Alsoinvalunble as an arrti-merruna! piaster. Pricc 2" cents per Box. For furthcr pnrticu lars, sencirculatin Pann'hlet For sale at Moaeley's Booksrore, Ann Arifr. and J. T. Siocking, travelling agent foi vli.'liigan. 16-ly IE]Ví ISTRY. E. G. BURGER, Denlist, HAS removed his office to Crane &■ Jewett'i Rlock, firei room on ihe Second Floor. where being well prepared to nttend Id ev-iy lirnnch of bis profession. would rcspectfully s.i tó all who bnve not had those necessniy organs. TUE TEETH. properlv attendcd to. dcl.iy n longer, but cali npon him and e.xpericnee the case and durobility of his operaiions. accpmmodatiug amJchargiia in no case unreason ble. Ann Arbor. Maroh G. T845. 47-tf. Wool Wántedr THE Snbscnborfi winli to purebase 50,000 pounds of Wool. for wlïïch they will pay Cash or Goods ut their storo in the Lower Villagé. BECKLEY FOSTER Sc CO. Ann Arbor, May 19, 1845 L15 "WOOL! WOOL! LJ )jyJJ fl,bscriber Ibrwhioii they will nay the Ijiheet price in Cash or Gofls. LUND U M COLLUM. Ann Arbor, May lj 1845. 2-4w Paper Ilaiimgr, BORDEIüNCí, S indow t'i):ií, Fire Board l'opers. &c. will be sold at very low prices by W. A. 11 A Y. MOND. Detroit, May Iv), 149. 5f3-6nio jflaiïc"srsar! 1ykk pounds for siiiu. a good [inicie. tOvJ' Jusl receiviSl BECKLF.Y, FOSTER. & CO. Aun .rbor. Juné (, Ifi'lö 7 CHARLES H. STEWART, yTTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, JEFPBKfiON AVEKÜE DETBOIT.JL845. J. HOLMES & CO, WHOLESALE AND I1KT.MI, Di: A LEUS IN STU'I.K AND KA.NCV DRY GO O DS, Sírtf Grocericsi Carpethig, , 'anti pupev MZittighigH, No. Gö Woodicurd Avenue, LanicWs libele, Detroit., 3 !i [. ■.::. V 10 York. ) 3 M. H'iLMKS. Drlrnil. ] WK tnkc tliis incdiodot nluniiiufioür friendo j am! cusiou'.ers ihrougltoui lio St.ite. iha; wu nrc st III ufsiii'ñ rho ven tei.or iifritn vvi.ys. endrüvoriu to do óu: upoti t. w md hoiiDtiil.le puní' p!fs. Wc'VMiiild nifii ,- dor our QCkiioVi'ledsmeiits foi jhfe nntriujirige ex J ended io us by our cüsloYn'érsr, and ívbilld Be cave to cali tito nitcniiou of the public K n veiy ; wi'H ië!tcted !i.-M)ri!iii'ni ol' PussQnnblo Gond.--. ' which ore b'lrtsretj ál ivlióruuilc or rétnil ;ii vèry ' Itilv prices. Öur lacilitier lor pt'iehr.-iiiL' Good? ' nrc uiiMi--pnssed hy auy concern iti Sinic - One ol' the lirm. Mr. j. Holmes icsides in the citji of Ni'w Yorl;. mul frrifh Kift' tong ex'perienec in the Jobhlna trntle in ilint eh) nnd (rom h is iliDiuiii-h kn-iv'eclj;c of (hn mnrkot. he is enn bied ui aVail bimscff óf tlic nucMuna nn.l ;inv r,-IÍMc in prir-rs. %Vc :d$ )irciii'fc frim the lmp..:t.'ra. MnnuOirmrc -i's VéftflWi ""'I ltl)ni l!l(' ilictiooa, by tiic jn -Umm-. i!ic smivc as NT V. .o!)l)Lts puiclifsi'. ilui3 rfnvVfia 'l'i'h [ïr-illts. - Wiili mrse fm-iliiiis we c ui nilcly