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A Man And Tiger Combat

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The next scène was of a tar more awful cbarsejer. A man entered the arena armed nly wilh a Coorg knife, and clüthed in short rouers, which bnreley covered his hip?, nnd extended half way down the thighs. The instrument Which he wielded in liis riglit hand was a very heavy blaiie, somethtng like the onlmr ofn plough, about two feel long, and 'uil tlirce inches wide, gradunlly diminishing owards the hnndle, with which it formed a right angle. This knife is nseci with greal dcxteriy by 'he Coorgs; beinor swungaronnd n the hand heforc the blow is inflicted, and hen brought into contact witli the object intended to be struck witli a Totee and effect truly astonisliing. Tlic cl).impion wlio now preented himself jefore tlio rujah was about to be oppused to a tiger, which he volunteered to encounter al most nakedj nnd armed only with the weapon I liave just desenbed. He was ruther tal), wil ha süght h'gurr, but liis cliest was decp, liis nrms ldng and muscular. Mis legs were thin, yet the action of the muscles were perceptible wilh every move ment: whilst the freeooni of Ijís and the few conturtions !ie performed, prepiratory to tlie hazardous enterprize wilh which lie was about to enguge, íliowed thr.Lhe po.-sessed uncomtnon aciivity, ooinbincrl wilh no ordmary degree ofstrenglh. The oxpression of his countennnce was absolutely sublime when hegave the eignal tbr the liger to be Iet oose: it. was the veryccntration of moral energy, the imlex of a high and eettlcd resolution. His body glislened with the oiJ which had been rubbed over it in order lo promoie the elasticity of his Iitnhs. He roi?ed liis nrm for several momonis above hit. hcad whcn he made the mofian to udmit his enemy into the nrena. The hars of n Jarge cage were instuntly liftcd frum nhove, a huge royul tiger sprang forward ar.d stood bufore the Coorg, waving his tai! lovvly backward und forward, erecting his hair upon it, nml nUering a suppressed liowl. 'l'iie aniiuil ürst looked at the man, then nl the vvhere the rojih and his conrt vvcre sealed to sce the pports, hut did not appear at al! uiieafy in its present state of freedom; it was cvidenlly confounded al the novelty of is po6úon. After a 6hort survey, it tumed suddenly round and bounded into its cngp; fn-m wliich the keeper who stood above, bevond the reach of miscliief, tried t o force it but in va in. The bars were iben dropped, ;ind sevrral crackers faste:ied to its Uiil, which projected through one of the intervals. A lightcd match was put into the hand of t'e Coorg-, the bars were ngain raised, and the crackers ignited. The tiger now dnrted into the arena witii a ternfic ypll; and while tlic crackers weree.vploding, it leaped, tumed, and wriihed, ns if in a stte of frantic excitement. It at lengtii crouched in a corner, asa cat does vvhen alarniod. Aieansvliile, its re treat had been cut oft' by securing the cage. - During the explosión of the crackers, the Coorg slood watching his enemy, and at lei:gtii advanced toward it with a slow bul firm slep. Tlie tiger ronsnd itself and retreated, the fur on his back being erect, nnd its tail apparently dilated to tvvico its usual size. Il was not at all disposed to commence hostilitios, bilt its resolute foe was not to be evaded. Fixing his eycs intently upon the (leaflly crenture, he advanced with the same meosured slep, the tiger retreating as bcfore, butslill presenting his front to its enemy. - The Coorg now stopped suddenly; then moving slowly backward, the tiger raiseü itsell' 10 its full height, curved its back to the necesary segment for a spring, and lashed his tail, cvidently meditating niischief. Tbe man contimied to retire; and as soon as he was at so great a distnnee thnt the fixed expression of his cye was no loner distingiisht.ble, the ferocious b;ute made a sudden bound furward, crouched and sprung with o short, eharp grwwl. lts adversary, fully prepared for thií, !eapc(i actively on one tide, and üs the tiger reachcd the ground, swung round his heavy kn'ifé, and brought it with irreíistibln force upon the nnimals hind le{r,just above the joint. Tlie boue was insinnlly severcd, and the tiger elfcctually prevented from makiug a second spring. Tlie woundeJ heast roared: btit turning suddenly upon the Coorg, who had by tiiis time relired several yarde, advanced tiercely upon liim, his wounded leg liaHglnj; loo.e m the ski, showipg that it was broken. The tiger, now exciled to a pitch of reckless rage, rushed forward upon its three hind lugs tovvards its adversary, who stood with his heavy knife npraised, culmly awaiting tlie encounter. As eoin as the savoge creatnre wns vvithin his reach, he brought down the poii" derou8 woapoti upon his head, witn a force which nothing could rosist laid open theskull from car to ear, and the vanquihetl lbo feil dead at his fcot. lic Iheu cooll wijiccl thekriif'c on tlie animal's hide, and malc a dinificd saliain lo the raj.ih and retircd ami-l ilic


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