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UE.1&! RE+1? .;)O1) NEWri AND (ü.AI) TIIIV Í; tl i'lcr (h mnst WfWlg i. Dr. K. Kling, oi'J.icksoi. whO i MUtiU3W ■slv' rcjssjy lor Ferci iinl Aan ,' t ,-i periúd ihï i.-unÜy hnve nnl I ; . ■ 'uHnt ! . ,-,.!y li;,':v. Meiatcuip " v ..■,., pufur I i? w:' rifl hfti r p' rjding Jvi 3 I if cv. r bciflg I' ■:: ';J'i: !" ftluscovctus Íil2j „„,} fftt i thfty i'iii' 'icfil ftport ?n t ht'wios' hopbiesrf fifsorf-, lifrimeti iVfchrcd . iiv iF ih'-üi. rtfok ;i--m in ixliiecüons, muí tl e ' rcütand 1 h iv ' '% rl 'l;nt l":: unüi; WKH ■''■s ' " ' e'1 '"'' mefirtr i atwl relirl. TKé Pttlá , r. itnil(l hJtVmg pro.hir'i-.i 86 it.iry n til ■ ; nl my (mmly. Í can'n ■ I (ram ífcqúílirkíng (lic fHiMiécf tivir !; cm vonl SM(:F:f. CI'DIKtí. ' THICODORK KPDIKí:. Whikss. Grasa Lnke, Jüly I I, 1845. 5?2l-8fh O. ■■HKINC.RfiiaiÜFF'S Til--1 vegetable kingjóiii ie provtded b'y tii f;..! oí naflifé wiih iKrl.s of ,lil!onnt jiroptr li-3 hnJ su ï O-il wo- prupirly hdnTiiiisieT lo every ccíhttíííofi f SisêaSfri lt wi!l hoi ! contended l)iit th;it ir roquirrs inv:iiiun am vtll clirecied skill ir re. arc ihcso nativfl inedi-: cnii'n;.s s tju(;tHQ)C'fjtnodjaJfoffir?ishBU'be wtilldruwn out and ihe bciur ippikd; llt b lüi,.!).,,-!?!!!;! inccsiiiy ro ;. , ;ioru - or o! the ü] Resiqraijvje, in ihè nünit)cr óPyears sinco lic Grst commèncea ts projj.nrfiii n from the o.'iginnl f'utnüy recríe has ■ :i pir rioiï óf bis rrine tó thü s'udv ■ (hiilefïèrt nnd sirenlh of crtcli herb ii3T(J in t!i! roiMpunnd. Thiss:utly has had the I cnore pcrlecily convinnirL; hini o!' tito iij{,Thr curaiive power ol thé licrilili fvC'toa■ ie. li sciüus porfccily adapted i tliecuiio! plioij i.i.r Cninplaint. As:h:iin, CoiiJs. . c-id l'iiins in ihe Sitie aml (,'ln.v - for 3 trisesil is wriiculnrly icc-iMiimfink-iLwiili . certm'oly pf success am! snns!.irii.ui wliii li can be llt in ite torce i-nly !y thoso n .wv been I Ba led iy iiá uieans. No considerattuns óf pe(;i!iiaiy trecenoperuo ewpy i!ic propno'or: lic iniïifs lie is infltiencéd sóiely by tt.c real plerjsure oi K.initicnin: to liie rein t ol 6trffecing huutani'y. nul hos dt vo cd sucli arc:i i. the iac-iuto qíjlusrciiiedy, anddIs out si ly !n th '.riven, 'hnr llie ioL ui i i COVer llll! CM I"V. lL't tllUrC wlio nn séchitVr a ÍJnltn in Gilead, o IIt:nih RfsmrntiVe, Tiio followiiii; corlificarc is. IVdui Dr. Chillan, the veil known New York cheiüist. 'I have nn. Vv2 .-■..? a bolde of nictüdne cAlcó C. "Brinkerholi 's Hrnlth Rc?toin;:vi'.' nndfind tint it (iocs n.)i'i-o;)iain Alercuty. or atiy o'hcr in t:l!ie prepiir.nion; nor apium in sny of ris iiirms. It is cömpoFfd ö( vci:oial)!c fnattdT cntirely." txmia i. Chutos. M: D. C. DHINCKEUHOFF, Pioprietur, N: Y. . ííoRvrr EvKKBir; General Agent. Princip.i! Offite"06 Undson Btié&CpS. Y. For s:i'o by W. S. & J. W. Mqord, A cents. ,n Ai!...r. 221 -4 w"TO THE VIC.TORS BELQNG THE SPOILS." ,'J IQUiiil Mnny pn-piralions in the toni! j al -rOPI'LAK MKDICINKS" .el' re the pubiiL', cluiining t,o give re'.jef, and !i cure ib most invetérate diceaeea. yet nvne have 80 Well answered the purpose ns Dr. Siiernian's Medio 4ed h zenires Tijcy are'eable to ilie inste. e;isiLv adtninigtcred, and-lroinihe unpreeedenied sucrtss which tliey have mei with,. and the remarkable cures wüicli tliey have pcrformcJ, may justly 1 iy cbum ui ihetule "i Con(uer.r over .the dise;iís lor wliicfi il.t.y liac ï.ut recmnniended. Dr. f?he inrttfa rol Cü LOZKXGES" Ciro t ii c most obstinate 'caees of Cuugh in a few luuirs. Tliey have citrtd a largS nuiiilier of pcrp.)iis wl have been iven p ly fèeir pljysiciiiiï and -friends. and rnuny vvlio li;ve reduceü UJ ilie vei cc ui' the grnve by spittipg !otid, Conrtkáprkm oiid Hecuc Favar, by ineir u'sc have had ilie ruso of !ie:iith restored tó the hhiard Cfaveh aml nhw live to gpevfc forth tbc ijmiscsoi his invalna!le medicine. -Sliernriü'j -worm i.ozi:xr,'i:s-' ffrivc '"'.-ii pn vítí in more' tii ui 'Jc.OlO cpes tn hc in:;dli!)!o. in fiièt -üw only cërtajn VV'oVii D : ■ i ■'■ üeïne ever disco vered. ( hildni: w:II ent ilierii wlien ihev cnnnoi hc forced to t;,k( run rfrhér1 iiicdicihe. nnd ihe benefit derivei! frön the administraron of medicine to tliem in rtns forni is E real hèyond conc'eptï'in. Whcn'thr hri ii h ol' rhii'l beiivmos flerreive, nnd ibSfi is p; !n i ti i or ihc nosëi rinding of die teVfhHiïriii ilcop. pnleness hböut lbo lips vith H ; i -■ 1 1 il i 1 1 r i !:-. 1 1 i f 1 if!;e. dn win fis. s'tühfng, diiritif! ]r p. dra urBèd drenms. nwnldni: witli frighi nr.d ten' K11Í112. troublesome poogh'.TeverisBrtessjOurít.i voraci.oup ápDctite. sfekness nt (lfc siomnch nti'i hloated storn.Tch - linpe are ninonj; the inanj promnièfti syinpfömê of worms. ond c;i n he re licved by ilicsc incomparable Dñz rïjjes, Thej havo never bc n krimtn to fail. Dr. íherman'.CAMPMoii lozi;.í;i.s" R'.-üi've FTeidñchb, Ncrvoüs Sicïi flcadaclie, Palpiwrton it ihe henrt, nnd yicknc.-sin n vcry L; 1 1 : : i . n 'c 5?. They cure Lou ress of Spifils, Desio'(!eri'-y. I''inr!ie.-s, Odir, S).ims. Cram'ps ol Somacn. Summcr rir Howel Complniütn; thuy keep n; tho spirits, dispel all the dÍMressin:.' syitiptonisoí a night ot disafaüön. anrt ennblc u jirrsoa tn undèfgö great menlal or budiiy loil. - Dr. .Sliernnn's )ll M.W'S PLASTEE Ia acknowlecíged hy,ali who liave ever d it to bc the tet sirenuiheiüiiir Plaslcr in ilie world. and a sovereign remedy for pains nnd uea}vnes& in tlic bai.k. loins, side. breas', eek. limbs. joints, rheum'aiíísni, lumbago, &.c. One millior. a xvill noiupphr the demand. Cauii .. necfí-Tr' . as there are matiy uñprnri;!ed v?rs.'iis who -.voiilrl loree n spnrious artiei; up;n i!n c-iiniiiiiriiiy. Jie carciul 10 eet Siierman's lun Miii'ü l'J.iftür. wiih a '■fue iimiU" oí his writteq iiaim; nn tho back - none otlujrs are genuine. and will do more hurt tliau good. W'iir n suclfmen as the Rev. Dnrius Amhnny. of the Oneiiia Conference, Rev. Sobarían Slteet r. ol Hosioti. Rev, Mr. Dnnhar, Mr. Hancock. Mr. De Forest, flon.' Atiron Clark, J. iluxie, Esq. Hon B.C Deirdsley. Dflnicl Fanciiaw. Bsqí and a host of names of the like reputnoon ui he brou{.rht forward t prove iho etficaey oi' Dr. Slurman's preparationa - when lliey are so warnily recouiinendedby the medical pi o - n. and presenbed in the practice. jhhI v.