tby'thlil our Goods nrc Bod niKvf for ihe evidence of which wo invite the atientlon f Ihè pulihc io oüi nt'iek. Wi hold to the 'ent cntilinnl pnnctplë ol "t'ic 'gr'eatesi ir"'"' to lic irhïï. nwüfibr'," áo if 'yon wnntto bnv OoihIh rhittp. nnd lny n Uirgt qnttnt'tij or n liU'e mnvttj ivo us a üi:il. ("' 81 iclj is ns ns nny in tho city. nnd wè nrc c.fnstnntlv rect'Vving new nnd fresh Goodi from New York. Wnhiéil'. iluüibove qunntif)1 ül gtvod i;relinntnc Wooi lor which the highest tnnrki-t ric wiil be naitlT J. HOLMES 26 CO. Detroit, 1845. 2H-tf The ÏVZisses Clark's School. ANN ARBOR, MICIUCJAX. MAR Y II. CLARK, Principnl. CIILOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. RHOIiY E. CL A II K. Associate Tencher. M. L. WAL'J'EK, Teacher ol Aluáic. on ;lul'i.TtlO. V. iMARSH. Tencher oIM.iiIriii.hics and VücÍi! Muaic. H F. SI I OFF, Tencher of Frinth. Gerinnn and iheCliissies. TUIS institución has been in opomtion since November 18. Í 8-19, The séhoiaSii'c yeaf embrncinff foriy-etghl weeks. iwi leiti'M. - 1 1 ; - prisma two cjunrters eaeh - iwclve weck? in ol quaiter - a general exaiuinntion :it ilie close i eaeli term - in Febimry and Aiiiim. 'rhe lust quarter ol the present term ooninienees May J9. Tkkais of Tuition. - For t'nc Enizhsh branrhe?. Í2.50#tó 5 per qunrter. fío rcduciiön m ■ ■'( for iliseiice. t-xcept in cnc of sickness. nnd nr pupil laken fot less (h;;n ;i 'i'iarior. Exnn chorges are made tor rniifiicon the Piano, with int' ilée othe itisirument. r'.O '' Trcnch, UXi Laün, :■"!■■ Dniwliigand I'ainting, 5,0fi Poney Vo k, 3.0( Board, ineluding wnsliins. liiilits. Ac.. !$1.7ñ per week if paid m advance. or 2. 00 pur wtuk if pnid at the close of tbc quariefj Parcntsiihi! "unrdians art invited tfl visit thr school every Fridny. w!ien (he öiudies of iluweek are reviewed - also scini-monthly on Wodnesday afternoon. at readinyof the wcekly compositions. Young ladies dos!rous of ontering the scl-ool and pursuing tlie regular courae ol' study. woul! do vvell to comme n ie at lire besirt ning of the term. or .is soon after as practicable. Boloning to the school ae a Libraty nf he twern five and six hundred volumes, and Fliilosophical Appnratus, Electrical MflèhTne, Globes. &c The Míbscb Chtrk will endenvor. nnt only Io promote the intellecluhl cnluup of ihoir prip'tlt hut will attend striclly io their tnoral dipniiiiiL-nt. With no sectanan feeliiiir. hut wHi a deepsense of reiiions responsiHiïiiy ihey would üive 8iiL-h a tone to cbnrncter. as shall ronder 1 "iractienfly fitied for èvery slation - yieldilig tduiy bnt tirm to pi incipl.: AujQOg the hoeks used 11 (he.gonool nre. Ah ercrt'in')ie on the fnicllectiial and Moral Puwcrf - K:ii)V!'8 Elcmenis oí Criticism - Wnylund'f. Moral Science - &6tvman's llhetoric - lícdge's L.ifric - P:iley's Noturnl TÜiertlogy and Kvidi iicei of Christihnin - O tv'p 1'nrkerV Xitund Pbilosopby -Combo's I'l'.vsiolosv - Mis. Lincotn's Bomny - Eqton'e nnd VViiülit's Mnn Til of Botnny- Burriit's (fSéoffrnpny óf ihr {Ieaveii9- First. Second nnd Third Books ol ilistory - Mra. Williaid's Rcpublic of America - Phelps' LckI Classics - Ptnyfnir's Euchd, and Da'y's Algebra ad Dhvics' Ariihinrtic. Inquirv wiih fégsta to the school enn be nvid( of the Principáis or any of the following ge(ule men to whom refeienco is made by perniiééidn and who have al different )ciiods had eithei ■ itiiilifers or wards under our care. Rev. Isme S. Kctchatn. Cenireville: Oen Ketehun. Mi; Rháif; Ilon. Win. R; Delnnd. Jnckson: P;iul B. ftinu. Michigan entre; F II. Winnns. Adrinn: Daniel Ilixson. Clini.n: Gnrdnèr VVheeler. M !). II..vell; Rfv F. I! Cüining. Crnnd Rnpi'l: Jeremiüli Cínrk. Claikson; fien. . (' 'Itscnll, Jimea Bjrdcnll and Rev J. Beacli FliñV; H. II. Rfírí nd,NorirrvHÍ: AitísMo l: Plyniouth: Ilon. Elins Goinatock". Owassa; P. Llrighanv M. D.. Ilon. Wm. II. Thompson. E. MuTidy. Esq . Joiin AHen. Esq.. Geo. V. 'Jewett, Esq.. Tho's M Lndd, Profeüaor Wrlliatiis. ofthc Univcrsity. and Rev. H. Co'clazcr, Aim Arbor. The. followinrff senilcmen. Kev. II. C lclnzer, Rev. Wm. S Curtís. Rev. ClinrlcsC Tyl r. Professors Whiting and Willinms of the University of MichiL'nn. hovc consented fo act asa visitiiiff co mm i nee of the School, to bfi present u-hen ifie weekly ftudit's are reviewed: hut especially to attend dnriiig the senii-nionthly exatninations. April, 1845. 213 VV H O L E SÁ L E & RETAIL A. M'FARREN, BOOKSELLEf! AMD S ATIOiO. SMARTS BLOCK, 137 JEFFRRSON AVKNUE, DKTROIT. KEEI'S conslnntly for s:ilea conmlete assortmèrit ol Miscflínneoiis. Schooi and Classioirl liooks. Ietter and C.'ap l'npcr, plam nnd rul ed, QuüIb, luk. Sealing Wax. Cuiiery. W rapping Paper, Prihting Paper, of nll sizes; and Book. New&atKl ('minister Ink. of variona kinds. BLANK BOOKS. fufl nnd h:df hemd, of every vanety of Rtilin'g, Memorándum Books. &c. To Merchanis, Tejichos. and other, buying in quantitics, alorge discount madu. S. School and Bihlc Society Deposiior. 51-tf i o tice to ñierchants. TUE Subscribera encournged by the pnirouajre they have hilherto reccived in tl e wlmlesale depanuieut of their buBÍnessJ will ihe first day of May next, opon the slore nöw occupied by Geo. Grenville, frontiiig on Hnmn streel, and conneeting wiih their present store in (he rear, exclusivoly for a WHOLÊ SALES ROOM, where they will keep at all times a ful! assortmctit oí DHV GOODS, BOOTS & SH0E9 CAKPKNTÍNG, 1IATS, CAPS, PAPER HANGING8, BOViNETS, CROCKEItY n' THE CRATE, HARDWARE, AND GROCER1KS, &C. &C. &C. all of which will bc sold on as good tcrins as al any point this side of New York City. G. D. IIILL, & CO. Aun Arbor,. March 2G, 1814. 