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Slaveholders Meeting

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The patriarchs of Charles County. Md. have recenlly had a meeting to counteract ihe operation of wJiat is called "the underground railroad." All the restrictions 'on the sliives thoy can devme vi)l be of no uso, wbile they rende witnllj i few niilei of a line beyond which tiiey knnw they con be free. This very meeliiiL' of elnveholders wi 1 itself speak trurnpoi-tongued to uil the slaves that henr of h, and every one of their roulations will rcmind them tlmt muny of their fellnws have escapcd. The Washington ÍTnÜn givefl the following account of the procecdings of the meetings: "Al Port Tobasen, Charle? county, Md., o lnrge meeiinjr of citizens wos held on Ftipdry last to consider what mensuras were most likely to put a stop to the elopemenl of their3!nve., the recrnt gang nrrested in iMonigom■ry county, beinr owned in thnt vicinity. A preamble nnd sones of resoknions were ndopteel rerommetxling the ppointiwritmen' cfan ndditinnnl pólice and the watchful care of their ( mnsters. Votes of" Ihnnks were tennered to ' the citizpns of Rockville ror thrir promptness ' 8i enerpy.&z, all free neproes were notified Uint their presence would nnt be toleraled witiiin ' ihc limits of the County aftor the first of Dec. next, thecommiltee pledging itselfio purclmse ' all their property at fair prices. Ministers of the Goppe1 ore hereafter pnsilively prohibited fiom holding nighi meetings, for the altend anee of slovep, who nrc not to be allowed to leave thei" quarters nfter dnrk, without a pass from their macters. Re'igions instruction during the doy b not prohibited, piovided one or more of their tnasters should bo present: nnd the employment of frre negrnes nt the fishing Inndings heroafter will not be nllowcd. Funris were rai?ed to secure 5he enforecment of these rtsolves, and the meeling empowered the President to cali them togeiher again at nny time thal he may deern 6iich n cc.urse necessary. A commktee was also appointed to endenvor to proenre from the Leg islature ndditional legislalion fnr the protec tion of thrir property and civil lights."


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