-he.i such universal approbaüon follows their use ■n all classes, we moy jusvly say that the !)r. i nut only cmiiled to the appellation VICTOIi."' bttt can fairly :y dann 10 the patrnnagoof the public, and will rcci-ive it. L'i'ii!s n,r Ann Arbor. II. !1. Thoropsefl & Co.. W. S. A: J. W Mnvnatd; &.:8unpwi Vt'SÏtnnii; ü. C. Vhitwood. Dcxter: Pickfnri V Qrfttg, Siünc: Siniih A. Tyrol. Clinton. H. li.iwer. Manchesier: P. Fa ■ 1 j k & Co.. IMymouth: D. -Grcgory nnd A. Grant, NocthiUd. 218-Gtn ___„_ . ___ . .Villagc I'roiierty fop Sale. Tl!, Sijiiscriher oliirs lor sn!e tiis propf.-riy in the Vill.-ise of ricio. sitiiiiteti on tin Hurón rivt-r, issu miles below Dexter Viliago, con 8 áling Of SriM-.K nnH DvvKi.i.r.Nfi H'ot'SK. in ono build ■ : ', 'V1, I' u" th Icnirili hy 19 fèfel wljtlé! F-ioirr Vit.r.AGE Í.ot,. bcintr i niirr Rlock. Vine crC9 of nproved LaSB, adjoini it; tïje -■■ ? 1c o'( ihr Viflngé"! The propgfjy till &"!! togetiicr, er srpnratcly siii purchasers. THKODORE FOSTKIl. Aun Atbor, July 9, 1845. S&Mf■ Ar-- [ l ■ v, ''.' i ) The Wosadci-ful Ü Wii!' yinóifi - ti1 tiu' ;1)'.V 'm itarile. feuft $Uo 'w l fah f' ?$ 'I n .■ hopeieps con■ ir.U'ü. mihi: -l„' i:-...-: !;■;:;, MfopQLl .!k.';.i1 "ft i'hiiüs 10 ihè name ui die GUEAT lü.-i !J)Y. Thé" Qiiesii'ïii h na aviivrn:;Wl.--Cin Jst.'iwu ■.'" h hos been aiisoétorJíyaeitTci in ilie Insl iwn tvontbs ibnt F.olger's Ql" 'viil pr.Kli-.oü a pure 'ui'-f ! '■ --y Qlir remeáy n iRó .!:!. a:i;! ■ . - .■:! '■ ló persons n a-iii .tmi-iji lic vi;y m Ii riunceq tg vviw Lcrfal yiriues, who ha;l loi .'! i't!:ers refiiedkö i;i vtih. Mr. WWök !í.:. í f Iodo ... ■ . Btjy wiiicii lic LViild hear "I ior tlio relief ol asinino; or.d had spcni inoré il) ti tfffB huii' iluünrs in -cñileavoring tu ;i..:i:uic . c!;. but :i vain. -Ie coniujcced u.n ihc 01' ' ■' T lic Br dbse hc tooi; gavo him relief, nnd (o éflys nlicrwnrd li s wiif coHed lo s:iy ilmt iho sniall qunnliiyoï tilia remedy u!;;rli !n tiini taken had dort e .(in timrc u""1'! t J : n r nny anti all iho medicines Ik iv.r ii - lifc. Mrs. Bein ine wile TK6bisftT? Bell, of Morristown. N. J.. wlio was s:vcr#y nilliclod wiili ;istlnun. wai gr'n tip by hor. pliys.ciat: -wns re!ii')vo; lo l).' seob {ijd n tbe bojic of pnl (;iiinir her di oms tuit wit!) no :"_:!1. Onclwiilc ui tiin Olop.inian so l'ar rcIjeved her. rfa( phc wM-able to ge up from her wd ani dn ís h' ■■■ lr. r. ihTrfg f-hc titfd üfól 36' ñ e ictbre-in n.i.-n'i;.-. í:il si? has nmv reuunul (o her rcsulence in W[prsiown, Ñ. J.. unh every ol' bciiii speödfy reMfed INCiriKN'l CONSU.MP'riON vields to itstlilus. It snoihes the tioublcsonic Sough nnd gives rbfreshfng slun.bois to ílíc vi-a.-y: i ill;yj5 i!iu p-ii n in ïlio sidc nnd surcnvsB in ilie ch';.-1, pnd naV a tl.f1 perron io agpcctoTafe insüy. wliüc ii orttireTy ïestorcs the êë-' (.-elioiis of the IsjORi an.i oxpedites letuuiiiiü lealth. JAMES B. OFVOE. 101 Séadè ?treet, had onr been conn-Ininiirirfila iorciiE-s ín the rhest. icrompiinied wito a .-hort l,.cUing cojigh: lit iised maner rei 1' . Í t hiánppetite tiha fè1 jlanncrl-sit hi= siiiuüion. H had irii-d variou remedies whhoui jny. bco.efifial eflect. His es of h.eatli and p?in in me sldecontinuei tö i,icre;rse. He uséii lonc botile of the Olosaoni ui. and is restore tq i. o V. Knrr.o:i. of Xev.v.rl:. X. 3 V. Hays. of New Vc.rk: ï i v : ; f HMid;-ii-'i;i. Ö Laighist:' iraifiJteGjinn, gQ Walker st; F. La nn, 52 Pike '.. ' : ! '. '■"' VValKet ai wiih inWiREDS OF NAMKS re si-hti in New Ytuk, couid. Jjc givcn, wlio an e:;;!;; lo hor l:s:u::i.::y !■! liie su j ri i .1 : tv of tbe n an over cvety ftth'er mnnly knA'wn for lic ciire orroiighs. ro!(. asihma. cousuiripuöiv -)iiiinp of 'lood. (!ysffi'-i.i, ouiioumpiion. lroncliiiit!, dii;i' -ul'v'hing. hoarrencfs, iiiiinerizn", pains in ihè lm ■- nd the vari ■vu. fifflic sicm : íiimI Hvcr. Forsnlent I('C N-' ■;:'! . oi.u door uli've Ann, :id at -Mrs Mays. 1"! fuTtón st.. ïffónWyn'. Airenis !ur Ann Arl.or. W. S. & .!. V. May.-ird:'lO PP anti; D.C. WhiuvocnJ, ")cter; Ficlifoid & C'iaip. Pnline: SmiihvtTyoí, CfiñYon; ' Howér, Wdïicheélér; P. Farlick' k Co.. Pfyinouth; L G)egory arkl A. Grrin:. "iyrthviUe. 216-ünio EFFECTÜÁLLY ÜSED ÜP. DU. B&WS I tfo'S Ql '' -.nilATKD ÍE Kil AND A'GÜE ÍMI.Lí nre a BaTe. ptedy nnflsnrs cure fur Féver and Aue. I)'i:-.i!' ue, C'lull i't.".(r, Ptriodical ikadacJic, and lio Hiljous Diserjif-s peculiar to nevv countries. Tbtso Pilis a.e denyni-d for the niïections of de JivJer. and7ilie'ririternal ornns; i:ie nnlarateUe i anjeéis :i.u; b ia r,rr.:Uj i! eji use. m löcE8 thu proprietor tire siío ior tö nny re'tnedv olibrcd to liie public or he tiijuvc disensos. They are purcly giit;i!lc, and are perfectly ïarniless and mny liè faken by aiiy pefsob, rr,;di r ft'fii.-ite-. wiih perlect .ren-. Ceniricnïes to any numler and e.rtent lestilyne io líie extrnordiñary powers offtiia inodicine mu'iit Bé in=(Mifd. l'Ut ü ie' dcmed ontirely un iiti's-ifiiy. rs it has -heen u:;ed ïn Kcvt-ral ytara y irreal ivj;..: Bonj, ■ ail cöndiiiona, nl wbeic dn v h:ic been ftiMn in atcordanct i'i'h the lirocti!ins. tliey wereft? Blever known to fail. =L!} Tli'e nbove l'ills are kent lor sn!c. whn!rsle r.nd iciai!. liyChnrks Siark.s W '.! - s:er; thiniel Tutilo. Ptyinouui; pnaat'the atorè ei BECKU-Y. FOSTF.Il & CO. . Ann Aroor. Lou-er Town. July I. 18465 2IÍ1 "tis'eö. 'ia. èatön." .fttorts Io3 íf 100 Jtffersoh lvmiie, Detroit. O FF KR S fursnlfí ilie tufíjowing goorts - piyiëj I 'i e li or :;;iiove(f pnfter; the swds nrt liliiüiv iüi.