48-tf 1YOÍEEj)F THE PEOPLE Pk'iíe uhu Im vi con.vifitlinus temples, wili píeaie riíid llir foliui'-iiiíC - ncvir bijui c pubUehid lu-ts rrgarding Ihe SUGJ1R-COJTE1) IMP IiO VED Endian Vegetab le Filis FOK COXSUMPTIONS, C&ÍMb, IUIKI'.MATISMj DYSI'El'SIA AND PEVEBS. HAVING ln ín ntlncked aonio iiionths since vvill) ;i lüi.l Cüúgh. wenUnoss ín my pliest, uní lo.-s o nppetitr. I u.-cd W 'lü.'ln'fi Vegetado Pilis, lint LFi".v w;h eold tjvvcfli n iiigíit; could not t.Iep. and believed I was ín :i ;, isumpnon. I prucured a box of Dr. Smilh'? SÖMr ('linitil. Iiiipnivi d [o.'. í:in Vigelabla Pilis, wliicli restored iny li.eulih wiihin six tfnys, and í ldiec tliem to lie tlic be.-l remedy I over uèüdt (1 O. W. Gf.ANGEK. Cambridge, Oct lí). I.C4I. F.xir.iCt from A. G. Pacs's letter, ihted - IUni. Jan. :!. 1.845, Tlic Suir Comed fndinn Vryci.-ilno Pilis, yon jÁni Sefl wl! ncfl giVe pood satiíMcuon. - '!'ii. y sfll) l'f! tT ihail '" ' 'IIV'; Iwj Kxinct fiom Levi ll'iirrii's lciwr. (!;!!■! - Casa .o. (fMÏ j Pèb :ï. 145. The Pilis, ivhii-li I rcceivi'd oí vu h;ive civou sucl) universal omísIíicüoii wnerc irhev íwye bcen purchiiíed'. íiml ihe snle hicísoeon ro uiiilnini lint I ihoiiüht Ih'.si lo !('(hksi you to send u:tiin Bín0 i:;o) e iiiinieiünu'iv. &c Kxtriic! IVnm Win. I?, 'icknrd's lettcrdnicd: MoNsóíf. (MnAs.) ínn. 2-1, 1-15.. pie - F.nolaagd 8 t lie p;iy:nctit for t!ie ln?t P.ílls. Viiu wilj ilc.'isi! send me Ijv è.X};rCM a;i o:her lot, siy (i r 8 doZ. TIihv jíWe goed su ipinctinn. 1 Uttv.9 il"! on hand more [batí (j I"'X es. and ilo not wisli td íe -'.u f ilicin one day Extract (Vo'ni Dhriiel Tfffl A Son's le'ior dincd: 'l'AKPjUt.ii:. (Vi.) I1j. 6. 1 T,. Yoyr Pilis wuio recfeivpd ; few sin tío. ntid 1 h tve sold foine ol lübnií ntid ;i!?o usrd snmr otirselves, htíd tllink very (iivo'.-ildy of " thm. and ihey pie liked !y tliosi; ívho haVé uafld ihem. Air. J. P. Snliih'. ni' (I'ducc.-iit. ftatcft thnt he has sold nll. nnd wjlius 8 doy., hnics moro inimedinleíy; aml iIk'.v zivc univeisn! Sfijisfnction, ili;it lie ImS (Ictcniíincd to St'll lio oílier kind ol Pilis. Mr. A. Alien, ol Palmer Depm. itntns tlini !io wns rèry iTinrifill he wns nbpotiTreíi Aotih.ds liis wiíe htis bien m trtto'id ioi t.'inc. time. mikI i box "i tliesi1 pills i mi hkjiI i ;i t el v - wns npery loi pihér Pil's. d'U'i shiifiTd orilv rèïófnïi'i'e'hd 'lito. Extract luim .). fj. Onnioiili letter, i.'.neii - 1;u;:cu:d. (Vi.) Jan. !1. IJ5. Piense send me frhnTdinteiy G At-.. Su;iili' Sugar Ciniteii índian Veccinble r'ills. 'í'iiosi you sent a sliort limí' simr. nrö iiearly all.suld anrl uuiverSrtí sñtisíriclron. The ühive are tinly a few f the n;:iiier(iti? letters vvliich are daily received bl tlie greai pop nlarity and íKícess dl' tin 'truly excrlii-ti't'ills. Tlicy fin: tltt; lict medicine lor i!io uliove eini ' I .