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Texan Problems

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Some of the advocates of the Annexation of Texas, havinir overrodc and rode down all Constitutional bnrriers, and hc'mg preity confident tlinl Texas wiJI come u as a State, are giving tliemselvcs needless trouble about a provisión in the U. S. Constitution which de clares that no person sha'l bn aRepre?entntive unless he has been for seven years ncitizen of the United States, nor a Senator, unless he lias been a citizen of the United Staies for nine years, and both must be inhabitants of the State for which they are chuset. If this citizenship be nine or seven years next precedtng the elcclion, how is Texns to be supplied with Senators and Representa! i ves? But we suppose that such a construction wil! not be deeir.rd necessary by the friends of Annexation. But it s probable that only a sinall part of thevotors of Texas have been citizens of the United States for seven or nine years at anv time, and onh' a few of t hem can,fore. pon a strict construction, be etigible (o he offices of Senator or Representntive. Another qnestion is wheiher criminal., now n Texas, vvho htve escappd Trom the United Slates into Texa., must be deüvered up, on denmnd of the Slnte frnm which they fled, when Texos shall have been admitted as a Siate? On this there is adifFerence of opinión, but justice, renson, and the nature of former precédanle ainnng nations, woulti require them (o be deiivered np, if deninnded by the States forn wliicb they escoped.(L A corren pondent wishes to have the papers for Ionia post r.ffice sent by way of Dexter, and we have direoted them accordingly. We regret (hat our subiicribejs in ioniai Clinton, and other norlhern counnes are so much incommodeil by the long delay m getting Ihcir papers. We have endeavored to nscertain the cause, and find it attributed to the pln of cnrrying most of the mails on hor?ebnck for these coimtiee, whicli are fast bucoming populous: and by this nienne n part of the mails somi-times lny over on account of iheir bulk. We wil! do the best we can to accomtnndatc onr subscribers in that section; and our Postmnster heie will eend iheir pack;iges by cny route ihey niay wish.


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