-l iVcsii, i ivinsr lacn jmrchnstiiJ witlnr ihfi pasi lini'v duys, a( tltó.iauuvre fdatau.c líop, EXCLUSIYITÍY rf)R C.ASÜ, ;.nJ wil: tje ei)!H ni re 'f ra'u -nl pfvtjsi 100 ciresia íinil h :l oiiesís Tea, 28 hogalieadö Sugar,, 15 6i).esug'nr. Lóal and Lunin, 10 haífí-Kc.iff Molas?e6. 'J li;.gs!!(.u-ls Sicwari's Syrup, 12Ö Iwps Cüilee . ' 5 tierces nee."' 150 Ixixcs riiisius, Jt'O (irums fi;i. r() Oimiiui ■ and Lemous, 300 ii)iiii(fs CiitiKiinan, U.")IJ poUllfis ('(Acti. 17." poundw Njatmegs 25 kc'.s Ginder, J0 bats Vc){c: avd Spfco. 40 ke3 and U.'u ToLiacco, 5 lijlcs Almonds, " 200 boïïs GfBa, 10 hogshends Speijn Oil. Sil) boxi.-.s Spirm Ciiiidltá, 2SÜ barrels bye WoÓÜm, J5 barrcIs.Coppfrni;. - H barrels Hluc Vitriol, 20 barrels A Hum, 15 biirrels Mad 400.kcgs White Lei!,. ló barrels LinseeaOtlj 40 boxt's Siarch, 35 bpxes pipee, 2 c;isi's Iii'iiu'i. 5 barrels Sulpíiur, ") Bárrala S 3 Kincl.-f Castor pil, il Ij-Ijs Senmu I ■ : ■■r,n, 10 barreU Spirit Turpeniine, .tTT" The followiug nanicd p;jp:rs wil] cach ublisH ili' qLovo rioiice', Inittii to ihenmouri: l u, r tfélidrs aria séftrl tnjhj of tíófícé wiih bi:U i ike pjrs'jn advci'.i.-m. l'ooiiaci Gaxcito, PoriUac; Ann Ai!ior Simé ou mal, nnd Sign;il of Liberijr, Aun Ároorj ackson G.iïeilfe, Jüfhsori; Kjtpounrlcr. Marehollj J:izttie. Kaiamaoo; PTjiea Repuulican, S le ?:inn'-r. St. f'l.iir: Óüíkúe', Minric; G ernocrat. Flini; ajid Cbatbaui Glener. (. li.-:i ïani Canuda. M..y 19, l-:-2.- 2I2-7iri JEROMË M. 'riïi'ADWIiL!.. ATTOJtNKY AND COUASKLI.OH AT I..V '. . And General Land Agen, WILL attend i(j the saja aad .xcljangj "I Land?, pnymeni of Táxea. a"n iJèdcrn)oii of Lwh solil for T.-ixs in 3fl6kon att3 ;idtinii.g cmnilics. ex.inimniimiol TitU. (.'i ir.vncing and all l-ujinoispcrtaiuing to Reul Kstale. uffiro in theCourt House. JacUson, Michigan. 17-tf.Fco-pSc. iVoau the Country ï7"i i;T.u iJcüüit, ior ilic puii !i. líe ni JJry f c;.j,i:!d, üjiper iíi:iiin.;s; or Fr w hilé gó luis íú tijcetiaril ;'.■ v . ' ; ■ ■ - i j i i!iu city, nrt: ..- ■;;:. . . ,t W. i. Raymoiid's Store, NTi. I ! -. Jenerso'ri Avenue; bein'g onc'dóor itbö'vt Inti s St. :nd nou door t t'io trManhnt'in Sic'o." The ur.dersigned h;is eiken a ;rcn ' ut' i'.'iin; in selcctins hia gnoda to po i.t !, .IOIWÍM1 ?:y!i-s nnd lo -i. (júalttícs .md Ko i i.)n{ijlt.'i)t t ii-i i bis ;is.-.)ilinent mi uc.luilv i( suci ns are deirable for tlic cnumry trade. is a cpiïiprëie os anv r) i&e titv. ic' ifl5 Oi rtilrf Qp I .r-'i . Ia[zn(i:ips. Knw us, Muslin du Lfiincs, OitfcStS of svrv ,Midl, IliuBons, Porasolo, Sitav. Is. Drcfis fl;ndkerchif.f Cj :'-,■-, . Scnifs. iéils, Gfloves. i!siory. AhipMcns. Brtnvii Lm fi. .ï. Icrichc'd J.ineiis. Talile covpir. Toweluiíi Si.i; :i!i;:s. jioeiingp, Qp)brics, Muslins, !.]a-k ft3è '■ (öcK sñd fhticy arësa Si!l;s, Bbffnèt ilks Lim'M Caiubric tlandkerclnofs. ALSO, BROAD CI.OTHS, CASSIBIERES, SATINETTS ; ncs. PUÍL ci-otiis. moi.eskins, Dr.lI.r,tN(iS, ULACIv AND FANCY CRAVATS, And indeed, almust evciy anide bclpnging to, the Dry GÖods business. .All r,f uhicli whlbi solt! n thé rt n foirrs raes, lur Casli. Cail am sec lor yjui: clvi-s - none tto exjrecicd lo Imy f tiiêv do nol h'nd prlccá lull as Lw. fuot o Hit! .Ivicr.r rhai' clscwhere. W. A. RAYMQVD. Dftroif. May 2:?, 1 15. " 2i:!-(Kno laiipoa'i ant o Farmers. ENAI'P cV: IlAVILAMX ivould respectfully ini'orin the ftthneta Of Waslücnnw nnd the urj-oioding í ,;iih i.s tlint thcy continue to manui'nciure ál theirphop ticar the river bridge. LoworTown. Ann yrbor, Threshing Machines of litün-nt kinds coinpnsing the Burral!. Cad ., :m -! Easiiftan'a l'laix lary Powor, and Macliiut ■ 1 fl' : 1 i uní! any made in this Conh:ry "nnd preicrri'd to any otber, which tliey inicnd to seil at sucli pfiirs and. on sucli leriüs as Qannot fail to jivè sátisTaÜtlon. 'I'Iu-y nre aète'nninca not lo ue. Oötdoni by any esiablishnicnt. etllier in pricc or qii.ility of work. I !::. i 'V n lor tnany yenrs pnrrnircd in the Business they think thcy can with coniïdence reeoninscnd iheir work, eind fiirmers nnd otlicrs ivisliing to buy will dj wel! to cali and examine tlieir work previous . to paarchagijL clsewherc. - Ti' y r,rv prfpnnd to do all knidétoi' tlirrshing mnchine ri'p-iirs. ffn tiieslioncst nuiire nnd more rc;ii(iiiai.' (rnis th.:u ï.nv simi! t s ablishincnt In tlie C.jimiiy. Also, Burra U's celeb'ralèd CLOVe'R iTI ACHÏIVK'S, wliicli sepárate ihe cliníi ('rom the seed at a si igle operalion and are univeisally npproved of and uepd wnerever (nirodiiced and vyarrViiued to threeh t&ètinéad not brenk the seed. For ie erbnea aply to Robert or John IMcCormick of Sa lcm Wathtcnaw Co-, who have uscd one the" pasl BeasÓti; W. W. KXAPP. T. A. HAV1LAND. Ann Arbor, May lst, 1815. CmfXtEMOVAZ.. THE subscribcfs'have removed tiinir etallislinicnt to the store iccenily occupied by Geo. Gionvílle. No. 2, Ilnwkins' block, anti .have receivsd direct, from New York, a dioico lot of Family Groceries, Fruits,. Nuts, Sr. to wluch ihoy would invite the atlcntion oi the ciiizens. Tliey nlso continue the BAKING business nt their old stand near the Depot, i.nd keep oüsuinily on hand at botli places every artiele in ihal line. F. B. HALL, & CO. Ami A;bor, June 1. 1845. 7 'MÁEI,Bmd HQTElT TOli'ERANCK HOUSE, JNATÜAiMEL ROGERS. .Yo. '2-2D. Wiidin ii!on Ztrcet. Boston. rFiIIS lioiiie hns undeione a thorougli repnir, and it is intrndcd ihat na rum house símil be r=n;)prinr to it. Jtwilllié under the inmiciütc ohruge of IJrown fc Colbinn, jis iMr. Rogors keepa the Delevnn House in Albany, HhV li. Wft. 2:2-6.1, "ÑEÁV ARRAWGËMEriiTS'. REMOVAL. TUK Subsciiber has removed his s'ick o L'OOKS to Store No. 2. Exthnnjre Block. adjoiniiiü I.unds & M'Collunis btore,vliere he is rendy 10 lucnifh cash custoiners with a new and wi il f-iU cioil iissintment of Miscellaveoirs, Retifriovs, Hision'cal, Diographical and School JJooks, tocctlicr vii!i lic Ust ;i?sor:iuent oí P;iper. Quill?. In!., Wafrrs. 