- 1 i 1 1 i tí ihni nre sold, nnd n bvfiry ch9ü 1 1 i ; t hnve !con tried ae ci'"n nniverínl satií;fneiion. and siion (I lie krptneo finnilv méiüeine Iry oveiy n-. W'e oniv nsk a 'ii;;l of. ihe n to túnvince the ■ iiii.-t íikeptícni o1' tíic nt:th oí ilif ,-if-M Ttionp. 'l'ht. lm c: "h5 irul írrüiir. cnt oí t lie dise;iíi RCcqmpoñy ereij í'".t. ri:fci: 25 ck?-t; tkr nox. No "SUGAIÍ (O TL1) l'II.I,." ranb.' en niño vvithniii the sijinnturp of thp solé inventor (i. BEW'HH.ÍN SMITII. ISI. 1).. ni rif iho N. Y Colleae of I le.ilih." upon t i- l.o.v Qffioes deyoved cxcluaiyely lp the &ale oí thi rhèdiërne. 17Í1 Greenwich Street. New York. N. '2, Waur Strrft. ftoLoh. Kor saje ín nll he nílncies and to-ns in iln New Knnland States. iN. B. - No truvelüng pcJiorá are aüoivcd to seü (hese PilisKxamine fhe Slpnbtnre; Q3"For fnle hy W. S. nnd J. W. Mí.ynard. Lund McCoHiim, F. .]. í. ('iídip. Ann Albor. Perriii A. Ilull, Nonhville: Tlioiune I'. M;iy. .]. P!yrnoiith: D. C. Wíiitwood. Öóiteï', G. .Sr .. G.' I lili. Ümifo. AIsd at retail in every town ihrowgbout h jjniied Stafèa ai '5J5 ente per BoVi 213 CLOTH! CLÖTH!! TI I Fl suhsenbers will coniimiu to iiMiiulactiue FuHed CSotlü9 or :í74 cis. per yaid. ind whiie li:in!iel for 2 cení? per yiird; or tlicy will nianiíicniíf iIk wool l'or huí I ihe eloth it -.vill mjike. Tin ii Fac tory is 2A miles West o.f Ann Albor, on the nron River. Wool will a!s. be received ni Sciti '.Vhen sent bv RiiilVond ii wHl be aite:id-d to ir. ihe sime manner as n live owneis were lo comí wiih Wool wil) b'e mannlneiuied in turn ;iit cbtnesiñ ns neaify ns i' enn he done wiih releí ence lo the different qn.ililics of wonl. WOOL CARD1NG, will be done at Seto, by 'IMimuas lloekins. S.VV. FOKTER & CO. Scio, Mav 1. 1045; 210 INTERESTlNafö" WOOL 6ROWERS. 'aMh. úbgci ibiid wou d leftjiectiuily nnX nounce to the Wool Growcis of Ann Ar bonind iis vicinity, tliat ihey continue the business of Wool Car ding and Cloth Dressing at the oíd stand ol J. litckley & Co., wben thcy may be found ut all scasonafile liours Id ;.it ii[on ihüse who muy favor thein wiih theii pntrbnhgé. The%' guarantce thnt their work will be dojf with ncatness and despateh. To thcñr oíd fríen da and os innny ncw custoniers ns feel drsposed to íiive them ri trial, ihey wóold say.eoinc on vvi'h your Wool and Ci.otii and wc will do yon anude justice in tlve execir tion ofyonrwoil; - ihe pnce nnd terms ot payinent. Twciaty (housnifid póuncls of Wool wantud in esschungfl lur l'ull Cloth. Plannel, fce. . N. B. - Give us a cali beíbie puicliasing u]se&UMNim UICKS A CO Ann Albor íower Qti. 84;). 