'l'oy BöoKi and Rmtibncry geheni'ilv wliif.'li luis over been otfeted svest of Detroit. nul wili bc wkl nt 'he Detroil (Jrish [iricts. Fíe has aodoa to hisfonncr business a'wfelfBehícted rissortinent of Family Grocpries. wlucli he will excliange lor Cash or most kinds ol produce. W :ntcd - Eggs, Beéswax nnd Tallow. Reniernber the Btore, two doors from the Flouring Mili. TVM 11. PERRY. Aria Aibor. Lowcr Villnge, June G, 1í5'4.". 7tHARTFORD Pire f usura cc Conipany INCOHl'OR TJ:U IN IöIO- CIIAKTKK l'EKVi.'TV AL - CAPITAL .ÑlóO.COO, WITJI rÓWEB TÍ) utatíúfk ir to 250,000. npfJlS wetl known and long estahlished JnsiiJ_ tution. witli niij)le cash capital, Imvc estabIjsh'ed ni agéñcy in Arm Atfeor, nnd offer to induro Dwd I í:i ;.■. Kuniiture, Stores. Merchnndize. -Miüs, Whcat, Fiour, :c. on very fayprobh 'cruis Thé liiali cliaracter of this cornpah}' Ü wt1 11 known. aiul its cxtensive bueiners ie conducic-d on thc inost just anii honorable principies Owners of property in Ann Arbor and vicinitv irh w'óli to insiiro it igninst loes and diimagc by ore. are invitcd to cali dircctly on the subscriben atliis Soro in Anti Albor, wlio is auihonzcd to 8U0 policios without dcl.iy. F, J. B. GRANE, Acent. Ann Albor. Jnn. 1,1845. ' 39-Cm. ín '' Cliaiicciy--2cl Circuit. N. Tillotson, Coiiiplaiiiant, vs Fietlorick P. Tovvnsend, Defondant. I. puYsu uu-e f a derretid o dor of the Court of ( ii n.ri'ry. tunde in thü übuve catiao. will bé so!d under tlio direction of the subscribcr, at public auction nt the Iront door of the Coiirt House, in thé village of Aun Albor, in the coiinty of VVashWflow, ou Saiarday, the twentyihtrá 3oy of Aujiust next at one o'clock in the afteinooo. of said day. [?all thal certain tract or p ircí of l:i)d sitúate in the towu oí Superior, in coini'y of Woshtenawnnd thc Siatn of Michi: ilie west half of ihe north west quartfr . inninein town two sooth in range seven ilie Dis'nct of land oifcrcd Tor sale ai Detroit, Michigan." JOHN N. GOTT, M:iser in Chnncery. .I.nnos K. riatt. Solicitor fir Cornplainant. Ann AiLor, June 30, 1845218- 8w "köbjërt w. wakiveu, Carpenter and Joiner, LahNAKUSTUEÉT, BETVVP.VK BATES A)(I) ÜANDOLPH .-ntKKTS, DKTiuirr. Eh'jp, on the AHoy in rear of the Franklin Cold Water flousc. Uay 2ü: Ir 45. 2J5-&n3NTSW. .1 Í,SG'O E '1 ' U$ VIL Lj, FOR TUK CERTA13 AM) PERMANENT CURE OF FEVEll AND AGÜE. fTMl ESE dl3 nicpiVparcd by tln cJisrinmiished JL F. KLLN(], AI. 1). oí ■ .!;.c.vjm .Míen. Jn all of ilc mriny cáVes n sylncli ih-y liavp bceil nfietfl !lny h.i ■ven thema's: enurc Shd sjiislocion. The irop'ieior hazards nohiní in -lying. iliwt tli.eyji,ilio vetv Usi molu n. m no, Vórld fr cuje'íü obove tuetitionoii . Any qiUihYtfy ol re)nfrhefTditfrfbná miglr; Lic ])iiblis!ie(j- .ia is tiie uiisiom wirli ni.-inv - bm tliai s considerad iinnpressnrv One uil s.i!ily tlic mdsl m'cVcdulüuáoT iluir rioi: viilíTe! 'i'lif niMj.riiy i.: Medicino iiuw in use illiii d !ut i iri:)or.-iry ruüüf. mcrely brenkmg 'iiu{ chcr.k ing the disenso for a short ttu ivciitjni mly i. exfefnol oppéSranci, wtülë rriwáTdly i i still 'rnííinif, thiJs c Misino wnr.y O't:tr mriliúlyí nm! coiiscíiinMiily ptíjiing liiijiiv injiuiotis, to fu uiro lie.ihli. It ís iiic i.i'jci-t ni Uiü iust.-inc-, to i;i-cli! 10 :!]i: piliitlC.-l .M(;iiu;m . (.-ililii ly (liir-il'll frofti íhat Beíéiofcrrc Wü re 1. ntiA óñí thht si!l nú iiicie!y nn; i: dtk im.i.s. imt thrit will oi:ilicate en: i !'k' íiom I lie eysiein. H-Vjvíiíí o frrí ; iff.rt. eme í lie i!ircc:ions me strit'ily foJlowed. Direcuons neca: paiíy evr'í box r.n'I no Miisco'í-tu Pilis are íMinii'ie wiíh' ■ ut the uiiitrn sjlmviiiiii ci iho inveníer '"ÍF vlin?."' K;ic!i box cbrñoirií 101) pilla rfhd twolvc powdera prico ? 1 .1)0. Por silc !y iS'];iyi-irc!fl nml Lund & IJ.' Co] nnt.Anti A)l)nr; E SömfteQTJ Mini Nöri-fsfij Fe(ch Ypsilnnii; CnssidS.Swín Dcxicr; liülc, Smiil vS: D'.iuharn. USké'i Sinlífh - Tyro!, Clin ton; D. K. tTndcrwbád; ArTrin ti , TlromnsP. Mw Plyinourli; lVu r ' ni Kviiy, Franklur S. II Sanford, (!r,mJ. línjini?: V GftfHíjef-, 'Joríesvílte SaíTord tíbpkinV. Hilísnle! Bolcier& Erneét A. Tunplc. .1. Mi-Coniicü & Co.. Jackson. onc ; liroimhoitt tlc Síafo. P. S. All ihoep who are afilicted with a chron ic üi?nn=e witlioiii re!rd tu nimo-nn'i tinture even if pronounced ncui ;hlo ly o'.her? aro respcctiuKy iimied t.) caJJ on me at m y residence in Jnc-kson, iind í i!l avur lo restore thcn lo poilVft hcidih. iínot alieudy ln-yond thcpow er of uil earthly pid, F. KLING. M. D. J:ickfon. July 'st. 1?T. HmOIO L CUA.CI:KY; SECOND ( lucen': betwccn Philip C. Joliffsbn nñd otherf. ComptöKl mis. and Stephen K. Jones anJ oihers Delendants. I.N' piirsuancc and !y viriue of a decree of ilii? Court, mndo in ihis fcíinsij, I s'inil solí at ptíB lie nuciion nt Cpúfl Hcñj&e, ui le villageu Ann Albor on tlio 28th dny of Augut next a one cítele in he íiftemoon ol thnt ffñy the tol;ving desciüied 10 wii. al! ilmt ctriain picce or parecí of lund sitúate in the coimtyp Washtentnv. nnl S'into oí' .Micliiííaii. Unown. bounded and dcsciÜuul ,-.'s fuüuws, i uit; büin íhf Eas.t ha i'of ih.; SüUth Wr.t (jaancr of st-ction nnii.ln i feri in :own to Foui!) of !!.ni-( six East, coniüiníng Eighty ncres. be the samo piore orless. JAS. E. PLATT. MtmtBT in Chancrrv. Mií.i & Wn,so-V. Solicitors (or Complaiinnf. Dated. Ann Arlu-r, July :!d. I'l.". 6wÖ$l "DÊLAVAN KOUSE. ALP, Y. NEW YORK. P.Y NATI I ANIEL ROGEUS. 'TMlltí cejebrated hmise ís now opeti for the reception of travnltrs. ]t sil:n lnrccst dimensión?, and íp rn'irri var in all its parís. Ii is etrictly n ''tnp-rimcr. JJosc, nnd while no (■íiins uill be.8partfd to make it nll thnt t he travclincr pulilie cim ask. it is c.xpccted iii return thnt ti will recftivL' tbepa"roni;eof .ill thefriends oí Tempcrancc who may have occr.siun to visii Albony. iMny ID. l%4& 21-?