'Jü-ón Bcady Fiado Clothing. AT REDUCBD PR1CES. Tí] E largesi nnd best ass'orlnieni of rëailj made c'oihinír èvèr beloie óffefed in tln.íáiaje, now on hand nnd for eafe, Wholcsile oí Retail, at i lie ClothJAg Einporiuni oi the Sub sqríbers, copsistíng ni uart oí Fine broadclo:li FrocU and Dicfs Con:?. Tweed andnion cassimcie. sátl'&ei nnd jenn Froek and Business Coats. Siinnner Coats in great variety nnd very cficap. Cnssimere, cloih, iweetFand summer Pants ol all styles and prices. Satín, velvet, silk. valencia, caslininre nnd Mnrseilles Ves:s- la rge stock of rich nnd firsl) ionnble stylcs. Ais), nn extensive nssortment of Ilosicry, Stocks, Scarls. nandketchiels. C-ollais, Slilrtt, Gloves. Cravnto. Suspeoders, &c. Ac, all oj whích will be sold Ipw forcrtíJt. They would respectlully invite nll, in of ready made "firments. to cali nnd examine their stock, befóte puicliasing elswheie, asit has been selected wiih care in ihe Rnsterrí rnorket nnd iiianulacii-red iii the kítest styles and inost dumble mnnncí'. MALLOCK A RAfJVÍOND. Comer of Jc.flerson &. Wood'ward 'nVen'ics. Detroit, April 4, 185. 2K'. -f "oIkIlümberT IN nny quuntiliea, consinníly lor snle, clieap for Ca;h, al tlic Ann Arl.or Saw Mili lv M. W. QUACKEWBUSII. May'!?, 1S45. G-4w iAfcWAYS ON I1A1V. C5g!ï% nnil 10 Siilscrihcr Ims re'MsLi. moved Iiíb shop to Mnin L. '1O Sueei opposiie ]]. Bcky rffcX "?m$L VIii I5lilk Slore' incJv. V ' ffrfáii ",:"!i "H ilu'i nioy ic him itaïkfïll.iviiiij jiisi receivnd di901 iioin New York nnclcfiniy stock ol 1EWELRÏ) . ,ii,c w'liich I ntencTs to srïi bwr.r iliTiii lias ever bton sold west ái DutVuln 'r HmdJl l'ily Onlii. wbich may be ouríd a go'od uMoriment ol Gold niid Conunon IVtilcH Kys. Gold Fineer Rtrgs nnd JRosoni Pms. uur-I ( knus, b'iiver Ten nnd Tnble SpiKins. Sugai Tofifs'. Diicer Khivep. .Silwr l'i-mil ens"s. 81U-M nfird Corornóri '' hiihbles', fc'il iror Spcci, c't-. (jiiivini. do.. Steel, do., BiHslies. Clpllicé d, Tooih do.. Lrnhei do.. FmjB Rastois and Pocket Knivu, Fine fhenrg nul freissors. Lnilirr bo. s. R.-zor Strops. Waj. Ictts. Pui si's. Vioiinfl nn'd Bows. Flutes. Vïtflrn unl Uass Violm Btrlnjrè, C'lnriopei Reeds. Pcr3iisüioii Caps. J'oi kot Pistols. JJrittnnin Ciiiidlejticksj Wniches. Letter Stampa, Sten! Pens nnd Twcrzirs. Siiuli'anil Tobnco lioxcs. Fine comb?, Drc'ssii'g do., Si(!c (!o . Bnck ('o.. Slit-ll do., Necdli s and Cnca. Water Pnints. Toy W.-;Ic1icí. Kid Doll; a prent variety of Tnjs too numerous to nienuoii. Hcnds, Ne.cKlacee. Fnncy BoxeSj Ac. iVc. Ci.fcxs nnd Watchks ofpvery decription repnned nul wanatiicd. also. Jewilry rejinncd on biioTl noiice. CAÍ. VIN BI-IP?. N R. Caj i-aid ton OLD GOLL) AiD SlLvÈft. C. Ti ,im Arlír. Oi. B4. 1-1 I 2-lf. ALLEBA 'SI'S MEDICINES. THESE MEDICINES ARE eil'ocüng mic!i astonishin cures in umi- liiudcs ol uld cases long et nee iibnndoned by l'hykjcjnns nnd'Pürgeons ás utterjy fiópeless. t Iitf c rio inciliV-hu -í. wbeie iliese are known, stand so 'U'serv(üy 1iïgh. Tlicy consist of THE 1LACK. OR ALLEBASI'S SALVEj l'rica '2ï Cents. Wl)ich runs alninsi üi-.iveisnlly. Fevor Sores, nf :hc mo'ii n.aliyiiant ku.t!. PclüiiS, ÜlCers, AUheesses. Tiiinois. Fraftiirt-s. Cutí:. Piinciurcfe. linrn. Srfililp. .Soie Tliroat. Clu!bííii:s. Quin■■,■. Drop y. I itlnnintory Klit 1i;niui&fn. InfLiminaiions an(.' 9i-ellinga cl evoy dcicription. Scalij Mead. Ai!(! iri i!k: Facv. IVeryoús Tfaoih Acht, Auui' in uu1 Bfonfci, BfokVrt Bicnsf; ttV'döS ■W.LF.BASrS MKAl.'ll: I ÍI.1.S. :2h Crnts. These PiIIb have iictiii(-d i populaHiV vithifi the las! year ■ iwo. ívlueh no oilnr 'i po&= ;ess. The re.iFons nu; olivious to all h ufo ilit'tn. Tl-.ey cinc all Hilions. Scailet nnd oiht:r Fevors. FC'cr and Apüe. DyFpi psiá. Drójiiy) Acid Sioinaoh. Diporder d Bowelö. Or itónii.tiij J.iuiiqícc, Ilcnd Aclio. DiKziness in iJie Html Votfiis..Lirer CoinplauH. Heaii JJurhè. Cholic, Róvy.e) cninplain. Genera] Debiüly. Coiiiven( $s &c. Ac. Tlreii -ptnify the í-niiie fffeítní; leavc the howcils in 3 vtorous and liealthr condiiio:i, &.C. Sev panipliiet. . ' ALLEBASI'S TOOTÏI ACHE DROPS. Frieé 'ir ('mts. Will euro nn ordiaory ent of Tooili Adir, ifí friMn linee to K'ft nuniiiis. For Nctvouö and othor kinds ol 'lmi!i Ache. sets Piitnftlilet. ÁLLEBASI'S POÓR .MA.N'S I'LASTER. Pricr.. 2: CtiifS. A-e uTrrnniiil tfi hv tupenor to ny oihrr in ')ii. r nnv ofliet eonnlfj'. for puin i f wcalxiioís in the Bnck. Snlé. C'fn-pt . Bt)(vcl?j Luirif".!r8. and íor Rhnmñ'tjtBm, Long nd Livor Con p'aiiits, Coiigbs. Cofds. A.siiiuiii,Ac. '' i m -biet. N. 13 - PI as lo the ncrni for n pnn:phle( birh givra all ihe inormaiion nectfinry :ip Itecfing the uss of iJio IVIrdieiníí. ihe viiiisog ihey poF$efí. eic. Pleiise lo ulluiv (iiiccinit.B ñ 'he usi: of tiif ii clicifii's. vnd jou fnny rely up- ' on nll idat is prninispd. A libela lii-cdunt inafje lo mertíiúnís nnd oth eis. ivlio I'iiy io ícll fipniii. LIMAN V. 011 J5FP.T. Proprictnr. VVlii.fesnle Druagist. 214. Fuítoft m Ñ. t. fJTFor ?üle iy the ciil scrilu-r. who l.ns berrt ippointed geftïrnl ncenr for the Cny of í)etnt nnd rs vicjniiy. Countiy dcalcrn suppfifrd Ofl liberal ternis, C. VlORFE. Miihiünn Do.. i Store. TIjp nboe nioJifines are for sale ai tjir Maok Store of WM. R. PF.RP.t. Tn Ann í.oiVci Villar; _p.cemler ÍT. ÍS4K "l v POLLVb TEMPEKAWCE HGllSS, KV Í-. I); éz, 0. lYEVntftX. Nêartlic Statïnloatïïii I l'irf.ri Lmulhig.]} ffila. '"J'MIIS r.i:ihl shnirni has du nr ili? pst wini.'i. liicii consnirv.