-HnNEW ENGLAND HOUSE. No. 111 BIIOAPWAY, NEW YORK. (Belween the Cily Holeland Trinity Ckurch.) THE Pioprietor, graioful lor the prtironngc nlready bestowed upon htm by :he public gcnbratyy, would gíve ñotice b'i's house 9 now in complcic order for the iceepiion of Ladies nnd Gentlemen who mny want permanent board or tranpient accomnnidatinns. The New England House beiiig strictlya tcnipernnoe ho-isc. and pie-nsnutly located in the inimediate viciuity of business, mnkes it very desirabje ior men ofbusincss. as wcll as all others who like qutct accommodations and agreca'Me company. P. WtöH T. 'Mny 1. 1845. GinJJ12 Wright's ÏVÏedicated Piaster, SPREAD FOR IMMKDJATE USE. Price only one shilling, in order lo place Ihcm within Uw means of all. ÍN sliht alimente, or white the pa'ieiit prefers a less expenjive article thnn the 'Anii-inilamatory and illuMimatic Piaster.' these will be found highly bent-ficiitl. Ueiitg already spreod ir iniinciüeate applifiition. tht-y will l; fuund very eonvenientfor WKAK IIACKS. l'ain or Wenk'ness in ihe Side. Iirenstj Stomacb. tïetweejï the Shouldefs. or wherever ihere is Pain. or where n Plneter ia nécied. T hcy may be rendered more servicable by pasting a pioce ol cloih on the back of'thcm befo re llicy are applied. Multitudes have hci-n rclievnd of ptiin and suflering by these Cheap Piasters. Forsalent 3oselyrK BooUstrrc. ind by J. T. Stocking, Tra veling Agent lor Michigan, lfi-ly WKIGHTS ANTIIXFLAMJTOXY JND IUIEUMAT1C VLASTER. AN e(Ficient remcdy tor Rlicumntism, Fever Sores, White Swellings. Fclons. Pain 01 weakness ín the Bark, Breist. Side or Limlis. Jiurns. Hniises, Cramps, Chilblains, Livei nn;i Lung alR-ctions. [ndalent Tumors. S pi Dal afrections. JnrtanieJ Eyes, iVc. Sec. Jt is unsurpapsed in all -Inflntnmatory di.e:isee. eiiher Chronic or Acute, ns it iperntcs by counicracting; and rediicing Injamnitttion, olfaying Pain, Sy.óating .the partsafiected. and by its strengthening and Ano dyne proporties giving speedy relief. AIso inMilunble as an anti -mercurial planter. "Pricc 2j cents per 15ox. For ftirther porticulars, seecirculatin Pampluet. For salo at Moücley's Uookstore, Ann Arbor. and J. T. Stocking, travolluig ageni for Michigan. '. ' ' 16-1y IEIV i'ÏSTRY. E. G. BURGER, Dentisl, HAS removed liisofiïcc ti Cranc & Jewelt'fBlöckj fitst room on tho Secoiid Floor. where being well prepared 10 attend to even' brand) of bis profesïion, wonld respeclfully sa) [o all who hnvc no: had those necessary organs. THE TKKTH. propcilv aitcnded to. delay ni léngeFj but cali upon hiin and experience the ease and durabjlity of liis iiperations. Tkkjis nccomniodating and charges inno case unreason fiblc. Ann Arbor. March G, Ifi-l.",. 47-tf. WooTWantcd! THE Subsenbers wisb to purchase 50,000 pounds of Wool. for whicli fnéy will pny Cos li or Goods at their stom in the Lower Village. I5ECKLEY FOSTCR & CO. Ann Arbor, May 19, 145 213 IVÖOLMVOOLf 90 000 lbf" üf -9"1 Wanied by the Vf jvJvvF fubscribers forwliicli tliey will pay tlie highest price in Cash or Goeds. LUND & M COLLUM. Ann Arbor, lay Ibt, Io45. L-4w Paper HaaiguB, BORDICKING, Window ïnu:re, l-'ire lionn! Papers, -&-C. will be sold at very luw pucea by VY. A. HAY.MOND. Detroit, May li), 1F-1.'). '.Ji:!-Gmo 1v pounda fot sitie, a good ariicle. J just received. BECKLEY, FOSTER, & CO. Aun Arhor. June G, 18'15. 7 CITARLES H. STEWART, VTTORNEY AD COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, JEFKEKSON AVEXL'E DETROIT.1845. J. HOLMES & CO., 'WHOL.ESALK AND RETAIL UEALKUS IN STATU'. A.M) KAKCY DRY GO O DS, Ifry tërocerics, CarpeUag-, 'and paper llangiiigSi No. (53 Woodword Accnue, La ruedas Bock, Detroit. j A'-'" York. } 5 SI. HOLMKSV Drliüil. WÊ tnice thTstnbthodoí i i'i ti in ir "tir tVic.uLftfd cuSíÓmwS iliroic-hmu tlte Si:iic. il.;r wc nre siü t purfujjng (hp evpn t'i;ur oiour wuys, endeavorini; ' 'lo mi: b' US i esa ffpofi I. ir nnd honorable principies. Wc woiilcl ;i!.-o tender our acknowlcdyiucnts for the pniroji:ii:o ex ;ended to Ü8 by olir eusloincrs, and would bt'j; leavc to cali ilie nitcntion oftlie public to n vciy 'vvell se!ectel nssotimcnt ol' stasonnMo Gooda. which are olTercd ni wholcsnle r romil nt irer.j luh' priros. Or faciliu'cs íor purchnsiriü Gooil ;ire unsnrpnssed by auy coiii-crn Ú State - One of tlie lirin. Mr. J. Holmes rusifica n thc ciiy of New Yrr!. ;iik fnnw liis Ion." rxpenenoo n the Jobliing ir,iIc in líint ciiy. .nul froni lii thorougli kiiowlciljíe of tho mnrket. he a ena b!i;(l u nvíiil himöclf of tli( fnn-únus ;:ikI nny ricclijie in prices. Wc alM puirh,':;u frm the Inipurtiiis. Mnnufocturer'a Agenta, nml Hom the huctions. by t!ie pn'jkngc, tlie snivo ;i; X. Y. .lobberg i)Uichasc, (luis unvinK ilicir piofits. - Viih these fíicilitios we Caji Balely say rli.-it our Goods nr soid cmkap for t ïie evideno-o of whicli wc invite tho nttontion of the public to oui stock. We holrl to tho LN'it enrdinal principie ol -'t'ic trrcnUst gofíd to tlie trh-tl-'. nu ubrr." so if yon ■iini tu buv. Goods, nnd buy a Lurrc, quimt'Uj 'or n lUt'r, movry give ns a trinl. Our stock is ;i3 extensivo na nny in tho city. nnd w nrc constnntly recciving ncw nnd frcflh Gpods JVuni New York. 50,000 Ibs. Woo!. Wnnteii. theiibove qnnntity oi'good inrchíintable Wool for which the highest niarket pricc will be paid. J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit, -1845. Ull-tP The IVIisscs Clark's School. A.NX AK150R, .MICHIGAN. MARY H. CLARK, Principal. CÍILOE CLARK, Vice Principal. KUOBV H. CLARK, Associnte Teacher. M.L. WALTEU, Teacher of Maaic on the Piano.. F. MARSÍI, Teacher of Matheniaiics and Voc.i! Miit-ic. II F. SHOFF, Teacher ofFrcnch.. Germán and the Classics. TJ1IS ínstitution haá bcon u opejCQilop s-cc November 18. 18:W. The scliolastir u u nibrncinií forsy -ftht wéeks Utfl enns. cniprising two quarters each - twelvo we.ekp in oí (uarter - n general examinntion t the close ui cach term - in FcIüuttv and August. Ti)B last o,uaner ot ihü present ;vini comuxnccá May Jt). Tkk-i-í of Ti :n iov. - For lic fïngHslj bfancfi ps. ;'J.;"0 lo Sv l"-'r 'jnarrcr. No rcdiictión mul' tor abaenc?, éxcjepl in 'ckjse l .sickn(.s. and no pupil taken fii ■ less ihrin i qu.incr. Extra clinros aro made lor musicon the I'iano. witii the nsc ot'tlie instrument, .CS.O' Freneh, MO Lntin. - BM Drawingand Pninting, :".0() J'ancy Wo'k, ::.