-il'il i'filnrgrd1, Ut(l iniprov(il willi i:cw fui niture. etc , mul is noV irailv lo'ihe Tmi-eHfer at froiftë; .it :le wJelnSb chaises of lè cin-i. pci1 uital. nnd i-h Ceids pir Day. Passé ncers drtd J?fig!aL;e conveyed fo and fro:;i tbc Hmise liep of charge. ff. B. Passene;s finm he Ènst wíll flr.d a Sígtí lor ihe house, in the Ücpui. undur which 10 place 'luir i]aL'í.r;'frc. In romifctiori wiih nlr.vp ïlonie tfieie is an EAT1:G tSÏABLlBIIHEiiT, on tiie Eu ropean plat. We. tlifi subscriberp. nke Irnsurc in recom iniTining the nbove House to iln; liiencfe of the cause, as buinjj worihy oí iheir patrinnge. C. W. HAR VEV. Prrs't Erie Co. Temp. S. S . N . C A L E N 1A i . Sec' y tío II. MíLLERfo. IVs'i Pollord Tem. Society. H.O. ÍVHITR. Src'y do E. D. UOIHSON. Pre'tY, fo. Temp. S. VV, B. FQBÉS, Seerna.y do ttufülo. rbi tiify, IH'I5. (Jmo- v12 Stnté of Michifon, the eireöit court lor ihc couny of.Wnslucnaw. of the June Tenn. A. I. IS 15. Wing ttfb'óf, )' VS. VIN ATTACIIjMENT. Natban Stürgcss. ) "]VT OTICE is herehy 'ivcn. ihh't on the tweni ly-tigiuh day (y Kelrnary, A. I). one ihot? Rand ejgbt himdred' nftd foriy-five. n writ ofnltachment was isned out of t'h Cirenii Conti for ihe couiiiy of Wiislnenaiv aforefnid againsf the land nnd lencments, goods. chattels, rrghts, credit.-? noncys imd eflisets of Natban Sttfrgess, Delend. int at the snit of Wing Taber, plniniifl', l'oi the sutn of iwo hunqren nnd iwenty-five do!' lus and sixiy ceips. wliieh rit of attaehuient was .nade leturnablc on lbo fiist Tuisdny of June, A. D. 1845, nnd hns b'ecn returned duly selrved. B. KING.Clork Hawkins &. Pr.ATT. Att y' lor PlnintifF. Ann Albor. June 2tí. 845. I8-6w SCMIOolluiicl WÖ.Öl WANÏSD THE Subscribe) s will pny Cash for' tlioir Store. No. lltí Jelleison Avenue.- Gieat ene should bc taken by Wool-Growe.s' ■ il eleaiifcing iheir Wool, nnd pfitlyia it up fur' tiuirkct. Mnny Farmers are in the lmbit o' clippingiheir Wool wiihcüt washing. which ren 'It.r.s it unmerehantuble. J,et it be -.Veil wnshed.and rolled as ligbt as posiible, inside out, nnd1 liistened with a strong conl. Thos( havnm Wool to sell will consult thtir , intci csi l;y culüng on us before fcllitlg. WE are now rrceiving our Spring stock ot Guods. whicli wc ofler lor Cash er Produce, ut the very lowest i nrüeí pnce. . S.MlTíI, GLOVER & DW1GIIT. Detroit: May, J5. 213-tf Illank Deed and lloví gngvs 1 1 711 ÖLF.fcÉA lift AM) lUMAlL, tot bi.luhy T V HECKLEY. KOSTER & Co. . M.irdi gO. IH45 TraVelmg Baskets, LA Dl ES' Crpei JJajis. fSirawiind ('nne Bags,for sah: l.y VV. A. RAYMOND. Dctroft'; Mav 19. IF45. 213-fimo fiieese Fcathéfs. THE Subseriiier bas always on hand n good' biipply of Gerse Feathers Whieh be will sell' in qiinrïtitieé Vo suit purcharers and at the lowest mnrket rete. W. A. RA-tMOND. Detroit, Moy 23 1845.


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Old News