()() Board, including washin?. li!its. A-e. . Si75 per weck if paid in advancc. or 'J.OÜ jjct week if paid nt the close of thc quarter. Parentsand eunrdians are invited to visit tlie school every Friduy. when iho Ptudics of ihc weck arn reviewed - álso fiemi-mohthTy on Wédncsilny afternoon. at readinof tbc wc-ekly compositions. Young ladies dcs'roitsof ontering thc sclonl and pursuingthe regular conrsc of smdy. wnuld do well to commence ai the beginning of dnterm. or as soon after as practicable. Belonging to thc school n-c u Libraiy of between five and six hundred vohimcs. and Philosophical Apparatus, Electrical Machine, Globes. &c.The Misses Clark will endeavor. not only to promotc the ntellectual culiurc o( their prrpils but will nttend striclty lo their mural deportnicnt. With no seciarinn feeïirig, luit wiih n deepsjSnsê of religious responsibility, thry wou'lri give sucli a tone to charticter, as 6hnll render il prartically thtcd iur every station - yielding to duty hut firm to principio. Ámong the bocio uscd in the school nre. Abercrombie on tho Intellectunl nnd Moral Powcrs - (vinv's Elemente of Qritioism - )&Avú&'t Vlóral Soienee - Newinnn's Jrfchetdrlc - licihreV Logic - Paley's NnturalTheology and Evidi iiccs of Christinniiy - G.ey's Chemistry- Parkcr's Xaturnl Philosophy - Combc's Pbyeiploey - Mts. Lincoln's Butany - Eoion'e nnd W'riiiht's Munnnl of Botnny - Burntt's Geogrnphy of the Hoayens - First, Second and Third Books o.i Hiítory - Mrs. Williard's Republic f Americn - Phclps' Letjal Classics - Pluyfair's Euclid. and Day's Algebra and Dnvies' Arithmetic. Inquirv with i-egard to the school can be mnd: of the Principale or any of the following gentío rucn to whom refeienco is made by pennission nnd who have at diiTcrent periods had eitlicr daughters or wards undcr our care. Rcv. Isaac S. Ketchom, Centreyille: (ïco Keicluiñi, Marshnll; Hön. Wm. II. ücliind. Jockson: P:nil I?. Ring, Michigan Centre; F. II. VVinnn;--. Adrián; Daniel Hixson. Clinton; Gardner Wtyeeli r, M. D.. Ilowell: Rev. F. II. Cunung. Grand Rnpids: Jcremiah Clark, Clarkston; Gen. C C. Hnscal!. James Birdsall und Rev. J. Beach, Flint; D. II. Rowbnd,Northvi)le: Ames Meid; Plymouth; Ilon. Elias Ooinstock. Ownsso; P. Mrighani. M. D.. Ilon. Wm. R. Thompson. E. Mundy, Esq.. John Allen, Esq., Geo. V. .lewott, Eaf., Tho's M L;uld. Piofessor Williams, of t lic University, and Rev. II. Colcluzer, Ann Arbor. -The following gentlemen, Rev. IJ. Colclazer, Rev. Wm. S. Curtis. Rcv.' Charles C. Tavl r. Professors Whiting and Williams of the Ünivereity of Michigan, havo consented to act as a visiting i-ounnittee of the School, to be present when the weekly studies are reviewed; l)iit cspccially to altend during the semi-monthly cxaminution8. April, 1845. 213 WHOLE sTL E & RETAIL. A. M'FÁRREN, BOOKSELLER AND STATIGER. SMART'S J3LOCK, 137 JKFFRRSON AVKKUE, DRTIÍOIT. REEI'S constandy for salea complrtc a.ssortment of iMiscclIaucoiis, Schooi una (Jlussicj Books, Letter and Cap P.ipcr. plnin nnd rul ed, Quills. I tik, Sealing V,ix, Cutlery. VVrapping Paper, Printing Paper, of all sizes; nd Book, Ntïwsand Cannister JtiU. ol vmiÍoiih kinds. IJLANK BOOKS, f u 1 1 and iiall bo'ind. ol cv ery varifety of Ruling, Memorandum IJooks. &c. To, Merchante, Teachers, nnd oihei. buyiiiL' in (j'iantities. a large (üscount made. Sabbath Sehool und Bible Society Dopositor. ., r.i-tf lotice to rtlcrchasits, THE Subscsibers encouiagcd by the patronage they have hilherto reeeivcd in the wholesale department ol thuir bnaiü8, will the first day of May ne.xt, ocn tlie store ijqw occupiod by Geo. Grenvillo, froutingon Iluron streel. Qod connecting with their prcient. store iu the rear. cxclusivcly for a WHOLE SALES ROOM, where they will keep at all times a fidl nssortment of DRY COODS, UOOTS & SHOES CARTENTING, HATS, CAPS, PAPER IIAXGINOS, BONN'ETS, CROCKERY II Y THE CRATE, HARDWARE, AND CROCERIES, &C. 6C. SC. nll of which will bc sold on as good terms as at any point thlesidc of New York City. G. D. HILL, & CO. Ann Arbor, Maren 26, 18 II. 48-tfVOICEOFÏHEPEOPLE Thnsc tillo lia vc cunsa mt unís set uplfs, Wlll picase nad Ihe follou-ing - iwcer hcfore pubftmrd l'cís rrgardiug the S U GJJ COA TED 1MP R O VED Indian Vegetab le Filis, kok consuau'tions, colds, juiici'matism, dysjmopsia And fkveks. HAVINC licrii titnckt.'d somc months since witb a bad Cough. wenkncss n my clicsi, uncí Io.-s o nppotite, I used Wrighi's Vejíetablo Pilis, but grow, wítíi cold nvoats at niglu; coulil noi sleep, and believed I was in ;i consiunption. I procurad a box of Dr. Suiitli's Suur ('oated. lniinvcii Imiifin Vcgetnbln Pilis, which restored my hü.tlih within six d.iys, nud I beíieré iliein to be (lie best remedy I ever uscd. Cko. W. Gi.anger. Cambriclgo, Oct lí), 1841. Extnict baja A. G. Pngcs's letter, rlaícd - B.vni. Jan. 31. IHI5. The SugnrConted Indinn Vei' Pilis, yon siMii me. ídl well andgive good sarisfaciion. - Tlicy sell hertor liinn nny J havn liad, Extrnct from Levi Hrurrtt's letter, dated - Can'aan, (.Me.; Feb. S. 1845. Tlie Pilis, wliich 1 rcceiyeá uí yon lia ve ien such universal Bitisfuction wliere tlicy háve lw cu piircliasod. and the 5ole hns been so iinit'nrni ihnt I thought liest to ícqtu-si you tü send me mi pomo more rnimediniely. &.c. E.ítrict l'roin ÍVm. N. P.icknnl's letter dated: Mossor. (Ma$s.). Tan. 2, 18-15. Sir - F.ncli'Pcd Í8 the payment for tfie Inst ..Pilis. You wil piense send me ly expresa nn oihor lot, ssy 6 or 8 do?.. Thpy ive good sni isfaction. I Jnve not on hand inore (han O boxes, and tfo not wi.-h to be out of thcin on:; day. Extract from Unniel Taft vt Son's letter daied: TAKTMn.f.r. (Vt.)I-Vo. 6. Irlo. Y"iir Pili wore recoived n th'w mhce. añil 1 HáVtflotd somc ol iliem. and iiiso used somr oursclves, und think very favorsbly uf tlioin. and tbey ora liked by those wbo hnve nsed them. Mr. J. 1'. Snilih. of GlonrrsK-r. Statcl that he has sold all. niid wishes. 8 doz. boxes more inimiídiniely; and thoy give universal síiiisfaciion, ihat he has deteimined to sell no otlier kind ol l'i!I.=. Mr. A. Alien, ol Palmer Depot, .itates tbni he was very íhanjul he wn,8 ajjpiiinted Agent. ms his wife has been an inva'id for sonie tune, nrid a box ol'thcso pills iminediately - was htroíjl foi other Pilis, but slionld only recominenil 'ht-se. Extract Irom .1. 13. Qanbrln letter, qqied - I5,nyviuv (Vi.) Jm,. IJ, J.-1Ó. Plenpo senH me iinmrdiately 6' doz. Sibil lila Silgar C.iaicd Jndinn Vegetable i'Is. Thosiyon sein n short time si'nce. are riearly all solí! aixi tíivc -íMiivorífil s?tisr;irtion. '!'!:■ abuve are o ni y a íew - of the immerous letters wliich ate ilaily receivt'd of t lio L'ieai popnl.nily ;:nii üítóccSS ol t!n s:: Iruly I'i 11 s . They fue thi? hest medicine lor ihc nhovc comiilaitus thai ore sold. and i'i every caso that have been iried iiac tíivrn universal saiissfnclion; and sinnrd he kep: asa familv melicinc by every one. Wc onlv nsk n trii;l of the n to convince tliu most fakcpíical of iht' liuth ol tliesr nsf-ertior. The difcét.ons Qnd treaunent of fie disoisc accomijany evciy box: im:h k 'Jó ( ! ■ t irn ih.x. o "SÜGAR CO ATED PILL." cnrrlifi gen uine wi'lmiM ti'c dtrnnju !' ihe stile ne:mii Ö: I;E..!AA;I. S.VITII. 1. I.. ra-i,!,,,! „f the ff. Y Colleee of Heahli," umn cvmy Imx C' íli-.-cs duvottd cxclubively to che tnle ot lliis medicine. J?0 Grnenwirh Stieet. New York. Nj 2, Watc-r Sueet, not-'Uni. For sale i ti all the villajes and lowns in tin New Englnnd Sinii. "N. ]5. - ?i'o travelling pedlurs are aübwed ir solí ihcse Pilis. Examine the Sipnptyre. ICT For sale by W. S. nnd ,T. W. Mnynnrd. Lund ifc MfColJtiii, F. .1. B. Criine. Ann Albor. Perrin & Hall, Northville; 'Jhomas P. May, Jr l'Ivmouih: I). C. Whitwood, Dexter; G. & J. G. HiU, Detroit. AIsíi nt rctail in rvery town tliroiighont ih(r'nited States at 2ó cents per Box. 213CLOTH! CLoThÍ! TH E subscríbelo wiü' continue to iniímifatture Fuiled Clotft, íbr 37i c'is. per yard. and whtie iflannel for 2. cent? per, yard; or iliey will manufacture ilic wool í'or Iml I tlie cloth i will mnke. 'J'beir Fc tory is 2i milos WeM oí" Aun Arbor, on t lie 1 uron Rivor. Wool will nfeó he mccivid nt Scio: V.'hen sent lv Railrond t will be atlcndcd to in ibc s'imc nianner as i; me ownera wcre to en ni e wiili it. Wool will be mnnufaciurcrl in tum os it comes in as nearly ns it cun be done wit'.i reler ence tu tfiè diíírieiH qtialitirs of wool. WOOL CARD1NG, will be dono at Scio. by Tlmnm? Hnsl.ins. S; W. FOSTER &CO. Scio, May I, 181."). 210 "Ínter ESTJNG tcT WOOL GEOWSÜS. HjUIK Suliscribers would ropectlully tini. nounce lo the Wool Growers of Aun Arborond vicinity, ihatthey continue ihe businessof Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing at the oíd stand ot .1. J3ecley & Co., wlierc they m.ny be found at all scnsonable hours lo wait upon those who mny favor them wiih tlieii pairo tinge. They gnarantoe that their work will be done witli ncatiicss and despatch. To ilicir oíd friendo and asmany new customcts as fecl dieposed to five thërh a trial, they would 6;ty.conie on wi'h yonr Wool and Ci.oth and we will do you ampie justicc i tbe execunon of yonr work - tde price and terms oi [)uymPiit, Twcníy íliousand pounds of Wool waiiicd in excbauí,rc lor Kuil Cloth. Flannel, &c. N. H. - Givc us a cali bcfoie pnrchasing elsc where. SUMNER IIICJv'S & CO. Ann Albor Lower Town.Mar. 2(5.18-15. 26-om Seady Made Clothing. AT REDüCED PR1CES. rrV'in largeel and best assortinc-ni of rendy JL inade clothin; evT belore oflered in thie Sime, now on liíind and lor i;c. WIioIcsjIc oí Itetail, at tlie Cloiliing Emporium o( the Sub - scribers, consistiría ni tuirt of Kmo broaddoii Ffook aud Dress Qpate. Tweed and unión eaesíníere; satinetnnd jean Frock and Business Coai9i Sumnier Coais in grcat varicly and very chenp. Cassimcre, cloih, tweed and sumuier Pants ol all titylea and prices. Satin, vclvet, a 1 1 U . valencia, cntlimorc and Marst'illcs Ves'.s- a lárgeSfock of rieh and fashion.ililc styles. Also, un extensivo nssortment of Hosiory, Stocks, Scarfa, Hanakercíiiefs, Collars, Shirts. Glovc?. Cravats. Suspender. -&c. le, all ol which. will bo sold low íiir cnslt. . They would respectfully invite all, in want ( ready linde gañíieñt?, to cali and examine thcir stock bofore purchnsing elsewhore. asil has been 8elécted wiih care in the Easiern mnrket and luanulaí in thc latest styles and most dura, ble mauncr. HALLOCK i RAYMOND. Comer of Jefierson & Woodward nvenucs. Detroit, April 1, 1845. 2i:J-tf "ÖAÏrEüMBÈRT IN any quanniies, constatnly for sale, cheap for Cash, al tho Ann Arbor Saw Mili by M. W. QUACKENBUSII. May 50, 1845. 0-4 WAI, WATS Oiy HAND, Gï! rriME Subscriber has rfc. êL moved hisshop to Main. &fr Slreet P1)O8'-' H. BeekfíL $$1 ers Ürkk Slorc vherc lio '{ uWx rnny l)0 f"uní' rCíi(!y io ivoit tfSfcL V' $2sq u?on o11 tl)Ut mny giVe llim MiiJfeásKS8 Ilavingjnst reccivoddi. rect írom üew York an elegant stock of JEWX2X.RV, and Fancy Anieles, wlilch he intends to fcII Imcar iliíiu lias ever bten sold west of Bufliilo fjr licudij Puy Onlif. Among wbich moy bo lound a L'ood iissortment of Gold and Comtnon Waich Keys, Gold Finger Rings nnd Bosom Tins, Guard Chains, b'ilver Tea and Tablo Spuona, Sugar Tongs, Butter Knives. Si I ver Pcncíl ens'.P. Silvernnd Common Thimblcs, Silver Spectncles. Germán, do.. Steel, do., Unir Bmshcs. Cloihes do.. Tooth do., Laiher do., Fine Razors nnd Pockel Knivtf. Fine Shcars and Scissor?, Í.Qther boxe. Iltror. fc'trops. Walletis. Purses, Violins and Bows, Fluies. Violin aud Basa Violin Siringa, Clarionet Recde, Percussion Caps, Porket Pisiols. Britiania Candlesticks, Warches, Letter Stamps. Sioil Pens and TwTczers. Snullnnd 'l'obncco boxes. Fine conilis, DVessiiig do.. Sido !o . Bm-k !o.. Shell do., .Y 'illcs and Cases, Water Painis, Toy "Watdics. Kid DolLs, n great vnrieiy of Toys too numerous to niemion, Bcads, Necklaccs, Fancy Boxes, ,$c. &c. Ci.ocks and Watciies ofevery deccripiion repaued and uarranted, also, Jewelry repatred on fchort notice. CALVIN BLISS. N. B. Caiii pah) ior OLD GOLD AND SILVEfl. C. B. Atm Arhor. Oct. 24, 1844. 23-tf. ALLEBASI'S MEDICINES. THESE MEDICINES AHR tíTeeting snch aetonishing enresin muítitudcs of oíd cases íong since ahandoned by l'hyíidiiríaand Surgcons tts utlerly hopeless. thárt no medicines, wheie these are known, staiid so defervedly high. They consist of THE IJLAOI. OR ALLEBASI'S AL VE, Pt'icc 2') Oails, VVhich circs almost ïinitersally. Fever Sores, nt the most indlignant kind, Fclons, Ulcers. Absresses, Tumors, Fractures, Cuts, Punctuces, Buin-í, ScfiJds. Sore Throat. Chilblnins. Quinsey. Drop'-y. Inflnmatory Rh(iinaistn, Inllammaiions hik! SwelliiijEs.ef every description. ScnltJ Hend, Aue in the Face, Nervus Tooth Ache-, Acné Fñ the Brcnst, Broken Bicast, de. &c. ALLKBASI'S I1KALTII I ILI.S, 25 Cenls. Tiieaft Pilis have acqmied n popnkirriv within tlie lasj o two, whici. no otfier Tílls poseèsè. Tai riMPons are obvióos lo nll vho use iht'Di. Thy cure ill Milions. Scarlet nnd oth;r Ftvers, Fevcr ancíAgnc. Dysipepsia, Diojp, Acid Stoir.nel). DiíorifeKd Bonels, or Stoni;cíi, Jnuiiai'e, Htad Aeho, fiiwinés in tlie Ilead, Wórtnv, Livnr Complnim. Hêorl Jíunis. .("'Imlic, cotnpíninr, General Debility. Costivcnttí.-, &c. Ac. Tlieir uiiiy the entile sysiem. Icave tho bouc-Ls ti a vigoro and healtlir conditiun, Sur Ícc pJiniplilet. ALLEBASrS TOOTJ ACHE DROPS, Prirc 25 Catts. V.'ill eme nn ordifln'fy ájie'of Tomh Achr, in from tiiree to tfn minute-. For Kcrvoos and other kinds of Tooth Achc. ?cc Pamplilrt. ALLEBASI'S POOR MAN'S PLASTER, Pricc. íí." Cents. Are wnrrantfd to be superior ti nny othrr Pfi??teisin ibiiVT anv oiiiei fOiintiy. for pnin cr wi ;'ki:'.--s in the Back, Side, Cliept. Bowi'l.--, Kuins. .Muleles, and for RhsuriintÏ9m, LniTg ni. 1 i.iver Con p.'iiints, CougLs. Colds, Astlmia, Le. Scc i m,)li!ct. N - ri as:; ro ns! tlie Bpent for a'pnmphlct which f;!(s ;ill iho iiifuriüntion nécti&hry rf?sectil!" the uses of ihe ftlc;dieinr.. iho vil mes 'bey pessess. etc. Pleaee lo ollnw lüu-ciioi.a in ihó usij if i Ji méutcínrs, nnd you niay reíy ii.on ill ihiH proniised. A lilíi'ia u'iícount innde to tneicliants nnd oth era, lio fiy to efll np:u. LYMA.N' W. (Tií ÍÍFRT. Prnprictor. WHiflesaie Dnmtrist. 214. Fuln.n st. N. Y. O' For sale by the eubscriber. who han been op'póintcd peneral npent for ihe Cit) of Detroit nnd its vi.inity. Countiy dealtis sbpplied on liberal teinis, C. JMOHSE.Midnirnn Buc k Store. The nbove medicines are for sute tíi ilic Pook Store oí VVM. R. PF.KRY, Tn Ann Arbor, Lower Villaje. DpcemheV 9. 184 f . 34 ff POLLA RD TJOIVSFEKAXtfCE HOUSE, i:v i., i). & o. WeVbUÍiÑ. Xrar Üic Plc.uitdoutun'l VuiUct 1 '.avdhi g . I) ffilo. 'JMIIS estühlishiiipni has du ua i;e pust winter, beef) considerahly enlarcd, and iinpioved with new tuniiturc. etc , and is now íeady lo mike tlie Trnvèlltir at home, at the moderate cliíiryfü of Í.5 mcal, nnd 7 Ce:iis per Diy. P.iepcnecrs and Bagage conveycd to and from tlie tice of chargé. Ü. Ií. Passengers from (he East will fied a Sígn lor the house, n the Depot, ujider vvluch .to place llieir Bagpage. In connection wt'tli thr nbove House therei an EATJNG ESTABLISHMENT, on the European jii.ui. Wc. tlic subi-cribcrfi. take plensnre in recom du iniing tlie nbove House to the liicnds of the cause. ;is Iíoiují wiothy oí thcir pntnnnpc. C. W. iiARVKV. Pres'tErioCo. Temp. S. S. N. OALKNDAR. Öcc'y do II. MILLKRD. Prts't Pollard Tem. Society. II. O. WHITK. Sec'y do K. D. ROKISON. Pre'tY. M. Temp. S. W.B. FOBES, Secrctnry do Buflnlo, Februnry, 1845.. Gmo- 212 State of Micbipnn, the circuit court or the county of Washtenuw. of tbo June Term, A. D. 18.45AVing Taber, ) vs. 1N ATTACHjMENT. Nntlian Sturgess. ) "VT OTICE is herehy piven, tliat on the twen- i. i ly-eighth dny ofFtbruary. A. D. onc tltouaand eiglit Imndred and forty-five, n w-rit of ntlaclimcnt wiis issucd out of ihe Circuit Court for the county of Wnshtennw aforefaid against the land and tenements, goods. chnttcls. rights, credita inoneye and cfTects of Nathnn Sturgess, Deicndant at the snit of Wing Tnber, plaintifl', for the sum oftwo hundred and twenty-five dolIir8 and sixty cents, whiclt writ of attachnient was mode leturnnble on the first Tucsdny of Juno, A. D. I8'15, and lias been returncd dulyservcd. B. KhVG.CIerk. Hawkins & Pr-ATT. Att'ys for Plaintiff. Aun Arbor. June 28, 16-Í5. 18-6v .ïO,OOO Pounils WOOL WANTSDTHE Subscribers will pay Cash for Wool, of tlieir Store, No. J18 Jefierson Avenue- Great cnre should be taken by Wool-Growe. in clcansing tlieir Wool, and putting it up for miirket. Many Farmers are in the habit o' clippmg their Wool without washing, which rendets it nnmerchantablc. Let it be well wasfied,. ini! rolled na tight as possible, inside out, and' fasténed with u strong cord. Thosc liaving Wool to sell will consult their interest by calling on us before üclling. IVEV GOODS. WE are now receiving our Spring stock or Goods, which we offer for Cash or Produce, at the very lowest innrket prices. SMITII, GLOVEIt & DW1GHT. Detroit, May, 18-15. 213-tf ISBaiik Dccds aneï I?Iortgagc,, "Iri-JÜLESALE AiND Iibri'AlL, lor sale by VV BECKLEY, KOSTER & Co. Mni-rh 20. J845. Traveling Baskets, LA DJ ES' Cirpet Bags. Straw nd Cnne Bagsr for sale by W. A. RAYMOND. Dntroit. May Í9. 1845. 213-6mo Cfcese Feathcrs. THE Subscriber has always on hand n goocT bupply of Gccsc Feathers which he wilTseU in quantitiee Vo suit purchaïers and at the lowcet market rato. W. A. RAYMOND. Detroit, May 23, 1Ö45. 213-6m


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